// Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Karl Blomster // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ /// @file video_provider_ffmpegsource.cpp /// @brief FFmpegSource2-based video provider /// @ingroup video_input ffms /// #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_FFMS2 #include "ffmpegsource_common.h" #include "include/aegisub/video_provider.h" #include "compat.h" #include "options.h" #include "utils.h" #include "video_context.h" #include "video_frame.h" #include #include #include #include namespace { /// @class FFmpegSourceVideoProvider /// @brief Implements video loading through the FFMS library. class FFmpegSourceVideoProvider final : public VideoProvider, FFmpegSourceProvider { /// video source object agi::scoped_holder VideoSource; const FFMS_VideoProperties *VideoInfo = nullptr; ///< video properties int Width = -1; ///< width in pixels int Height = -1; ///< height in pixels double DAR; ///< display aspect ratio std::vector KeyFramesList; ///< list of keyframes agi::vfr::Framerate Timecodes; ///< vfr object std::string ColorSpace; ///< Colorspace name char FFMSErrMsg[1024]; ///< FFMS error message FFMS_ErrorInfo ErrInfo; ///< FFMS error codes/messages void LoadVideo(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix); public: FFmpegSourceVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix); std::shared_ptr GetFrame(int n) override; int GetFrameCount() const override { return VideoInfo->NumFrames; } int GetWidth() const override { return Width; } int GetHeight() const override { return Height; } double GetDAR() const override { return DAR; } agi::vfr::Framerate GetFPS() const override { return Timecodes; } std::string GetColorSpace() const override { return ColorSpace; } std::vector GetKeyFrames() const override { return KeyFramesList; }; std::string GetDecoderName() const override { return "FFmpegSource"; } bool WantsCaching() const override { return true; } }; std::string colormatrix_description(int cs, int cr) { // Assuming TV for unspecified std::string str = cr == FFMS_CR_JPEG ? "PC" : "TV"; switch (cs) { case FFMS_CS_RGB: return "None"; break; case FFMS_CS_BT709: return str + ".709"; case FFMS_CS_FCC: return str + ".FCC"; case FFMS_CS_BT470BG: case FFMS_CS_SMPTE170M: return str + ".601"; case FFMS_CS_SMPTE240M: return str + ".240M"; default: throw VideoOpenError("Unknown video color space"); } } FFmpegSourceVideoProvider::FFmpegSourceVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix) try : VideoSource(nullptr, FFMS_DestroyVideoSource) { ErrInfo.Buffer = FFMSErrMsg; ErrInfo.BufferSize = sizeof(FFMSErrMsg); ErrInfo.ErrorType = FFMS_ERROR_SUCCESS; ErrInfo.SubType = FFMS_ERROR_SUCCESS; SetLogLevel(); LoadVideo(filename, colormatrix); } catch (std::string const& err) { throw VideoOpenError(err); } catch (const char * err) { throw VideoOpenError(err); } void FFmpegSourceVideoProvider::LoadVideo(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix) { FFMS_Indexer *Indexer = FFMS_CreateIndexer(filename.string().c_str(), &ErrInfo); if (!Indexer) { if (ErrInfo.SubType == FFMS_ERROR_FILE_READ) throw agi::fs::FileNotFound(std::string(ErrInfo.Buffer)); else throw VideoNotSupported(ErrInfo.Buffer); } std::map TrackList = GetTracksOfType(Indexer, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO); if (TrackList.size() <= 0) throw VideoNotSupported("no video tracks found"); // initialize the track number to an invalid value so we can detect later on // whether the user actually had to choose a track or not int TrackNumber = -1; if (TrackList.size() > 1) { TrackNumber = AskForTrackSelection(TrackList, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO); // if it's still -1 here, user pressed cancel if (TrackNumber == -1) throw agi::UserCancelException("video loading cancelled by user"); } // generate a name for the cache file auto CacheName = GetCacheFilename(filename); // try to read index agi::scoped_holder Index(FFMS_ReadIndex(CacheName.string().c_str(), &ErrInfo), FFMS_DestroyIndex); if (Index && FFMS_IndexBelongsToFile(Index, filename.string().c_str(), &ErrInfo)) Index = nullptr; // time to examine the index and check if the track we want is indexed // technically this isn't really needed since all video tracks should always be indexed, // but a bit of sanity checking never hurt anyone if (Index && TrackNumber >= 0) { FFMS_Track *TempTrackData = FFMS_GetTrackFromIndex(Index, TrackNumber); if (FFMS_GetNumFrames(TempTrackData) <= 0) Index = nullptr; } // moment of truth if (!Index) { int TrackMask = FFMS_TRACKMASK_NONE; if (OPT_GET("Provider/FFmpegSource/Index All Tracks")->GetBool() || OPT_GET("Video/Open Audio")->GetBool()) TrackMask = FFMS_TRACKMASK_ALL; Index = DoIndexing(Indexer, CacheName, TrackMask, GetErrorHandlingMode()); } else { FFMS_CancelIndexing(Indexer); } // update access time of index file so it won't get cleaned away agi::fs::Touch(CacheName); // we have now read the index and may proceed with cleaning the index cache CleanCache(); // track number still not set? if (TrackNumber < 0) { // just grab the first track TrackNumber = FFMS_GetFirstIndexedTrackOfType(Index, FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO, &ErrInfo); if (TrackNumber < 0) throw VideoNotSupported(std::string("Couldn't find any video tracks: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer); } // set thread count int Threads = OPT_GET("Provider/Video/FFmpegSource/Decoding Threads")->GetInt(); if (FFMS_GetVersion() < ((2 << 24) | (17 << 16) | (2 << 8) | 1) && FFMS_GetSourceType(Index) == FFMS_SOURCE_LAVF) Threads = 1; // set seekmode // TODO: give this its own option? int SeekMode; if (OPT_GET("Provider/Video/FFmpegSource/Unsafe Seeking")->GetBool()) SeekMode = FFMS_SEEK_UNSAFE; else SeekMode = FFMS_SEEK_NORMAL; VideoSource = FFMS_CreateVideoSource(filename.string().c_str(), TrackNumber, Index, Threads, SeekMode, &ErrInfo); if (!VideoSource) throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to open video track: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer); // load video properties VideoInfo = FFMS_GetVideoProperties(VideoSource); const FFMS_Frame *TempFrame = FFMS_GetFrame(VideoSource, 0, &ErrInfo); if (!TempFrame) throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to decode first frame: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer); Width = TempFrame->EncodedWidth; Height = TempFrame->EncodedHeight; if (VideoInfo->SARDen > 0 && VideoInfo->SARNum > 0) DAR = double(Width) * VideoInfo->SARNum / ((double)Height * VideoInfo->SARDen); else DAR = double(Width) / Height; auto CS = TempFrame->ColorSpace; if (CS == FFMS_CS_UNSPECIFIED) CS = Width > 1024 || Height >= 600 ? FFMS_CS_BT709 : FFMS_CS_BT470BG; ColorSpace = colormatrix_description(CS, TempFrame->ColorRange); #if FFMS_VERSION >= ((2 << 24) | (17 << 16) | (1 << 8) | 0) if (CS != FFMS_CS_RGB && CS != FFMS_CS_BT470BG && ColorSpace != colormatrix && (colormatrix == "TV.601" || OPT_GET("Video/Force BT.601")->GetBool())) { if (FFMS_SetInputFormatV(VideoSource, FFMS_CS_BT470BG, TempFrame->ColorRange, FFMS_GetPixFmt(""), &ErrInfo)) throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to set input format: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer); CS = FFMS_CS_BT470BG; ColorSpace = colormatrix_description(CS, TempFrame->ColorRange); } #endif const int TargetFormat[] = { FFMS_GetPixFmt("bgra"), -1 }; if (FFMS_SetOutputFormatV2(VideoSource, TargetFormat, Width, Height, FFMS_RESIZER_BICUBIC, &ErrInfo)) { throw VideoOpenError(std::string("Failed to set output format: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer); } // get frame info data FFMS_Track *FrameData = FFMS_GetTrackFromVideo(VideoSource); if (FrameData == nullptr) throw VideoOpenError("failed to get frame data"); const FFMS_TrackTimeBase *TimeBase = FFMS_GetTimeBase(FrameData); if (TimeBase == nullptr) throw VideoOpenError("failed to get track time base"); // build list of keyframes and timecodes std::vector TimecodesVector; for (int CurFrameNum = 0; CurFrameNum < VideoInfo->NumFrames; CurFrameNum++) { const FFMS_FrameInfo *CurFrameData = FFMS_GetFrameInfo(FrameData, CurFrameNum); if (!CurFrameData) throw VideoOpenError("Couldn't get info about frame " + std::to_string(CurFrameNum)); // keyframe? if (CurFrameData->KeyFrame) KeyFramesList.push_back(CurFrameNum); // calculate timestamp and add to timecodes vector int Timestamp = (int)((CurFrameData->PTS * TimeBase->Num) / TimeBase->Den); TimecodesVector.push_back(Timestamp); } if (TimecodesVector.size() < 2) Timecodes = 25.0; else Timecodes = agi::vfr::Framerate(TimecodesVector); } std::shared_ptr FFmpegSourceVideoProvider::GetFrame(int n) { n = mid(0, n, GetFrameCount() - 1); auto frame = FFMS_GetFrame(VideoSource, n, &ErrInfo); if (!frame) throw VideoDecodeError(std::string("Failed to retrieve frame: ") + ErrInfo.Buffer); return std::make_shared(frame->Data[0], Width, Height, frame->Linesize[0], false); } } std::unique_ptr CreateFFmpegSourceVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& path, std::string const& colormatrix) { return agi::util::make_unique(path, colormatrix); } #endif /* WITH_FFMS2 */