#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is used to automatically extract the SVN revision number and # create a C include file. #includes from os.path import isfile from sys import exit #Get our SVN entries file - this has the rev # in it svnfile=open('../.svn/entries', 'r') svncontent=svnfile.readlines(10) revision=svncontent[3] #Write out our data if isfile("svn-revision.h"): infile = file("svn-revision.h", "r") for ln in infile: if ln == "#define BUILD_SVN_REVISION " + revision + "\n": infile.close() exit() outfile = file("svn-revision.h", "w+") outfile.write("// This file is automatically generated by make-svn-rev-header.py\n") outfile.write("// Do not modify or add to revision control\n\n") outfile.write("#define BUILD_SVN_REVISION " + revision + "\n") outfile.close()