--[[ Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Niels Martin Hansen, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]] include("utils.lua") include("unicode.lua") -- Make sure karaskel table exists if not karaskel then karaskel = {} end -- Collect styles and metadata from the subs function karaskel.collect_head(subs, generate_furigana) local meta = { -- X and Y script resolution res_x = 0, res_y = 0, -- Aspect ratio correction factor for video/script resolution mismatch video_x_correct_factor = 1.0 } local styles = { n = 0 } local toinsert = {} local first_style_line = nil if not karaskel.furigana_scale then karaskel.furigana_scale = 0.5 end -- First pass: collect all existing styles and get resolution info for i = 1, #subs do if aegisub.progress.is_cancelled() then error("User cancelled") end local l = subs[i] if l.class == "style" then if not first_style_line then first_style_line = i end -- Store styles into the style table styles.n = styles.n + 1 styles[styles.n] = l styles[l.name] = l l.margin_v = l.margin_t -- convenience -- And also generate furigana styles if wanted if generate_furigana and not l.name:match("furigana") then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Creating furigana style for style: " .. l.name .. "\n") local fs = table.copy(l) fs.fontsize = l.fontsize * karaskel.furigana_scale fs.outline = l.outline * karaskel.furigana_scale fs.shadow = l.shadow * karaskel.furigana_scale fs.name = l.name .. "-furigana" table.insert(toinsert, fs) -- queue to insert in file end elseif l.class == "info" then -- Also look for script resolution local k = l.key:lower() meta[k] = l.value end end -- Second pass: insert all toinsert styles that don't already exist for i = 1, #toinsert do if not styles[toinsert[i].name] then -- Insert into styles table styles.n = styles.n + 1 styles[styles.n] = toinsert[i] styles[toinsert[i].name] = toinsert[i] -- And subtitle file subs[-first_style_line] = toinsert[i] end end -- Fix resolution data meta.res_x, meta.res_y = subs.script_resolution() local video_x, video_y = aegisub.video_size() if video_y then -- Correction factor for TextSub weirdness when render resolution does -- not match script resolution. Text pixels are considered square in -- render resolution rather than in script resolution, which is -- logically inconsistent. Correct for that. meta.video_x_correct_factor = (video_y / video_x) / (meta.res_y / meta.res_x) end aegisub.debug.out(4, "Karaskel: Video X correction factor = %f\n\n", meta.video_x_correct_factor) return meta, styles end -- Pre-process line, determining stripped text, karaoke data and splitting off furigana data -- Modifies the object passed for line function karaskel.preproc_line_text(meta, styles, line) -- Assume line is class=dialogue local kara = aegisub.parse_karaoke_data(line) line.kara = { n = 0 } line.furi = { n = 0 } line.text_stripped = "" line.duration = line.end_time - line.start_time local worksyl = { highlights = {n=0}, furi = {n=0} } local cur_inline_fx = "" for i = 0, #kara do local syl = kara[i] -- Detect any inline-fx tags local inline_fx = syl.text:match("%{.*\\%-([^}\\]+)") if inline_fx then cur_inline_fx = inline_fx end -- Strip spaces (only basic ones, no fullwidth etc.) local prespace, syltext, postspace = syl.text_stripped:match("^([ \t]*)(.-)([ \t]*)$") -- See if we've broken a (possible) multi-hl stretch -- If we did it's time for a new worksyl (though never for the zero'th syllable) local prefix = syltext:sub(1,unicode.charwidth(syltext,1)) if prefix ~= "#" and prefix ~= "#" and i > 0 then line.kara[line.kara.n] = worksyl line.kara.n = line.kara.n + 1 worksyl = { highlights = {n=0}, furi = {n=0} } end -- Add highlight data local hl = { start_time = syl.start_time, end_time = syl.end_time, duration = syl.duration } worksyl.highlights.n = worksyl.highlights.n + 1 worksyl.highlights[worksyl.highlights.n] = hl -- Detect furigana (both regular and fullwidth pipes work) -- Furigana is stored independantly from syllables if syltext:find("|") or syltext:find("|") then -- Replace fullwidth pipes, they aren't regex friendly syltext = syltext:gsub("|", "|") -- Get before/after pipe text local maintext, furitext = syltext:match("^(.-)|(.-)$") syltext = maintext local furi = { } furi.syl = worksyl -- Magic happens here -- isbreak = Don't join this furi visually with previous furi, even if their main texts are adjacent -- spillback = Allow this furi text to spill over the left edge of the main text -- (Furi is always allowed to spill over the right edge of main text.) local prefix = furitext:sub(1,unicode.charwidth(furitext,1)) if prefix == "!" or prefix == "!" then furi.isbreak = true furi.spillback = false elseif prefix == "<" or prefix == "<" then furi.isbreak = true furi.spillback = true else furi.isbreak = false furi.spillback = false end -- Remove the prefix character from furitext, if there was one if furi.isbreak then furitext = furitext:sub(unicode.charwidth(furitext,1)+1) end -- Some of these may seem superflous, but a furi should ideally have the same "interface" as a syllable furi.start_time = syl.start_time furi.end_time = syl.end_time furi.duration = syl.duration furi.kdur = syl.duration / 10 furi.text = furitext furi.text_stripped = furitext furi.text_spacestripped = furitext furi.line = line furi.tag = syl.tag furi.inline_fx = cur_inline_fx furi.i = line.kara.n furi.prespace = "" furi.postspace = "" furi.highlights = { n=1, [1]=hl } furi.isfuri = true line.furi.n = line.furi.n + 1 line.furi[line.furi.n] = furi worksyl.furi.n = worksyl.furi.n + 1 worksyl.furi[worksyl.furi.n] = furi end -- Syllables that aren't part of a multi-highlight generate a new output-syllable if not worksyl.text or (prefix ~= "#" and prefix ~= "#") then -- Update stripped line-text line.text_stripped = line.text_stripped .. prespace .. syltext .. postspace -- Copy data from syl to worksyl worksyl.text = syl.text worksyl.duration = syl.duration worksyl.kdur = syl.duration / 10 worksyl.start_time = syl.start_time worksyl.end_time = syl.end_time worksyl.tag = syl.tag worksyl.line = line -- And add new data to worksyl worksyl.i = line.kara.n worksyl.text_stripped = prespace .. syltext .. postspace -- be sure to include the spaces so the original line can be built from text_stripped worksyl.inline_fx = cur_inline_fx worksyl.text_spacestripped = syltext worksyl.prespace = prespace worksyl.postspace = postspace else -- This is just an extra highlight worksyl.duration = worksyl.duration + syl.duration worksyl.kdur = worksyl.kdur + syl.duration / 10 worksyl.end_time = syl.end_time end end -- Add the last syllable line.kara[line.kara.n] = worksyl -- But don't increment n here, n should be the highest syllable index! (The zero'th syllable doesn't count.) end -- Pre-calculate sizing information for the given line, no layouting is done -- Modifies the object passed for line function karaskel.preproc_line_size(meta, styles, line) if not line.kara then karaskel.preproc_line_text(meta, styles, line) end -- Add style information if styles[line.style] then line.styleref = styles[line.style] else aegisub.debug.out(2, "WARNING: Style not found: " .. line.style .. "\n") line.styleref = styles[1] end -- Calculate whole line sizing line.width, line.height, line.descent, line.extlead = aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, line.text_stripped) line.width = line.width * meta.video_x_correct_factor -- Calculate syllable sizing for s = 0, line.kara.n do local syl = line.kara[s] syl.style = line.styleref syl.width, syl.height = aegisub.text_extents(syl.style, syl.text_spacestripped) syl.width = syl.width * meta.video_x_correct_factor syl.prespacewidth = aegisub.text_extents(syl.style, syl.prespace) * meta.video_x_correct_factor syl.postspacewidth = aegisub.text_extents(syl.style, syl.postspace) * meta.video_x_correct_factor end -- Calculate furigana sizing if styles[line.style .. "-furigana"] then line.furistyle = styles[line.style .. "-furigana"] else aegisub.debug.out(4, "No furigana style defined for style '%s'\n", line.style) line.furistyle = false end if line.furistyle then for f = 1, line.furi.n do local furi = line.furi[f] furi.style = line.furistyle furi.width, furi.height = aegisub.text_extents(furi.style, furi.text) furi.width = furi.width * meta.video_x_correct_factor furi.prespacewidth = 0 furi.postspacewidth = 0 end end end -- Layout a line, including furigana layout -- Modifies the object passed for line function karaskel.preproc_line_pos(meta, styles, line) if not line.styleref then karaskel.preproc_line_size(meta, styles, line) end -- Syllable layouting must be done before the rest, since furigana layout may change the total width of the line if line.furistyle then karaskel.do_furigana_layout(meta, styles, line) else karaskel.do_basic_layout(meta, styles, line) end -- Effective margins line.margin_v = line.margin_t line.eff_margin_l = ((line.margin_l > 0) and line.margin_l) or line.styleref.margin_l line.eff_margin_r = ((line.margin_r > 0) and line.margin_r) or line.styleref.margin_r line.eff_margin_t = ((line.margin_t > 0) and line.margin_t) or line.styleref.margin_t line.eff_margin_b = ((line.margin_b > 0) and line.margin_b) or line.styleref.margin_b line.eff_margin_v = ((line.margin_v > 0) and line.margin_v) or line.styleref.margin_v -- And positioning if line.styleref.align == 1 or line.styleref.align == 4 or line.styleref.align == 7 then -- Left aligned line.left = line.eff_margin_l line.center = line.left + line.width / 2 line.right = line.left + line.width line.x = line.left line.halign = "left" elseif line.styleref.align == 2 or line.styleref.align == 5 or line.styleref.align == 8 then -- Centered line.left = (meta.res_x - line.eff_margin_l - line.eff_margin_r - line.width) / 2 + line.eff_margin_l line.center = line.left + line.width / 2 line.right = line.left + line.width line.x = line.center line.halign = "center" elseif line.styleref.align == 3 or line.styleref.align == 6 or line.styleref.align == 9 then -- Right aligned line.left = meta.res_x - line.eff_margin_r - line.width line.center = line.left + line.width / 2 line.right = line.left + line.width line.x = line.right line.halign = "right" end line.hcenter = line.center if line.styleref.align >=1 and line.styleref.align <= 3 then -- Bottom aligned line.bottom = meta.res_y - line.eff_margin_b line.middle = line.bottom - line.height / 2 line.top = line.bottom - line.height line.y = line.bottom line.valign = "bottom" elseif line.styleref.align >= 4 and line.styleref.align <= 6 then -- Mid aligned line.top = (meta.res_y - line.eff_margin_t - line.eff_margin_b - line.height) / 2 + line.eff_margin_t line.middle = line.top + line.height / 2 line.bottom = line.top + line.height line.y = line.middle line.valign = "middle" elseif line.styleref.align >= 7 and line.styleref.align <= 9 then -- Top aligned line.top = line.eff_margin_t line.middle = line.top + line.height / 2 line.bottom = line.top + line.height line.y = line.top line.valign = "top" end line.vcenter = line.middle end -- Do simple syllable layouting (no furigana) function karaskel.do_basic_layout(meta, styles, line) local curx = 0 for i = 0, line.kara.n do local syl = line.kara[i] syl.left = curx + syl.prespacewidth syl.center = syl.left + syl.width / 2 syl.right = syl.left + syl.width curx = curx + syl.prespacewidth + syl.width + syl.postspacewidth end end -- Do advanced furigana layout algorithm function karaskel.do_furigana_layout(meta, styles, line) -- Start by building layout groups -- Two neighboring syllables with furigana that join together are part of the same layout group -- A forced split creates a new layout group local lgroups = {} -- Start-sentinel local lgsentinel = {basewidth=0, furiwidth=0, syls={}, furi={}, spillback=false, left=0, right=0} table.insert(lgroups, lgsentinel) -- Create groups local last_had_furi = false local lg = { basewidth=0, furiwidth=0, syls={}, furi={}, spillback=false } for s = 0, line.kara.n do local syl = line.kara[s] -- Furigana-less syllables always generate a new layout group -- So do furigana-endowed syllables that are marked as split -- But if current lg has no width (usually only first) don't create a new aegisub.debug.out(5, "syl.furi.n=%d, isbreak=%s, last_had_furi=%s, lg.basewidth=%d\n", syl.furi.n, syl.furi.n > 0 and syl.furi[1].isbreak and "y" or "n", last_had_furi and "y" or "n", lg.basewidth) if (syl.furi.n == 0 or syl.furi[1].isbreak or not last_had_furi) and lg.basewidth > 0 then aegisub.debug.out(5, "Inserting layout group, basewidth=%d, furiwidth=%d, isbreak=%s\n", lg.basewidth, lg.furiwidth, syl.furi.n > 0 and syl.furi[1].isbreak and "y" or "n") table.insert(lgroups, lg) lg = { basewidth=0, furiwidth=0, syls={}, furi={}, spillback=false } last_had_furi = false end -- Add this syllable to lg lg.basewidth = lg.basewidth + syl.prespacewidth + syl.width + syl.postspacewidth table.insert(lg.syls, syl) aegisub.debug.out(5, "\tAdding syllable to layout group: '%s', width=%d, isbreak=%s\n", syl.text_stripped, syl.width, syl.furi.n > 0 and syl.furi[1].isbreak and "y" or "n") -- Add this syllable's furi to lg for f = 1, syl.furi.n do local furi = syl.furi[f] lg.furiwidth = lg.furiwidth + furi.width lg.spillback = lg.spillback or furi.spillback table.insert(lg.furi, furi) aegisub.debug.out(5, "\tAdding furigana to layout group: %s (width=%d)\n", furi.text, furi.width) last_had_furi = true end end -- Insert last lg aegisub.debug.out(5, "Inserting layout group, basewidth=%d, furiwidth=%d\n", lg.basewidth, lg.furiwidth) table.insert(lgroups, lg) -- And end-sentinel table.insert(lgroups, lgsentinel) aegisub.debug.out(5, "\nProducing layout from %d layout groups\n", #lgroups-1) -- Layout the groups at macro-level -- Skip sentinel at ends in loop local curx = 0 for i = 2, #lgroups-1 do local lg = lgroups[i] local prev = lgroups[i-1] aegisub.debug.out(5, "Layout group, nsyls=%d, nfuri=%d, syl1text='%s', basewidth=%f furiwidth=%f, ", #lg.syls, #lg.furi, lg.syls[1] and lg.syls[1].text or "", lg.basewidth, lg.furiwidth) -- Three cases: No furigana, furigana smaller than base and furigana larger than base if lg.furiwidth == 0 then -- Here wa can basically just place the base text lg.left = curx lg.right = lg.left + lg.basewidth -- If there was any spillover from a previous group, add it to here if prev.rightspill and prev.rightspill > 0 then aegisub.debug.out(5, "eat rightspill=%f, ", prev.rightspill) lg.leftspill = 0 lg.rightspill = prev.rightspill - lg.basewidth prev.rightspill = 0 end curx = curx + lg.basewidth elseif lg.furiwidth <= lg.basewidth then -- If there was any rightspill from previous group, we have to stay 100% clear of that if prev.rightspill and prev.rightspill > 0 then aegisub.debug.out(5, "skip rightspill=%f, ", prev.rightspill) curx = curx + prev.rightspill prev.rightspill = 0 end lg.left = curx lg.right = lg.left + lg.basewidth curx = curx + lg.basewidth -- Negative spill here lg.leftspill = (lg.furiwidth - lg.basewidth) / 2 lg.rightspill = lg.leftspill else -- Furigana is wider than base, we'll have to spill in some direction if prev.rightspill and prev.rightspill > 0 then aegisub.debug.out(5, "skip rightspill=%f, ", prev.rightspill) curx = curx + prev.rightspill prev.rightspill = 0 end -- Do we spill only to the right or in both directions? if lg.spillback then -- Both directions lg.leftspill = (lg.furiwidth - lg.basewidth) / 2 lg.rightspill = lg.leftspill aegisub.debug.out(5, "spill left=%f right=%f, ", lg.leftspill, lg.rightspill) -- If there was any furigana or spill on previous syllable we can't overlap it if prev.rightspill then lg.left = curx + lg.leftspill else lg.left = curx end else -- Only to the right lg.leftspill = 0 lg.rightspill = lg.furiwidth - lg.basewidth aegisub.debug.out(5, "spill right=%f, ", lg.rightspill) lg.left = curx end lg.right = lg.left + lg.basewidth curx = lg.right end aegisub.debug.out(5, "left=%f, right=%f\n", lg.left, lg.right) end -- Now the groups are layouted, so place the individual syllables/furigana for i, lg in ipairs(lgroups) do local basecenter = (lg.left + lg.right) / 2 -- centered furi is centered over this local curx = lg.left -- base text is placed from here on -- Place base syllables for s, syl in ipairs(lg.syls) do syl.left = curx + syl.prespacewidth syl.center = syl.left + syl.width/2 syl.right = syl.left + syl.width curx = syl.right + syl.postspacewidth end if curx > line.width then line.width = curx end -- Place furigana if lg.furiwidth < lg.basewidth or lg.spillback then -- Center over group curx = lg.left + (lg.basewidth - lg.furiwidth) / 2 else -- Left aligned curx = lg.left end for f, furi in ipairs(lg.furi) do furi.left = curx furi.center = furi.left + furi.width/2 furi.right = furi.left + furi.width curx = furi.right end end end -- Precalc some info on a line -- Modifies the line parameter function karaskel.preproc_line(subs, meta, styles, line) -- subs parameter is never used and probably won't ever be -- (it wouldn't be fun if some lines suddenly changed index here) -- pass whatever you want, but be careful calling preproc_line_pos directly, that interface might change karaskel.preproc_line_pos(meta, styles, line) end -- An actual "skeleton" function -- Parses the first word out of the Effect field of each dialogue line and runs "fx_"..effect on that line -- Lines with empty Effect field run fx_none -- Lines with unimplemented effects are left alone -- If the effect function returns true, the original line is kept in output, -- otherwise the original line is converted to a comment -- General prototype of an fx function: function(subs, meta, styles, line, fxdata) -- fxdata are extra data after the effect name in the Effect field local fx_library_registered = false function karaskel.use_fx_library_furi(use_furigana, macrotoo) local function fx_library_main(subs) aegisub.progress.task("Collecting header info") meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head(subs, use_furigana) aegisub.progress.task("Processing subs") local i, maxi = 1, #subs while i <= maxi do aegisub.progress.set(i/maxi*100) local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" then aegisub.progress.task(l.text) karaskel.preproc_line(subs, meta, styles, l) local keep = true local fx, fxdata = string.headtail(l.effect) if fx == "" then fx = "none" end if _G["fx_" .. fx] then -- note to casual readers: _G is a special global variable that points to the global environment -- specifically, _G["_G"] == _G keep = _G["fx_" .. fx](subs, meta, styles, l, fxdata) end if not keep then l = subs[i] l.comment = true subs[i] = l end end i = i + 1 end end if fx_library_registered then return end aegisub.register_filter(script_name or "fx_library", script_description or "Apply karaoke effects (fx_library skeleton)", 2000, fx_library_main) if macrotoo then local function fxlibmacro(subs) fx_library_main(subs) aegisub.set_undo_point(script_name or "karaoke effect") end aegisub.register_macro(script_name or "fx_library", script_description or "Apply karaoke effects (fx_library skeleton)", fxlibmacro) end end function karaskel.use_fx_library(macrotoo) return karaskel.use_fx_library_furi(false, macrotoo) end -- A skeleton that approximately simulates the Auto3 "advanced" one. -- Build a Auto3-like list of dialogue lines and also add linked list refs to lines. -- Call user-defined do_line function for each line, if it exists. -- The default do_line function will call the do_syllable function for each line, -- if the function exists. -- The function names called are constant. local classic_adv_registered = false function karaskel.use_classic_adv(use_furigana, macrotoo) local function classic_adv_main(subs) local function default_do_syllable(subs, meta, styles, lines, line, syl) -- do nothing end local sylfunc = (type(_G.do_syllable)=="function" and _G.do_syllable) or default_do_syllable local furifunc = (type(_G.do_furigana)=="function" and _G.do_furigana) or default_do_syllable local function default_do_line(subs, meta, styles, lines, line) for i = 0, line.kara.n do sylfunc(subs, meta, styles, lines, line, line.kara[i]) end if use_furigana then for i = 0, line.furi.n do furifunc(subs, meta, styles, lines, line, line.furi[i]) end end end aegisub.progress.task("Collecting header info") local meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head(subs, use_furigana) -- Collect lines aegisub.progress.task("Collecting subtitle lines") local lines = { n=0 } local prevline = nil local i = 1 local curorgline, maxorglines = 1, #subs while i <= #subs do aegisub.progress.set(curorgline/maxorglines*100) local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" then -- Link prev of this one karaskel.preproc_line(subs, meta, styles, l) l.prev = prevline l.next = nil -- Line next of prev one if prevline then prevline.next = l end -- Insert into array lines.n = lines.n + 1 lines[lines.n] = l -- Update prev prevline = l -- Delete from file subs[i] = nil else -- Only increase for non-dialogue lines -- (Dialogue lines are deleted, so every other lines moves one down) i = i + 1 end curorgline = curorgline + 1 end aegisub.progress.task("Processing subtitles") local linefunc = default_do_line if type(_G.do_line)=="function" then linefunc = function(subs, meta, styles, lines, line) return _G.do_line(subs, meta, styles, lines, line, default_do_line) end end for i = 1, lines.n do aegisub.progress.set(i/lines.n*100) linefunc(subs, meta, styles, lines, lines[i]) end aegisub.progress.task("Finished") aegisub.progress.set(100) end if classic_adv_registered then return end aegisub.register_filter(script_name or "classic_adv", script_description or "Apply karaoke effects (classic_adv skeleton)", 2000, classic_adv_main) if macrotoo then local function classic_adv_macro(subs) classic_adv_main(subs) aegisub.set_undo_point(script_name or "karaoke effect") end aegisub.register_macro(script_name or "classic_adv", script_description or "Apply karaoke effects (classic_adv skeleton)", classic_adv_macro) end end