Amar Takhar a067bd560d SVN Transition Step 3/7
1. cd aegisub/
  2. svn mv *cpp *h src/
  3. svn mv MatroskaParser.c bitmaps boost \
     changelog.txt config gl include libosxutil libresrc md5.c msvc mythes.cxx \
     mythes.hxx res.rc src/
  4. cd ..
  5. svn mv FFmpegSource2/ INSTALL README  acinclude.m4 \ automation/ bin build desktop dummy.txt lib \
     libass/ m4macros/ packages/ po/ scripts/ universalchardet/ aegisub/
  6. mkdir -p docs/wiki_convert
  7. svn add docs/wiki_convert
  8. cd docs
  9. svn mv convert.bat output wiki_convert/

* See r2749 for full description.

Originally committed to SVN as r2752.
2009-03-08 08:30:39 +00:00

430 lines
11 KiB

# - downloads and converts the Aegisub documentation wiki to static HTML.
# Usage:
# Will write the entire wiki to the current directory.
# Warning: ugly hacking inside.
# Written by Karl Blomster (TheFluff) 2008
# This script is hereby given into the public domain. Do whatever you want with it.
# includes
use warnings;
use strict;
use utf8;
use LWP;
use URI;
# use CSS; # <--- fucking useless
use HTML::LinkExtor;
use File::Path;
# variables
my $base_dir = '.';
my $host = '';
my $docs_base_url = '';
my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new();
my @process_pages = ($docs_base_url . 'Main_Page'); # start at the main page
my %pages = ($base_dir . '/Main_Page.html' => $docs_base_url . "Main_Page");
my %accepted_types = (
'image/png' => '.png',
'image/jpeg' => '.jpg',
'image/gif' => '.gif',
'text/html' => '.html',
'text/css' => '.css',
'text/javascript' => '.js',
'text/plain' => '.txt',
my $timestamp = time();
my ($requests, $writes);
# make sure we have somewhere to write to
mkdir($base_dir) or die("Couldn't create directory ", $base_dir, ": $!")
unless ( -e $base_dir and -d $base_dir );
chdir($base_dir) or die("Couldn't change directory to ", $base_dir, ": $!");
print("Starting downloading and conversion of documentation wiki to ", $base_dir, "\n",
"This will probably take a while.\n");
while ( @process_pages ) {
my $current_page = shift(@process_pages);
# initialize object and download the page
my $page_object = $agent->get($current_page);
print("Requesting ${current_page}...\n");
# warn and skip if we couldn't get it
unless ( $page_object->is_success() ) {
warn("Couldn't get ", $current_page, ": ", $page_object->status_line(), ", skipping\n");
my $content_type = $page_object->content_type();
# skip if we don't know what it is
unless ( exists($accepted_types{$content_type}) ) {
warn("I don't know what to do with ", $content_type, ", skipping\n");
# monstrously ugly hack to handle rewriting of .css filenames
my $name;
if ( $current_page =~ m!index\.php\?title=MediaWiki\:.+?\.css!i ) {
$name = convert_css_link($current_page);
} else {
$name = convert_link($current_page);
# if it's html, parse it, grab new links
# add them to @process_pages if they're not already in there
# then write the modified html to disk
if ( $content_type eq 'text/html' ) {
my ($filename, $content, @newpages) = parse_and_fix_html($current_page, $page_object->base(), $page_object->decoded_content());
# skip this page if the parser decided it was a page we don't want
next(GETLOOP) unless ($content);
write_to_disk($filename, $content_type, $content);
foreach my $url (@newpages) {
my $newname = convert_link($url);
# check if we already added that page to our todo-list
if ( exists($pages{$newname}) ) {
next(); # we did, do nothing
else {
# new page, add it to the list of things to process
push(@process_pages, $url);
$pages{$newname} = $url;
# if it's CSS we need the @import'ed links
elsif ( $content_type eq 'text/css' ) {
my @newpages = parse_css($current_page, $page_object->base(), $page_object->decoded_content());
write_to_disk($name, $content_type, $page_object->decoded_content());
foreach my $url (@newpages) {
my $newname = convert_link($url);
# check if we already added that page to our todo-list
if ( exists($pages{$newname}) ) {
next(); # we did, do nothing
else {
# new page, add it to the list of things to process
push(@process_pages, $url);
$pages{$newname} = $url;
else {
write_to_disk($name, $content_type, $page_object->decoded_content());
continue {
print("Done.\nMade $requests requests and wrote $writes files in ",
time()-$timestamp, " seconds.\n");
# parse out pages this page links to
# modify it
# return filename of the page, modified html and list of links
sub parse_and_fix_html {
#get arguments
my ($url, $base, $content) = @_;
my (@links, @links_to_modify); # list of links to return later
# parse HTML
my $html = HTML::LinkExtor->new();
# $html->utf8_mode(1); # not needed
# loop over the list of links
# all real work is done here
foreach my $tag ( $html->links() ) {
my ($tagname, %attrs) = @{$tag};
my $quoted = quotemeta($docs_base_url);
# does the link interest us?
if ( ($tagname eq 'a') and exists($attrs{'href'}) ) {
my $href = quotemeta($attrs{'href'}); # quotemeta?
$href =~ s!\&!\&amp\;!g; # quotemeta kills &amp; things for some reason
# skip and kill special or "edit" links
if ( $attrs{'href'} =~ m!docs/index\.php\?!i ) {
$content =~ s!<a href=\"${href}\".*?>(.*?)</a>!$1!gi;
# skip and kill image/special links
if ( $attrs{'href'} =~ m!(Special\:|Image\:|Talk\:)!i ) {
$content =~ s!<a.*?href\=\"${href}\".*?>(.*?)</a>!$1!gi;
# change somepage#anchor links so they point to the right document,
# but don't return them for further processing
# BUG: if a page is ONLY referred to by this type of link, it won't get downloaded!
# (highly unlikely)
if ( $attrs{'href'} =~ m!.+\#(.*?)$! ) {
push(@links_to_modify, $attrs{'href'});
# does it go within
if ( $attrs{'href'} =~ m!^$quoted!i or (substr($attrs{'href'},0,1) eq '/') ) {
push(@links_to_modify, $attrs{'href'});
# is not relative and goes somewhere else than
# so we're not interested in it (#anchor links are not touched either)
else { next(LINKLIST); }
push(@links, URI->new_abs($attrs{'href'}, $base));
elsif ( ($tagname eq 'link') and exists($attrs{'href'}) ) {
if ( $attrs{'href'} =~ m!^$quoted!i or (substr($attrs{'href'},0,1) eq '/') ) {
push(@links_to_modify, $attrs{'href'});
else { next(LINKLIST); }
push(@links, URI->new_abs($attrs{'href'}, $base));
elsif ( ($tagname eq 'script') and exists($attrs{'src'}) ) {
my $src = quotemeta($attrs{'src'});
# bogus link, skip it
if ( $attrs{'src'} =~ m!index\.php\?title=-!i ) {
if ( $attrs{'src'} =~ m!^$quoted!i or (substr($attrs{'src'},0,1) eq '/') ) {
push(@links_to_modify, $attrs{'src'});
else { next(LINKLIST); }
push(@links, URI->new_abs($attrs{'src'}, $base));
elsif ( ($tagname eq 'img') and exists($attrs{'src'}) ) {
if ( $attrs{'src'} =~ m!^$quoted!i or (substr($attrs{'src'},0,1) eq '/') ) {
# "flatten" image links
my $flatlink = $attrs{'src'};
$flatlink =~ s!/docs/images/.+/(.+?\.(jpg|gif|png))!${base_dir}/images/$1!i;
my $quotedsrc = quotemeta($attrs{'src'});
$content =~ s!$quotedsrc!$flatlink!;
#push(@links_to_modify, $attrs{'src'});
else { next(LINKLIST); }
push(@links, URI->new_abs($attrs{'src'}, $base));
# else do nothing
# kill the topbar
$content =~ s!<div id=\"topbar\".*?<\!-- end topbar -->!!s;
# kill the article/discussion/history thing
$content =~ s!<div id=\"p-cactions\".*?</div>!!s;
# kill the "toolbox" at the bottom left
$content =~ s!<div class=\"portlet\" id=\"p-tb\".*?(<\!-- end of the left)!$1!s;
# kill "recent changes"
$content =~ s!<li id=\"n-recentchanges\">.*?</li>!!;
# handle the @import links to get the css right
while ( $content =~ m!\@import \"(.+?)\";!mg ) {
my $importlink = $1;
if ( convert_css_link($importlink) ) {
push(@links, URI->new_abs($importlink, $base));
push(@links_to_modify, '@' . $importlink);
# rewrite all the links
foreach my $link (@links_to_modify) {
my $converted = convert_link($link);
if ( substr($link,0,1) eq '@' ) {
substr($link,0,1) = '';
$link = quotemeta($link);
$content =~ s!\"$link\"!\"$converted\"!g;
my $filename = convert_link($url);
return($filename, $content, @links);
sub write_to_disk {
my ($path, $type, $thing) = @_;
# return() if ( -e $path ); # this was a dumb idea
$path =~ m!(.*)/(.*?)\.\w{2,4}$!;
my ($tree, $filename) = ($1, $2);
# is it an image link?
if ( $tree =~ m!\./images/! ) {
# hax it
$path =~ s!/images/.+/!/images/!i;
$tree =~ s!/images.+!/images!i;
# I don't think this is necessary really
mkpath($tree) unless ( -e $tree and -d $tree );
if ( $type =~ m!^text! ) {
write_text($path, $thing);
else {
write_bin($path, $thing);
print("Writing $filename to ${path}...\n");
sub write_text {
my ($outfile, $thing) = @_;
open(OUT, ">:utf8", $outfile) or die("Couldn't open $outfile for writing: $!");
print OUT $thing;
close(OUT) or die("Couldn't close ${outfile}: $!");
sub write_bin {
my ($outfile, $thing) = @_;
open(OUT, ">", $outfile) or die("Couldn't open $outfile for writing: $!");
print OUT $thing;
close(OUT) or die("Couldn't close ${outfile}: $!");
# converts links to relative starting with $base_dir
sub convert_link {
my $link = shift(@_);
# dereference if necessary
if ( ref($link) ) {
$link = $$link;
# SPECIAL CASE: it's one of those fukken @import links, do something else with it
if ( substr($link,0,1) eq '@' ) {
substr($link,0,1) = '';
# is it relative?
if ( substr($link,0,1) eq '/' ) {
$link =~ s!^/docs/!$base_dir/!i;
else {
my $quoted = quotemeta($host);
$link =~ s!${quoted}/docs/!$base_dir/!i;
# if it doesn't have a filename extension it's probably a page,
# and then we need to tack on .html to the end (fuck internet explorer)
# oh and jfs's .lua pages aren't really lua scripts either
my $bdirquoted = quotemeta($base_dir);
if ( $link =~ m/^(${bdirquoted}.+?)\#.*$/ ) {
my $pagename = $1;
if ( $pagename !~ m!\.html$! or (substr($pagename,-4) eq '.lua') ) {
$link =~ s!^${pagename}!${pagename}.html!;
} elsif ( $link !~ m!/.*?\.\w{2,4}$! or (substr($link,-4) eq '.lua') ) {
$link = $link . '.html';
$link =~ s!\:!_!g; # replace : with _
$link =~ s!\?!_!g; # replace ? with _
sub convert_css_link {
my $link = shift(@_);
# does it seem like css?
if ( $link =~ m!MediaWiki:(.+?)\.css!i ) {
return(convert_link('/docs/' . $1 . '.css'));
# has a sensible name already, don't fuck with it
elsif ( $link =~ m!/(.+?)\.css$!i ) {
# doesn't seem like anything useful
else { return(undef); }
# argh
sub parse_css {
my ($url, $base, $content) = @_;
my @links;
# my $quoted = quotemeta($docs_base_url); # <--- not used
# find url("stuff") blocks
while ( $content =~ m!url\((\")?(.+?)(\")?\)!mgi ) {
my $text = $2;
# skip it if it's nonrelative and goes somewhere else than
if ( $text =~ m!^http!i ) {
# actually fuck this there shouldn't be any nonrelative links in there anyway
#unless ( $text =~ m!^${quoted}!i );
push(@links, URI->new_abs($text, $base));
my $filename = convert_link($url);
return($filename, @links);