This directory contains a version of Lua 5.1 patched specifically for use with Aegisub. You *MUST* use this version of Lua when building Aegisub. Patches include, currently: - loadlib.c: The Win32 DLL loading code now assumes all strings are UTF-8 encoded, and uses the wide-char versions of the API functions. - lmathlib.c: Removed the value math.huge, due to linker problems. (This value will probably be re-introduced if anyone can provide a good solution to the problem ;) Planned patches: - lstrlib.c: Make all functions assume input is UTF-8, and make string handling seem as if strings were UTF-32. - lzio.c: Ignore any UTF-8 BOM that happens to be at the beginning of a file. Idea: Maybe also make it read UTF-16 files, if BOM is present? - lbaselib.c: Maybe remove dofile and loadfile functions entirely; not entirely sure about this. Note that Lua no longer compiles as ANSI C, but must be compiled as C++. This should probably be fixed.