2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
// Copyright (c) 2006, Niels Martin Hansen
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
// this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
// and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors
// may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
// without specific prior written permission.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com
// Contact: mailto:jiifurusu@gmail.com
# include "auto4_lua.h"
# include "ass_dialogue.h"
# include "ass_style.h"
# include "ass_file.h"
# include "ass_override.h"
2007-01-03 04:39:15 +01:00
# include "text_file_reader.h"
2007-01-03 20:16:29 +01:00
# include "../lua51/src/lualib.h"
# include "../lua51/src/lauxlib.h"
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
# include <wx/msgdlg.h>
# include <wx/filename.h>
# include <wx/filefn.h>
# include <wx/window.h>
# include <assert.h>
# include <algorithm>
namespace Automation4 {
// LuaStackcheck
# ifdef _DEBUG
struct LuaStackcheck {
lua_State * L ;
int startstack ;
void check ( int additional )
int top = lua_gettop ( L ) ;
if ( top - additional ! = startstack ) {
wxLogDebug ( _T ( " Lua stack size mismatch. " ) ) ;
dump ( ) ;
assert ( top - additional = = startstack ) ;
void dump ( )
int top = lua_gettop ( L ) ;
wxLogDebug ( _T ( " Dumping Lua stack... " ) ) ;
for ( int i = top ; i > 0 ; i - - ) {
lua_pushvalue ( L , i ) ;
wxString type ( lua_typename ( L , lua_type ( L , - 1 ) ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
if ( lua_isstring ( L , i ) ) {
wxLogDebug ( type + _T ( " : " ) + wxString ( lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ) ;
} else {
wxLogDebug ( type ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
wxLogDebug ( _T ( " --- end dump " ) ) ;
LuaStackcheck ( lua_State * _L ) : L ( _L ) { startstack = lua_gettop ( L ) ; }
~ LuaStackcheck ( ) { check ( 0 ) ; }
} ;
# else
struct LuaStackcheck {
void check ( int additional ) { }
void dump ( ) { }
LuaStackcheck ( lua_State * L ) { }
~ LuaStackcheck ( ) { }
} ;
# endif
2007-01-03 04:39:15 +01:00
// LuaScriptReader
struct LuaScriptReader {
FILE * f ;
bool first ;
char * databuf ;
static const size_t bufsize = 512 ;
LuaScriptReader ( const wxString & filename )
# ifdef WIN32
f = _tfopen ( filename . c_str ( ) , _T ( " rb " ) ) ;
# else
2007-01-03 20:16:29 +01:00
f = fopen ( filename . fn_str ( ) , " rb " ) ;
2007-01-03 04:39:15 +01:00
# endif
first = true ;
databuf = new char [ bufsize ] ;
~ LuaScriptReader ( )
if ( databuf )
delete databuf ;
fclose ( f ) ;
static const char * reader_func ( lua_State * L , void * data , size_t * size )
LuaScriptReader * self = ( LuaScriptReader * ) ( data ) ;
unsigned char * b = ( unsigned char * ) self - > databuf ;
FILE * f = self - > f ;
if ( feof ( f ) ) {
* size = 0 ;
return 0 ;
if ( self - > first ) {
// check if file is sensible and maybe skip bom
if ( ( * size = fread ( b , 1 , 4 , f ) ) = = 4 ) {
if ( b [ 0 ] = = 0xEF & & b [ 1 ] = = 0xBB & & b [ 2 ] = = 0xBF ) {
// got an utf8 file with bom
// nothing further to do, already skipped the bom
fseek ( f , - 1 , SEEK_CUR ) ;
} else {
// oops, not utf8 with bom
// check if there is some other BOM in place and complain if there is...
if ( ( b [ 0 ] = = 0xFF & & b [ 1 ] = = 0xFE & & b [ 2 ] = = 0x00 & & b [ 3 ] = = 0x00 ) | | // utf32be
( b [ 0 ] = = 0x00 & & b [ 1 ] = = 0x00 & & b [ 2 ] = = 0xFE & & b [ 3 ] = = 0xFF ) | | // utf32le
( b [ 0 ] = = 0xFF & & b [ 1 ] = = 0xFE ) | | // utf16be
( b [ 0 ] = = 0xFE & & b [ 1 ] = = 0xFF ) | | // utf16le
( b [ 0 ] = = 0x2B & & b [ 1 ] = = 0x2F & & b [ 2 ] = = 0x76 ) | | // utf7
( b [ 0 ] = = 0x00 & & b [ 2 ] = = 0x00 ) | | // looks like utf16be
( b [ 1 ] = = 0x00 & & b [ 3 ] = = 0x00 ) ) { // looks like utf16le
throw _T ( " The script file uses an unsupported character set. Only UTF-8 is supported. " ) ;
// assume utf8 without bom, and rewind file
fseek ( f , 0 , SEEK_SET ) ;
} else {
// hmm, rather short file this...
// doesn't have a bom, assume it's just ascii/utf8 without bom
return self - > databuf ; // *size is already set
self - > first = false ;
* size = fread ( b , 1 , bufsize , f ) ;
return self - > databuf ;
} ;
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
// LuaScript
LuaScript : : LuaScript ( const wxString & filename )
: Script ( filename )
, L ( 0 )
2007-01-03 04:39:15 +01:00
try {
Create ( ) ;
catch ( wxChar * e ) {
description = e ;
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
LuaScript : : ~ LuaScript ( )
if ( L ) Destroy ( ) ;
void LuaScript : : Create ( )
Destroy ( ) ;
loaded = true ;
try {
// create lua environment
L = lua_open ( ) ;
LuaStackcheck _stackcheck ( L ) ;
// register standard libs
lua_pushcfunction ( L , luaopen_base ) ; lua_call ( L , 0 , 0 ) ;
lua_pushcfunction ( L , luaopen_package ) ; lua_call ( L , 0 , 0 ) ;
lua_pushcfunction ( L , luaopen_string ) ; lua_call ( L , 0 , 0 ) ;
lua_pushcfunction ( L , luaopen_table ) ; lua_call ( L , 0 , 0 ) ;
lua_pushcfunction ( L , luaopen_math ) ; lua_call ( L , 0 , 0 ) ;
_stackcheck . check ( 0 ) ;
// dofile and loadfile are replaced with include
lua_pushnil ( L ) ;
lua_setglobal ( L , " dofile " ) ;
lua_pushnil ( L ) ;
lua_setglobal ( L , " loadfile " ) ;
lua_pushcfunction ( L , LuaInclude ) ;
lua_setglobal ( L , " include " ) ;
// prepare stuff in the registry
// reference to the script object
lua_pushlightuserdata ( L , this ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " aegisub " ) ;
// the "feature" table
// integer indexed, using same indexes as "features" vector in the base Script class
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " features " ) ;
_stackcheck . check ( 0 ) ;
// make "aegisub" table
lua_pushstring ( L , " aegisub " ) ;
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
// aegisub.register_macro
lua_pushcfunction ( L , LuaFeatureMacro : : LuaRegister ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " register_macro " ) ;
// aegisub.register_filter
lua_pushcfunction ( L , LuaFeatureFilter : : LuaRegister ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " register_filter " ) ;
// aegisub.text_extents
lua_pushcfunction ( L , LuaTextExtents ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " text_extents " ) ;
// store aegisub table to globals
lua_settable ( L , LUA_GLOBALSINDEX ) ;
_stackcheck . check ( 0 ) ;
// load user script
2007-01-03 04:39:15 +01:00
LuaScriptReader script_reader ( GetFilename ( ) ) ;
if ( lua_load ( L , script_reader . reader_func , & script_reader , GetFilename ( ) . mb_str ( wxConvUTF8 ) ) ) {
//if (luaL_loadfile(L, GetFilename().mb_str(wxConvUTF8))) {
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
wxString * err = new wxString ( lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
err - > Prepend ( _T ( " An error occurred loading the Lua script file \" " ) + GetFilename ( ) + _T ( " \" : \n \n " ) ) ;
throw err - > c_str ( ) ;
_stackcheck . check ( 1 ) ;
// and execute it
// this is where features are registered
// this should run really fast so a progress window isn't needed
// (if it infinite-loops, scripter is an idiot and already got his punishment)
LuaThreadedCall call ( L , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( call . Wait ( ) ) {
// error occurred, assumed to be on top of Lua stack
wxString * err = new wxString ( lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
err - > Prepend ( _T ( " An error occurred initialising the Lua script file \" " ) + GetFilename ( ) + _T ( " \" : \n \n " ) ) ;
throw err - > c_str ( ) ;
_stackcheck . check ( 0 ) ;
2006-12-28 23:55:41 +01:00
lua_getglobal ( L , " version " ) ;
if ( lua_isnumber ( L , - 1 ) ) {
if ( lua_tointeger ( L , - 1 ) = = 3 ) {
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ; // just to avoid tripping the stackcheck in debug
throw _T ( " This script looks like an Automation 3 Lua script. Automation 3 is not supported in this version of Aegisub, please use Aegisub 1.10 or earlier to use this script. " ) ;
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
lua_getglobal ( L , " script_name " ) ;
if ( lua_isstring ( L , - 1 ) ) {
name = wxString ( lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
} else {
name = GetFilename ( ) ;
lua_getglobal ( L , " script_description " ) ;
if ( lua_isstring ( L , - 1 ) ) {
description = wxString ( lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
lua_getglobal ( L , " script_author " ) ;
if ( lua_isstring ( L , - 1 ) ) {
author = wxString ( lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
lua_getglobal ( L , " script_version " ) ;
if ( lua_isstring ( L , - 1 ) ) {
version = wxString ( lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
2006-12-28 23:55:41 +01:00
lua_pop ( L , 5 ) ;
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
// if we got this far, the script should be ready
_stackcheck . check ( 0 ) ;
catch ( . . . ) {
Destroy ( ) ;
loaded = false ;
throw ;
void LuaScript : : Destroy ( )
// Assume the script object is clean if there's no Lua state
if ( ! L ) return ;
// remove features
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) features . size ( ) ; i + + ) {
Feature * f = features [ i ] ;
delete f ;
features . clear ( ) ;
// delete environment
lua_close ( L ) ;
L = 0 ;
loaded = false ;
void LuaScript : : Reload ( )
Destroy ( ) ;
Create ( ) ;
LuaScript * LuaScript : : GetScriptObject ( lua_State * L )
lua_getfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " aegisub " ) ;
void * ptr = lua_touserdata ( L , - 1 ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
return ( LuaScript * ) ptr ;
int LuaScript : : LuaTextExtents ( lua_State * L )
if ( ! lua_istable ( L , 1 ) ) {
lua_pushstring ( L , " First argument to text_extents must be a table " ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
if ( ! lua_isstring ( L , 2 ) ) {
lua_pushstring ( L , " Second argument to text_extents must be a string " ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , 1 ) ;
AssEntry * et = LuaAssFile : : LuaToAssEntry ( L ) ;
AssStyle * st = dynamic_cast < AssStyle * > ( et ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
if ( ! st ) {
delete et ; // Make sure to delete the "live" pointer
lua_pushstring ( L , " Not a style entry " ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
wxString text ( lua_tostring ( L , 2 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
int width , height , descent , extlead ;
if ( ! CalculateTextExtents ( st , text , width , height , descent , extlead ) ) {
delete st ;
lua_pushstring ( L , " Some internal error occurred calculating text_extents " ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
delete st ;
lua_pushnumber ( L , width ) ;
lua_pushnumber ( L , height ) ;
lua_pushnumber ( L , descent ) ;
lua_pushnumber ( L , extlead ) ;
return 4 ;
int LuaScript : : LuaInclude ( lua_State * L )
LuaScript * s = GetScriptObject ( L ) ;
if ( ! lua_isstring ( L , 1 ) ) {
lua_pushstring ( L , " Argument to include must be a string " ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
return 0 ;
wxString fnames ( lua_tostring ( L , 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
wxFileName fname ( fnames ) ;
if ( fname . GetDirCount ( ) = = 0 ) {
// filename only
fname = s - > include_path . FindAbsoluteValidPath ( fnames ) ;
} else if ( fname . IsRelative ( ) ) {
// relative path
wxFileName sfname ( s - > GetFilename ( ) ) ;
fname . MakeAbsolute ( sfname . GetPath ( true ) ) ;
} else {
// absolute path, do nothing
if ( ! fname . IsOk ( ) | | ! fname . FileExists ( ) ) {
lua_pushfstring ( L , " Could not find Lua script for inclusion: %s " , fnames . mb_str ( wxConvUTF8 ) ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
if ( luaL_loadfile ( L , fname . GetFullPath ( ) . mb_str ( wxConvUTF8 ) ) ) {
lua_pushfstring ( L , " An error occurred loading the Lua script file \" %s \" : \n \n %s " , fname . GetFullPath ( ) . mb_str ( wxConvUTF8 ) , lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
return 0 ;
int pretop = lua_gettop ( L ) - 1 ; // don't count the function value itself
lua_call ( L , 0 , LUA_MULTRET ) ;
return lua_gettop ( L ) - pretop ;
// LuaThreadedCall
LuaThreadedCall : : LuaThreadedCall ( lua_State * _L , int _nargs , int _nresults )
: wxThread ( wxTHREAD_JOINABLE )
, L ( _L )
, nargs ( _nargs )
, nresults ( _nresults )
Create ( ) ;
Run ( ) ;
wxThread : : ExitCode LuaThreadedCall : : Entry ( )
int result = lua_pcall ( L , nargs , nresults , 0 ) ;
// see if there's a progress sink window to close
lua_getfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " progress_sink " ) ;
if ( lua_isuserdata ( L , - 1 ) ) {
LuaProgressSink * ps = LuaProgressSink : : GetObjPointer ( L , - 1 ) ;
// don't bother protecting this with a mutex, it should be safe enough like this
ps - > script_finished = true ;
// tell wx to run its idle-events now, just to make the progress window notice earlier that we're done
wxWakeUpIdle ( ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
lua_gc ( L , LUA_GCCOLLECT , 0 ) ;
return ( wxThread : : ExitCode ) result ;
// LuaFeature
LuaFeature : : LuaFeature ( lua_State * _L , ScriptFeatureClass _featureclass , const wxString & _name )
: Feature ( _featureclass , _name )
, L ( _L )
void LuaFeature : : RegisterFeature ( )
// get the LuaScript objects
lua_getfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " aegisub " ) ;
LuaScript * s = ( LuaScript * ) lua_touserdata ( L , - 1 ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
// add the Feature object
s - > features . push_back ( this ) ;
// get the index+1 it was pushed into
myid = ( int ) s - > features . size ( ) - 1 ;
// create table with the functions
// get features table
lua_getfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " features " ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , - 2 ) ;
lua_rawseti ( L , - 2 , myid ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
void LuaFeature : : GetFeatureFunction ( int functionid )
// get feature table
lua_getfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " features " ) ;
// get this feature's function pointers
lua_rawgeti ( L , - 1 , myid ) ;
// get pointer for validation function
lua_rawgeti ( L , - 1 , functionid ) ;
lua_remove ( L , - 2 ) ;
lua_remove ( L , - 2 ) ;
2007-01-03 22:18:19 +01:00
void LuaFeature : : CreateIntegerArray ( const std : : vector < int > & ints )
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
// create an array-style table with an integer vector in it
// leave the new table on top of the stack
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i ! = ints . size ( ) ; + + i ) {
lua_pushinteger ( L , ints [ i ] + 1 ) ;
lua_rawseti ( L , - 2 , i + 1 ) ;
void LuaFeature : : ThrowError ( )
wxString err ( lua_tostring ( L , - 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
wxLogError ( err ) ;
// LuaFeatureMacro
int LuaFeatureMacro : : LuaRegister ( lua_State * L )
wxString _name ( lua_tostring ( L , 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
wxString _description ( lua_tostring ( L , 2 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
2007-01-03 05:31:17 +01:00
LuaFeatureMacro * macro = new LuaFeatureMacro ( _name , _description , L ) ;
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
return 0 ;
2007-01-03 05:31:17 +01:00
LuaFeatureMacro : : LuaFeatureMacro ( const wxString & _name , const wxString & _description , lua_State * _L )
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
: LuaFeature ( _L , SCRIPTFEATURE_MACRO , _name )
2007-01-03 05:31:17 +01:00
, FeatureMacro ( _name , _description )
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
, Feature ( SCRIPTFEATURE_MACRO , _name )
// new table for containing the functions for this feature
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
// store processing function
2007-01-03 05:31:17 +01:00
if ( ! lua_isfunction ( L , 3 ) ) {
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
lua_pushstring ( L , " The macro processing function must be a function " ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
2007-01-03 05:31:17 +01:00
lua_pushvalue ( L , 3 ) ;
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
lua_rawseti ( L , - 2 , 1 ) ;
// and validation function
2007-01-03 05:31:17 +01:00
lua_pushvalue ( L , 4 ) ;
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
no_validate = ! lua_isfunction ( L , - 1 ) ;
lua_rawseti ( L , - 2 , 2 ) ;
// make the feature known
RegisterFeature ( ) ;
// and remove the feature function table again
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
2007-01-03 22:18:19 +01:00
bool LuaFeatureMacro : : Validate ( AssFile * subs , const std : : vector < int > & selected , int active )
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
if ( no_validate )
return true ;
GetFeatureFunction ( 2 ) ; // 2 = validation function
// prepare function call
LuaAssFile * subsobj = new LuaAssFile ( L , subs , false , false ) ;
CreateIntegerArray ( selected ) ; // selected items
lua_pushinteger ( L , - 1 ) ; // active line
// do call
LuaThreadedCall call ( L , 3 , 1 ) ;
wxThread : : ExitCode code = call . Wait ( ) ;
// get result
bool result = ! ! lua_toboolean ( L , - 1 ) ;
// clean up stack
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
return result ;
2007-01-03 22:18:19 +01:00
void LuaFeatureMacro : : Process ( AssFile * subs , const std : : vector < int > & selected , int active , wxWindow * const progress_parent )
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
GetFeatureFunction ( 1 ) ; // 1 = processing function
// prepare function call
LuaAssFile * subsobj = new LuaAssFile ( L , subs , true , true ) ;
CreateIntegerArray ( selected ) ; // selected items
lua_pushinteger ( L , - 1 ) ; // active line
LuaProgressSink * ps = new LuaProgressSink ( L , progress_parent ) ;
ps - > SetTitle ( GetName ( ) ) ;
// do call
LuaThreadedCall call ( L , 3 , 0 ) ;
ps - > ShowModal ( ) ;
wxThread : : ExitCode code = call . Wait ( ) ;
if ( code ) ThrowError ( ) ;
delete ps ;
// LuaFeatureFilter
LuaFeatureFilter : : LuaFeatureFilter ( const wxString & _name , const wxString & _description , int merit , lua_State * _L )
: LuaFeature ( _L , SCRIPTFEATURE_FILTER , _name )
, FeatureFilter ( _name , _description , merit )
, Feature ( SCRIPTFEATURE_FILTER , _name )
// Works the same as in LuaFeatureMacro
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
if ( ! lua_isfunction ( L , 4 ) ) {
lua_pushstring ( L , " The filter processing function must be a function " ) ;
lua_error ( L ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , 4 ) ;
lua_rawseti ( L , - 2 , 1 ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , 5 ) ;
has_config = lua_isfunction ( L , - 1 ) ;
lua_rawseti ( L , - 2 , 2 ) ;
RegisterFeature ( ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
void LuaFeatureFilter : : Init ( )
// Don't think there's anything to do here... (empty in auto3)
int LuaFeatureFilter : : LuaRegister ( lua_State * L )
wxString _name ( lua_tostring ( L , 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
wxString _description ( lua_tostring ( L , 2 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
int _merit = lua_tointeger ( L , 3 ) ;
LuaFeatureFilter * filter = new LuaFeatureFilter ( _name , _description , _merit , L ) ;
return 0 ;
void LuaFeatureFilter : : ProcessSubs ( AssFile * subs , wxWindow * export_dialog )
GetFeatureFunction ( 1 ) ; // 1 = processing function
// prepare function call
// subtitles (undo doesn't make sense in exported subs, in fact it'll totally break the undo system)
LuaAssFile * subsobj = new LuaAssFile ( L , subs , true /*allow modifications*/ , false /*disallow undo*/ ) ;
// config
if ( has_config & & config_dialog ) {
assert ( config_dialog - > LuaReadBack ( L ) = = 1 ) ;
// TODO, write back stored options here
LuaProgressSink * ps = new LuaProgressSink ( L , export_dialog , false ) ;
ps - > SetTitle ( GetName ( ) ) ;
// do call
LuaThreadedCall call ( L , 2 , 0 ) ;
ps - > ShowModal ( ) ;
wxThread : : ExitCode code = call . Wait ( ) ;
if ( code ) ThrowError ( ) ;
delete ps ;
ScriptConfigDialog * LuaFeatureFilter : : GenerateConfigDialog ( wxWindow * parent )
if ( ! has_config )
return 0 ;
GetFeatureFunction ( 2 ) ; // 2 = config dialog function
// prepare function call
// subtitles (don't allow any modifications during dialog creation, ideally the subs aren't even accessed)
LuaAssFile * subsobj = new LuaAssFile ( L , AssFile : : top , false /*allow modifications*/ , false /*disallow undo*/ ) ;
// stored options
lua_newtable ( L ) ; // TODO, nothing for now
LuaProgressSink * ps = new LuaProgressSink ( L , 0 , false ) ;
ps - > SetTitle ( GetName ( ) ) ;
// do call
LuaThreadedCall call ( L , 2 , 1 ) ;
ps - > ShowModal ( ) ;
wxThread : : ExitCode code = call . Wait ( ) ;
if ( code ) ThrowError ( ) ;
delete ps ;
// The config dialog table should now be on stack
return config_dialog = new LuaConfigDialog ( L , false ) ;
// LuaProgressSink
LuaProgressSink : : LuaProgressSink ( lua_State * _L , wxWindow * parent , bool allow_config_dialog )
: ProgressSink ( parent )
, L ( _L )
LuaProgressSink * * ud = ( LuaProgressSink * * ) lua_newuserdata ( L , sizeof ( LuaProgressSink * ) ) ;
* ud = this ;
// register progress reporting stuff
lua_getglobal ( L , " aegisub " ) ;
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , - 3 ) ;
lua_pushcclosure ( L , LuaSetProgress , 1 ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " set " ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , - 3 ) ;
lua_pushcclosure ( L , LuaSetTask , 1 ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " task " ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , - 3 ) ;
lua_pushcclosure ( L , LuaSetTitle , 1 ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " title " ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , - 3 ) ;
lua_pushcclosure ( L , LuaGetCancelled , 1 ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " is_cancelled " ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " progress " ) ;
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , - 3 ) ;
lua_pushcclosure ( L , LuaDebugOut , 1 ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " out " ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " debug " ) ;
if ( allow_config_dialog ) {
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
lua_pushvalue ( L , - 3 ) ;
lua_pushcclosure ( L , LuaDisplayDialog , 1 ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " display " ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " dialog " ) ;
// reference so other objects can also find the progress sink
lua_pushvalue ( L , - 2 ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " progress_sink " ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 2 ) ;
LuaProgressSink : : ~ LuaProgressSink ( )
// remove progress reporting stuff
lua_getglobal ( L , " aegisub " ) ;
lua_pushnil ( L ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " progress " ) ;
lua_pushnil ( L ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , - 2 , " debug " ) ;
lua_pop ( L , 1 ) ;
lua_pushnil ( L ) ;
lua_setfield ( L , LUA_REGISTRYINDEX , " progress_sink " ) ;
LuaProgressSink * LuaProgressSink : : GetObjPointer ( lua_State * L , int idx )
assert ( lua_type ( L , idx ) = = LUA_TUSERDATA ) ;
void * ud = lua_touserdata ( L , idx ) ;
return * ( ( LuaProgressSink * * ) ud ) ;
int LuaProgressSink : : LuaSetProgress ( lua_State * L )
LuaProgressSink * ps = GetObjPointer ( L , lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ) ) ;
float progress = lua_tonumber ( L , 1 ) ;
ps - > SetProgress ( progress ) ;
return 0 ;
int LuaProgressSink : : LuaSetTask ( lua_State * L )
LuaProgressSink * ps = GetObjPointer ( L , lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ) ) ;
wxString task ( lua_tostring ( L , 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
ps - > SetTask ( task ) ;
return 0 ;
int LuaProgressSink : : LuaSetTitle ( lua_State * L )
LuaProgressSink * ps = GetObjPointer ( L , lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ) ) ;
wxString title ( lua_tostring ( L , 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
ps - > SetTitle ( title ) ;
return 0 ;
int LuaProgressSink : : LuaGetCancelled ( lua_State * L )
LuaProgressSink * ps = GetObjPointer ( L , lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ) ) ;
lua_pushboolean ( L , ps - > cancelled ) ;
return 1 ;
int LuaProgressSink : : LuaDebugOut ( lua_State * L )
LuaProgressSink * ps = GetObjPointer ( L , lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ) ) ;
wxString msg ( lua_tostring ( L , 1 ) , wxConvUTF8 ) ;
ps - > AddDebugOutput ( msg ) ;
return 0 ;
int LuaProgressSink : : LuaDisplayDialog ( lua_State * L )
LuaProgressSink * ps = GetObjPointer ( L , lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ) ) ;
// Check that two arguments were actually given
// If only one, add another empty table for buttons
if ( lua_gettop ( L ) = = 1 ) {
lua_newtable ( L ) ;
// If more than two, remove the excess
if ( lua_gettop ( L ) > 2 ) {
lua_settop ( L , 2 ) ;
// Send the "show dialog" event
// See comments in auto4_base.h for more info on this synchronisation
ShowConfigDialogEvent evt ;
LuaConfigDialog dlg ( L , true ) ; // magically creates the config dialog structure etc
evt . config_dialog = & dlg ;
wxSemaphore sema ( 0 , 1 ) ;
evt . sync_sema = & sema ;
ps - > AddPendingEvent ( evt ) ;
sema . Wait ( ) ;
// more magic: puts two values on stack: button pushed and table with control results
return dlg . LuaReadBack ( L ) ;
// Factory class for Lua scripts
// Not declared in header, since it doesn't need to be accessed from outside
// except through polymorphism
class LuaScriptFactory : public ScriptFactory {
public :
LuaScriptFactory ( )
engine_name = _T ( " Lua " ) ;
filename_pattern = _T ( " *.lua " ) ;
Register ( this ) ;
virtual Script * Produce ( const wxString & filename ) const
// Just check if file extension is .lua
// Reject anything else
if ( filename . Right ( 4 ) . Lower ( ) = = _T ( " .lua " ) ) {
return new LuaScript ( filename ) ;
} else {
return 0 ;
} ;
2006-12-28 23:31:33 +01:00
LuaScriptFactory _script_factory ;
2006-12-28 22:18:35 +01:00
} ;