#!/bin/sh set -e SRC_DIR="${1}" BUILD_DIR="${2}" WX_PREFIX="" FONTCONFIG_CONF_DIR="${4}" DICT_DIR="${5}" MESON_BUILD_OSX_BUNDLE="${6}" if [ "${MESON_BUILD_OSX_BUNDLE}" != "TRUE" ]; then echo "Project not built with \`build_osx_bundle\`" echo "Please run \`meson configure -Dbuild_osx_bundle=true\` and rebuild" exit 1 fi PKG_DIR="${BUILD_DIR}/Aegisub.app" SKEL_DIR="${SRC_DIR}/packages/osx_bundle" if test -d "${PKG_DIR}"; then rm -rf "${PKG_DIR}" echo "Removing old Aegisub.app" fi echo echo "---- Directory Structure ----" mkdir -v "${PKG_DIR}" mkdir -v "${PKG_DIR}/Contents" mkdir -v "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/MacOS" mkdir -v "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources" mkdir -v "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport" mkdir -v "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport/dictionaries" echo echo "---- Copying Skel Files ----" if ! test -f "${BUILD_DIR}/osx-bundle.sed"; then echo echo "NOT FOUND: ${BUILD_DIR}/osx-bundle.sed" exit 1 fi # used by osx-bundle.sed find "${SRC_DIR}/po" -name *.po | sed 's/.*\/\(.*\)\.po/ \1<\/string>/; s/RS/YU/' > "${BUILD_DIR}/languages" #find "${SKEL_DIR}" -type f -not -regex ".*.svn.*" cp -v ${SKEL_DIR}/Contents/Resources/*.icns "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources" cat "${SKEL_DIR}/Contents/Info.plist" | sed -f "${BUILD_DIR}/osx-bundle.sed" > "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Info.plist" rm "${BUILD_DIR}/languages" echo echo "---- Installing files ----" CURRENT_DIR=`pwd` cd ${BUILD_DIR} ninja install cd ${CURRENT_DIR} echo echo "---- Copying dictionaries ----" if test -f "${DICT_DIR}"; then cp -v "${DICT_DIR}/*" "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport/dictionaries" else mkdir -p "${BUILD_DIR}/dictionaries" if ! test -f "${BUILD_DIR}/dictionaries/en_US.aff"; then echo "Specified dictionary directory ${DICT_DIR} not found. Downloading dictionaries:" curl -L "https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/openofficeorg.mirror/contrib/dictionaries/en_US.zip" -o "${BUILD_DIR}/dictionaries/en_US.zip" unzip "${BUILD_DIR}/dictionaries/en_US.zip" -d "${BUILD_DIR}/dictionaries" fi cp -v "${BUILD_DIR}/dictionaries/en_US.aff" "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport/dictionaries" cp -v "${BUILD_DIR}/dictionaries/en_US.dic" "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport/dictionaries" fi echo echo "---- Copying Aegisub locale files ----" # Let Aqua know that aegisub supports english. English strings are # internal so we don't need an aegisub.mo file. mkdir -vp "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/en.lproj" # FIXME # 10.8 wants sr_YU rather than sr_RS #mv "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/sr_RS.lproj" "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/sr_YU.lproj" #mv "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/sr_RS@latin.lproj" "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/sr_YU@latin.lproj" ## TODO: rm those lines ## xref: [Update and review translations · Issue #132 · TypesettingTools/Aegisub](https://github.com/TypesettingTools/Aegisub/issues/132) # echo # echo "---- Copying WX locale files ----" # # for i in `ls -1 ${SRC_DIR}/po/*.mo|sed "s|po/\(.*\).mo|\1|"`; do # WX_MO="${WX_PREFIX}/share/locale/${i}/LC_MESSAGES/wxstd.mo" # # if ! test -f "${WX_MO}"; then # WX_MO="${HOME_DIR}/wxstd/${i}.mo" # fi # # if test -f "${WX_MO}"; then # cp -v "${WX_MO}" "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/${i}.lproj/" # else # echo "WARNING: \"$i\" locale in aegisub but no WX catalog found!" # fi # done echo echo "---- Fixing libraries ----" sudo python3 "${SRC_DIR}/tools/osx-fix-libs.py" "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/MacOS/aegisub" || exit $? echo echo "Done creating \"${PKG_DIR}\""