Store a numerator and denominator in agi::vfr::Framerate rather than a fps. Fixes minor rounding issues with 24000/1001 and 30000/1001 frame rates.
Originally committed to SVN as r6115.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 123 additions and 52 deletions
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "libaegisub/charset.h"
#include "libaegisub/io.h"
#include "libaegisub/line_iterator.h"
#include "libaegisub/scoped_ptr.h"
namespace std {
template<> void swap(agi::vfr::Framerate &lft, agi::vfr::Framerate &rgt) {
@ -39,6 +40,8 @@ namespace std {
static const int64_t default_denominator = 1000000000;
namespace agi {
namespace vfr {
@ -148,9 +151,9 @@ static void v1_fill_range_gaps(std::list<TimecodeRange> &ranges, double fps) {
/// @param file Iterator of lines in the file
/// @param line Header of file with assumed fps
/// @param[out] timecodes Vector filled with frame start times
/// @param[out] time Unrounded time of the last frame
/// @return Assumed fps
static double v1_parse(line_iterator<std::string> file, std::string line, std::vector<int> &timecodes, double &time) {
/// @param[out] last Unrounded time of the last frame
/// @return Assumed fps times one million
static int64_t v1_parse(line_iterator<std::string> file, std::string line, std::vector<int> &timecodes, int64_t &last) {
using namespace std;
double fps = atof(line.substr(7).c_str());
if (fps <= 0.) throw BadFPS("Assumed FPS must be greater than zero");
@ -164,7 +167,7 @@ static double v1_parse(line_iterator<std::string> file, std::string line, std::v
v1_fill_range_gaps(ranges, fps);
time = 0.;
double time = 0.;
for (list<TimecodeRange>::iterator cur = ranges.begin(); cur != ranges.end(); ++cur) {
for (int frame = cur->start; frame <= cur->end; frame++) {
timecodes.push_back(int(time + .5));
@ -172,35 +175,59 @@ static double v1_parse(line_iterator<std::string> file, std::string line, std::v
timecodes.push_back(int(time + .5));
return fps;
last = int64_t(time * fps * default_denominator);
return int64_t(fps * default_denominator);
Framerate::Framerate(Framerate const& that)
: fps(that.fps)
: numerator(that.numerator)
, denominator(that.denominator)
, last(that.last)
, timecodes(that.timecodes)
Framerate::Framerate(double fps) : fps(fps), last(0.) {
Framerate::Framerate(double fps)
: denominator(default_denominator)
, numerator(int64_t(fps * denominator))
, last(0)
if (fps < 0.) throw BadFPS("FPS must be greater than zero");
if (fps > 1000.) throw BadFPS("FPS must not be greater than 1000");
Framerate::Framerate(int64_t numerator, int64_t denominator)
: denominator(denominator)
, numerator(numerator)
, last(0)
if (numerator <= 0 || denominator <= 0)
throw BadFPS("Numerator and denominator must both be greater than zero");
if (numerator / denominator > 1000) throw BadFPS("FPS must not be greater than 1000");
void Framerate::SetFromTimecodes() {
denominator = default_denominator;
numerator = (timecodes.size() - 1) * denominator * 1000 / timecodes.back();
last = (timecodes.size() - 1) * denominator * 1000;
Framerate::Framerate(std::vector<int> const& timecodes)
: timecodes(timecodes)
fps = (timecodes.size() - 1) * 1000. / timecodes.back();
last = timecodes.back();
Framerate::~Framerate() {
void Framerate::swap(Framerate &right) throw() {
std::swap(fps, right.fps);
std::swap(numerator, right.numerator);
std::swap(denominator, right.denominator);
std::swap(last, right.last);
std::swap(timecodes, right.timecodes);
@ -213,24 +240,24 @@ Framerate &Framerate::operator=(double fps) {
return *this = Framerate(fps);
Framerate::Framerate(std::string const& filename) : fps(0.) {
Framerate::Framerate(std::string const& filename)
: denominator(default_denominator)
, numerator(0)
using namespace std;
auto_ptr<ifstream> file(agi::io::Open(filename));
scoped_ptr<ifstream> file(agi::io::Open(filename));
string encoding = agi::charset::Detect(filename);
string line = *line_iterator<string>(*file, encoding);
if (line == "# timecode format v2") {
copy(line_iterator<int>(*file, encoding), line_iterator<int>(), back_inserter(timecodes));
fps = (timecodes.size() - 1) * 1000. / timecodes.back();
last = timecodes.back();
if (line == "# timecode format v1" || line.substr(0, 7) == "Assume ") {
if (line[0] == '#') {
line = *line_iterator<string>(*file, encoding);
fps = v1_parse(line_iterator<string>(*file, encoding), line, timecodes, last);
numerator = v1_parse(line_iterator<string>(*file, encoding), line, timecodes, last);
@ -248,10 +275,6 @@ void Framerate::Save(std::string const& filename, int length) const {
static int round(double value) {
return int(value + .5);
int Framerate::FrameAtTime(int ms, Time type) const {
// With X ms per frame, this should return 0 for:
// EXACT: [0, X - 1]
@ -273,17 +296,13 @@ int Framerate::FrameAtTime(int ms, Time type) const {
return FrameAtTime(ms - 1);
if (timecodes.empty()) {
return (int)floor(ms * fps / 1000.);
if (ms < 0) {
return (int)floor(ms * fps / 1000.);
if (ms > timecodes.back()) {
return round((ms - timecodes.back()) * fps / 1000.) + (int)timecodes.size() - 1;
if (ms < 0)
return int((ms * numerator / denominator - 999) / 1000);
return (int)std::distance(std::lower_bound(timecodes.rbegin(), timecodes.rend(), ms, std::greater<int>()), timecodes.rend()) - 1;
if (ms > timecodes.back())
return int((ms * numerator - last + denominator - 1) / denominator / 1000) + (int)timecodes.size() - 1;
return (int)distance(lower_bound(timecodes.rbegin(), timecodes.rend(), ms, std::greater<int>()), timecodes.rend()) - 1;
int Framerate::TimeAtFrame(int frame, Time type) const {
@ -293,22 +312,21 @@ int Framerate::TimeAtFrame(int frame, Time type) const {
// + 1 as these need to round up for the case of two frames 1 ms apart
return prev + (cur - prev + 1) / 2;
if (type == END) {
int cur = TimeAtFrame(frame);
int next = TimeAtFrame(frame + 1);
return cur + (next - cur + 1) / 2;
if (timecodes.empty()) {
return (int)ceil(frame / fps * 1000.);
if (frame < 0)
return (int)(frame * denominator * 1000 / numerator);
if (frame >= (signed)timecodes.size()) {
int64_t frames_past_end = frame - (int)timecodes.size() + 1;
return int((frames_past_end * 1000 * denominator + last + numerator / 2) / numerator);
if (frame < 0) {
return (int)ceil(frame / fps * 1000.);
if (frame >= (signed)timecodes.size()) {
return round((frame - timecodes.size() + 1) * 1000. / fps + last);
return timecodes[frame];
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
#ifndef LAGI_PRE
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <libaegisub/exception.h>
@ -62,16 +64,31 @@ DEFINE_SIMPLE_EXCEPTION_NOINNER(UnorderedTimecodes, Error, "vfr/timecodes/order"
/// @brief Class for managing everything related to converting frames to times
/// or vice versa
class Framerate {
/// Average FPS for v2, assumed FPS for v1, fps for CFR
double fps;
/// Unrounded time of the last frame in a v1 override range. Needed to
/// match mkvmerge's rounding
double last;
/// Denominator of the FPS
/// For v1 VFR, the assumed FPS is used, for v2 the average FPS
int64_t denominator;
/// Numerator of the FPS
/// For v1 VFR, the assumed FPS is used, for v2 the average FPS
int64_t numerator;
/// Unrounded frame-seconds of the final frame in timecodes. For CFR and v2,
/// this is simply frame count * denominator, but for v1 it's the
/// "unrounded" frame count, since override ranges generally don't exactly
/// cover timebase-unit ranges of time. This is needed to match mkvmerge's
/// rounding past the end of the final override range.
int64_t last;
/// Start time in milliseconds of each frame
std::vector<int> timecodes;
/// Set FPS properties from the timecodes vector
void SetFromTimecodes();
/// Copy constructor
Framerate(Framerate const&);
/// @brief VFR from timecodes file
/// @param filename File with v1 or v2 timecodes
@ -80,13 +97,23 @@ public:
/// mkvmerge-style rounding is applied, while setting a constant frame rate
/// uses truncation.
Framerate(std::string const& filename);
/// @brief CFR constructor
/// @param fps Frames per second or 0 for unloaded
Framerate(double fps = 0.);
/// @brief CFR constructor with rational timebase
/// @param numerator Timebase numerator
/// @param denominator Timebase denominator
Framerate(int64_t numerator, int64_t denominator);
/// @brief VFR from frame times
/// @param timecodes Vector of frame start times in milliseconds
Framerate(std::vector<int> const& timecodes);
/// Destructor
/// Atomic assignment operator
Framerate &operator=(Framerate);
/// Atomic CFR assignment operator
@ -130,9 +157,9 @@ public:
/// be otherwise sensible.
void Save(std::string const& file, int length = -1) const;
bool IsVFR() const {return !timecodes.empty(); }
bool IsLoaded() const { return !timecodes.empty() || fps; };
double FPS() const { return fps; }
bool IsVFR() const {return timecodes.size() > 1; }
bool IsLoaded() const { return numerator > 0; };
double FPS() const { return double(numerator) / denominator; }
} // namespace vfr
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <libaegisub/vfr.h>
#include <climits>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ TEST(lagi_vfr, save_vfr_len) {
TEST(lagi_vfr, load_v2) {
Framerate fps;
ASSERT_NO_THROW(fps = Framerate("data/vfr/in/v2_1fps.txt"));
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(i * 1000, fps.TimeAtFrame(i));
@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ TEST(lagi_vfr, load_v2) {
TEST(lagi_vfr, load_v2_comments) {
Framerate fps;
ASSERT_NO_THROW(fps = Framerate("data/vfr/in/v2_comments.txt"));
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(i * 1000, fps.TimeAtFrame(i));
@ -350,7 +351,7 @@ TEST(lagi_vfr, load_v2_comments) {
TEST(lagi_vfr, load_v2_number_in_comment) {
Framerate fps;
ASSERT_NO_THROW(fps = Framerate("data/vfr/in/v2_number_in_comment.txt"));
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
EXPECT_EQ(i * 1000, fps.TimeAtFrame(i));
@ -394,3 +395,28 @@ TEST(lagi_vfr, nonzero_start_time) {
EXPECT_EQ(50, fps.TimeAtFrame(3, EXACT));
EXPECT_EQ(60, fps.TimeAtFrame(4, EXACT));
TEST(lagi_vfr, rational_timebase) {
Framerate fps;
ASSERT_NO_THROW(fps = Framerate(30000, 1001));
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(i * 1001, fps.TimeAtFrame(i * 30, EXACT));
EXPECT_EQ(i * 30, fps.FrameAtTime(i * 1001, EXACT));
ASSERT_NO_THROW(fps = Framerate(24000, 1001));
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(i * 1001, fps.TimeAtFrame(i * 24, EXACT));
EXPECT_EQ(i * 24, fps.FrameAtTime(i * 1001, EXACT));
TEST(lagi_vfr, no_intermediate_overflow) {
Framerate fps;
ASSERT_NO_THROW(fps = Framerate(1.0));
int last_frame = INT_MAX / 1000;
EXPECT_EQ(last_frame * 1000, fps.TimeAtFrame(last_frame, EXACT));
EXPECT_EQ(last_frame, fps.FrameAtTime(last_frame * 1000, EXACT));
Reference in a new issue