vapoursynth: Allow script to supply timecodes, keyframes, and audio flag

These are read from the __aegi_timecodes, __aegi_keyframes, and
__aegi_hasaudio variables respectively.
This commit is contained in:
arch1t3cht 2023-02-07 00:17:42 +01:00
parent c348f8582a
commit 384fc69208

View file

@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
#include "VSHelper4.h"
#include "VSConstants4.h"
static const char *kf_key = "__aegi_keyframes";
static const char *tc_key = "__aegi_timecodes";
static const char *audio_key = "__aegi_hasaudio";
namespace {
class VapoursynthVideoProvider: public VideoProvider {
VapourSynthWrapper vs;
@ -45,9 +49,10 @@ class VapoursynthVideoProvider: public VideoProvider {
std::vector<int> keyframes;
std::string colorspace;
std::string real_colorspace;
bool has_audio = false;
const VSFrame *GetVSFrame(int n);
void SetResizeArg(VSMap *args, const VSMap *props, const char *arg_name, const char *prop_name, int deflt, int unspecified = -1);
void SetResizeArg(VSMap *args, const VSMap *props, const char *arg_name, const char *prop_name, int64_t deflt, int64_t unspecified = -1);
VapoursynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix);
@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ public:
std::vector<int> GetKeyFrames() const override { return keyframes; }
std::string GetColorSpace() const override { return GetRealColorSpace(); }
std::string GetRealColorSpace() const override { return colorspace == "Unknown" ? "None" : colorspace; }
bool HasAudio() const override { return false; }
bool HasAudio() const override { return has_audio; }
bool WantsCaching() const override { return true; }
std::string GetDecoderName() const override { return "VapourSynth"; }
bool ShouldSetVideoProperties() const override { return colorspace != "Unknown"; }
@ -96,9 +101,9 @@ std::string colormatrix_description(int colorFamily, int colorRange, int matrix)
// Adds an argument to the rescaler if the corresponding frameprop does not exist or is set as unspecified
void VapoursynthVideoProvider::SetResizeArg(VSMap *args, const VSMap *props, const char *arg_name, const char *prop_name, int deflt, int unspecified) {
void VapoursynthVideoProvider::SetResizeArg(VSMap *args, const VSMap *props, const char *arg_name, const char *prop_name, int64_t deflt, int64_t unspecified) {
int err;
int result = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, prop_name, 0, &err);
int64_t result = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, prop_name, 0, &err);
if (err != 0 || result == unspecified) {
result = deflt;
if (!strcmp(arg_name, "range_in")) {
@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ void VapoursynthVideoProvider::SetResizeArg(VSMap *args, const VSMap *props, con
VapoursynthVideoProvider::VapoursynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix) try {
VapoursynthVideoProvider::VapoursynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix) try { try {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(vs.GetMutex());
@ -120,29 +125,21 @@ VapoursynthVideoProvider::VapoursynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename
vs.GetScriptAPI()->evalSetWorkingDir(script, 1);
if (OpenScriptOrVideo(vs.GetAPI(), vs.GetScriptAPI(), script, filename, OPT_GET("Provider/Video/VapourSynth/Default Script")->GetString())) {
std::string msg = agi::format("Error executing VapourSynth script: %s", vs.GetScriptAPI()->getError(script));
throw VapoursynthError(msg);
node = vs.GetScriptAPI()->getOutputNode(script, 0);
if (node == nullptr) {
if (node == nullptr)
throw VapoursynthError("No output node set");
if (vs.GetAPI()->getNodeType(node) != mtVideo) {
throw VapoursynthError("Output node isn't a video node");
vi = vs.GetAPI()->getVideoInfo(node);
if (!vsh::isConstantVideoFormat(vi)) {
if (vi == nullptr)
throw VapoursynthError("Couldn't get video info");
if (!vsh::isConstantVideoFormat(vi))
throw VapoursynthError("Video doesn't have constant format");
// Assume constant frame rate, since handling VFR would require going through all frames when loading.
// Users can load custom timecodes files to deal with VFR.
// Alternatively (TODO) the provider could read timecodes and keyframes from a second output node.
int fpsNum = vi->fpsNum;
int fpsDen = vi->fpsDen;
if (fpsDen == 0) {
@ -151,25 +148,64 @@ VapoursynthVideoProvider::VapoursynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename
fps = agi::vfr::Framerate(fpsNum, fpsDen);
// Find the first frame to get some info
const VSFrame *frame;
try {
frame = GetVSFrame(0);
} catch (VapoursynthError const& err) {
throw err;
int err1, err2;
const VSMap *props = vs.GetAPI()->getFramePropertiesRO(frame);
int sarn = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, "_SARNum", 0, &err1);
int sard = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, "_SARDen", 0, &err2);
if (!err1 && !err2) {
dar = ((double) vi->width * sarn) / (vi->height * sard);
// Get timecodes and/or keyframes if provided
VSMap *clipinfo = vs.GetAPI()->createMap();
if (clipinfo == nullptr)
throw VapoursynthError("Couldn't create map");
vs.GetScriptAPI()->getVariable(script, kf_key, clipinfo);
vs.GetScriptAPI()->getVariable(script, tc_key, clipinfo);
vs.GetScriptAPI()->getVariable(script, audio_key, clipinfo);
int numkf = vs.GetAPI()->mapNumElements(clipinfo, kf_key);
int numtc = vs.GetAPI()->mapNumElements(clipinfo, tc_key);
int err;
int64_t audio = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(clipinfo, audio_key, 0, &err);
if (!err)
has_audio = bool(audio);
if (numkf > 0) {
const int64_t *kfs = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetIntArray(clipinfo, kf_key, &err);
if (err)
throw VapoursynthError("Error getting keyframes from returned VSMap");
for (int i = 0; i < numkf; i++)
int range = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, "_ColorRange", 0, &err1);
int matrix = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, "_Matrix", 0, &err2);
if (numtc != -1) {
if (numtc != vi->numFrames)
throw VapoursynthError("Number of returned timecodes does not match number of frames");
const int64_t *tcs = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetIntArray(clipinfo, tc_key, &err);
if (err)
throw VapoursynthError("Error getting timecodes from returned map");
std::vector<int> timecodes;
for (int i = 0; i < numtc; i++)
fps = agi::vfr::Framerate(timecodes);
// Find the first frame Of the video to get some info
const VSFrame *frame = GetVSFrame(0);
int err1, err2;
const VSMap *props = vs.GetAPI()->getFramePropertiesRO(frame);
if (props == nullptr)
throw VapoursynthError("Couldn't get frame properties");
int64_t sarn = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, "_SARNum", 0, &err1);
int64_t sard = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, "_SARDen", 0, &err2);
if (!err1 && !err2) {
dar = double(vi->width * sarn) / (vi->height * sard);
int64_t range = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, "_ColorRange", 0, &err1);
int64_t matrix = vs.GetAPI()->mapGetInt(props, "_Matrix", 0, &err2);
colorspace = colormatrix_description(vi->format.colorFamily, err1 == 0 ? range : -1, err2 == 0 ? matrix : -1);
@ -177,13 +213,12 @@ VapoursynthVideoProvider::VapoursynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename
if (vi->format.colorFamily != cfRGB || vi->format.bitsPerSample != 8) {
// Convert to RGB24 format
VSPlugin *resize = vs.GetAPI()->getPluginByID(VSH_RESIZE_PLUGIN_ID, vs.GetScriptAPI()->getCore(script));
if (resize == nullptr) {
if (resize == nullptr)
throw VapoursynthError("Couldn't find resize plugin");
VSMap *args = vs.GetAPI()->createMap();
if (args == nullptr) {
if (args == nullptr)
throw VapoursynthError("Failed to create argument map");
vs.GetAPI()->mapSetNode(args, "clip", node, maAppend);
vs.GetAPI()->mapSetInt(args, "format", pfRGB24, maAppend);
@ -213,18 +248,18 @@ VapoursynthVideoProvider::VapoursynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename
// Finally, try to get the first frame again, so if the filter does crash, it happens before loading finishes
const VSFrame *rgbframe;
try {
rgbframe = GetVSFrame(0);
} catch (VapoursynthError const& err) {
throw err;
const VSFrame *rgbframe = GetVSFrame(0);
} catch (VapoursynthError const& err) { // for try inside of function. We need both here since we need to catch errors from the VapoursynthWrap constructor.
if (node != nullptr)
if (script != nullptr)
throw err;
catch (VapoursynthError const& err) {
catch (VapoursynthError const& err) { // for the entire constructor
throw VideoProviderError(agi::format("Vapoursynth error: %s", err.GetMessage()));