#include "ffmpegsource.h" static DWORD WINAPI AVFindStreamInfoExecute(AVFormatContext *FormatContext) { return av_find_stream_info(FormatContext); } int FFmpegSource::GetTrackIndex(int Index, CodecType ATrackType, IScriptEnvironment *Env) { if (Index == -1) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FormatContext->nb_streams; i++) if (FormatContext->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == ATrackType) { Index = i; break; } if (Index == -1) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: No %s track found", (ATrackType == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) ? "video" : "audio"); if (Index <= -2) return -2; if (Index >= (int)FormatContext->nb_streams) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Invalid %s track number", (ATrackType == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) ? "video" : "audio"); if (FormatContext->streams[Index]->codec->codec_type != ATrackType) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Selected track is not %s", (ATrackType == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) ? "video" : "audio"); return Index; } FFmpegSource::FFmpegSource(const char *ASource, int AVideoTrack, int AAudioTrack, const char *ATimecodes, bool AVCache, const char *AVideoCache, const char *AAudioCache, int AACCompression, const char *APPString, int AQuality, int ASeekMode, IScriptEnvironment* Env) { CurrentFrame = 0; SeekMode = ASeekMode; AVCodecContext *AudioCodecContext = NULL; AVCodec *AudioCodec; AVCodec *VideoCodec; FormatContext = NULL; VideoCodecContext = NULL; VideoCodec = NULL; if (av_open_input_file(&FormatContext, ASource, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Couldn't open '%s'", ASource); if (av_find_stream_info(FormatContext) < 0) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Couldn't find stream information"); VideoTrack = GetTrackIndex(AVideoTrack, CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO, Env); int AudioTrack = GetTrackIndex(AAudioTrack, CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO, Env); bool VCacheIsValid = true; bool ACacheIsValid = true; if (VideoTrack >= 0) { VCacheIsValid = LoadFrameInfoFromFile(AVideoCache, ASource, VideoTrack); VideoCodecContext = FormatContext->streams[VideoTrack]->codec; VideoCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(VideoCodecContext->codec_id); if (VideoCodec == NULL) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Video codec not found"); if (avcodec_open(VideoCodecContext, VideoCodec) < 0) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Could not open video codec"); VI.image_type = VideoInfo::IT_TFF; VI.width = VideoCodecContext->width; VI.height = VideoCodecContext->height; VI.fps_denominator = FormatContext->streams[VideoTrack]->time_base.num; VI.fps_numerator = FormatContext->streams[VideoTrack]->time_base.den; // sanity check framerate if (VI.fps_denominator > VI.fps_numerator || VI.fps_denominator <= 0 || VI.fps_numerator <= 0) { VI.fps_denominator = 1; VI.fps_numerator = 30; } SetOutputFormat(VideoCodecContext->pix_fmt, Env); InitPP(VI.width, VI.height, APPString, AQuality, VideoCodecContext->pix_fmt, Env); } if (AudioTrack >= 0) { AudioCodecContext = FormatContext->streams[AudioTrack]->codec; AudioCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(AudioCodecContext->codec_id); if (AudioCodec == NULL) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Audio codec not found"); if (avcodec_open(AudioCodecContext, AudioCodec) < 0) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Could not open audio codec"); switch (AudioCodecContext->sample_fmt) { case SAMPLE_FMT_U8: VI.sample_type = SAMPLE_INT8; AACCompression = -1; break; case SAMPLE_FMT_S16: VI.sample_type = SAMPLE_INT16; break; case SAMPLE_FMT_S24: VI.sample_type = SAMPLE_INT24; AACCompression = -1; break; case SAMPLE_FMT_S32: VI.sample_type = SAMPLE_INT32; AACCompression = -1; break; case SAMPLE_FMT_FLT: VI.sample_type = SAMPLE_FLOAT; AACCompression = -1; break; default: Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Unsupported/unknown sample format"); } VI.nchannels = AudioCodecContext->channels; VI.audio_samples_per_second = AudioCodecContext->sample_rate; ACacheIsValid = OpenAudioCache(AAudioCache, ASource, AudioTrack, Env); } // Needs to be indexed? if (!ACacheIsValid || !VCacheIsValid) { FLAC__StreamEncoder *FSE = NULL; FILE *RawCache = NULL; if (!ACacheIsValid) if (AACCompression >= 0) AudioCacheType = acFLAC; else AudioCacheType = acRaw; switch (AudioCacheType) { case acFLAC: FSE = NewFLACCacheWriter(AAudioCache, ASource, AudioTrack, AACCompression, Env); break; case acRaw: RawCache = NewRawCacheWriter(AAudioCache, ASource, AudioTrack, Env); break; } AVPacket Packet; while (av_read_frame(FormatContext, &Packet) >= 0) { if (Packet.stream_index == VideoTrack && !VCacheIsValid) { FrameToDTS.push_back(FrameInfo(Packet.dts, (Packet.flags & PKT_FLAG_KEY) ? 1 : 0)); VI.num_frames++; } else if (Packet.stream_index == AudioTrack && !ACacheIsValid) { int Size = Packet.size; uint8_t *Data = Packet.data; while (Size > 0) { int TempOutputBufSize = AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE; int Ret = avcodec_decode_audio2(AudioCodecContext, (int16_t *)DecodingBuffer, &TempOutputBufSize, Data, Size); if (Ret < 0) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Audio decoding error"); int DecodedSamples = VI.AudioSamplesFromBytes(TempOutputBufSize); Size -= Ret; Data += Ret; VI.num_audio_samples += DecodedSamples; if (AudioCacheType == acFLAC) { for (int i = 0; i < DecodedSamples * VI.nchannels; i++) FLACBuffer[i] = ((int16_t *)DecodingBuffer)[i]; FLAC__stream_encoder_process_interleaved(FSE, FLACBuffer, DecodedSamples); } else if (AudioCacheType == acRaw) { fwrite(DecodingBuffer, 1, TempOutputBufSize, RawCache); } } } av_free_packet(&Packet); } if (!ACacheIsValid) { switch (AudioCacheType) { case acFLAC: CloseFLACCacheWriter(FSE); break; case acRaw: CloseRawCacheWriter(RawCache); break; } ACacheIsValid = OpenAudioCache(AAudioCache, ASource, AudioTrack, Env); if (!ACacheIsValid) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Failed to open newly created audio cache for reading"); } if (VideoTrack >= 0 && VI.num_frames == 0) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Video track contains no frames"); if (AudioTrack >= 0 && VI.num_audio_samples == 0) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Audio track contains no samples"); if (VideoTrack >= 0) av_seek_frame(FormatContext, VideoTrack, FrameToDTS.front().DTS, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); if (AVCache && !VCacheIsValid) if (!SaveFrameInfoToFile(AVideoCache, ASource, VideoTrack)) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Failed to write video cache info"); } if (AudioTrack >= 0) avcodec_close(AudioCodecContext); if (VideoTrack >= 0) { if (!SaveTimecodesToFile(ATimecodes, FormatContext->streams[VideoTrack]->time_base.num * 1000, FormatContext->streams[VideoTrack]->time_base.den)) Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Failed to write timecodes"); // Adjust framerate to match the duration of the first frame if (FrameToDTS.size() >= 2) { int64_t DTSDiff = (double)(FrameToDTS[1].DTS - FrameToDTS[0].DTS); VI.fps_denominator *= DTSDiff; } } } FFmpegSource::~FFmpegSource() { if (VideoTrack >= 0) avcodec_close(VideoCodecContext); av_close_input_file(FormatContext); } int FFmpegSource::DecodeNextFrame(AVFrame *AFrame, int64_t *AStartTime) { AVPacket Packet; int FrameFinished = 0; int Ret = -1; *AStartTime = -1; while (av_read_frame(FormatContext, &Packet) >= 0) { if (Packet.stream_index == VideoTrack) { Ret = avcodec_decode_video(VideoCodecContext, AFrame, &FrameFinished, Packet.data, Packet.size); if (*AStartTime < 0) *AStartTime = Packet.dts; } av_free_packet(&Packet); if (FrameFinished) goto Done; } // Flush the last frame if (CurrentFrame == VI.num_frames - 1 && VideoCodecContext->has_b_frames) Ret = avcodec_decode_video(VideoCodecContext, AFrame, &FrameFinished, NULL, 0); Done: return Ret; } PVideoFrame __stdcall FFmpegSource::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* Env) { bool HasSeeked = false; int ClosestKF = FindClosestKeyFrame(n); if (SeekMode == 0) { if (n < CurrentFrame) { av_seek_frame(FormatContext, VideoTrack, FrameToDTS.front().DTS, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); avcodec_flush_buffers(VideoCodecContext); CurrentFrame = 0; } } else { // 10 frames is used as a margin to prevent excessive seeking since the predicted best keyframe isn't always selected by avformat if (n < CurrentFrame || ClosestKF > CurrentFrame + 10 || (SeekMode == 3 && n > CurrentFrame + 10)) { av_seek_frame(FormatContext, VideoTrack, (SeekMode == 3) ? FrameToDTS[n].DTS : FrameToDTS[ClosestKF].DTS, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); avcodec_flush_buffers(VideoCodecContext); HasSeeked = true; } } do { int64_t StartTime; DecodeNextFrame(DecodeFrame, &StartTime); if (HasSeeked) { HasSeeked = false; // Is the seek destination time known? Does it belong to a frame? if (StartTime < 0 || (CurrentFrame = FrameFromDTS(StartTime)) < 0) { switch (SeekMode) { case 1: Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Frame accurate seeking is not possible in this file"); case 2: case 3: CurrentFrame = ClosestFrameFromDTS(StartTime); break; default: Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Failed assertion"); } } } CurrentFrame++; } while (CurrentFrame <= n); return OutputFrame(DecodeFrame, Env); }