README: update for macOS with meson

This commit is contained in:
Ryan 2021-01-10 02:56:53 -05:00 committed by Ryan Lucia
parent 4b1d23e6be
commit 2211b7a0a5

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@ -45,43 +45,16 @@ You can generate the installer with `ninja win-installer` after a successful bui
A vaguely recent version of Xcode and the corresponding command-line tools are required. A vaguely recent version of Xcode and the corresponding command-line tools are required.
For personal usage, you can use homebrew to install almost all of Aegisub's dependencies: For personal usage, you can use pip and homebrew to install almost all of Aegisub's dependencies:
brew install autoconf automake ffmpeg ffms2 fftw freetype fribidi gettext icu4c libass m4 pkg-config boost brew install libass nasm ninja boost zlib icu4c pkg-config ffms2 fftw hunspell gettext cmake
brew install luajit --HEAD
brew link --force gettext brew link --force gettext
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib" export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/icu4c/include" export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/icu4c/include"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig" export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/icu4c/lib/pkgconfig"
pip install meson
wxWidgets is located in vendor/wxWidgets, and can be built like so: Once the dependencies are installed, build Aegisub with `meson build && meson compile -C build`.
./configure --disable-aboutdlg --disable-animatectrl --disable-aui --disable-any \
--disable-bannerwindow --disable-base64 --disable-calendar --disable-caret \
--disable-cmdline --disable-colourpicker --disable-compat28 --disable-config \
--disable-constraints --disable-datepick --disable-dctransform --disable-debugreport \
--disable-dialupman --disable-docview --disable-filehistory --disable-finddlg \
--disable-fs_archive --disable-fs_inet --disable-fs_zip --disable-fsvolume \
--disable-fswatcher --disable-gif --disable-help --disable-html --disable-ipc \
--disable-joystick --disable-jpeg --disable-largefile --disable-markup --disable-mdi \
--disable-mediactrl --disable-metafiles --disable-miniframe --disable-notifmsg \
--disable-numberdlg --disable-pcx --disable-pnm --disable-postscript \
--disable-prefseditor --disable-printarch --disable-progressdlg --disable-propgrid \
--disable-protocol --disable-protocols --disable-rearrangectrl --disable-ribbon \
--disable-richtext --disable-richtooltip --disable-snglinst --disable-sockets \
--disable-sockets --disable-sound --disable-splash --disable-splines \
--disable-std_iostreams --disable-svg --disable-tarstream --disable-tiff \
--disable-tipdlg --disable-tipwindow --disable-url --disable-webkit --disable-webview \
--disable-wizarddlg --disable-xrc \
--enable-geometry --enable-imaglist --enable-listctrl --enable-stc --with-cocoa \
--with-libpng=yes --with-macosx-version-min=10.9 \
--with-opengl \
--without-libjpeg --without-libtiff --without-regex \
&& make
Once the dependencies are installed, build Aegisub with `autoreconf && ./configure --with-wxdir=/path/to/Aegisub/vendor/wxWidgets && make && make osx-bundle`.
`autoreconf` should be skipped if you are building from a source tarball rather than `git`.
## Updating Moonscript ## Updating Moonscript