// Copyright (c) 2005, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // //////////// // Includes #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_override.h" #include "vfr.h" #include "utils.h" ////////////////////// AssDialogue ////////////////////// // Constructs AssDialogue AssDialogue::AssDialogue() { group = _T("[Events]"); Valid = true; SetStartMS(0); SetEndMS(5000); Layer = 0; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) Margin[i] = 0; Text = _T(""); Style = _T("Default"); Actor = _T(""); Effect = _T(""); Comment = false; UpdateData(); } AssDialogue::AssDialogue(wxString _data,int version) { // Set group group = _T("[Events]"); // Try parsing in different ways int count = 0; Valid = false; while (!Valid && count < 3) { Valid = Parse(_data,version); count++; version++; if (version > 2) version = 0; } // Not valid if (!Valid) { throw _T("Failed parsing line."); } // update UpdateData(); } ////////////// // Destructor AssDialogue::~AssDialogue () { Clear(); } ///////// // Clear void AssDialogue::Clear () { ClearBlocks(); } //////////////// // Clear blocks void AssDialogue::ClearBlocks() { using std::vector; for (vector::iterator cur=Blocks.begin();cur!=Blocks.end();cur++) { delete *cur; } Blocks.clear(); } ////////////////// // Parse ASS Data bool AssDialogue::Parse(wxString rawData, int version) { size_t pos = 0; wxString temp; // Get type if (rawData.StartsWith(_T("Dialogue:"))) { Comment = false; pos = 10; } else if (rawData.StartsWith(_T("Comment:"))) { Comment = true; pos = 9; } else return false; wxStringTokenizer tkn(rawData.Mid(pos),_T(","),wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL); if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; // Get first token and see if it has "Marked=" in it temp = tkn.GetNextToken().Trim(false).Trim(true); if (temp.Lower().StartsWith(_T("marked="))) version = 0; else if (version == 0) version = 1; // Get layer number if (version == 0) Layer = 0; else { long templ; temp.ToLong(&templ); Layer = templ; } // Get start time if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; Start.ParseASS(tkn.GetNextToken()); FixStartMS(); // Get end time if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; End.ParseASS(tkn.GetNextToken()); // Get style if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; Style = tkn.GetNextToken(); Style.Trim(true); Style.Trim(false); // Get actor if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; Actor = tkn.GetNextToken(); Actor.Trim(true); Actor.Trim(false); // Get left margin if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; SetMarginString(tkn.GetNextToken().Trim(false).Trim(true),0); // Get right margin if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; SetMarginString(tkn.GetNextToken().Trim(false).Trim(true),1); // Get top margin if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; temp = tkn.GetNextToken().Trim(false).Trim(true); SetMarginString(temp,2); if (version == 1) SetMarginString(temp,3); // Get bottom margin bool rollBack = false; if (version == 2) { if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; wxString oldTemp = temp; temp = tkn.GetNextToken().Trim(false).Trim(true); if (!temp.IsNumber()) { version = 1; rollBack = true; } } // Get effect if (!rollBack) { if (!tkn.HasMoreTokens()) return false; temp = tkn.GetNextToken(); } Effect = temp; Effect.Trim(true); Effect.Trim(false); // Get text Text = rawData.Mid(pos+tkn.GetPosition()); return true; } ///////////// // Make data wxString AssDialogue::MakeData() { // Prepare static wxString final = _T(""); // Write all final if (Comment) final = _T("Comment: "); else final = _T("Dialogue: "); final += wxString::Format(_T("%01i"),Layer); final += _T(","); final += Start.GetASSFormated() + _T(","); final += End.GetASSFormated() + _T(","); Style.Replace(_T(","),_T(";")); Actor.Replace(_T(","),_T(";")); final += Style + _T(","); final += Actor + _T(","); final += GetMarginString(0); final += _T(","); final += GetMarginString(1); final += _T(","); final += GetMarginString(2); final += _T(","); Effect.Replace(_T(","),_T(";")); final += Effect + _T(","); final += Text; // Make sure that final has no line breaks final.Replace(_T("\n"),_T("")); final.Replace(_T("\r"),_T("")); // Return final return final; } ////////////////////////////////// // Update AssDialogue's data line void AssDialogue::UpdateData () { } ////////////////// // Get entry data const wxString AssDialogue::GetEntryData() { return MakeData(); } ////////////////// // Set entry data void AssDialogue::SetEntryData(wxString newData) { } /////////////////////////////// // Get SSA version of Dialogue wxString AssDialogue::GetSSAText () { // Prepare wxString work = _T(""); // Write all work if (Comment) work += _T("Comment: "); else work += _T("Dialogue: "); work += _T("Marked=0,"); work += Start.GetASSFormated() + _T(","); work += End.GetASSFormated() + _T(","); Style.Replace(_T(","),_T(";")); Actor.Replace(_T(","),_T(";")); work += Style + _T(","); work += Actor + _T(","); work += GetMarginString(0); work += _T(","); work += GetMarginString(1); work += _T(","); work += GetMarginString(2); work += _T(","); Effect.Replace(_T(","),_T(";")); work += Effect + _T(","); work += Text; return work; } ////////////////// // Parse SRT tags // -------------- // Yea, I convert to ASS tags, then parse that. So sue me. void AssDialogue::ParseSRTTags () { // Search and replace size_t total = 0; total += Text.Replace(_T(""),_T("{\\i1}")); total += Text.Replace(_T(""),_T("{\\i0}")); total += Text.Replace(_T(""),_T("{\\b1}")); total += Text.Replace(_T(""),_T("{\\b0}")); total += Text.Replace(_T(""),_T("{\\u1}")); total += Text.Replace(_T(""),_T("{\\u0}")); total += Text.Replace(_T(""),_T("{\\s1}")); total += Text.Replace(_T(""),_T("{\\s0}")); // Process tag wxString work = Text; work.UpperCase(); size_t pos_open = 0; size_t pos_close = 0; size_t pos = 0; size_t end = 0; size_t start = 0; bool isOpen; // Iterate pos_open = work.find(_T(""),start)+1; //if (end == wxString::npos) continue; // Open tag if (isOpen) { wxString replaced = _T(""); // Color tag if ((pos = work.find(_T("COLOR=\""),start)) != wxString::npos) { if (pos < end) { pos += 7; size_t end_tag = Text.find(_T("\""),pos); if (end_tag != wxString::npos) { if (end_tag-pos == 7) { replaced += _T("{\\c&H"); replaced += work.substr(pos+5,2); replaced += work.substr(pos+3,2); replaced += work.substr(pos+1,2); replaced += _T("&}"); total++; } } } } // Face tag if ((pos = work.find(_T("FACE=\""),start)) != wxString::npos) { if (pos < end) { pos += 6; size_t end_tag = work.find(_T("\""),pos); if (end_tag != wxString::npos) { replaced += _T("{\\fn"); replaced += work.substr(pos,end_tag-pos); replaced += _T("}"); total++; } } } // Size tag if ((pos = work.find(_T("SIZE=\""),start)) != wxString::npos) { if (pos < end) { pos += 6; size_t end_tag = Text.find(_T("\""),pos); if (end_tag != wxString::npos) { replaced += _T("{\\fs"); replaced += work.substr(pos,end_tag-pos); replaced += _T("}"); total++; } } } // Replace whole tag //Text = Text.substr(0,start) + replaced + Text.substr(end); Text = Text.substr(0, start); Text << replaced << Text.substr(end); total++; } // Close tag else { // Find if it's italic, bold, underline, and strikeout wxString prev = Text.Left(start); bool isItalic=false,isBold=false,isUnder=false,isStrike=false; if (CountMatches(prev,_T("{\\i1}")) > CountMatches(prev,_T("{\\i0}"))) isItalic = true; if (CountMatches(prev,_T("{\\b1}")) > CountMatches(prev,_T("{\\b0}"))) isBold = true; if (CountMatches(prev,_T("{\\u1}")) > CountMatches(prev,_T("{\\u0}"))) isUnder = true; if (CountMatches(prev,_T("{\\s1}")) > CountMatches(prev,_T("{\\s0}"))) isStrike = true; // Generate new tag, by reseting and then restoring flags wxString replaced = _T("{\\r"); if (isItalic) replaced += _T("\\i1"); if (isBold) replaced += _T("\\b1"); if (isUnder) replaced += _T("\\u1"); if (isStrike) replaced += _T("\\s1"); replaced += _T("}"); // Replace //Text = Text.substr(0,start) + replaced + Text.substr(end); Text = Text.substr(0, start); Text << replaced << Text.substr(end); total++; } // Get next work = Text; work.UpperCase(); pos_open = work.find(_T(" 0) UpdateText(); UpdateData(); } ////////////////// // Parse ASS tags void AssDialogue::ParseASSTags () { // Clear blocks ClearBlocks(); // Is drawing? int drawingLevel = 0; // Loop through const size_t len = Text.size(); size_t cur = 0; size_t end = 0; while (cur < len) { // Overrides block if (Text[cur] == '{') { // Get contents of block wxString work; end = Text.find(_T("}"),cur); if (end == wxString::npos) { work = Text.substr(cur); end = len; } else work = Text.substr(cur,end-cur+1); if (work.Find(_T("\\")) == wxNOT_FOUND) { //We've found an override block with no backslashes //We're going to assume it's a comment and not consider it an override block //Currently we'll treat this as a plain text block, but feel free to create a new class AssDialogueBlockPlain *block = new AssDialogueBlockPlain; block->text = work; Blocks.push_back(block); } else { work = work.substr(1,work.Len()-2); // trim { and } // Create block AssDialogueBlockOverride *block = new AssDialogueBlockOverride; block->parent = this; block->text = work; block->ParseTags(); Blocks.push_back(block); // Look for \p in block std::vector::iterator curTag; for (curTag = block->Tags.begin();curTag != block->Tags.end();curTag++) { AssOverrideTag *tag = *curTag; if (tag->Name == _T("\\p")) { drawingLevel = tag->Params.at(0)->AsInt(); } } } // Increase cur = end+1; } // Plain-text/drawing block else { wxString work; end = Text.find(_T("{"),cur); if (end == wxString::npos) { work = Text.substr(cur); end = len; } else work = Text.substr(cur,end-cur); // Plain-text if (drawingLevel == 0) { AssDialogueBlockPlain *block = new AssDialogueBlockPlain; block->text = work; Blocks.push_back(block); } // Drawing else { AssDialogueBlockDrawing *block = new AssDialogueBlockDrawing; block->text = work; block->Scale = drawingLevel; Blocks.push_back(block); } cur = end; } } // Empty line, make an empty block if (len == 0) { AssDialogueBlockPlain *block = new AssDialogueBlockPlain; block->text = _T(""); Blocks.push_back(block); } } ////////////// // Strip tags void AssDialogue::StripTags () { static wxRegEx reg(_T("\\{[^\\{]*\\}"),wxRE_ADVANCED); reg.Replace(&Text,_T("")); } //////////////////////// // Strip a specific tag void AssDialogue::StripTag (wxString tagName) { // Parse using std::list; using std::vector; ParseASSTags(); wxString final; // Look for blocks for (vector::iterator cur=Blocks.begin();cur!=Blocks.end();cur++) { if ((*cur)->GetType() == BLOCK_OVERRIDE) { AssDialogueBlockOverride *over = AssDialogueBlock::GetAsOverride(*cur); wxString temp; for (size_t i=0;iTags.size();i++) { if (over->Tags[i]->Name != tagName) temp += over->Tags[i]->ToString(); } // Insert if (!temp.IsEmpty()) final += _T("{") + temp + _T("}"); } else final += (*cur)->GetText(); } // Update ClearBlocks(); Text = final; UpdateData(); } /////////////////////// // Convert tags to SRT // ------------------- // TODO: Improve this code // void AssDialogue::ConvertTagsToSRT () { // Setup using std::list; using std::vector; AssDialogueBlockOverride* curBlock; AssDialogueBlockPlain *curPlain; AssOverrideTag* curTag; wxString final = _T(""); bool isItalic=false,isBold=false,isUnder=false,isStrike=false; bool temp; // Iterate through blocks ParseASSTags(); for (size_t i=0;iTags.size();j++) { curTag = curBlock->Tags.at(j); if (curTag->IsValid()) { // Italics if (curTag->Name == _T("\\i")) { temp = curTag->Params.at(0)->AsBool(); if (temp && !isItalic) { isItalic = true; final += _T(""); } if (!temp && isItalic) { isItalic = false; final += _T(""); } } // Underline if (curTag->Name == _T("\\u")) { temp = curTag->Params.at(0)->AsBool(); if (temp && !isUnder) { isUnder = true; final += _T(""); } if (!temp && isUnder) { isUnder = false; final += _T(""); } } // Strikeout if (curTag->Name == _T("\\s")) { temp = curTag->Params.at(0)->AsBool(); if (temp && !isStrike) { isStrike = true; final += _T(""); } if (!temp && isStrike) { isStrike = false; final += _T(""); } } // Bold if (curTag->Name == _T("\\b")) { temp = curTag->Params.at(0)->AsBool(); if (temp && !isBold) { isBold = true; final += _T(""); } if (!temp && isBold) { isBold = false; final += _T(""); } } } } } // Plain text else { curPlain = AssDialogueBlock::GetAsPlain(Blocks.at(i)); if (curPlain) { final += curPlain->GetText(); } } } // Ensure all tags are closed if (isBold) final += _T(""); if (isItalic) final += _T(""); if (isUnder) final += _T(""); if (isStrike) final += _T(""); Text = final; UpdateData(); ClearBlocks(); } ////////////////////////// // Updates text from tags void AssDialogue::UpdateText () { using std::vector; Text = _T(""); for (vector::iterator cur=Blocks.begin();cur!=Blocks.end();cur++) { if ((*cur)->GetType() == BLOCK_OVERRIDE) { Text += _T("{"); Text += (*cur)->GetText(); Text += _T("}"); } else Text += (*cur)->GetText(); } } ///////////////////////////// // Sets margin from a string void AssDialogue::SetMarginString(const wxString origvalue,int which) { // Make it numeric wxString strvalue = origvalue; if (!strvalue.IsNumber()) { strvalue = _T(""); for (size_t i=0;i 9999) value = 9999; // Assign if (which < 0 || which >= 4) throw _T("Invalid margin id"); Margin[which] = value; } ////////////////////////// // Gets string for margin wxString AssDialogue::GetMarginString(int which,bool pad) { if (which < 0 || which >= 4) throw _T("Invalid margin id"); int value = Margin[which]; if (pad) return wxString::Format(_T("%04i"),value); else return wxString::Format(_T("%i"),value); } /////////////////////////////////// // Process parameters via callback void AssDialogue::ProcessParameters(void (*callback)(wxString tagName,int par_n,AssOverrideParameter *param,void *userData),void *userData) { // Apply for all override blocks AssDialogueBlockOverride *curBlock; //ParseASSTags(); for (std::vector::iterator cur=Blocks.begin();cur!=Blocks.end();cur++) { if ((*cur)->GetType() == BLOCK_OVERRIDE) { curBlock = static_cast (*cur); curBlock->ProcessParameters(callback,userData); } } //ClearBlocks(); } /////////////////////////////// // Checks if two lines collide bool AssDialogue::CollidesWith(AssDialogue *target) { if (!target) return false; int a = Start.GetMS(); int b = End.GetMS(); int c = target->Start.GetMS(); int d = target->End.GetMS(); return ((a < c) ? (c < b) : (a < d)); } //////////////////////// // Return just the text without any overrides wxString AssDialogue::GetStrippedText() const { wxString justtext = wxString(_T("")); bool inCode = false; for (size_t charindex = 0; charindex != Text.Len(); charindex++) { if (Text[charindex] == '{') inCode = true; else if (Text[charindex] == '}') inCode = false; else if (!inCode) justtext = justtext + Text[charindex]; } return justtext; } ///////// // Clone AssEntry *AssDialogue::Clone() { // Create clone AssDialogue *final = new AssDialogue(); // Copy data final->group = group; final->Valid = Valid; final->Actor = Actor; final->Comment = Comment; final->Effect = Effect; final->Layer = Layer; for (int i=0;i<4;i++) final->Margin[i] = Margin[i]; final->SetStartMS(GetStartMS()); final->SetEndMS(GetEndMS()); final->Style = Style; final->Text = Text; //final->SetEntryData(GetEntryData()); // Return return final; } ////////////////////// AssDialogueBlock ////////////////////// /////////////// // Constructor AssDialogueBlock::AssDialogueBlock () { } ////////////// // Destructor AssDialogueBlock::~AssDialogueBlock () { } //////////////////////////// // Returns as a plain block // ---------------------- // If it isn't a plain block, returns NULL AssDialogueBlockPlain *AssDialogueBlock::GetAsPlain(AssDialogueBlock *base) { if (!base) return NULL; if (base->GetType() == BLOCK_PLAIN) { return static_cast (base); } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////// // Returns as an override block // ---------------------------- // If it isn't an override block, returns NULL AssDialogueBlockOverride *AssDialogueBlock::GetAsOverride(AssDialogueBlock *base) { if (!base) return NULL; if (base->GetType() == BLOCK_OVERRIDE) { return static_cast (base); } return NULL; } ////////////////////////////// // Returns as a drawing block // ---------------------------- // If it isn't an drawing block, returns NULL AssDialogueBlockDrawing *AssDialogueBlock::GetAsDrawing(AssDialogueBlock *base) { if (!base) return NULL; if (base->GetType() == BLOCK_DRAWING) { return static_cast (base); } return NULL; } ////////////////////// AssDialogueBlockPlain ////////////////////// /////////////// // Constructor AssDialogueBlockPlain::AssDialogueBlockPlain () { } ////////////////////// AssDialogueBlockDrawing ////////////////////// /////////////// // Constructor AssDialogueBlockDrawing::AssDialogueBlockDrawing () { } //////////////////////// // Multiply coordinates void AssDialogueBlockDrawing::TransformCoords(int mx,int my,double x,double y) { // HACK: Implement a proper parser ffs!! wxStringTokenizer tkn(GetText(),_T(" "),wxTOKEN_DEFAULT); wxString cur; wxString final; bool isX = true; long temp; // Process tokens while (tkn.HasMoreTokens()) { cur = tkn.GetNextToken().Lower(); // Number, process it if (cur.IsNumber()) { // Transform it cur.ToLong(&temp); if (isX) temp = (long int)((temp+mx)*x + 0.5); else temp = (long int)((temp+my)*y + 0.5); // Write back to list final += wxString::Format(_T("%i "),temp); // Toggle X/Y isX = !isX; } // Text else { if (cur == _T("m") || cur == _T("n") || cur == _T("l") || cur == _T("b") || cur == _T("s") || cur == _T("p") || cur == _T("c")) isX = true; final += cur + _T(" "); } } // Write back final final = final.Left(final.Length()-1); text = final; }