Add directional blur
Originally committed to SVN as r1489.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 243 additions and 49 deletions
@ -151,6 +151,12 @@ box filters over more general filters and using box blur over gaussian blur
is probably no faster and might even be slower.
raster.directional_blur(surface, angle, sigma)
Apply a variable strength directional gaussian kernel blur to the image.
Also known as motion blur. The angle is given in radians.
Invert the colour in the given surface.
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ function render_frame(f, t)
local surf = f.create_cairo_surface()
--raster.gaussian_blur(surf, t)--1+(1-math.cos(t*10))*2)
raster.separable_filter(surf, {-1, 3, -1}, 1)
--raster.separable_filter(surf, {-1, 3, -1}, 1)
raster.directional_blur(surf, t, t/10)
f.overlay_cairo_surface(surf, 0, 0)
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <memory.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <omp.h>
#include <math.h>
// Forward
@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ namespace PixelFormat {
void operator = (const T &n) { }
typedef NopAssigningConstant<uint8_t,255> ROA; // "read only alpha"
typedef NopAssigningConstant<uint8_t,0> ROC; // "read only colour"
// 24 bit formats
struct RGB {
@ -146,6 +148,17 @@ namespace PixelFormat {
template <class PixFmt> ABGR(const PixFmt &src) { a = src.A(); r = src.R(); g = src.G(); b = src.B(); }
// Alpha only
struct A8 {
uint8_t a;
inline ROC R() const { return ROC(); }
inline ROC G() const { return ROC(); }
inline ROC B() const { return ROC(); }
inline uint8_t &A() { return a; } inline uint8_t A() const { return a; }
A8() : a(0) { }
template <class PixFmt> A8(const PixFmt &src) { a = src.A(); }
// cairo types
// These are only true for little endian architectures
// If OverLua is ever to run on big endian archs some conditional compiling should be used here
@ -573,47 +586,70 @@ typedef BaseImageAggregateImpl<PixelFormat::ABGR> ImageABGR;
// Access pixels with various edge conditions
namespace EdgeCondition {
template<class PixFmt>
inline PixFmt &blackness(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= img.width || x >= img.height) {
return PixFmt(); // all construct with all zeroes
} else {
return img.Pixel(x,y);
template<class PixFmt>
inline PixFmt &GetPixelEdgeBlackness(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, int x, int y)
if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= img.width || x >= img.height) {
return PixFmt(); // all construct with all zeroes
} else {
template<class PixFmt>
inline PixFmt &closest(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, int x, int y)
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (x >= img.width) x = img.width-1;
if (y >= img.height) y = img.height - 1;
return img.Pixel(x,y);
template<class PixFmt>
inline PixFmt &repeat(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, int x, int y)
while (x < 0) x += img.width;
while (y < 0) y += img.height;
while (x >= img.width) x -= img.width;
while (y >= img.height) y -= img.height;
return img.Pixel(x,y);
template<class PixFmt>
inline PixFmt &mirror(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, int x, int y)
while (x < 0) x += img.width*2;
while (y < 0) y += img.height*2;
while (x >= img.width*2) x -= img.width*2;
while (y >= img.height*2) y -= img.height*2;
if (x >= img.width) x = img.width - x;
if (y >= img.height) y = img.height - y;
return img.Pixel(x,y);
template<class PixFmt>
inline PixFmt &GetPixelEdgeClosest(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, int x, int y)
if (x < 0) x = 0;
if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (x >= img.width) x = img.width-1;
if (y >= img.height) y = img.height - 1;
return img.Pixel(x,y);
template<class PixFmt>
inline PixFmt &GetPixelEdgeRepeat(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, int x, int y)
// FIXME: this is completely broken, the compiler won't accept it
// when instantiated with one of the EdgeCondition functions for EdgeCond
template<class PixFmt, class EdgeCond>
inline PixFmt GetPixelBilinear(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, double x, double y)
while (x < 0) x += img.width;
while (y < 0) y += img.height;
while (x >= img.width) x -= img.width;
while (y >= img.height) y -= img.height;
return img.Pixel(x,y);
PixFmt res;
double xpct = x - floor(x), ypct = y - floor(y);
template<class PixFmt>
inline PixFmt &GetPixelEdgeMirror(BaseImage<PixFmt> &img, int x, int y)
while (x < 0) x += img.width*2;
while (y < 0) y += img.height*2;
while (x >= img.width*2) x -= img.width*2;
while (y >= img.height*2) y -= img.height*2;
if (x >= img.width) x = img.width - x;
if (y >= img.height) y = img.height - y;
return img.Pixel(x,y);
const PixFmt &src11 = EdgeCond(img, (int)x, (int)y);
const PixFmt &src12 = EdgeCond(img, (int)x, 1+(int)y);
const PixFmt &src21 = EdgeCond(img, 1+(int)x, (int)y);
const PixFmt &src22 = EdgeCond(img, 1+(int)x, 1+(int)y);
res.R() += (1-xpct) * (1-ypct) * src11.R() + (1-xpct) * ypct * src12.R() + xpct * (1-ypct) * src21.R() + xpct * ypct * src22.R();
res.G() += (1-xpct) * (1-ypct) * src11.G() + (1-xpct) * ypct * src12.G() + xpct * (1-ypct) * src21.G() + xpct * ypct * src22.G();
res.B() += (1-xpct) * (1-ypct) * src11.B() + (1-xpct) * ypct * src12.B() + xpct * (1-ypct) * src21.B() + xpct * ypct * src22.B();
res.A() += (1-xpct) * (1-ypct) * src11.A() + (1-xpct) * ypct * src12.A() + xpct * (1-ypct) * src21.A() + xpct * ypct * src22.A();
return res;
@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ void SeparableFilterY(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int width, int hei
// Apply a simple separable FIR filter to an image
void ApplySeparableFilter(lua_State *L, cairo_surface_t *surf, int *kernel, int kernel_size, int divisor)
// Get surface properties
@ -297,6 +298,89 @@ void ApplySeparableFilter(lua_State *L, cairo_surface_t *surf, int *kernel, int
// Apply a general filter an image
template <class FilterType>
void ApplyGeneralFilter(lua_State *L, cairo_surface_t *surf, FilterType &filter)
// Get surface properties
int width = cairo_image_surface_get_width(surf);
int height = cairo_image_surface_get_height(surf);
ptrdiff_t stride = (ptrdiff_t)cairo_image_surface_get_stride(surf);
cairo_format_t format = cairo_image_surface_get_format(surf);
unsigned char *data = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surf);
if (format != CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32 && format != CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24 && format != CAIRO_FORMAT_A8) {
lua_pushliteral(L, "Unsupported image format for raster operation");
// Source image copy
unsigned char *wimg = new unsigned char[height*stride];
memcpy(wimg, data, height*stride);
if (format == CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32) {
BaseImage<PixelFormat::cairo_argb32> src(width, height, stride, wimg);
BaseImage<PixelFormat::cairo_argb32> dst(width, height, stride, data);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
dst.Pixel(x,y) = filter.argb32(src, x, y);
} else if (format == CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24) {
BaseImage<PixelFormat::cairo_rgb24> src(width, height, stride, wimg);
BaseImage<PixelFormat::cairo_rgb24> dst(width, height, stride, data);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
dst.Pixel(x,y) = filter.rgb24(src, x, y);
} else if (format == CAIRO_FORMAT_A8) {
BaseImage<PixelFormat::A8> src(width, height, stride, wimg);
BaseImage<PixelFormat::A8> dst(width, height, stride, data);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
dst.Pixel(x,y) = filter.a8(src, x, y);
// Clean up
delete[] wimg;
struct GaussianKernel {
int *kernel;
int width;
int divisor;
GaussianKernel(double sigma)
width = (int)(sigma*3 + 0.5) | 1; // binary-or with 1 to make sure the number is odd
if (width < 3) width = 3;
kernel = new int[width];
kernel[width/2] = (int)(NormalDist(sigma, 0) * 255);
divisor = kernel[width/2];
for (int x = width/2-1; x >= 0; x--) {
int val = (int)(NormalDist(sigma, width/2-x) * 255 + 0.5);
divisor += val*2;
kernel[x] = val;
kernel[width - x - 1] = val;
delete[] kernel;
// raster.gaussian_blur(imgsurf, sigma)
static int gaussian_blur(lua_State *L)
@ -305,21 +389,9 @@ static int gaussian_blur(lua_State *L)
double sigma = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
// Generate gaussian kernel
int kernel_size = (int)(sigma*3 + 0.5) | 1; // binary-or with 1 to make sure the number is odd
if (kernel_size < 3) kernel_size = 3;
int *kernel = new int[kernel_size];
kernel[kernel_size/2] = (int)(NormalDist(sigma, 0) * 255);
int ksum = kernel[kernel_size/2];
for (int x = kernel_size/2-1; x >= 0; x--) {
int val = (int)(NormalDist(sigma, kernel_size/2-x) * 255 + 0.5);
ksum += val*2;
kernel[x] = val;
kernel[kernel_size - x - 1] = val;
GaussianKernel gk(sigma);
ApplySeparableFilter(L, surf, kernel, kernel_size, ksum);
delete[] kernel;
ApplySeparableFilter(L, surf, gk.kernel, gk.width, gk.divisor);
return 0;
@ -342,6 +414,85 @@ static int box_blur(lua_State *L)
// TODO: figure out how to make this use bilinear pixel grabbing instead
struct DirectionalBlurFilter {
GaussianKernel gk;
double xstep, ystep;
DirectionalBlurFilter(double angle, double sigma) :
xstep = cos(angle);
ystep = -sin(angle);
inline PixelFormat::A8 a8(BaseImage<PixelFormat::A8> &src, int x, int y)
int a = 0;
for (int t = -gk.width/2, i = 0; i < gk.width; t++, i++) {
//PixelFormat::A8 &srcpx = GetPixelBilinear<PixelFormat::A8, EdgeCondition::repeat>(src, x+xstep*t, y+ystep*t);
PixelFormat::A8 &srcpx = EdgeCondition::repeat(src, (int)(x+xstep*t), (int)(y+ystep*t));
a += srcpx.A() * gk.kernel[i];
PixelFormat::A8 res;
a = a / gk.divisor; if (a < 0) a = 0; if (a > 255) a = 255;
res.A() = a;
return res;
inline PixelFormat::cairo_rgb24 rgb24(BaseImage<PixelFormat::cairo_rgb24> &src, int x, int y)
int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
for (int t = -gk.width/2, i = 0; i < gk.width; t++, i++) {
//PixelFormat::cairo_rgb24 &srcpx = GetPixelBilinear<PixelFormat::cairo_rgb24, EdgeCondition::repeat>(src, x+xstep*t, y+ystep*t);
PixelFormat::cairo_rgb24 &srcpx = EdgeCondition::repeat(src, (int)(x+xstep*t), (int)(y+ystep*t));
r += srcpx.R() * gk.kernel[i];
g += srcpx.G() * gk.kernel[i];
b += srcpx.B() * gk.kernel[i];
PixelFormat::cairo_rgb24 res;
r = r / gk.divisor; if (r < 0) r = 0; if (r > 255) r = 255;
g = g / gk.divisor; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (g > 255) g = 255;
b = b / gk.divisor; if (b < 0) b = 0; if (b > 255) b = 255;
res.R() = r;
res.G() = g;
res.B() = b;
return res;
inline PixelFormat::cairo_argb32 argb32(BaseImage<PixelFormat::cairo_argb32> &src, int x, int y)
int a = 0, r = 0, g = 0, b = 0;
for (int t = -gk.width/2, i = 0; i < gk.width; t++, i++) {
//PixelFormat::cairo_argb32 &srcpx = GetPixelBilinear<PixelFormat::cairo_argb32, EdgeCondition::repeat>(src, x+xstep*t, y+ystep*t);
PixelFormat::cairo_argb32 &srcpx = EdgeCondition::repeat(src, (int)(x+xstep*t), (int)(y+ystep*t));
a += srcpx.A() * gk.kernel[i];
r += srcpx.R() * gk.kernel[i];
g += srcpx.G() * gk.kernel[i];
b += srcpx.B() * gk.kernel[i];
PixelFormat::cairo_argb32 res;
a = a / gk.divisor; if (a < 0) a = 0; if (a > 255) a = 255;
r = r / gk.divisor; if (r < 0) r = 0; if (r > 255) r = 255;
g = g / gk.divisor; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (g > 255) g = 255;
b = b / gk.divisor; if (b < 0) b = 0; if (b > 255) b = 255;
res.A() = a;
res.R() = r;
res.G() = g;
res.B() = b;
return res;
static int directional_blur(lua_State *L)
cairo_surface_t *surf = CheckSurface(L, 1);
double angle = luaL_checknumber(L, 2);
double sigma = luaL_checknumber(L, 3);
DirectionalBlurFilter filter(angle, sigma);
ApplyGeneralFilter(L, surf, filter);
return 0;
static int invert_image(lua_State *L)
cairo_surface_t *surf = CheckSurface(L, 1);
@ -444,7 +595,7 @@ static int separable_filter(lua_State *L)
// Registration
static luaL_Reg rasterlib[] = {
{"gaussian_blur", gaussian_blur}, {"box_blur", box_blur},
{"gaussian_blur", gaussian_blur}, {"box_blur", box_blur}, {"directional_blur", directional_blur},
{"separable_filter", separable_filter},
{"invert", invert_image},
Reference in a new issue