After the audio provider rework, adjust the audio players to not
use the int16 mono downmixed audio unless necessary. Furthermore,
the pulseaudio-based player now controls the volume directly through
pulseaudio instead of by modifying the buffer. This also reduces latency
when changing the volume.
The entire set of GetAudio functions is quite messy now. After wangqr's
audio rework, it was split into GetAudio and GetInt16MonoAudio
functions, but now volume scaling is also necessary. Really, this should
go back to a type constructor based system with audio players being
allowed to choose what properties out of mono / 16 bytes / int samples /
volume they need.
- To allow for XAudio2 to work properly, we need to rework how does provider work since they only are used to be able to take in mono audio.
- Other providers have been dumbed down to accept single channel audio since originally aegisub only accepted 1 channel audio.
- has been modified to accommodate for xaudio, as we currently don't accept redistributable forms of xaudio, we need to work around the WinNT version.
- There has been 1 more fix to res.rc to allow for compiling on non tagged releases.
Use std::chrono since it's a nicer API. Use a separate lock for playback
position so that the GUI thread isn't blocked for hundreds of ms while
snd_pcm_drain is waiting, and update the playback position after
decoding audio rather than before to avoid it being significantly wrong
when not using a cache.