Remove most of the fetched dependencies since they're now submodules

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Goyne 2013-04-21 18:24:07 -07:00
parent 9667a7b21f
commit 90b35efa75
2 changed files with 0 additions and 110 deletions

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@ -23,78 +23,6 @@ open Microsoft.Build.Evaluation
open Microsoft.Build.Framework
open Microsoft.Build.Utilities
type GitWrapper(path : String) =
inherit ToolTask()
member val Arguments = "" with get, set
member val WorkingDirectory = "" with get, set
// ToolTask overrides
override val ToolName = "git.exe" with get
override this.GenerateFullPathToTool() = path
override this.GenerateCommandLineCommands() = this.Arguments
override this.GetWorkingDirectory() = this.WorkingDirectory
override this.Execute() =
if this.GenerateFullPathToTool() |> IO.File.Exists |> not then
failwith "git.exe not found. Make sure the MSYS root is set to a correct location."
this.UseCommandProcessor <- false
this.StandardOutputImportance <- "High"
type GitProject() =
inherit Task()
member val Projects : ITaskItem[] = null with get, set
member val Root = "" with get, set
member val GitPath = "" with get, set
override this.Execute() =
let callGit dir args =
let gw = GitWrapper(this.GitPath,
BuildEngine = this.BuildEngine,
HostObject = this.HostObject,
Arguments = args,
WorkingDirectory = dir)
if not <| gw.Execute() then failwith "git failed"
let update (projectName : String) directory url =
this.Log.LogMessage ("Updating {0}", projectName)
callGit directory "pull --rebase"
callGit directory "clean -xfd"
let fetch (projectName : String) root (url : ITaskItem) =
this.Log.LogMessage ("Fetching {0}", projectName)
ignore <| IO.Directory.CreateDirectory root
callGit root (sprintf "clone %s --no-checkout" url.ItemSpec)
let dir = (sprintf "%s\\%s" root projectName)
let autocrlf = url.GetMetadata "AutoCrlf"
if autocrlf.Length > 0
then callGit dir (sprintf "config --local core.autocrlf %s" autocrlf)
let branch = match url.GetMetadata("Branch") with "" -> "master" | x -> x
callGit dir (sprintf "checkout %s" branch)
let updateGit (url : ITaskItem) =
let projectName = Uri(url.ItemSpec).Segments.Last().Replace(".git", "")
let directory = sprintf "%s\\%s" this.Root projectName
if IO.Directory.Exists directory
then update projectName directory url
else fetch projectName this.Root url
this.Log.LogMessage ("Using git at {0}", this.GitPath)
this.Projects |> updateGit |> ignore
with e ->
this.Log.LogErrorFromException e
let downloadArchive (url : String) unpackDest =
use wc = new Net.WebClient()
use downloadStream = wc.OpenRead url

View file

@ -22,57 +22,19 @@ Aegisub Project
<ProjectName>! Update Dependencies</ProjectName>
<ItemGroup Label="git">
<GitProject Include="git://" />
<GitProject Include="git://" />
<GitProject Include="git://" />
<GitProject Include="git://" />
<GitProject Include="git://" />
<GitProject Include="git://">
<!-- FFmpeg's build system manages to not work with Windows newlines, so
disable autocrlf even if the user has it enabled globally -->
<GitProject Include="git://">
<GitProject Include="git://">
<GitProject Include="git://">
<ItemGroup Label="tarball">
<TarballProject Include="fftw">
<TarballProject Include="boost">
<TarballProject Include="icu">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\..\aegisub.props" />
<UsingTask TaskName="GitProject" AssemblyFile="$(AegisubBinaryDir)BuildTasks.dll" />
<UsingTask TaskName="TarballProject" AssemblyFile="$(AegisubBinaryDir)BuildTasks.dll" />
<UsingTask TaskName="DownloadTgzFile" AssemblyFile="$(AegisubBinaryDir)BuildTasks.dll" />
<Target Name="Build">
<TarballProject Projects="@(TarballProject)" Root="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\..\deps" />
<!-- Generated with -->