2012-08-19 20:43:39 -07:00

154 lines
4.6 KiB

-- Automation 4 test file
-- Test that appending lines to a file places the lines in the appropriate
-- sections of the file, creating the sections if needed
script_name = "TEST append lines"
script_description = "Test that appended lines go to the right place"
script_author = "Thomas Goyne"
script_version = "1"
function make_scriptinfo(key, value)
return {
class = "info",
section = "[Script Info]",
key = key,
value = value
function make_style(name)
return {
class = "style",
section = "[V4+ Styles]",
name = name,
fontname = "Arial",
fontsize = 20,
color1 = "&H000000&",
color2 = "&H000000&",
color3 = "&H000000&",
color4 = "&H000000&",
bold = true,
italic = false,
underline = false,
strikeout = false,
scale_x = 100,
scale_y = 100,
spacing = 0,
angle = 0,
borderstyle = 0,
outline = 0,
shadow = 0,
align = 5,
margin_l = 0,
margin_r = 0,
margin_t = 0,
margin_b = 0,
encoding = 0
function make_dialogue(text)
return {
class = "dialogue",
section = "[Events]",
comment = false,
layer = 0,
start_time = 0,
end_time = 2000,
style = "Default",
actor = "",
margin_l = 0,
margin_r = 0,
margin_t = 0,
margin_b = 0,
effect = "",
text = text
function make_header(name)
return {
class = "head",
section = name
function make_format(fstr, section)
return {
class = "format",
section = section,
text = fstr
function check_field(i, actual, expected, name)
if actual ~= expected then
error(i .. ": Expected '" .. expected .. "', got '" .. actual .. "' for " .. name)
function check_line(i, line, class, section)
check_field(i, line.class, class, "class")
check_field(i, line.section, section, "section")
function test(subs)
subs.deleterange(1, #subs)
-- verify that everything works with the items added in order
subs[0] = make_header("[Script Info]")
subs[0] = make_scriptinfo("Title", "Default Aegisub file")
subs[0] = make_scriptinfo("ScriptType", "v4.00+")
subs[0] = make_scriptinfo("WrapStyle", "0");
subs[0] = make_scriptinfo("ScaledBorderAndShadow", "yes")
subs[0] = make_scriptinfo("Collisions", "Normal")
subs[0] = make_header("[V4+ Styles]")
subs[0] = make_format("Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding", "[V4+ Styles]")
subs[0] = make_style("Default")
subs[0] = make_header("[Events]")
subs[0] = make_format("Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text", "[Events]")
subs[0] = make_dialogue("")
check_line(1, subs[1], "head", "[Script Info]")
check_line(2, subs[2], "info", "[Script Info]")
check_line(3, subs[3], "info", "[Script Info]")
check_line(4, subs[4], "info", "[Script Info]")
check_line(5, subs[5], "info", "[Script Info]")
check_line(6, subs[6], "info", "[Script Info]")
check_line(7, subs[7], "head", "[V4+ Styles]")
check_line(8, subs[8], "format", "[V4+ Styles]")
check_line(9, subs[9], "style", "[V4+ Styles]")
check_line(10, subs[10], "head", "[Events]")
check_line(11, subs[11], "format", "[Events]")
check_line(12, subs[12], "dialogue", "[Events]")
subs.deleterange(1, #subs)
-- test that groups appear in the order they're first used and lines are
-- put in the right group
subs[0] = make_scriptinfo("Title", "Script Title")
subs[0] = make_style("Default")
subs[0] = make_dialogue("Foo")
subs[0] = make_style("Default 2")
subs[0] = make_scriptinfo("ScriptType", "v4.00+")
subs[0] = make_dialogue("Bar")
check_line(1, subs[1], "head", "[Script Info]")
check_line(2, subs[2], "info", "[Script Info]")
check_line(3, subs[3], "info", "[Script Info]")
check_line(4, subs[4], "head", "[V4+ Styles]")
check_line(5, subs[5], "style", "[V4+ Styles]")
check_line(6, subs[6], "style", "[V4+ Styles]")
check_line(7, subs[7], "head", "[Events]")
check_line(8, subs[8], "dialogue", "[Events]")
check_line(9, subs[9], "dialogue", "[Events]")
aegisub.set_undo_point("append test")
aegisub.register_macro(script_name, script_description, test)