PowerShell version script: work correctly from any cwd; do not error out when version.h doesn't already exist; adjust git_version.h and git_version.xml paths for meson build system

This commit is contained in:
line0 2019-02-12 00:57:00 +01:00 committed by Ryan Lucia
parent 613cef19a0
commit 936b39303d
2 changed files with 23 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -5,20 +5,19 @@ $defineNumberMatch = [regex] '^#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\d+)$'
$defineStringMatch = [regex] "^#define\s+(\w+)\s+[`"']?(.+?)[`"']?$"
$semVerMatch = [regex] 'v?(\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+)(?:-(\w+))?'
if (!(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>$null)) {
throw 'git repo not found'
$repositoryRootPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot .. | Resolve-Path
if (!(git -C $repositoryRootPath rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>$null)) {
throw "$repositoryRootPath is not a git repository"
$repositoryRootPath = git rev-parse --git-path . | Join-Path -ChildPath .. | Resolve-Path
$buildPath = Join-Path $repositoryRootPath 'build'
$gitVersionHeaderPath = Join-Path $buildPath 'git_version.h'
$gitVersionXmlPath = Join-Path $buildPath 'git_version.xml'
if (!(Test-Path $gitVersionHeaderPath)) {
throw "missing git_version.h in ${buildPath}"
$gitVersionHeaderPath = Join-Path $repositoryRootPath 'src' | Join-Path -ChildPath 'include' | Join-Path -ChildPath 'aegisub' `
| Join-Path -ChildPath 'git_version.h'
$gitVersionXmlPath = Join-Path $repositoryRootPath 'packages' | Join-Path -ChildPath 'win_installer' `
| Join-Path -ChildPath 'git_version.xml'
$version = @{}
if (Test-Path $gitVersionHeaderPath) {
Get-Content $gitVersionHeaderPath | %{$_.Trim()} | ?{$_} | %{
switch -regex ($_) {
$defineNumberMatch {
@ -29,24 +28,21 @@ Get-Content $gitVersionHeaderPath | %{$_.Trim()} | ?{$_} | %{
if(!($version.ContainsKey('BUILD_GIT_VERSION_NUMBER') -and $version.ContainsKey('BUILD_GIT_VERSION_STRING'))) {
throw 'invalid git_version.h'
$gitRevision = $lastSvnRevision + ((git log --pretty=oneline "$($lastSvnHash)..HEAD" 2>$null | Measure-Object).Count)
$gitBranch = git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>$null
$gitHash = git rev-parse --short HEAD 2>$null
$gitRevision = $lastSvnRevision + ((git -C $repositoryRootPath log --pretty=oneline "$($lastSvnHash)..HEAD" 2>$null | Measure-Object).Count)
$gitBranch = git -C $repositoryRootPath symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>$null
$gitHash = git -C $repositoryRootPath rev-parse --short HEAD 2>$null
$gitVersionString = $gitRevision, $gitBranch, $gitHash -join '-'
$exactGitTag = git describe --exact-match --tags 2>$null
$exactGitTag = git -C $repositoryRootPath describe --exact-match --tags 2>$null
if ($exactGitTag -match $semVerMatch) {
$version['TAGGED_RELEASE'] = $true
$version['RESOURCE_BASE_VERSION'] = $Matches[1..3]
$version['INSTALLER_VERSION'] = $gitVersionString = ($Matches[1..3] -join '.') + @("-$($Matches[4])",'')[!$Matches[4]]
} else {
foreach ($rev in (git rev-list --tags 2>$null)) {
$tag = git describe --exact-match --tags $rev 2>$null
foreach ($rev in (git -C $repositoryRootPath rev-list --tags 2>$null)) {
$tag = git -C $repositoryRootPath describe --exact-match --tags $rev 2>$null
if ($tag -match $semVerMatch) {#
$version['TAGGED_RELEASE'] = $false
$version['RESOURCE_BASE_VERSION'] = $Matches[1..3] + $gitRevision

version.sh Normal file → Executable file
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