Re-order the functions so they're in line with every other player: Constructor,
Destructor, Open, Close, Play, Stop.. I rue the fact that I didn't do this at the start. Originally committed to SVN as r2809.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 82 additions and 84 deletions
@ -85,37 +85,66 @@ PortAudioPlayer::~PortAudioPlayer() {
if (!--pa_refcount) Pa_Terminate();
/// PortAudio callback
int PortAudioPlayer::paCallback(const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) {
// Get provider
PortAudioPlayer *player = (PortAudioPlayer *) userData;
AudioProvider *provider = player->GetProvider();
// Open stream
void PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream() {
// Open stream
PaStreamParameters pa_output_p;
printf("paCallBack: playPos: %lld startPos: %lld paStart: %f Pa_GetStreamTime: %f AdcTime: %f DacTime: %f framesPerBuffer: %lu CPU: %f\n",
player->playPos, player->startPos, player->paStart, Pa_GetStreamTime(player->stream),
timeInfo->inputBufferAdcTime, timeInfo->outputBufferDacTime, framesPerBuffer, Pa_GetStreamCpuLoad(player->stream));
int pa_config_default = Options.AsInt(_T("Audio PortAudio Device"));
PaDeviceIndex pa_device;
// Calculate how much left
int64_t lenAvailable = (player->endPos - player->playPos) > 0 ? framesPerBuffer : 0;
// Play something
if (lenAvailable > 0) {
provider->GetAudioWithVolume(outputBuffer, player->playPos, lenAvailable, player->GetVolume());
// Set play position
player->playPos += framesPerBuffer;
// Continue as normal
return 0;
if (pa_config_default < 0) {
pa_device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice();
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream Using Default Output Device: %d"), pa_device);
} else {
pa_device = pa_config_default;
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream Using Config Device: %d"), pa_device);
// Abort stream and stop the callback.
return paAbort;
pa_output_p.device = pa_device;
pa_output_p.channelCount = provider->GetChannels();
pa_output_p.sampleFormat = paInt16;
pa_output_p.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(pa_device)->defaultLowOutputLatency;
pa_output_p.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream Output channels: %d, Latency: %f Sample Rate: %ld\n"),
pa_output_p.channelCount, pa_output_p.suggestedLatency, pa_output_p.sampleFormat);
PaError err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, NULL, &pa_output_p, provider->GetSampleRate(), 256, paPrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback, paCallback, this);
if (err != paNoError) {
const PaHostErrorInfo *pa_err = Pa_GetLastHostErrorInfo();
if (pa_err->errorCode != 0) {
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream HostError: API: %d, %s (%ld)\n"), pa_err->hostApiType, pa_err->errorText, pa_err->errorCode);
throw wxString(_T("Failed initializing PortAudio stream with error: ") + wxString(Pa_GetErrorText(err),wxConvLocal));
// Close stream
void PortAudioPlayer::CloseStream() {
try {
} catch (...) {}
// Called when the callback has finished.
void PortAudioPlayer::paStreamFinishedCallback(void *userData) {
PortAudioPlayer *player = (PortAudioPlayer *) userData;
player->playing = false;
if (player->displayTimer) {
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::paStreamFinishedCallback Stopping stream."));
@ -172,68 +201,38 @@ void PortAudioPlayer::Stop(bool timerToo) {
// Called when the callback has finished.
void PortAudioPlayer::paStreamFinishedCallback(void *userData) {
/// PortAudio callback
int PortAudioPlayer::paCallback(const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData) {
// Get provider
PortAudioPlayer *player = (PortAudioPlayer *) userData;
AudioProvider *provider = player->GetProvider();
player->playing = false;
printf("paCallBack: playPos: %lld startPos: %lld paStart: %f Pa_GetStreamTime: %f AdcTime: %f DacTime: %f framesPerBuffer: %lu CPU: %f\n",
player->playPos, player->startPos, player->paStart, Pa_GetStreamTime(player->stream),
timeInfo->inputBufferAdcTime, timeInfo->outputBufferDacTime, framesPerBuffer, Pa_GetStreamCpuLoad(player->stream));
if (player->displayTimer) {
// Calculate how much left
int64_t lenAvailable = (player->endPos - player->playPos) > 0 ? framesPerBuffer : 0;
// Play something
if (lenAvailable > 0) {
provider->GetAudioWithVolume(outputBuffer, player->playPos, lenAvailable, player->GetVolume());
// Set play position
player->playPos += framesPerBuffer;
// Continue as normal
return 0;
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::paStreamFinishedCallback Stopping stream."));
// Open stream
void PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream() {
// Open stream
PaStreamParameters pa_output_p;
int pa_config_default = Options.AsInt(_T("Audio PortAudio Device"));
PaDeviceIndex pa_device;
if (pa_config_default < 0) {
pa_device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice();
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream Using Default Output Device: %d"), pa_device);
} else {
pa_device = pa_config_default;
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream Using Config Device: %d"), pa_device);
pa_output_p.device = pa_device;
pa_output_p.channelCount = provider->GetChannels();
pa_output_p.sampleFormat = paInt16;
pa_output_p.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(pa_device)->defaultLowOutputLatency;
pa_output_p.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream Output channels: %d, Latency: %f Sample Rate: %ld\n"),
pa_output_p.channelCount, pa_output_p.suggestedLatency, pa_output_p.sampleFormat);
PaError err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, NULL, &pa_output_p, provider->GetSampleRate(), 256, paPrimeOutputBuffersUsingStreamCallback, paCallback, this);
if (err != paNoError) {
const PaHostErrorInfo *pa_err = Pa_GetLastHostErrorInfo();
if (pa_err->errorCode != 0) {
wxLogDebug(_T("PortAudioPlayer::OpenStream HostError: API: %d, %s (%ld)\n"), pa_err->hostApiType, pa_err->errorText, pa_err->errorCode);
throw wxString(_T("Failed initializing PortAudio stream with error: ") + wxString(Pa_GetErrorText(err),wxConvLocal));
// Close stream
void PortAudioPlayer::CloseStream() {
try {
} catch (...) {}
// Abort stream and stop the callback.
return paAbort;
@ -260,7 +259,6 @@ int64_t PortAudioPlayer::GetCurrentPosition()
/// Return a list of available output devices.
/// @param Setting from config file.
Reference in a new issue