2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2005, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro, Niels Martin Hansen
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
// without specific prior written permission.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com
// Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com
// Include headers
# include <wx/wxprec.h>
# include <wx/sysopt.h>
# include <wx/mimetype.h>
# include <wx/filename.h>
# include <wx/tokenzr.h>
# include "subs_grid.h"
# include "frame_main.h"
2006-02-24 03:54:30 +01:00
# include "avisynth_wrap.h"
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
# include "video_display.h"
2006-02-24 03:54:30 +01:00
# include "video_provider.h"
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
# include "video_slider.h"
# include "video_zoom.h"
# include "ass_file.h"
# include "dialog_search_replace.h"
# include "vfr.h"
# include "subs_edit_box.h"
# include "options.h"
# include "main.h"
# include "version.h"
# include "splash.h"
# include "tip.h"
# include "automation_filter.h"
# include "audio_box.h"
# include "dialog_spellcheck.h"
# include "video_box.h"
# include "drop.h"
# include "hotkeys.h"
# include "utils.h"
2006-02-24 00:04:41 +01:00
# include "text_file_reader.h"
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// FrameMain constructor
FrameMain : : FrameMain ( wxArrayString args )
: wxFrame ( ( wxFrame * ) NULL , - 1 , _T ( " " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxSize ( 800 , 600 ) , wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxCLIP_CHILDREN )
// Splash screen
# ifndef _DEBUG
if ( Options . AsBool ( _T ( " Show Splash " ) ) ) {
2006-01-30 21:04:33 +01:00
SplashScreen * splash = new SplashScreen ( NULL ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
splash - > Show ( true ) ;
else {
// Show tip of the day
TipOfTheDay : : Show ( this ) ;
# endif
// Initialize flags
HasSelection = false ;
menuCreated = false ;
blockAudioLoad = false ;
blockAudioLoad = false ;
// Create menu and tool bars
InitToolbar ( ) ;
InitMenu ( ) ;
// Create status bar
CreateStatusBar ( 2 ) ;
// Set icon
SetIcon ( wxICON ( wxicon ) ) ;
// Contents
curMode = - 1 ;
InitContents ( ) ;
// Parse arguments
2006-02-01 22:53:44 +01:00
LoadSubtitles ( _T ( " " ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
LoadList ( args ) ;
// Set autosave timer
AutoSave . SetOwner ( this , AutoSave_Timer ) ;
int time = Options . AsInt ( _T ( " Auto save every seconds " ) ) ;
if ( time > 0 ) {
AutoSave . Start ( time * 1000 ) ;
// Set accelerator keys
PreviousFocus = NULL ;
SetAccelerators ( ) ;
// Set drop target
SetDropTarget ( new AegisubFileDropTarget ( this ) ) ;
// FrameMain destructor
FrameMain : : ~ FrameMain ( ) {
2006-02-03 01:22:16 +01:00
DeInitContents ( ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Initialize toolbar
void FrameMain : : InitToolbar ( ) {
// Create toolbar
wxSystemOptions : : SetOption ( _T ( " msw.remap " ) , 0 ) ;
Toolbar = CreateToolBar ( wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_HORIZONTAL , - 1 , _T ( " Toolbar " ) ) ;
// Subtitle control buttons
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_File_New_Subtitles , _ ( " New " ) , wxBITMAP ( new_toolbutton ) , _ ( " New subtitles " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_File_Open_Subtitles , _ ( " Open " ) , wxBITMAP ( open_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Open subtitles " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_File_Save_Subtitles , _ ( " Save " ) , wxBITMAP ( save_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Save subtitles " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddSeparator ( ) ;
// Video zoom controls
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Video_JumpTo , _ ( " Jump To... " ) , wxBITMAP ( jumpto_button ) , wxNullBitmap , wxITEM_NORMAL , _ ( " Jump video to time/frame " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Video_Zoom_In , _ ( " Zoom in " ) , wxBITMAP ( zoom_in_button ) , wxNullBitmap , wxITEM_NORMAL , _ ( " Zoom video in " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Video_Zoom_Out , _ ( " Zoom out " ) , wxBITMAP ( zoom_out_button ) , wxNullBitmap , wxITEM_NORMAL , _ ( " Zoom video out " ) ) ;
wxArrayString choices ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = 16 ; i + + ) {
wxString toAdd = wxString : : Format ( _T ( " %i " ) , int ( i * 12.5 ) ) ;
if ( i % 2 ) toAdd + = _T ( " .5 " ) ;
toAdd + = _T ( " % " ) ;
choices . Add ( toAdd ) ;
ZoomBox = new wxComboBox ( Toolbar , Toolbar_Zoom_Dropdown , _T ( " 75% " ) , wxDefaultPosition , wxSize ( 100 , 20 ) , choices , wxCB_READONLY ) ;
Toolbar - > AddControl ( ZoomBox ) ;
Toolbar - > AddSeparator ( ) ;
// More video buttons
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Subs_Snap_Video_To_Start , _ ( " Jump video to start " ) , wxBITMAP ( video_to_substart ) , _ ( " Jumps the video to the start frame of current subtitle " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Subs_Snap_Video_To_End , _ ( " Jump video to end " ) , wxBITMAP ( video_to_subend ) , _ ( " Jumps the video to the end frame of current subtitle " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Subs_Snap_Start_To_Video , _ ( " Snap start to video " ) , wxBITMAP ( substart_to_video ) , _ ( " Set start of selected subtitles to current video frame " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Subs_Snap_End_To_Video , _ ( " Snap end to video " ) , wxBITMAP ( subend_to_video ) , _ ( " Set end of selected subtitles to current video frame " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Video_Select_Visible , _ ( " Select visible " ) , wxBITMAP ( select_visible_button ) , _ ( " Selects all lines that are currently visible on video frame " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Video_Snap_To_Scene , _ ( " Snap subtitles to scene " ) , wxBITMAP ( snap_subs_to_scene ) , _ ( " Snap selected subtitles so they match current scene start/end " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Video_Shift_To_Frame , _ ( " Shift subtitles to frame " ) , wxBITMAP ( shift_to_frame ) , _ ( " Shift selected subtitles so first selected starts at this frame " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddSeparator ( ) ;
// Property stuff
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Properties , _ ( " Properties " ) , wxBITMAP ( properties_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Open Properties " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Styles_Manager , _ ( " Styles Manager " ) , wxBITMAP ( style_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Open Styles Manager " ) ) ;
2006-07-01 04:27:37 +02:00
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Attachments , _ ( " Attachments " ) , wxBITMAP ( attach_button ) , _ ( " Open Attachment List " ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
Toolbar - > AddSeparator ( ) ;
// Automation
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Automation , _ ( " Automation " ) , wxBITMAP ( automation_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Open Automation manager " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddSeparator ( ) ;
// Tools
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Styling , _ ( " Styling Assistant " ) , wxBITMAP ( styling_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Open Styling Assistant " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Translation , _ ( " Translation Assistant " ) , wxBITMAP ( translation_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Open Translation Assistant " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Fonts_Collector , _ ( " Fonts Collector " ) , wxBITMAP ( font_collector_button ) , _ ( " Open Fonts Collector " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Resample , _ ( " Resample " ) , wxBITMAP ( resample_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Resample script resolution " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_Timing_Processor , _ ( " Timing Post-Processor " ) , wxBITMAP ( timing_processor_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Open Timing Post-processor dialog " ) ) ;
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Menu_Tools_SpellCheck , _ ( " Spellchecker " ) , wxBITMAP ( spellcheck_toolbutton ) , _ ( " Open Spell checker " ) ) ;
# endif
Toolbar - > AddSeparator ( ) ;
// Misc
Toolbar - > AddTool ( Grid_Toggle_Tags , _ ( " Cycle Tag Hidding Mode " ) , wxBITMAP ( toggle_tag_hiding ) , _ ( " Cycle through tag-hiding modes " ) ) ;
// Update
Toolbar - > Realize ( ) ;
// Initialize menu bar
void FrameMain : : InitMenu ( ) {
// Deinit menu if needed
if ( menuCreated ) {
SetMenuBar ( NULL ) ;
// Generate menubar
MenuBar = new wxMenuBar ( ) ;
// Create recent subs submenus
RecentSubs = new wxMenu ( ) ;
RecentVids = new wxMenu ( ) ;
RecentAuds = new wxMenu ( ) ;
2006-07-01 07:34:39 +02:00
RecentTimecodes = new wxMenu ( ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Create file menu
fileMenu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( fileMenu , Menu_File_New_Subtitles , _ ( " &New Subtitles \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " New Subtitles " ) ) , _ ( " New subtitles " ) , wxBITMAP ( new_toolbutton ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( fileMenu , Menu_File_Open_Subtitles , _ ( " &Open Subtitles... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Open Subtitles " ) ) , _ ( " Opens a subtitles file " ) , wxBITMAP ( open_toolbutton ) ) ;
fileMenu - > Append ( Menu_File_Open_Subtitles_Charset , _ ( " &Open Subtitles with Charset... " ) , _ ( " Opens a subtitles file with a specific charset " ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( fileMenu , Menu_File_Save_Subtitles , _ ( " &Save Subtitles \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Save Subtitles " ) ) , _ ( " Saves subtitles " ) , wxBITMAP ( save_toolbutton ) ) ;
fileMenu - > Append ( Menu_File_Save_Subtitles_As , _ ( " Save Subtitles as... " ) , _ ( " Saves subtitles with another name " ) ) ;
fileMenu - > Append ( Menu_File_Export_Subtitles , _ ( " Export Subtitles... " ) , _ ( " Saves a copy of subtitles with processing applied to it. " ) ) ;
fileMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
wxMenuItem * RecentParent = new wxMenuItem ( fileMenu , Menu_File_Recent_Subs_Parent , _ ( " Recent " ) , _T ( " " ) , wxITEM_NORMAL , RecentSubs ) ;
fileMenu - > Append ( RecentParent ) ;
fileMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
fileMenu - > Append ( Menu_File_Exit , _ ( " E&xit \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Exit " ) ) , _ ( " Exit the application " ) ) ;
MenuBar - > Append ( fileMenu , _ ( " &File " ) ) ;
// Create Edit menu
editMenu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( editMenu , Menu_Edit_Undo , _ ( " &Undo \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Undo " ) ) , _ ( " Undoes last action " ) , wxBITMAP ( undo_button ) ) ;
2006-02-20 22:32:58 +01:00
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( editMenu , Menu_Edit_Redo , _ ( " &Redo \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Redo " ) ) , _ ( " Redoes last action " ) , wxBITMAP ( redo_button ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
editMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
editMenu - > Append ( Menu_Edit_Select , _ ( " &Select lines... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Select lines " ) ) , _ ( " Selects lines based on defined criterea " ) ) ;
editMenu - > Append ( Menu_Edit_Shift , _ ( " S&hift times... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Shift times " ) ) , _ ( " Shift subtitles by time or frames " ) ) ;
2006-07-07 00:39:58 +02:00
editMenu - > Append ( Menu_Edit_Sort , _ ( " Sort by Time " ) , _ ( " Sort all subtitles by their start times " ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
editMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( editMenu , Menu_Edit_Find , _ ( " &Find... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Find " ) ) , _ ( " Find words in subtitles " ) , wxBITMAP ( find_button ) ) ;
editMenu - > Append ( Menu_Edit_Find_Next , _ ( " Find next \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Find Next " ) ) , _ ( " Find next match of last word " ) ) ;
editMenu - > Append ( Menu_Edit_Replace , _ ( " &Replace... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Replace " ) ) , _ ( " Find and replace words in subtitles " ) ) ;
editMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( editMenu , Menu_Edit_Cut , _ ( " Cut... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Cut " ) ) , _ ( " Cut subtitles " ) , wxBITMAP ( cut_button ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( editMenu , Menu_Edit_Copy , _ ( " Copy... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Copy " ) ) , _ ( " Copy subtitles " ) , wxBITMAP ( copy_button ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( editMenu , Menu_Edit_Paste , _ ( " Paste... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Paste " ) ) , _ ( " Paste subtitles " ) , wxBITMAP ( paste_button ) ) ;
MenuBar - > Append ( editMenu , _ ( " &Edit " ) ) ;
// Create view menu
viewMenu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
viewMenu - > Append ( Menu_View_Language , _T ( " &Language... " ) , _ ( " Select Aegisub interface language " ) ) ;
viewMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
viewMenu - > AppendRadioItem ( Menu_View_Subs , _ ( " Subs only view " ) , _ ( " Display subtitles only " ) ) ;
viewMenu - > AppendRadioItem ( Menu_View_Video , _ ( " Video+Subs view " ) , _ ( " Display video and subtitles only " ) ) ;
viewMenu - > AppendRadioItem ( Menu_View_Audio , _ ( " Audio+Subs view " ) , _ ( " Display audio and subtitles only " ) ) ;
viewMenu - > AppendRadioItem ( Menu_View_Standard , _ ( " Full view " ) , _ ( " Display audio, video and subtitles " ) ) ;
MenuBar - > Append ( viewMenu , _ ( " Vie&w " ) ) ;
// Create video menu
videoMenu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( Menu_File_Open_Video , _ ( " &Open Video... " ) , _ ( " Opens a video file " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( Menu_File_Close_Video , _ ( " &Close Video " ) , _ ( " Closes the currently open video file " ) ) ;
wxMenuItem * RecentVidParent = new wxMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_File_Recent_Vids_Parent , _ ( " Recent " ) , _T ( " " ) , wxITEM_NORMAL , RecentVids ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( RecentVidParent ) ;
videoMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( Menu_File_Open_VFR , _ ( " Open timecodes file... " ) , _ ( " Opens a VFR timecodes v1 or v2 file " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( Menu_File_Close_VFR , _ ( " Close timecodes file " ) , _ ( " Closes the currently open timecodes file " ) ) - > Enable ( false ) ;
2006-07-01 07:34:39 +02:00
wxMenuItem * RecentTimesParent = new wxMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_File_Recent_Timecodes_Parent , _ ( " Recent " ) , _T ( " " ) , wxITEM_NORMAL , RecentTimecodes ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( RecentTimesParent ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
videoMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_Video_JumpTo , _ ( " &Jump To... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Video Jump " ) ) , _ ( " Jump to frame or time " ) , wxBITMAP ( jumpto_button ) ) ;
videoMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( Menu_View_Zoom_50 , _ ( " Zoom &50% \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Zoom 50% " ) ) , _ ( " Set zoom to 50% " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( Menu_View_Zoom_100 , _ ( " Zoom &100% \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Zoom 100% " ) ) , _ ( " Set zoom to 100% " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > Append ( Menu_View_Zoom_200 , _ ( " Zoom &200% \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Zoom 200% " ) ) , _ ( " Set zoom to 200% " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_Subs_Snap_Video_To_Start , _ ( " Jump video to start \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Jump Video To Start " ) ) , _ ( " Jumps the video to the start frame of current subtitle " ) , wxBITMAP ( video_to_substart ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_Subs_Snap_Video_To_End , _ ( " Jump video to end \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Jump Video To End " ) ) , _ ( " Jumps the video to the end frame of current subtitle " ) , wxBITMAP ( video_to_subend ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_Subs_Snap_Start_To_Video , _ ( " Snap start to video \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Set Start To Video " ) ) , _ ( " Set start of selected subtitles to current video frame " ) , wxBITMAP ( substart_to_video ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_Subs_Snap_End_To_Video , _ ( " Snap end to video \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Set End to Video " ) ) , _ ( " Set end of selected subtitles to current video frame " ) , wxBITMAP ( subend_to_video ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_Video_Snap_To_Scene , _ ( " Snap to scene \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Snap to Scene " ) ) , _ ( " Set start and end of subtitles to the keyframes around current video frame " ) , wxBITMAP ( snap_subs_to_scene ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( videoMenu , Menu_Video_Shift_To_Frame , _ ( " Shift to Current Frame \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Shift by Current Time " ) ) , _ ( " Shift selection so first selected line starts at current frame " ) , wxBITMAP ( shift_to_frame ) ) ;
videoMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
2006-05-16 01:44:53 +02:00
videoMenu - > AppendCheckItem ( Menu_Video_AR_Default , _ ( " &Default Aspect Ratio " ) , _ ( " Leave video on original aspect ratio " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > AppendCheckItem ( Menu_Video_AR_Full , _ ( " &Fullscreen Aspect Ratio (4:3) " ) , _ ( " Forces video to fullscreen aspect ratio " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > AppendCheckItem ( Menu_Video_AR_Wide , _ ( " &Widescreen Aspect Ratio (16:9) " ) , _ ( " Forces video to widescreen aspect ratio " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > AppendCheckItem ( Menu_Video_AR_235 , _ ( " &2.35 Aspect Ratio " ) , _ ( " Forces video to 2.35 aspect ratio " ) ) ;
videoMenu - > AppendCheckItem ( Menu_Video_AR_Custom , _ ( " Custom Aspect Ratio... " ) , _ ( " Forces video to a custom aspect ratio " ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
MenuBar - > Append ( videoMenu , _ ( " &Video " ) ) ;
// Create audio menu
audioMenu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
audioMenu - > Append ( Menu_Audio_Open_File , _ ( " &Open Audio file... " ) , _ ( " Opens an audio file " ) ) ;
audioMenu - > Append ( Menu_Audio_Open_From_Video , _ ( " Open Audio from &Video " ) , _ ( " Opens the audio from the current video file " ) ) ;
audioMenu - > Append ( Menu_Audio_Close , _ ( " &Close Audio " ) , _ ( " Closes the currently open audio file " ) ) ;
wxMenuItem * RecentAudParent = new wxMenuItem ( audioMenu , Menu_File_Recent_Auds_Parent , _ ( " Recent " ) , _T ( " " ) , wxITEM_NORMAL , RecentAuds ) ;
audioMenu - > Append ( RecentAudParent ) ;
MenuBar - > Append ( audioMenu , _ ( " &Audio " ) ) ;
// Create Tools menu
toolMenu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Properties , _ ( " &Properties... " ) , _ ( " Open script properties window " ) , wxBITMAP ( properties_toolbutton ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Styles_Manager , _ ( " &Styles Manager... " ) , _ ( " Open styles manager " ) , wxBITMAP ( style_toolbutton ) ) ;
2006-07-01 04:27:37 +02:00
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Attachments , _ ( " &Attachments... " ) , _ ( " Open the attachment list " ) , wxBITMAP ( attach_button ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
toolMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Automation , _ ( " &Automation... " ) , _ ( " Open automation manager " ) , wxBITMAP ( automation_toolbutton ) ) ;
toolMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Styling , _ ( " St&yling Assistant... " ) , _ ( " Open styling assistant " ) , wxBITMAP ( styling_toolbutton ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Translation , _ ( " &Translation Assistant... " ) , _ ( " Open translation assistant " ) , wxBITMAP ( translation_toolbutton ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Fonts_Collector , _ ( " &Fonts Collector... " ) , _ ( " Open fonts collector " ) , wxBITMAP ( font_collector_button ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Resample , _ ( " Resample resolution... " ) , _ ( " Changes resolution and modifies subtitles to conform to change " ) , wxBITMAP ( resample_toolbutton ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Timing_Processor , _ ( " Timing Post-Processor... " ) , _ ( " Runs a post-processor for timing to deal with lead-ins, lead-outs, scene timing and etc. " ) , wxBITMAP ( timing_processor_toolbutton ) ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_SpellCheck , _ ( " Spe&ll checker... " ) , _ ( " Open spell checker " ) , wxBITMAP ( spellcheck_toolbutton ) ) ;
# endif
toolMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
2006-06-21 22:44:01 +02:00
//AppendBitmapMenuItem (toolMenu,Menu_Tools_Options, _("&Options..."), _("Configure Aegisub"), wxBITMAP(hotkeys_button));
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( toolMenu , Menu_Tools_Hotkeys , _ ( " &Hotkeys... " ) , _ ( " Remap hotkeys " ) , wxBITMAP ( hotkeys_button ) ) ;
MenuBar - > Append ( toolMenu , _ ( " &Tools " ) ) ;
// Create help menu
helpMenu = new wxMenu ( ) ;
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( helpMenu , Menu_Help_Contents , _ ( " &Contents... \t " ) + Hotkeys . GetText ( _T ( " Help " ) ) , _ ( " Help topics " ) , wxBITMAP ( contents_button ) ) ;
helpMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
helpMenu - > Append ( Menu_Help_Website , _ ( " &Website... " ) , _ ( " Visit Aegisub's official website " ) ) ;
2006-02-23 20:26:14 +01:00
helpMenu - > Append ( Menu_Help_Forums , _ ( " &Forums... " ) , _ ( " Visit Aegisub's forums " ) ) ;
helpMenu - > Append ( Menu_Help_BugTracker , _ ( " &Bug tracker... " ) , _ ( " Visit Aegisub's bug tracker " ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
AppendBitmapMenuItem ( helpMenu , Menu_Help_IRCChannel , _ ( " &IRC channel... " ) , _ ( " Visit Aegisub's official IRC channel " ) , wxBITMAP ( irc_button ) ) ;
2006-02-23 20:26:14 +01:00
helpMenu - > AppendSeparator ( ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
helpMenu - > Append ( Menu_Help_About , _ ( " &About... " ) , _ ( " About Aegisub " ) ) ;
MenuBar - > Append ( helpMenu , _ ( " &Help " ) ) ;
// Set the bar as this frame's
SetMenuBar ( MenuBar ) ;
// Set menu created flag
menuCreated = true ;
// Initialize contents
void FrameMain : : InitContents ( ) {
// Set a background panel
Panel = new wxPanel ( this , - 1 , wxDefaultPosition , wxDefaultSize , wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxCLIP_CHILDREN ) ;
// Initialize sizers
MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxVERTICAL ) ;
TopSizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxHORIZONTAL ) ;
BottomSizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxHORIZONTAL ) ;
// Video area;
videoBox = new VideoBox ( Panel ) ;
TopSizer - > Add ( videoBox - > VideoSizer , 0 , wxEXPAND , 0 ) ;
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > zoomBox = ZoomBox ;
// Subtitles area
SubsBox = new SubtitlesGrid ( this , Panel , - 1 , videoBox - > videoDisplay , wxDefaultPosition , wxSize ( 600 , 100 ) , wxWANTS_CHARS | wxSUNKEN_BORDER , _T ( " Subs grid " ) ) ;
BottomSizer - > Add ( SubsBox , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM , 0 ) ;
AssFile : : StackReset ( ) ;
videoBox - > videoSlider - > grid = SubsBox ;
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > grid = SubsBox ;
2006-02-19 03:31:25 +01:00
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > SetZoomPos ( Options . AsInt ( _T ( " Video Default Zoom " ) ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
Search . grid = SubsBox ;
// Audio area
audioBox = new AudioBox ( Panel , videoBox - > videoDisplay ) ;
audioBox - > frameMain = this ;
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > audio = audioBox - > audioDisplay ;
// Top sizer
EditBox = new SubsEditBox ( Panel , SubsBox ) ;
EditBox - > audio = audioBox - > audioDisplay ;
EditBox - > video = videoBox - > videoDisplay ;
ToolSizer = new wxBoxSizer ( wxVERTICAL ) ;
ToolSizer - > Add ( audioBox , 0 , wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM , 5 ) ;
ToolSizer - > Add ( EditBox , 1 , wxEXPAND , 5 ) ;
TopSizer - > Add ( ToolSizer , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM , 5 ) ;
// Set sizers/hints
MainSizer - > Add ( TopSizer , 0 , wxEXPAND | wxALL , 0 ) ;
MainSizer - > Add ( BottomSizer , 1 , wxEXPAND | wxALL , 0 ) ;
Panel - > SetSizer ( MainSizer ) ;
// Set display
SetDisplayMode ( 0 ) ;
Layout ( ) ;
2006-02-03 01:22:16 +01:00
void FrameMain : : DeInitContents ( ) {
2006-02-03 01:58:26 +01:00
//ghetto hack to free all AssFile junk properly, eliminates lots of memory leaks
AssFile : : StackReset ( ) ;
delete AssFile : : top ;
2006-02-03 01:22:16 +01:00
delete EditBox ;
delete videoBox ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Update toolbar
void FrameMain : : UpdateToolbar ( ) {
// Collect flags
bool isVideo = ( curMode = = 1 ) | | ( curMode = = 2 ) ;
HasSelection = true ;
2006-02-19 02:16:15 +01:00
int selRows = SubsBox - > GetNumberSelection ( ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Update
wxToolBar * toolbar = GetToolBar ( ) ;
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Video_JumpTo ) - > Enable ( isVideo ) ;
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Video_Zoom_In ) - > Enable ( isVideo ) ;
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Video_Zoom_Out ) - > Enable ( isVideo ) ;
ZoomBox - > Enable ( isVideo ) ;
2006-02-19 02:16:15 +01:00
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Subs_Snap_Start_To_Video ) - > Enable ( isVideo & & selRows > 0 ) ;
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Subs_Snap_End_To_Video ) - > Enable ( isVideo & & selRows > 0 ) ;
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Subs_Snap_Video_To_Start ) - > Enable ( isVideo & & selRows = = 1 ) ;
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Subs_Snap_Video_To_End ) - > Enable ( isVideo & & selRows = = 1 ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Video_Select_Visible ) - > Enable ( isVideo ) ;
2006-02-19 02:16:15 +01:00
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Video_Snap_To_Scene ) - > Enable ( isVideo & & selRows > 0 ) ;
toolbar - > FindById ( Menu_Video_Shift_To_Frame ) - > Enable ( isVideo & & selRows > 0 ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
toolbar - > Realize ( ) ;
// Append a menu item with bitmap
void FrameMain : : AppendBitmapMenuItem ( wxMenu * parentMenu , int id , wxString text , wxString help , wxBitmap bmp ) {
wxMenuItem * cur = new wxMenuItem ( parentMenu , id , text , help ) ;
cur - > SetBitmap ( bmp ) ;
parentMenu - > Append ( cur ) ;
// Menu item enable/disable
void FrameMain : : MenuItemEnable ( int id , bool state , wxBitmap & bmp1 , wxBitmap & bmp2 ) {
wxMenuItem * item = MenuBar - > FindItem ( id ) ;
wxBitmap bmp = item - > GetBitmap ( ) ;
// No image
if ( bmp . GetWidth ( ) = = 0 ) {
item - > Enable ( state ) ;
// Has image
else {
RebuildMenuItem ( item - > GetMenu ( ) , id , bmp1 , bmp2 , state ) ;
// Helper to rebuild menu items
wxMenuItem * FrameMain : : RebuildMenuItem ( wxMenu * menu , int findId , wxBitmap bmp1 , wxBitmap bmp2 , bool state ) {
// Find pos
wxMenuItemList items = menu - > GetMenuItems ( ) ;
int pos = - 1 ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < items . GetCount ( ) ; i + + ) {
if ( items [ i ] - > GetId ( ) = = findId ) {
pos = i ;
break ;
if ( pos = = - 1 ) return NULL ;
// Get ID and pointer
wxMenuItem * cur = items [ pos ] ;
int id = cur - > GetId ( ) ;
// Rebuild
wxMenuItem * newItem = new wxMenuItem ( menu , id , cur - > GetText ( ) , cur - > GetHelp ( ) , cur - > GetKind ( ) , cur - > GetSubMenu ( ) ) ;
if ( state ) newItem - > SetBitmap ( bmp1 ) ;
else newItem - > SetBitmap ( bmp2 ) ;
// Swap them
menu - > Destroy ( id ) ;
menu - > Insert ( pos , newItem ) ;
menu - > Enable ( id , state ) ;
return cur ;
// Open subtitles
void FrameMain : : LoadSubtitles ( wxString filename , wxString charset ) {
// First check if there is some loaded
if ( AssFile : : top & & AssFile : : top - > loaded ) {
if ( TryToCloseSubs ( ) = = wxCANCEL ) return ;
// Setup
2006-01-22 13:44:53 +01:00
bool isFile = ( filename ! = _T ( " " ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Load
try {
2006-02-23 23:47:14 +01:00
// File exists?
if ( isFile ) {
wxFileName fileCheck ( filename ) ;
if ( ! fileCheck . FileExists ( ) ) throw _T ( " File does not exist. " ) ;
2006-02-24 00:04:41 +01:00
// Make sure that file isn't actually a timecode file
TextFileReader testSubs ( filename ) ;
if ( testSubs . HasMoreLines ( ) ) {
wxString cur = testSubs . ReadLineFromFile ( ) ;
if ( cur . Left ( 10 ) = = _T ( " # timecode " ) ) {
LoadVFR ( filename ) ;
return ;
2006-02-23 23:47:14 +01:00
// Proceed into loading
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
SubsBox - > Clear ( ) ;
AssFile : : StackReset ( ) ;
if ( isFile ) {
AssFile : : top - > Load ( filename , charset ) ;
SubsBox - > LoadFromAss ( AssFile : : top , false , true ) ;
else {
SubsBox - > LoadDefault ( AssFile : : top ) ;
2006-04-14 18:46:38 +02:00
catch ( const wchar_t * err ) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
wxMessageBox ( wxString ( err ) , _T ( " Error " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , NULL ) ;
return ;
catch ( AutomationError & err ) {
wxMessageBox ( wxString ( _T ( " Automation exception: " ) ) + err . message , _T ( " Error " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , NULL ) ;
2006-02-23 23:47:14 +01:00
return ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
catch ( . . . ) {
wxMessageBox ( _T ( " Unknown error " ) , _T ( " Error " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , NULL ) ;
return ;
// Save copy
wxFileName origfile ( filename ) ;
if ( Options . AsBool ( _T ( " Auto backup " ) ) & & origfile . FileExists ( ) ) {
// Get path
wxString path = Options . AsText ( _T ( " Auto backup path " ) ) ;
2006-02-20 22:32:58 +01:00
if ( path . IsEmpty ( ) ) path = origfile . GetPath ( ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
wxFileName dstpath ( path ) ;
if ( ! dstpath . IsAbsolute ( ) ) path = AegisubApp : : folderName + path ;
path + = _T ( " / " ) ;
dstpath . Assign ( path ) ;
if ( ! dstpath . DirExists ( ) ) wxMkdir ( path ) ;
// Save
wxString backup = path + origfile . GetName ( ) + _T ( " .ORIGINAL. " ) + origfile . GetExt ( ) ;
Backup ( filename , backup ) ;
// Sync
SynchronizeProject ( true ) ;
// Update title bar
UpdateTitle ( ) ;
// Save subtitles
bool FrameMain : : SaveSubtitles ( bool saveas , bool withCharset ) {
// Try to get filename from file
wxString filename ;
2006-06-29 00:51:33 +02:00
if ( saveas = = false & & AssFile : : top - > CanSave ( ) ) filename = AssFile : : top - > filename ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Failed, ask user
2006-02-20 22:32:58 +01:00
if ( filename . IsEmpty ( ) ) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > Stop ( ) ;
2006-03-14 05:23:00 +01:00
wxString path = Options . AsText ( _T ( " Last open subtitles path " ) ) ;
wxFileName origPath ( AssFile : : top - > filename ) ;
filename = wxFileSelector ( _ ( " Save subtitles file " ) , path , origPath . GetName ( ) + _T ( " .ass " ) , _T ( " ass " ) , _T ( " Advanced Substation Alpha (*.ass)|*.ass " ) , wxSAVE | wxOVERWRITE_PROMPT , this ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Actually save
if ( ! filename . empty ( ) ) {
2006-03-14 05:23:00 +01:00
// Store path
wxFileName filepath ( filename ) ;
Options . SetText ( _T ( " Last open subtitles path " ) , filepath . GetPath ( ) ) ;
// Fix me, ghetto hack for correct relative path generation in SynchronizeProject()
AssFile : : top - > filename = filename ;
// Synchronize
SynchronizeProject ( ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Get charset
wxString charset = _T ( " " ) ;
if ( withCharset ) {
wxArrayString choices = GetEncodings ( ) ;
charset = wxGetSingleChoice ( _ ( " Choose charset code: " ) , _T ( " Charset " ) , choices , this , - 1 , - 1 , true , 250 , 200 ) ;
2006-02-20 22:32:58 +01:00
if ( charset . IsEmpty ( ) ) return false ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Save
try {
AssFile : : top - > Save ( filename , true , true , charset ) ;
UpdateTitle ( ) ;
2006-04-14 18:46:38 +02:00
catch ( const wchar_t * err ) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
wxMessageBox ( wxString ( err ) , _T ( " Error " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , NULL ) ;
return false ;
catch ( . . . ) {
wxMessageBox ( _T ( " Unknown error " ) , _T ( " Error " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , NULL ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
return false ;
// Try to close subtitles
int FrameMain : : TryToCloseSubs ( bool enableCancel ) {
AssFile * ass = AssFile : : top ;
if ( ass - > IsModified ( ) ) {
int flags = wxYES_NO ;
if ( enableCancel ) flags | = wxCANCEL ;
int result = wxMessageBox ( _ ( " Save before continuing? " ) , _ ( " Unsaved changes " ) , flags , this ) ;
if ( result = = wxYES ) {
// If it fails saving, return cancel anyway
if ( SaveSubtitles ( false ) ) return wxYES ;
else return wxCANCEL ;
return result ;
else return wxYES ;
// Set display mode
// ----------------
// 0: subs only
// 1: video
// 2: audio
void FrameMain : : SetDisplayMode ( int mode ) {
Freeze ( ) ;
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > Stop ( ) ;
if ( mode ! = curMode ) {
// Automatic mode
bool showVid = false , showAudio = false ;
if ( mode = = - 1 ) {
// See what's loaded
if ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > loaded ) showVid = true ;
if ( audioBox - > loaded ) showAudio = true ;
// Set mode
if ( ! showVid & & ! showAudio ) mode = 0 ;
if ( showVid & & ! showAudio ) mode = 1 ;
if ( showVid & & showAudio ) mode = 2 ;
if ( ! showVid & & showAudio ) mode = 3 ;
// Subs only
else if ( mode = = 0 ) {
showVid = false ;
showAudio = false ;
// Video only
else if ( mode = = 1 ) {
showVid = true ;
showAudio = false ;
// Video+Audio
else if ( mode = = 2 ) {
showVid = true ;
showAudio = true ;
// Audio only
else if ( mode = = 3 ) {
showVid = false ;
showAudio = true ;
// Set display
TopSizer - > Show ( videoBox - > VideoSizer , showVid , true ) ;
ToolSizer - > Show ( audioBox , showAudio , true ) ;
// Update
curMode = mode ;
UpdateToolbar ( ) ;
videoBox - > VideoSizer - > Layout ( ) ;
MainSizer - > Layout ( ) ;
2006-05-05 20:52:09 +02:00
Layout ( ) ;
2006-02-19 03:31:25 +01:00
//int cw,ch;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
Thaw ( ) ;
// Update title bar
void FrameMain : : UpdateTitle ( ) {
// Determine if current subs are modified
bool subsMod = AssFile : : top - > IsModified ( ) ;
// Create ideal title
wxString newTitle = _T ( " " ) ;
if ( subsMod ) newTitle < < _T ( " * " ) ;
if ( AssFile : : top - > filename ! = _T ( " " ) ) {
wxFileName file ( AssFile : : top - > filename ) ;
newTitle < < file . GetFullName ( ) ;
else newTitle < < _T ( " Untitled " ) ;
2006-05-07 14:38:33 +02:00
newTitle < < _T ( " - Aegisub " ) < < GetAegisubLongVersionString ( ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Get current title
wxString curTitle = GetTitle ( ) ;
if ( curTitle ! = newTitle ) SetTitle ( newTitle ) ;
// Updates subs with video/whatever data
void FrameMain : : SynchronizeProject ( bool fromSubs ) {
// Gather current data
AssFile * subs = AssFile : : top ;
// Retrieve data from subs
if ( fromSubs ) {
// Reset the state
long videoPos = 0 ;
long videoAr = 0 ;
2006-05-16 01:44:53 +02:00
double videoArValue = 0.0 ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
long videoZoom = 0 ;
std : : list < AssAutomationFilter * > : : const_iterator next = AssAutomationFilter : : GetFilterList ( ) . begin ( ) , f ;
while ( next ! = AssAutomationFilter : : GetFilterList ( ) . end ( ) ) {
f = next + + ;
AutomationScript * s = ( * f ) - > GetScript ( ) ;
delete ( * f ) ;
delete s ;
2006-05-16 01:44:53 +02:00
// Get AR
wxString arString = subs - > GetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Video Aspect Ratio " ) ) ;
if ( arString . Left ( 1 ) = = _T ( " c " ) ) {
videoAr = 4 ;
arString = arString . Mid ( 1 ) ;
arString . ToDouble ( & videoArValue ) ;
else if ( arString . IsNumber ( ) ) arString . ToLong ( & videoAr ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Get new state info
subs - > GetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Video Position " ) ) . ToLong ( & videoPos ) ;
subs - > GetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Video Zoom " ) ) . ToLong ( & videoZoom ) ;
wxString curSubsVideo = DecodeRelativePath ( subs - > GetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Video File " ) ) , AssFile : : top - > filename ) ;
wxString curSubsVFR = DecodeRelativePath ( subs - > GetScriptInfo ( _T ( " VFR File " ) ) , AssFile : : top - > filename ) ;
wxString curSubsAudio = DecodeRelativePath ( subs - > GetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Audio File " ) ) , AssFile : : top - > filename ) ;
wxString AutoScriptString = subs - > GetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Automation Scripts " ) ) ;
// Automation script
if ( AutoScriptString ! = _T ( " " ) ) {
wxStringTokenizer toker ( AutoScriptString , _T ( " | " ) , wxTOKEN_STRTOK ) ;
wxFileName AssFileName ( subs - > filename ) ;
while ( toker . HasMoreTokens ( ) ) {
wxString sfnames ;
try {
sfnames = toker . GetNextToken ( ) . Trim ( false ) . Trim ( true ) ;
wxFileName sfname ( sfnames ) ;
sfname . Normalize ( wxPATH_NORM_ALL , AssFileName . GetPath ( ) ) ;
sfnames = sfname . GetFullPath ( ) ;
AutomationScriptFile * sfile = AutomationScriptFile : : CreateFromFile ( sfnames ) ;
if ( ! sfile ) {
wxLogWarning ( _T ( " Automation script referenced in subtitle file not found: %s " ) , sfname . GetName ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
continue ;
//AssAutomationFilters are added to a global list when constructed, this is not a leak
new AssAutomationFilter ( new AutomationScript ( sfile ) ) ;
catch ( AutomationError & err ) {
wxMessageBox ( wxString : : Format ( _T ( " Error loading Automation script '%s': \r \n \r \n %s " ) , sfnames . c_str ( ) , err . message . c_str ( ) ) , _T ( " Error loading Automation script " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , this ) ;
catch ( . . . ) {
wxMessageBox ( _T ( " An unknown error occurred loading an Automation script referenced in the subtitle file. " ) , _T ( " Error loading Automation script " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , this ) ;
continue ;
// Check if there is anything to change
int autoLoadMode = Options . AsInt ( _T ( " Autoload linked files " ) ) ;
bool hasToLoad = false ;
2006-02-24 17:45:10 +01:00
if ( curSubsAudio ! = audioBox - > audioName | | curSubsVFR ! = VFR_Output . GetFilename ( ) | | curSubsVideo ! = videoBox - > videoDisplay - > videoName ) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
hasToLoad = true ;
// Decide whether to load or not
bool doLoad = false ;
if ( hasToLoad ) {
if ( autoLoadMode = = 1 ) doLoad = true ;
else if ( autoLoadMode = = 2 ) {
int result = wxMessageBox ( _ ( " Do you want to load/unload the associated files? " ) , _ ( " (Un)Load files? " ) , wxYES_NO ) ;
if ( result = = wxYES ) doLoad = true ;
if ( doLoad ) {
// Variable frame rate
LoadVFR ( curSubsVFR ) ;
// Video
if ( curSubsVideo ! = videoBox - > videoDisplay - > videoName ) {
if ( curSubsVideo ! = _T ( " " ) ) {
LoadVideo ( curSubsVideo ) ;
if ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > loaded ) {
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > JumpToFrame ( videoPos ) ;
2006-05-16 01:44:53 +02:00
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > SetAspectRatio ( videoAr , videoArValue ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > SetZoomPos ( videoZoom - 1 ) ;
// Audio
if ( curSubsAudio ! = audioBox - > audioName ) {
if ( curSubsAudio = = _T ( " ?video " ) ) LoadAudio ( _T ( " " ) , true ) ;
else LoadAudio ( curSubsAudio ) ;
// Display
SetDisplayMode ( - 1 ) ;
// Store data on subs
else {
// Setup
wxString seekpos = _T ( " 0 " ) ;
wxString ar = _T ( " 0 " ) ;
wxString zoom = _T ( " 6 " ) ;
if ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > loaded ) {
seekpos = wxString : : Format ( _T ( " %i " ) , videoBox - > videoDisplay - > ControlSlider - > GetValue ( ) ) ;
zoom = wxString : : Format ( _T ( " %i " ) , videoBox - > videoDisplay - > zoomBox - > GetSelection ( ) + 1 ) ;
2006-05-16 01:44:53 +02:00
int arType = videoBox - > videoDisplay - > GetAspectRatioType ( ) ;
if ( arType = = 4 ) ar = wxString ( _T ( " c " ) ) + FloatToString ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > GetAspectRatioValue ( ) ) ;
else ar = wxString : : Format ( _T ( " %i " ) , arType ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Store audio data
subs - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Audio File " ) , MakeRelativePath ( audioBox - > audioName , AssFile : : top - > filename ) ) ;
// Store video data
subs - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Video File " ) , MakeRelativePath ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > videoName , AssFile : : top - > filename ) ) ;
subs - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Video Aspect Ratio " ) , ar ) ;
subs - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Video Zoom " ) , zoom ) ;
subs - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Video Position " ) , seekpos ) ;
2006-02-24 17:45:10 +01:00
subs - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " VFR File " ) , MakeRelativePath ( VFR_Output . GetFilename ( ) , AssFile : : top - > filename ) ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Create list of Automation scripts
wxString scripts ;
std : : list < AssAutomationFilter * > : : const_iterator f = AssAutomationFilter : : GetFilterList ( ) . begin ( ) ;
wxFileName AssFileName ( subs - > filename ) ;
for ( ; f ! = AssAutomationFilter : : GetFilterList ( ) . end ( ) ; + + f ) {
if ( ! ( * f ) - > GetScript ( ) - > filename . empty ( ) ) {
wxFileName fn ( ( * f ) - > GetScript ( ) - > filename ) ;
fn . MakeRelativeTo ( AssFileName . GetPath ( ) ) ;
scripts + = wxString : : Format ( _T ( " %s| " ) , fn . GetFullPath ( ) . c_str ( ) ) ;
if ( ! scripts . empty ( ) ) {
scripts . RemoveLast ( ) ;
subs - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " Automation Scripts " ) , scripts ) ;
// Loads video
void FrameMain : : LoadVideo ( wxString file , bool autoload ) {
if ( blockVideoLoad ) return ;
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > Stop ( ) ;
try {
2006-02-24 17:45:10 +01:00
if ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > loaded & & VFR_Output . GetFrameRateType ( ) = = VFR & & ! autoload ) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
int result = wxMessageBox ( _ ( " You have timecodes loaded currently. Would you like to unload them? " ) , _ ( " Unload timecodes? " ) , wxYES_NO , this ) ;
if ( result = = wxYES ) {
VFR_Output . Unload ( ) ;
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > SetVideo ( file ) ;
2006-04-14 18:46:38 +02:00
catch ( const wchar_t * error ) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
wxString err ( error ) ;
wxMessageBox ( err , _T ( " Error opening video file " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , this ) ;
catch ( . . . ) {
wxMessageBox ( _T ( " Unknown error " ) , _T ( " Error opening video file " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , this ) ;
// Check that the video size matches the script video size specified
if ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > loaded ) {
int scriptx = SubsBox - > ass - > GetScriptInfoAsInt ( _T ( " PlayResX " ) ) ;
int scripty = SubsBox - > ass - > GetScriptInfoAsInt ( _T ( " PlayResY " ) ) ;
2006-01-22 13:44:53 +01:00
int vidx = videoBox - > videoDisplay - > provider - > GetSourceWidth ( ) , vidy = videoBox - > videoDisplay - > provider - > GetSourceHeight ( ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
if ( scriptx ! = vidx | | scripty ! = vidy ) {
switch ( Options . AsInt ( _T ( " Video Check Script Res " ) ) ) {
case 1 :
// Ask to change on mismatch
if ( wxMessageBox ( wxString : : Format ( _ ( " The resolution of the loaded video and the resolution specified for the subtitles don't match. \n \n Video resolution: \t %d x %d \n Script resolution: \t %d x %d \n \n Change subtitles resolution to match video? " ) , vidx , vidy , scriptx , scripty ) , _ ( " Resolution mismatch " ) , wxYES_NO , this ) ! = wxYES )
break ;
// Fallthrough to case 2
case 2 :
// Always change script res
SubsBox - > ass - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " PlayResX " ) , wxString : : Format ( _T ( " %d " ) , vidx ) ) ;
SubsBox - > ass - > SetScriptInfo ( _T ( " PlayResY " ) , wxString : : Format ( _T ( " %d " ) , vidy ) ) ;
break ;
case 0 :
default :
// Never change
break ;
SubsBox - > CommitChanges ( true ) ;
SetDisplayMode ( - 1 ) ;
EditBox - > UpdateFrameTiming ( ) ;
// Loads audio
void FrameMain : : LoadAudio ( wxString filename , bool FromVideo ) {
if ( blockAudioLoad ) return ;
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > Stop ( ) ;
try {
audioBox - > SetFile ( filename , FromVideo ) ;
SetDisplayMode ( - 1 ) ;
2006-04-14 18:46:38 +02:00
catch ( const wchar_t * error ) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
wxString err ( error ) ;
wxMessageBox ( err , _T ( " Error opening audio file " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , this ) ;
2006-02-23 05:19:57 +01:00
# ifdef __WINDOWS__
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
catch ( AvisynthError err ) {
wxMessageBox ( wxString ( _T ( " AviSynth error: " ) ) + wxString ( err . msg , wxConvUTF8 ) , _T ( " Error loading audio " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR ) ;
return ;
2006-02-23 05:19:57 +01:00
# endif
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
catch ( . . . ) {
wxMessageBox ( _T ( " Unknown error " ) , _T ( " Error opening audio file " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , this ) ;
// Loads VFR
void FrameMain : : LoadVFR ( wxString filename ) {
videoBox - > videoDisplay - > Stop ( ) ;
if ( filename ! = _T ( " " ) ) {
try {
VFR_Output . Load ( filename ) ;
2006-02-22 06:30:09 +01:00
SubsBox - > Refresh ( false ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Fail
2006-04-14 18:46:38 +02:00
catch ( const wchar_t * error ) {
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
wxString err ( error ) ;
wxMessageBox ( err , _T ( " Error opening timecodes file " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , this ) ;
catch ( . . . ) {
wxMessageBox ( _T ( " Unknown error " ) , _T ( " Error opening video file " ) , wxOK | wxICON_ERROR , this ) ;
else {
VFR_Output . Unload ( ) ;
2006-06-27 21:11:41 +02:00
if ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > loaded & & ! VFR_Output . IsLoaded ( ) ) {
2006-02-24 17:45:10 +01:00
VFR_Output . SetCFR ( videoBox - > videoDisplay - > fps ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
SubsBox - > CommitChanges ( ) ;
EditBox - > UpdateFrameTiming ( ) ;
// Open help
void FrameMain : : OpenHelp ( wxString page ) {
if ( ! page . IsEmpty ( ) ) page = _T ( " :: " ) + page ;
wxFileType * type = wxTheMimeTypesManager - > GetFileTypeFromExtension ( _T ( " chm " ) ) ;
if ( type ) {
wxString command = type - > GetOpenCommand ( AegisubApp : : folderName + _T ( " Aegisub.chm " ) ) ;
if ( ! command . empty ( ) ) wxExecute ( command + page ) ;
// Get encodings
wxArrayString FrameMain : : GetEncodings ( ) {
wxArrayString choices ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " UTF-8 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " UTF-16 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " UTF-16BE " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " UTF-16LE " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " UTF-7 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " Local " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " US-ASCII " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " SHIFT_JIS " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " GB2312 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " BIG5 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " EUC-JP " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " KOI8-R " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " KOI8-RU " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " KOI8-U " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-1 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-2 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-3 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-4 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-5 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-6 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-7 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-8 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-9 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-13 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " ISO-8859-15 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1250 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1251 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1252 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1253 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1254 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1255 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1256 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1257 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-1258 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-874 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-932 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-936 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-949 " ) ) ;
choices . Add ( _T ( " WINDOWS-950 " ) ) ;
return choices ;
// Sets status and clear after n miliseconds
void FrameMain : : StatusTimeout ( wxString text , int ms ) {
SetStatusText ( text , 1 ) ;
StatusClear . SetOwner ( this , StatusClear_Timer ) ;
StatusClear . Start ( ms , true ) ;
// Setup accelerator table
void FrameMain : : SetAccelerators ( ) {
2006-05-05 20:52:09 +02:00
wxAcceleratorEntry entry [ 9 ] ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
entry [ 0 ] = Hotkeys . GetAccelerator ( _T ( " Video global prev frame " ) , Video_Prev_Frame ) ;
entry [ 1 ] = Hotkeys . GetAccelerator ( _T ( " Video global next frame " ) , Video_Next_Frame ) ;
entry [ 2 ] = Hotkeys . GetAccelerator ( _T ( " Video global focus seek " ) , Video_Focus_Seek ) ;
entry [ 3 ] = Hotkeys . GetAccelerator ( _T ( " Grid global prev line " ) , Grid_Prev_Line ) ;
entry [ 4 ] = Hotkeys . GetAccelerator ( _T ( " Grid global next line " ) , Grid_Next_Line ) ;
entry [ 5 ] = Hotkeys . GetAccelerator ( _T ( " Save Subtitles Alt " ) , Menu_File_Save_Subtitles ) ;
entry [ 6 ] = Hotkeys . GetAccelerator ( _T ( " Video global zoom in " ) , Menu_Video_Zoom_In ) ;
entry [ 7 ] = Hotkeys . GetAccelerator ( _T ( " Video global zoom out " ) , Menu_Video_Zoom_Out ) ;
2006-05-05 20:52:09 +02:00
wxAcceleratorEntry temp ;
temp . Set ( wxACCEL_CTRL | wxACCEL_ALT , WXK_F12 , Kana_Game ) ;
entry [ 8 ] = temp ;
wxAcceleratorTable table ( 9 , entry ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
SetAcceleratorTable ( table ) ;
// Load list of files
bool FrameMain : : LoadList ( wxArrayString list ) {
// Build list
wxArrayString List ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < list . Count ( ) ; i + + ) {
wxFileName file ( list [ i ] ) ;
if ( file . IsRelative ( ) ) file . MakeAbsolute ( ) ;
if ( file . FileExists ( ) ) List . Add ( file . GetFullPath ( ) ) ;
// Video formats
wxArrayString videoList ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " avi " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " mkv " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " mp4 " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " d2v " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " mpg " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " mpeg " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " ogm " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " avs " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " wmv " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " asf " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " mov " ) ) ;
videoList . Add ( _T ( " rm " ) ) ;
// Subtitle formats
wxArrayString subsList ;
subsList . Add ( _T ( " ass " ) ) ;
subsList . Add ( _T ( " ssa " ) ) ;
subsList . Add ( _T ( " srt " ) ) ;
subsList . Add ( _T ( " txt " ) ) ;
// Audio formats
wxArrayString audioList ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " wav " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " mp3 " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " ogg " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " wma " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " ac3 " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " aac " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " mpc " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " ape " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " flac " ) ) ;
audioList . Add ( _T ( " mka " ) ) ;
// Scan list
wxString audio = _T ( " " ) ;
wxString video = _T ( " " ) ;
wxString subs = _T ( " " ) ;
wxString ext ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < List . Count ( ) ; i + + ) {
wxFileName file ( List [ i ] ) ;
ext = file . GetExt ( ) . Lower ( ) ;
2006-02-20 22:32:58 +01:00
if ( subs . IsEmpty ( ) & & subsList . Index ( ext ) ! = wxNOT_FOUND ) subs = List [ i ] ;
if ( video . IsEmpty ( ) & & videoList . Index ( ext ) ! = wxNOT_FOUND ) video = List [ i ] ;
if ( audio . IsEmpty ( ) & & audioList . Index ( ext ) ! = wxNOT_FOUND ) audio = List [ i ] ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
// Set blocking
blockAudioLoad = ( audio ! = _T ( " " ) ) ;
blockVideoLoad = ( video ! = _T ( " " ) ) ;
// Load files
2006-02-01 03:16:57 +01:00
if ( subs ! = _T ( " " ) ) {
LoadSubtitles ( subs ) ;
2006-01-16 22:02:54 +01:00
if ( blockVideoLoad ) {
blockVideoLoad = false ;
LoadVideo ( video ) ;
if ( blockAudioLoad ) {
blockAudioLoad = false ;
LoadAudio ( audio ) ;
// Result
return ( ( subs ! = _T ( " " ) ) | | ( audio ! = _T ( " " ) ) | | ( video ! = _T ( " " ) ) ) ;