fix stupidity in previous commit

Originally committed to SVN as r749.
This commit is contained in:
Fredrik Mellbin 2007-01-09 02:15:08 +00:00
parent 241a837e44
commit 7652879aad

View file

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ var
InstalledVersion: string;
ReturnCode: Integer;
VersionMS, VersionLS: Cardinal;
OverwriteInstall: Integer;
UninstallOld: Integer;
Result := GetVersionNumbers(AddBackslash(ExpandConstant('{sys}')) + 'avisynth.dll', VersionMS , VersionLS);
if Result then
@ -123,15 +123,10 @@ begin
if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Aegisub\info', 'InstallDir', InstallDir) and RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Aegisub\info', 'InstVer', InstalledVersion) and FileExists(AddBackslash(InstallDir) + 'uninstall.exe') then
OverwriteInstall := MsgBox('A previous Aegisub install has been detected (Version ' + InstalledVersion + ').'#13#10'Due to changes from the old installer you are strongly encouraged to uninstall it first.'#13#10'Uninstall it before proceeding?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNOCANCEL);
if OverwriteInstall = IDCANCEL then
Result := False;
else if OverwriteInstall = IDNO then
else if OverwriteInstall = IDYES then
UninstallOld := MsgBox('A previous Aegisub install has been detected (Version ' + InstalledVersion + ').'#13#10'Due to changes from the old installer you are strongly encouraged to uninstall it first.'#13#10'Uninstall it before proceeding?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNOCANCEL);
if UninstallOld = IDCANCEL then
Result := False
else if UninstallOld = IDYES then
if FileCopy(AddBackslash(InstallDir) + 'uninstall.exe', AddBackslash(ExpandConstant('{tmp}')) + 'aegisub-uninstall.exe', False) then
Exec(AddBackslash(ExpandConstant('{tmp}')) + 'aegisub-uninstall.exe', '_?=' + InstallDir, InstallDir, SW_SHOW, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ReturnCode);