Make FractionalTime less weird
Originally committed to SVN as r6086.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 35 additions and 86 deletions
@ -251,63 +251,32 @@ int AssTime::GetTimeMiliseconds() { return (time % 1000); }
int AssTime::GetTimeCentiseconds() { return (time % 1000)/10; }
/// @brief Constructor
/// @param separator
/// @param numerator
/// @param denominator
/// @param dropframe
FractionalTime::FractionalTime (wxString separator, int numerator, int denominator, bool dropframe) {
drop = dropframe;
FractionalTime::FractionalTime(int numerator, int denominator, bool dropframe, char sep)
: num(numerator)
, den(denominator)
, drop(dropframe)
, sep(sep)
if (drop) {
// no dropframe for any other framerates
num = 30000;
den = 1001;
} else {
num = numerator;
den = denominator;
sep = separator;
// fractions < 1 are not welcome here
if ((num <= 0 || den <= 0) || (num < den))
throw "FractionalTime: nonsensical enumerator or denominator";
if (sep.IsEmpty())
throw "FractionalTime: no separator specified";
/// @brief Destructor
FractionalTime::~FractionalTime () {
/// @brief SMPTE text string to milliseconds conversion
/// @param _text
/// @return
int FractionalTime::ToMillisecs (wxString _text) {
wxString text = _text;
wxString re_str = "";
int FractionalTime::ToMillisecs(wxString text) {
long h=0,m=0,s=0,f=0;
// hour minute second fraction
re_str << "(\\d+)" << sep << "(\\d+)" << sep << "(\\d+)" << sep << "(\\d+)";
wxRegEx re(re_str, wxRE_ADVANCED);
if (!re.IsValid())
throw "FractionalTime: regex failure";
wxRegEx re(wxString::Format("(\\d+)%c(\\d+)%c(\\d+)%c(\\d+)", sep, sep, sep, sep), wxRE_ADVANCED);
if (!re.Matches(text))
return 0; // FIXME: throw here too?
long h=0, m=0, s=0, f=0;
@ -327,7 +296,7 @@ int FractionalTime::ToMillisecs (wxString _text) {
fn += m * 1798; // two timestamps dropped per minute after the first
fn += s * 30 + f - 2;
else { // minute is evenly divisible by 10, keep first two timestamps
else { // minute is evenly divisible by 10, keep first two timestamps
fn += s * 30;
fn += f;
@ -349,40 +318,23 @@ int FractionalTime::ToMillisecs (wxString _text) {
return msecs_f;
/// @brief SMPTE text string to AssTime conversion
/// @param _text
/// @return
AssTime FractionalTime::ToAssTime (wxString _text) {
AssTime time;
return time;
AssTime FractionalTime::ToAssTime(wxString text) {
return AssTime(ToMillisecs(text));
/// @brief AssTime to SMPTE text string conversion
/// @param time
/// @return
wxString FractionalTime::FromAssTime(AssTime time) {
return FromMillisecs(time.GetMS());
/// @brief Milliseconds to SMPTE text string conversion
/// @param msec
wxString FractionalTime::FromMillisecs(int64_t msec) {
int h=0, m=0, s=0, f=0; // hours, minutes, seconds, fractions
int fn = (msec*(int64_t)num) / (1000*den); // frame number
// return 00:00:00:00
if (msec <= 0)
goto RETURN;
if (msec <= 0) {
// dropframe?
if (drop) {
else if (drop) {
fn += 2 * (fn / (30 * 60)) - 2 * (fn / (30 * 60 * 10));
h = fn / (30 * 60 * 60);
m = (fn / (30 * 60)) % 60;
@ -409,20 +361,18 @@ wxString FractionalTime::FromMillisecs(int64_t msec) {
int frames_per_h = 3600*fps_approx;
int frames_per_m = 60*fps_approx;
int frames_per_s = fps_approx;
while (fn >= frames_per_h) {
h++; fn -= frames_per_h;
while (fn >= frames_per_m) {
m++; fn -= frames_per_m;
while (fn >= frames_per_s) {
s++; fn -= frames_per_s;
h = fn / frames_per_h;
fn = fn % frames_per_h;
m = fn / frames_per_m;
fn = fn % frames_per_m;
s = fn / frames_per_s;
fn = fn % frames_per_s;
f = fn;
return wxString::Format("%02i" + sep + "%02i" + sep + "%02i" + sep + "%02i",h,m,s,f);
return wxString::Format("%02i%c%02%c%02i%c%02i", h, sep, m, sep, s, sep, f);
@ -91,22 +91,21 @@ class FractionalTime {
int num; ///< Numerator
int den; ///< Denominator
bool drop; ///< Enable SMPTE dropframe handling
/// separator; someone might have separators of more than one character :V
wxString sep;
char sep; ///< Timecode component separator
/// How often to drop frames when enabled
static const int frames_per_period = 17982;
/// dumb assumption? I give no fuck
/// NOTE: separator can be a regex! at least if you only plan on doing SMPTE->somethingelse.
FractionalTime(wxString separator, int numerator=30, int denominator=1, bool dropframe=false);
FractionalTime(int numerator=30, int denominator=1, bool dropframe=false, char sep=':');
/// Parse a SMPTE timecode, returning an AssTime
AssTime ToAssTime(wxString fractime);
/// Parse a SMPTE timecode, returning milliseconds
int ToMillisecs(wxString fractime);
/// Convert an AssTime to a SMPTE timecode
wxString FromAssTime(AssTime time);
/// Convert milliseconds to a SMPTE timecode
wxString FromMillisecs(int64_t msec);
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ void EncoreSubtitleFormat::WriteFile(wxString const& filename, wxString const& e
int i = 0;
// Encore wants ; instead of : if we're dealing with NTSC dropframe stuff
FractionalTime ft(fps_rat.smpte_dropframe ? ";" : ":", fps_rat.num, fps_rat.den, fps_rat.smpte_dropframe);
FractionalTime ft(fps_rat.num, fps_rat.den, fps_rat.smpte_dropframe, fps_rat.smpte_dropframe ? ';' : ':');
for (std::list<AssEntry*>::iterator cur=Line->begin();cur!=Line->end();cur++) {
if (AssDialogue *current = dynamic_cast<AssDialogue*>(*cur)) {
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ wxString TranStationSubtitleFormat::ConvertLine(AssDialogue *current, FPSRationa
if (nextl_start > 0 && end.GetMS() == nextl_start)
end.SetMS(end.GetMS() - ((1000*fps_rat->den)/fps_rat->num));
FractionalTime ft(":", fps_rat->num, fps_rat->den, fps_rat->smpte_dropframe);
FractionalTime ft(fps_rat->num, fps_rat->den, fps_rat->smpte_dropframe);
wxString header = wxString::Format("SUB[%i%s%s ", valign, halign, type) + ft.FromAssTime(start) + ">" + ft.FromAssTime(end) + "]\r\n";
// Process text
Reference in a new issue