Amar Takhar 391219ea54 SVN Transition Step 5/7
1. svn mv assdraw csri hunspell lua51 contrib

* See r2749 for full description.

Originally committed to SVN as r2754.
2009-03-08 08:31:41 +00:00

1100 lines
38 KiB

// Name: odcombo.h
// Purpose: wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox and related classes interface
// Author: Jaakko Salli
// Modified by:
// Created: Jan-25-2005
// RCS-ID: $Id:
// Copyright: (c) 2005 Jaakko Salli
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
#pragma interface "odcombo.h"
#include "wx/renderer.h"
// Item counts in GUI components were changed in 2.7.0
#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,7,0)
#define wxODCCount unsigned int
#define wxODCIndex unsigned int
#define wxODCCount int
#define wxODCIndex int
// wxRect: Inside(<=2.7.0) or Contains(>2.7.0)?
#if !wxCHECK_VERSION(2,7,1)
#define wxPGRectContains Inside
#define wxPGRectContains Contains
class WXDLLEXPORT wxTextCtrl;
class WXDLLEXPORT wxButton;
#elif defined(WXUSINGDLL)
#else // not making nor using DLL
class WXDLLEXPORT_PGODC wxPGComboControlBase;
class WXDLLEXPORT_PGODC wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// New window styles for wxPGComboControlBase
// Double-clicking causes value to cycle (ie. call to popup's CycleValue method).
// Use keyboard behaviour alternate to platform default:
// Up an down keys will show popup instead of cycling value.
wxPGCC_ALT_KEYS = 0x0200,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxPGComboControlBase: a base class for generic control that looks like
// a wxComboBox but allows completely custom popup (in addition to other
// customizations).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxComboControl internal flags
// First those that can be passed to Customize.
// It is Windows style for all flags to be clear.
// Button is preferred outside the border (GTK style)
// Show popup on mouse up instead of mouse down (which is the Windows style)
// All text is not automatically selected on click
// Drop-button stays depressed while the popup is open
// Button covers the entire control
wxPGCC_FULL_BUTTON = 0x0010,
// Internal use: signals creation is complete
// Internal use: really put button outside
// Internal use: SetTextIndent has been called
// Internal use: Set wxTAB_TRAVERSAL to parent when popup is dismissed
// Button has bitmap or has non-standard size
// Flags used by PreprocessMouseEvent and HandleButtonMouseEvent
wxPGCC_MF_ON_BUTTON = 0x0001, // cursor is on dropbutton area
// Namespace for wxComboControl feature flags
struct wxPGComboControlFeatures
MovableButton = 0x0001, // Button can be on either side of control
BitmapButton = 0x0002, // Button may be replace with bitmap
ButtonSpacing = 0x0004, // Non-bitmap button can have spacing from
// the edge of the control
TextIndent = 0x0008, // SetTextIndent can be used
PaintControl = 0x0010, // Combo control itself can be custom painted
PaintWritable = 0x0020, // A variable-width area in front of writable
// combo control's textctrl can be custom
// painted
Borderless = 0x0040, // wxNO_BORDER window style works
// There is no feature flags for...
// PushButtonBitmapBackground - if its in renderer native, then it should be
// not an issue to have it automatically under the bitmap.
All = MovableButton|BitmapButton|
class wxPGComboPopupWindow;
class WXDLLEXPORT_PGODC wxPGComboControlBase : public wxControl
friend class wxPGComboPopup;
friend class wxPGComboPopupWindow;
// ctors and such
wxPGComboControlBase() : wxControl() { Init(); }
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
long style,
const wxValidator& validator,
const wxString& name);
virtual ~wxPGComboControlBase();
virtual bool Destroy();
// show/hide popup window
virtual void ShowPopup();
virtual void HidePopup();
// Override for totally custom combo action
virtual void OnButtonClick();
// return true if the popup is currently shown
inline bool IsPopupShown() const { return m_isPopupShown; }
// set interface class instance derived from wxPGComboPopup
void SetPopup( wxPGComboPopup* iface );
// get interface class instance derived from wxPGComboPopup
wxPGComboPopup* GetPopup() const { return m_popupInterface; }
// get the popup window containing the popup control
wxWindow *GetPopupWindow() const { return m_winPopup; }
// get the popup control/panel in window
wxWindow *GetPopupControl() const { return m_popup; }
// Get the text control which is part of the combobox.
inline wxTextCtrl *GetTextCtrl() const { return m_text; }
// get the dropdown button which is part of the combobox
// note: its not necessarily a wxButton or wxBitmapButton
inline wxWindow *GetButton() const { return m_btn; }
// forward these methods to all subcontrols
virtual bool Enable(bool enable = true);
virtual bool Show(bool show = true);
virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& font);
virtual void DoSetToolTip( wxToolTip *tip );
// wxTextCtrl methods - for readonly combo they should return
// without errors.
virtual wxString GetValue() const;
virtual void SetValue(const wxString& value);
virtual void Copy();
virtual void Cut();
virtual void Paste();
virtual void SetInsertionPoint(long pos);
virtual void SetInsertionPointEnd();
virtual long GetInsertionPoint() const;
virtual long GetLastPosition() const;
virtual void Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& value);
virtual void Remove(long from, long to);
virtual void SetSelection(long from, long to);
virtual void Undo();
// Returns the text field rectangle, including any image that is painted with it.
inline const wxRect& GetTextRect() const
return m_tcArea;
// Popup customization methods
// Sets minimum width of the popup. If wider than combo control, it will extend to the left.
// Remarks:
// * Value -1 indicates the default.
// * Custom popup may choose to ignore this (wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox does not).
inline void SetPopupMinWidth( int width )
m_widthMinPopup = width;
// Sets preferred maximum height of the popup.
// Remarks:
// * Value -1 indicates the default.
// * Custom popup may choose to ignore this (wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox does not).
inline void SetPopupMaxHeight( int height )
m_heightPopup = height;
// Extends popup size horizontally, relative to the edges of the combo control.
// Remarks:
// * Popup minimum width may override extLeft (ie. it has higher precedence).
// * Values 0 indicate default.
// * Custom popup may not take this fully into account (wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox takes).
inline void SetPopupExtents( int extLeft, int extRight )
m_extLeft = extLeft;
m_extRight = extRight;
// Set width, in pixels, of custom paint area in writable combo.
// In read-only, used to indicate area that is not covered by the
// focus rectangle (which may or may not be drawn, depending on the
// popup type).
void SetCustomPaintWidth( int width );
inline int GetCustomPaintWidth() const { return m_widthCustomPaint; }
// Set position of dropdown button.
// width: 0 > for specific custom width, negative to adjust to smaller than default
// height: 0 > for specific custom height, negative to adjust to smaller than default
// side: wxLEFT or wxRIGHT, indicates on which side the button will be placed.
// spacingX: empty space on sides of the button. Default is 0.
// Remarks:
// There is no spacingY - the button will be centered vertically.
void SetButtonPosition( int width = 0, int height = 0, int side = wxRIGHT,
int spacingX = 0 /*, int spacingY = 0*/ );
// Sets dropbutton to be drawn with custom bitmaps.
// bmpNormal: drawn when cursor is not on button
// blankButtonBg: Draw blank button background below the image.
// NOTE! This is only properly supported on platforms with appropriate
// method in wxRendererNative.
// bmpPressed: drawn when button is depressed
// bmpHover: drawn when cursor hovers on button. This is ignored on platforms
// that do not generally display hover differently.
// bmpDisabled: drawn when combobox is disabled.
void SetButtonBitmaps( const wxBitmap& bmpNormal,
bool blankButtonBg = false,
const wxBitmap& bmpPressed = wxNullBitmap,
const wxBitmap& bmpHover = wxNullBitmap,
const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled = wxNullBitmap );
// This will set the space in pixels between left edge of the control and the
// text, regardless whether control is read-only (ie. no wxTextCtrl) or not.
// Platform-specific default can be set with value-1.
// Remarks
// * This method may do nothing on some native implementations.
void SetTextIndent( int indent );
// Returns actual indentation in pixels.
inline wxCoord GetTextIndent() const
return m_absIndent;
// Utilies needed by the popups or native implementations
// Draws focus background (on combo control) in a way typical on platform.
// Unless you plan to paint your own focus indicator, you should always call this
// in your wxPGComboPopup::PaintComboControl implementation.
// In addition, it sets pen and text colour to what looks good and proper
// against the background.
// flags: wxRendererNative flags: wxCONTROL_ISSUBMENU: is drawing a list item instead of combo control
// wxCONTROL_SELECTED: list item is selected
// wxCONTROL_DISABLED: control/item is disabled
virtual void DrawFocusBackground( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags );
// Returns true if focused. Differs from FindFocus in that takes
// child controls into account.
bool IsFocused() const
const wxWindow* curFocus = FindFocus();
if ( curFocus == this || (m_text && curFocus == m_text) )
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if focus indicator should be drawn.
inline bool ShouldDrawFocus() const
const wxWindow* curFocus = FindFocus();
return ( !m_isPopupShown &&
(curFocus == this || (m_btn && curFocus == m_btn)) &&
(m_windowStyle & wxCB_READONLY) );
// These methods return references to appropriate dropbutton bitmaps
inline const wxBitmap& GetBitmapNormal() const { return m_bmpNormal; }
inline const wxBitmap& GetBitmapPressed() const { return m_bmpPressed; }
inline const wxBitmap& GetBitmapHover() const { return m_bmpHover; }
inline const wxBitmap& GetBitmapDisabled() const { return m_bmpDisabled; }
// Return internal flags
inline wxUint32 GetInternalFlags() const { return m_iFlags; }
// Return true if Create has finished
inline bool IsCreated() const { return m_iFlags & wxPGCC_IFLAG_CREATED ? true : false; }
// Popup may use these as callbacks to measure and draw list items.
// (wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox uses these, obviously)
// item: -1 means item is the combo control itself
// flags: wxPGCC_PAINTING_CONTROL is set if painting to combo control instead of list
// return value: OnDrawListItem must return true if it did anything
virtual bool OnDrawListItem( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int item, int flags );
// Return item height, or -1 for text height (default)
virtual wxCoord OnMeasureListItem( int item );
// Return item width, or -1 for calculating from text extent (default)
virtual wxCoord OnMeasureListItemWidth( int item );
// Returns true if can and should send focus event to the main control from
// textctrl input handler.
inline bool ConsumingTextCtrlFocusEvent()
if ( m_skipTextCtrlFocusEvents == 0 )
return true;
return false;
// NOTE:
// I basicly needed to add callback methods into wxComboControlBase - otherwise it
// will not be easily possible to use wxPGVListBoxComboPopup from simultaneously existing
// wxComboControl and wxPGGenericComboControl (since some native implementations
// might not have all the features, I really would like to have this options).
// Override these for customization purposes
// called from wxSizeEvent handler
virtual void OnResize() = 0;
// Return native text identation (for pure text, not textctrl)
virtual wxCoord GetNativeTextIndent() const;
// Called in syscolourchanged handler and base create
virtual void OnThemeChange();
// Creates wxTextCtrl.
// extraStyle: Extra style parameters
void CreateTextCtrl( int extraStyle, const wxValidator& validator );
// Installs standard input handler to combo
void InstallInputHandlers();
// Flags for DrawButton.
Button_PaintBackground = 0x0001, // Paints control background below the button
Button_BitmapOnly = 0x0002 // Only paints the bitmap
// Draws dropbutton. Using wxRenderer or bitmaps, as appropriate.
// Flags are defined above.
void DrawButton( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags = Button_PaintBackground );
// Call if cursor is on button area or mouse is captured for the button.
//bool HandleButtonMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, bool isInside );
bool HandleButtonMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, int flags );
// Conversion to double-clicks and some basic filtering
// returns true if event was consumed or filtered (event type is also set to 0 in this case)
//bool PreprocessMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, bool isOnButtonArea );
bool PreprocessMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event, int flags );
// This will handle left_down and left_dclick events outside button in a Windows-like manner.
// If you need alternate behaviour, it is recommended you manipulate and filter events to it
// instead of building your own handling routine (for reference, on wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN it will
// toggle popup and on wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK it will do the same or run the popup's dclick method,
// if defined - you should pass events of other types of it for common processing).
void HandleNormalMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event );
// Creates popup window, calls interface->Create(), etc
void CreatePopup();
// common code to be called on popup hide/dismiss
void OnPopupDismiss();
// Dispatches command event from the control
//void SendEvent( int evtType = wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED, int selection, );
// override the base class virtuals involved in geometry calculations
virtual void DoMoveWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height);
virtual wxSize DoGetBestSize() const;
// Recalculates button and textctrl areas. Called when size or button setup change.
// btnWidth: default/calculated width of the dropbutton. 0 means unchanged,
// just recalculate.
void CalculateAreas( int btnWidth = 0 );
// Standard textctrl positioning routine. Just give it platform-dependant
// textctrl coordinate adjustment.
void PositionTextCtrl( int textCtrlXAdjust, int textCtrlYAdjust );
// event handlers
void OnSizeEvent(wxSizeEvent& event);
void OnFocusEvent(wxFocusEvent& event);
void OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event);
void OnTextCtrlEvent(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnSysColourChanged(wxSysColourChangedEvent& event);
// Set customization flags (directs how wxComboControlBase helpers behave)
void Customize( wxUint32 flags ) { m_iFlags |= flags; }
// Dispatches size event and refreshes
void RecalcAndRefresh();
// This is used when m_text is hidden (readonly).
wxString m_valueString;
// the text control and button we show all the time
wxTextCtrl* m_text;
wxWindow* m_btn;
// wxPopupWindow or similar containing the window managed by the interface.
wxWindow* m_winPopup;
// the popup control/panel
wxWindow* m_popup;
// popup interface
wxPGComboPopup* m_popupInterface;
// this is input etc. handler the text control
wxEvtHandler* m_textEvtHandler;
// this is for the top level window
wxEvtHandler* m_toplevEvtHandler;
// this is for the control in popup
wxEvtHandler* m_popupExtraHandler;
// needed for "instant" double-click handling
//wxLongLong m_timeLastMouseUp;
// used to prevent immediate re-popupping incase closed popup
// by clicking on the combo control (needed because of inconsistent
// transient implementation across platforms).
wxLongLong m_timeCanAcceptClick;
// how much popup should expand to the left/right of the control
wxCoord m_extLeft;
wxCoord m_extRight;
// minimum popup width
wxCoord m_widthMinPopup;
// preferred popup height
wxCoord m_heightPopup;
// how much of writable combo is custom-paint by callback?
// also used to indicate area that is not covered by "blue"
// selection indicator.
wxCoord m_widthCustomPaint;
// absolute text indentation, in pixels
wxCoord m_absIndent;
// Width of the "fake" border
wxCoord m_widthCustomBorder;
// The button and textctrl click/paint areas
wxRect m_tcArea;
wxRect m_btnArea;
// current button state (uses renderer flags)
int m_btnState;
// button position
int m_btnWid;
int m_btnHei;
int m_btnSide;
int m_btnSpacingX;
// last default button width
int m_btnWidDefault;
// custom dropbutton bitmaps
wxBitmap m_bmpNormal;
wxBitmap m_bmpPressed;
wxBitmap m_bmpHover;
wxBitmap m_bmpDisabled;
// area used by the button
wxSize m_btnSize;
// platform-dependant customization and other flags
wxUint32 m_iFlags;
// draw blank button background under bitmap?
bool m_blankButtonBg;
// is the popup window currenty shown?
bool m_isPopupShown;
// TODO: Remove after real popup works ok.
unsigned char m_fakePopupUsage;
wxByte m_skipTextCtrlFocusEvents;
void Init();
class WXDLLEXPORT_PGODC wxPGGenericComboControl : public wxPGComboControlBase
// ctors and such
wxPGGenericComboControl() : wxPGComboControlBase() { Init(); }
wxPGGenericComboControl(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr)
: wxPGComboControlBase()
(void)Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator, name);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
virtual ~wxPGGenericComboControl();
static int GetFeatures() { return wxPGComboControlFeatures::All; }
virtual void OnResize();
// event handlers
//void OnSizeEvent( wxSizeEvent& event );
void OnPaintEvent( wxPaintEvent& event );
void OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event );
void Init();
#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXUNIVERSAL__)
class WXDLLEXPORT_PGODC wxPGComboControl : public wxPGComboControlBase
// ctors and such
wxPGComboControl() : wxPGComboControlBase() { Init(); }
wxPGComboControl(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr)
: wxPGComboControlBase()
(void)Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator, name);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
virtual ~wxPGComboControl();
//virtual void DrawFocusBackground( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags );
static int GetFeatures() { return wxPGComboControlFeatures::All; }
// customization
virtual void OnResize();
virtual wxCoord GetNativeTextIndent() const;
virtual void OnThemeChange();
// event handlers
//void OnSizeEvent( wxSizeEvent& event );
void OnPaintEvent( wxPaintEvent& event );
void OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event );
void Init();
class WXDLLEXPORT_PGODC wxPGComboControl : public wxPGGenericComboControl
// ctors and such
wxPGComboControl() : wxPGGenericComboControl() {}
wxPGComboControl(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr)
: wxPGGenericComboControl()
(void)Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator, name);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr)
return wxPGGenericComboControl::Create(parent,id,value,pos,size,style,validator,name);
virtual ~wxPGComboControl() {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxComboPopupInterface is the interface class that lies between
// the wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox and its popup window.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxComboPopup internal flags
wxPGCP_IFLAG_CREATED = 0x0001, // Set by wxComboControlBase after Create is called
friend class wxPGComboControlBase;
wxPGComboPopup(wxPGComboControl *combo)
m_combo = combo;
m_iFlags = 0;
virtual ~wxPGComboPopup();
// Create the popup child control.
// Return true for success.
virtual bool Create(wxWindow* parent) = 0;
// We must have an associated control which is subclassed by the combobox.
virtual wxWindow *GetControl() = 0;
// Called immediately after the popup is shown
virtual void OnPopup();
// Called when popup is dismissed
virtual void OnDismiss();
// Called just prior to displaying popup.
// Default implementation does nothing.
virtual void SetStringValue( const wxString& value );
// Gets displayed string representation of the value.
virtual wxString GetStringValue() const = 0;
// This is called to custom paint in the combo control itself (ie. not the popup).
// Default implementation draws value as string.
virtual void PaintComboControl( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect );
// Receives key events from the parent wxComboControl.
// Events not handled should be skipped, as usual.
virtual void OnComboKeyEvent( wxKeyEvent& event );
// Implement if you need to support special action when user
// double-clicks on the parent wxComboControl.
virtual void OnComboDoubleClick();
// Return final size of popup. Called on every popup, just prior to OnShow.
// minWidth = preferred minimum width for window
// prefHeight = preferred height. Only applies if > 0,
// maxHeight = max height for window, as limited by screen size
// and should only be rounded down, if necessary.
virtual wxSize GetAdjustedSize( int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight );
// Return true if you want delay call to Create until the popup is shown
// for the first time. It is more efficient, but note that it is often
// more convenient to have the control created immediately.
// Default returns false.
virtual bool LazyCreate();
// Utilies
// Hides the popup
void Dismiss();
// Returns true if Create has been called.
inline bool IsCreated() const
return (m_iFlags & wxPGCP_IFLAG_CREATED) ? true : false;
wxPGComboControl* m_combo;
wxUint32 m_iFlags;
// New window styles for wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox
// Causes double-clicking to cycle the item instead of showing
// the popup. Shift-pressed causes cycling direction to reverse.
// if used, control itself is not custom paint using callback
// even if this is not used, writable combo is never custom paint
// until SetCustomPaintWidth is called
// Callback flags
// when set, we are painting the selected item in control,
// not in the popup
// Callback arguments:
// pCb: combo box in question
// item: index of item drawn or measured
// dc: device context to draw on. NULL reference when measuring.
// rect: draw call: rectangle in device context to limit the drawing on. Use rect.x and rect.y
// as the origin.
// measure call: initially width and height are -1. You need to set rect.height to whatever
// is the height of the given item.
// flags: see above
typedef void (wxEvtHandler::* wxComboPaintCallback)( wxPGComboControl* pCb,
int item,
wxDC& dc,
wxRect& rect,
int flags );
#include "wx/vlbox.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxPGVListBoxComboPopup is a wxVListBox customized to act as a popup control.
// Notes:
// wxOwnerDrawnComboBox uses this as its popup. However, it always derives
// from native wxComboControl. If you need to use this popup with
// wxPGGenericComboControl, then remember that vast majority of item manipulation
// functionality is implemented in the wxPGVListBoxComboPopup class itself.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class wxPGVListBoxComboPopup : public wxVListBox, public wxPGComboPopup
friend class wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox;
// ctor and dtor
wxPGVListBoxComboPopup(wxPGComboControl* combo/*, wxComboPaintCallback callback*/);
virtual ~wxPGVListBoxComboPopup();
// required virtuals
virtual bool Create(wxWindow* parent);
virtual wxWindow *GetControl() { return this; }
virtual void SetStringValue( const wxString& value );
virtual wxString GetStringValue() const;
// more customization
virtual void OnPopup();
virtual wxSize GetAdjustedSize( int minWidth, int prefHeight, int maxHeight );
virtual void PaintComboControl( wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect );
virtual void OnComboKeyEvent( wxKeyEvent& event );
virtual void OnComboDoubleClick();
//virtual bool CycleValue( bool forward );
//virtual bool OnComboDoubleClick();
virtual bool LazyCreate();
// Item management
void SetSelection( int item );
void Insert( const wxString& item, int pos );
int Append(const wxString& item);
void Clear();
void Delete( wxODCIndex item );
void SetItemClientData(wxODCIndex n, void* clientData, wxClientDataType clientDataItemsType);
void *GetItemClientData(wxODCIndex n) const;
void SetString( int item, const wxString& str );
wxString GetString( int item ) const;
wxODCCount GetCount() const;
int FindString(const wxString& s) const;
int GetSelection() const;
void Populate( int n, const wxString choices[] );
void ClearClientDatas();
// helpers
inline int GetItemAtPosition( const wxPoint& pos ) { return HitTest(pos); }
inline wxCoord GetTotalHeight() const { return EstimateTotalHeight(); }
inline wxCoord GetLineHeight(int line) const { return OnMeasureItem(line); }
// Called by OnComboDoubleClick and OnComboKeyEvent
bool HandleKey( int keycode, bool saturate );
// sends combobox select event from the parent combo control
void SendComboBoxEvent( int selection );
void DismissWithEvent();
// Re-calculates width for given item
void CheckWidth( int pos );
virtual wxCoord OnGetRowHeight(size_t n) const { return OnMeasureItem(n); }
// wxVListBox implementation
virtual void OnDrawItem(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
virtual wxCoord OnMeasureItem(size_t n) const;
void OnDrawBackground(wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, size_t n) const;
// filter mouse move events happening outside the list box
// move selection with cursor
void OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnMouseWheel(wxMouseEvent& event);
void OnKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
void OnLeftClick(wxMouseEvent& event);
wxArrayString m_strings;
wxArrayPtrVoid m_clientDatas;
wxArrayInt m_widths; // cached line widths
wxString m_stringValue;
wxFont m_font;
int m_value; // selection
int m_itemHover; // on which item the cursor is
int m_widestWidth; // width of widest item thus far
int m_avgCharWidth;
int m_baseImageWidth; // how much per item drawn in addition to text
int m_itemHeight; // default item height (calculate from font size
// and used in the absence of callback)
wxClientDataType m_clientDataItemsType;
// has the mouse been released on this control?
bool m_clicked;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox: a generic wxComboBox that allows custom paint items.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class WXDLLEXPORT_PGODC wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox : public wxPGComboControl, public wxItemContainer
friend class wxPGComboPopupWindow;
friend class wxPGComboControlBase;
// ctors and such
wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox() : wxPGComboControl() { Init(); }
wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
int n,
const wxString choices[],
//wxComboPaintCallback callback,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr)
: wxPGComboControl()
(void)Create(parent, id, value, pos, size, n, choices,
/*callback,*/ style, validator, name);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
const wxArrayString& choices,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value = wxEmptyString,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
int n = 0,
const wxString choices[] = (const wxString *) NULL,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
wxWindowID id,
const wxString& value,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size,
const wxArrayString& choices,
long style = 0,
const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator,
const wxString& name = wxComboBoxNameStr);
virtual ~wxPGOwnerDrawnComboBox();
// wxControlWithItems methods
virtual void Clear();
virtual void Delete(wxODCIndex n);
virtual wxODCCount GetCount() const;
virtual wxString GetString(wxODCIndex n) const;
virtual void SetString(wxODCIndex n, const wxString& s);
virtual int FindString(const wxString& s) const;
virtual void Select(int n);
virtual int GetSelection() const;
void SetSelection(int n) { Select(n); }
// clears all allocated client datas
void ClearClientDatas();
virtual int DoAppend(const wxString& item);
virtual int DoInsert(const wxString& item, wxODCIndex pos);
virtual void DoSetItemClientData(wxODCIndex n, void* clientData);
virtual void* DoGetItemClientData(wxODCIndex n) const;
virtual void DoSetItemClientObject(wxODCIndex n, wxClientData* clientData);
virtual wxClientData* DoGetItemClientObject(wxODCIndex n) const;
#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
virtual int DoInsertItems(const wxArrayStringsAdapter& items,
unsigned int pos,
void **clientData,
wxClientDataType type);
virtual void DoClear() { Clear(); }
virtual void DoDeleteOneItem(unsigned int pos) { Delete(pos); }
// overload m_popupInterface member so we can access specific popup interface easier
wxPGVListBoxComboPopup* m_popupInterface;
void Init();