Niels Martin Hansen 8d5776b7ea Automation scripts updated, mainly heavy commenting on the demo scripts. Updated readme files for script directories.
Removed some old code from the colorpicker.

Originally committed to SVN as r484.
2006-07-10 22:07:24 +00:00

58 lines
3 KiB

-- Aegisub Automation demonstration script
-- Original written by Niels Martin Hansen
-- Given into the public domain
-- For an explanation of these, see the documentation, or demo 1
version = 3
kind = "basic_ass"
name = "Reading data demonstration"
description = "This is a demonstration of how to access the various data passed to an Automation script. It loops over the data structures provided, and dumps them to the debug console."
configuration = {}
function process_lines(meta, styles, lines, config)
-- This makes an alias for the aegisub.output_debug function. Remember that functions are first-class values in Lua.
-- The 'local' keyword makes the 'out' variable local to this function
local out = aegisub.output_debug
-- Use the string.format function to form a string showing some metadata about the subtitles and output it
out(string.format("Metadata: res_x=%d res_s=%d", meta.res_x, meta.res_y))
-- The number of styles is stored in index -1, because there might be a style named "n"
local numstyles = styles[-1]
out("Number of styles: " .. numstyles)
-- Loop over the styles with a for loop, printing some info about each style
for i = 0, numstyles-1 do
out(string.format("Style %d: name='%s' fontname='%s'", i, styles[i].name, styles[i].fontname))
-- Do the same, but for the actual subtitle lines
out("Number of subtitle lines: " .. lines.n)
for i = 0, lines.n-1 do
-- Use the report_progress function to show the progress of the loop
-- Check if the line is a dialogue line, otherwise it won't have much interesting data
-- Also, the script will crash if you try to access a field that doesn't exist
if lines[i].kind == "dialogue" then
-- Again, output some info about the line
out(string.format("Line %d: dialogue start=%d end=%d style=%s", i, lines[i].start_time, lines[i].end_time, lines[i].style))
out(" Text: " .. lines[i].text)
out(" Stripped text: " .. lines[i].text_stripped)
out(" Number of karaoke syllables: " .. lines[i].karaoke.n)
-- Also loop over the karaoke syllables, if any, in the line.
-- Note that there will actually always be at least one syllable, number zero, which is everything before the first \k tag
for j = 0, lines[i].karaoke.n-1 do
syl = lines[i].karaoke[j]
-- Use the aegisub.text_extents function to calculate the rendered size of the syllable text
-- Note that the styles[lines[i].style] construct can be dangerous, in case the line refers to a non-existant style
extx, exty, extd, extl = aegisub.text_extents(styles[lines[i].style], syl.text_stripped)
out(string.format(" Syllable %d: dur=%d kind=%s text='%s' text_stripped='%s' extx=%d exty=%d extd=%d extl=%d", j, syl.duration, syl.kind, syl.text, syl.text_stripped, extx, exty, extd, extl))
-- For non-dialogue lines, output a lot less info
out(string.format("Line %d: %s", i, lines[i].kind))
-- In the end, no modifications were done, so just return the original subtitle data
return lines