Niels Martin Hansen 6dcb5ff4a8 Runtime errors in auto3 scripts no longer kill the program but are reported properly instead.
Apparently Lua 5.1 has changed the semantics of table.insert so it's incompatible with the way used in all Auto3 demo scripts etc. Now it's overridden in utils.auto3 and all instances of it in sample scripts etc. replaced with code having the expected behaviour.

Originally committed to SVN as r926.
2007-02-06 12:30:17 +00:00

56 lines
2.3 KiB

-- Aegisub Automation demonstration script
-- Original written by Niels Martin Hansen
-- Given into the public domain
name = "Text placement demo"
description = "Demonstration of the text_extents function, to do per-syllable placement of text."
version, kind, configuration = 3, 'basic_ass', {}
function process_lines(meta, styles, lines, config)
-- Prepare local variables
local output = { n=0 }
-- Loop through every line
for i = 0, lines.n-1 do
-- Only process dialogue lines
if lines[i].kind ~= "dialogue" then
output.n = output.n + 1
output[output.n] = lines[i]
-- This is just for making the code a bit easier to read
local line = lines[i]
-- Get the rendered size of the entire line. (Won't work if there's line breaks in it.)
local totalx, totaly = aegisub.text_extents(styles[], line.text_stripped)
-- Calculate where the first syllable should be positioned, if the line is to appear centered on screen
local curx, cury = (meta.res_x - totalx) / 2, meta.res_y / 2
-- And more preparations for per-syllable placement
local startx = curx
local tstart, tend = 0, 0
-- Now process each stllable
for j = 1, line.karaoke.n-1 do
-- A shortcut variable, and, most important: a copy of the original line
local syl, syllin = line.karaoke[j], copy_line(line)
-- Calculate the ending time of this syllable
tend = tstart + syl.duration*10
-- Get the rendered size of this syllable
local extx, exty, extd, extl = aegisub.text_extents(styles[], syl.text_stripped)
-- Some debug stuff...
aegisub.output_debug(string.format("text_extents returned: %d, %d, %d, %d", extx, exty, extd, extl));
-- Replace the text of the copy of the line with this syllable, moving around
syllin.text = string.format("{\\an4\\move(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)\\kf%d\\kf%d}%s", curx, cury, curx, cury-exty, tstart, tend, tstart/10, syl.duration, syl.text)
-- Add the line to the output
output.n = output.n + 1
output[output.n] = syllin
-- And prepare for next iteration
curx = curx + extx
tstart = tend
-- More debug stuff
aegisub.output_debug(string.format("after syllable loop: totalx=%d curx-startx=%d", totalx, curx-startx))
-- And remember to return something :)
return output