// Copyright (c) 2005, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // //////////// // Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include "options.h" #include "main.h" #include "text_file_reader.h" #include "text_file_writer.h" #include "colorspace.h" #include "utils.h" /////////////// // Constructor OptionsManager::OptionsManager() { modified = false; } ////////////// // Destructor OptionsManager::~OptionsManager() { opt.clear(); } /////////////////////// // Load default values void OptionsManager::LoadDefaults() { ///// PUBLIC ////// // Here go the options that can be edited by the options menu // General SetBool(_T("Tips enabled"),true); SetBool(_T("Show splash"),true); SetBool(_T("Link Time Boxes Commit"),true); SetInt(_T("Undo Levels"),8); SetInt(_T("Recent timecodes max"),16); SetInt(_T("Recent keyframes max"),16); SetInt(_T("Recent sub max"),16); SetInt(_T("Recent vid max"),16); SetInt(_T("Recent aud max"),16); SetInt(_T("Recent find max"),16); SetInt(_T("Recent replace max"),16); // File Save/Load SetText(_T("Save Charset"),_T("UTF-8")); SetBool(_T("Use nonstandard Milisecond Times"),false); SetBool(_T("Auto backup"),true); SetInt(_T("Auto save every seconds"),60); SetBool(_T("Auto save on every change"),false); SetText(_T("Auto backup path"),_T("autoback")); SetText(_T("Auto save path"),_T("autosave")); SetText(_T("Auto recovery path"),_T("recovered")); SetInt(_T("Autoload linked files"),2); // Dictionary SetText(_T("Dictionaries path"),_T("dictionaries")); SetText(_T("Dictionary language"),_T("en_US")); // Video Options SetInt(_T("Video Check Script Res"), 0); SetInt(_T("Video Default Zoom"), 7); SetInt(_T("Video Fast Jump Step"), 10); SetBool(_T("Show keyframes on video slider"),true); // Video Provider (Advanced) SetBool(_T("Threaded Video"),false); SetInt(_T("Avisynth MemoryMax"),64); SetBool(_T("Allow Ancient Avisynth"),false); SetText(_T("Video Provider"),_T("Avisynth")); SetText(_T("Video resizer"),_T("BilinearResize")); // Audio Options SetBool(_T("Audio Link"),true); SetBool(_T("Audio Autocommit"),false); SetBool(_T("Audio Autoscroll"),true); SetBool(_T("Audio SSA Mode"),false); SetBool(_T("Audio Medusa Timing Hotkeys"),false); SetBool(_T("Audio SSA Next Line on Commit"),true); SetBool(_T("Audio SSA Allow Autocommit"),false); SetBool(_T("Audio Autofocus"),false); SetBool(_T("Audio Wheel Default To Zoom"),false); SetBool(_T("Audio lock scroll on cursor"),false); SetInt(_T("Timing Default Duration"), 2000); SetInt(_T("Audio lead in"),200); SetInt(_T("Audio lead out"),300); SetInt(_T("Audio Inactive Lines Display Mode"),1); // Audio Provider (Advanced) SetInt(_T("Audio Cache"),1); SetInt(_T("Audio Sample Rate"),0); SetText(_T("Audio Downmixer"),_T("ConvertToMono")); // Automation SetText(_T("Automation Base Path"), AegisubApp::folderName + _T("automation/")); SetText(_T("Automation Include Path"), AegisubApp::folderName + _T("automation/include/")); SetText(_T("Automation Autoload Path"), AegisubApp::folderName + _T("automation/autoload/")); SetInt(_T("Automation Trace Level"), 3); // Edit box cosmetic SetBool(_T("Syntax Highlight Enabled"),true); SetColour(_T("Syntax Highlight Normal"),wxColour(0,0,0)); SetColour(_T("Syntax Highlight Brackets"),wxColour(20,50,255)); SetColour(_T("Syntax Highlight Slashes"),wxColour(255,0,200)); SetColour(_T("Syntax Highlight Tags"),wxColour(90,90,90)); SetColour(_T("Syntax Highlight Numbers"),wxColour(0,90,0)); SetColour(_T("Syntax Highlight Error"),wxColour(200,0,0)); SetColour(_T("Syntax Highlight Line Break"),wxColour(160,160,160)); SetColour(_T("Edit Box Need Enter Background"),wxColour(192,192,255)); #if defined(__WINDOWS__) SetInt(_T("Font Size"),9); #else SetInt(_T("Font Size"),11); #endif SetText(_T("Font Face"),_T("")); // Generate colors wxColour tempCol = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW); float r = tempCol.Red() / 255.0; float g = tempCol.Green() / 255.0; float b = tempCol.Blue() / 255.0; wxColour textCol = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT); wxColour background = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOW); wxColour comment = wxColour(216,222,245); wxColour selection = wxColour(206,255,231); wxColour selComment = wxColour(211,238,238); wxColour header = wxColour(165,207,231); wxColour labels = wxColour(196,236,201); wxColour inframe = wxColour(255,253,234); wxColour active = wxColour(255,91,239); wxColour grid = wxColour(128,128,128); wxColour collision = wxColour(255,0,0); // Grid cosmetic SetColour(_T("Grid standard foreground"),textCol); SetColour(_T("Grid selection background"),selection); SetColour(_T("Grid selection foreground"),textCol); SetColour(_T("Grid comment background"),comment); SetColour(_T("Grid collision foreground"),collision); SetColour(_T("Grid selected comment background"),selComment); SetColour(_T("Grid inframe background"),inframe); SetColour(_T("Grid background"),background); SetColour(_T("Grid header"),header); SetColour(_T("Grid left column"),labels); SetColour(_T("Grid active border"),active); SetColour(_T("Grid lines"),grid); wchar_t temp = 0x2600; SetText(_T("Grid hide overrides char"),temp); SetBool(_T("Grid allow focus"),true); SetBool(_T("Highlight subs in frame"),true); // Audio Cosmetic SetInt(_T("Audio Spectrum Cutoff"),32); SetInt(_T("Audio Spectrum Window"),11); SetBool(_T("Audio Spectrum invert selection"), true); SetColour(_T("Audio Selection Background Modified"),wxColour(92,0,0)); SetColour(_T("Audio Selection Background"),wxColour(64,64,64)); SetColour(_T("Audio Seconds Boundaries"),wxColour(0,100,255)); SetColour(_T("Audio Waveform Modified"),wxColour(255,200,200)); SetColour(_T("Audio Waveform Selected"),wxColour(255,255,255)); SetColour(_T("Audio Waveform Inactive"),wxColour(0,80,0)); SetColour(_T("Audio Waveform"),wxColour(0,200,0)); SetColour(_T("Audio Line boundary start"),wxColour(255,0,0)); SetColour(_T("Audio Line boundary end"),wxColour(255,0,0)); SetColour(_T("Audio Line boundary inactive line"),wxColour(128,128,128)); SetColour(_T("Audio Syllable boundaries"),wxColour(255,255,0)); SetColour(_T("Audio Syllable text"),wxColour(255,0,0)); SetColour(_T("Audio Play cursor"),wxColour(255,255,255)); SetColour(_T("Audio Background"),wxColour(0,0,0)); SetInt(_T("Audio Line boundaries Thickness"), 2); SetBool(_T("Audio Draw Secondary Lines"), true); SetBool(_T("Audio Draw Selection Background"), true); ///// INTERNAL ////// // Options that are set by the program itself SetInt(_T("Locale Code"),-1); SetBool(_T("Keep raw dialogue data"),false); SetBool(_T("Sync video with subs"),true); SetBool(_T("Shift Times ByTime"),true); SetInt(_T("Shift Times Type"),0); SetInt(_T("Shift Times Length"),0); SetInt(_T("Shift Times Affect"),0); SetBool(_T("Shift Times Direction"),true); SetInt(_T("Tips current"),0); SetBool(_T("Show associations"),true); SetBool(_T("Maximized"),false); SetBool(_T("Find Match Case"),false); SetBool(_T("Find RegExp"),false); SetBool(_T("Find Update Video"),false); SetInt(_T("Find Affect"),0); SetInt(_T("Find Field"),0); SetInt(_T("Grid hide overrides"),1); for (int i=0;i<10;i++) SetBool(_T("Grid show column ") + IntegerToString(i),true); #if defined(__WINDOWS__) SetInt(_T("Grid font size"),8); #else SetInt(_T("Grid font size"),10); #endif for (int i=0;i<9;i++) SetBool(wxString::Format(_T("Paste Over #%i"),i),false); SetBool(_T("Paste Over #9"),true); SetText(_T("Fonts Collector Destination"),_T("?script")); SetBool(_T("Fonts Collector Attachment"),0); SetBool(_T("Fonts Collector Archive"),1); SetInt(_T("Audio Display Height"),100); SetBool(_T("Audio Spectrum"),false); SetText(_T("Audio HD Cache Location"),_T("default")); SetText(_T("Audio HD Cache Name"),_T("audio%02i.tmp")); SetInt(_T("Timing processor key start before thres"),5); SetInt(_T("Timing processor key start after thres"),4); SetInt(_T("Timing processor key end before thres"),5); SetInt(_T("Timing processor key end after thres"),6); SetInt(_T("Timing processor adjascent thres"),300); SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable lead-in"),true); SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable lead-out"),true); SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable keyframe"),true); SetBool(_T("Timing processor Enable adjascent"),true); SetFloat(_T("Timing processor adjascent bias"),1.0); SetText(_T("Select Text"),_T("")); SetInt(_T("Select Condition"),0); SetInt(_T("Select Field"),0); SetInt(_T("Select Action"),0); SetInt(_T("Select Mode"),1); SetBool(_T("Select Match case"),false); SetBool(_T("Select Match dialogues"),true); SetBool(_T("Select Match comments"),false); SetText(_T("Text actor separator"),_T(":")); SetText(_T("Text comment starter"),_T("#")); SetText(_T("Color Picker Recent"), _T("&H000000& &H0000FF& &H00FFFF& &H00FF00& &HFFFF00& &HFF0000& &HFF00FF& &HFFFFFF&")); SetInt(_T("Color Picker Mode"), 4); SetText(_T("Last open subtitles path"),_T("")); SetText(_T("Last open video path"),_T("")); SetText(_T("Last open audio path"),_T("")); SetText(_T("Last open timecodes path"),_T("")); SetText(_T("Last open keyframes path"),_T("")); SetText(_T("Last open automation path"),_T("")); } //////////////// // Set filename void OptionsManager::SetFile(wxString file) { filename = file; } //////// // Save void OptionsManager::Save() { // Check if it's actually modified if (!modified) return; // Open file TextFileWriter file(filename,_T("UTF-8")); file.WriteLineToFile(_T("[Config]")); // Put variables in it for (std::map::iterator cur=opt.begin();cur!=opt.end();cur++) { file.WriteLineToFile((*cur).first + _T("=") + (*cur).second.AsText()); } // Close modified = false; } //////// // Load void OptionsManager::Load() { // Load defaults LoadDefaults(); // Check if file exists (create if it doesn't) wxFileName path(filename); if (!path.FileExists()) { modified = true; Save(); return; } // Read header TextFileReader file(filename); wxString header = file.ReadLineFromFile(); if (header != _T("[Config]")) throw _T("Invalid config file"); // Get variables std::map::iterator cur; wxString curLine; while (file.HasMoreLines()) { // Parse line curLine = file.ReadLineFromFile(); if (curLine.IsEmpty()) continue; size_t pos = curLine.Find(_T("=")); if (pos == wxString::npos) continue; wxString key = curLine.Left(pos); wxString value = curLine.Mid(pos+1); // Find it cur = opt.find(key); if (cur != opt.end()) { (*cur).second.ResetWith(value); } else SetText(key,value); } // Close Save(); } ///////////// // Write int void OptionsManager::SetInt(wxString key,int param) { opt[key.Lower()].SetInt(param); modified = true; } /////////////// // Write float void OptionsManager::SetFloat(wxString key,double param) { opt[key.Lower()].SetFloat(param); modified = true; } //////////////// // Write string void OptionsManager::SetText(wxString key,wxString param) { opt[key.Lower()].SetText(param); modified = true; } ///////////////// // Write boolean void OptionsManager::SetBool(wxString key,bool param) { opt[key.Lower()].SetBool(param); modified = true; } //////////////// // Write colour void OptionsManager::SetColour(wxString key,wxColour param) { opt[key.Lower()].SetColour(param); modified = true; } ////////// // As int int OptionsManager::AsInt(wxString key) { std::map::iterator cur; cur = (opt.find(key.Lower())); if (cur != opt.end()) { return (*cur).second.AsInt(); } else throw _T("Undefined name"); } ////////////// // As boolean bool OptionsManager::AsBool(wxString key) { std::map::iterator cur; cur = (opt.find(key.Lower())); if (cur != opt.end()) { return (*cur).second.AsBool(); } else throw _T("Undefined name"); } //////////// // As float double OptionsManager::AsFloat(wxString key) { std::map::iterator cur; cur = (opt.find(key.Lower())); if (cur != opt.end()) { return (*cur).second.AsFloat(); } else throw _T("Undefined name"); } ///////////// // As string wxString OptionsManager::AsText(wxString key) { std::map::iterator cur; cur = (opt.find(key.Lower())); if (cur != opt.end()) { return (*cur).second.AsText(); } else throw _T("Undefined name"); } ///////////// // As colour wxColour OptionsManager::AsColour(wxString key) { std::map::iterator cur; cur = (opt.find(key.Lower())); if (cur != opt.end()) { return (*cur).second.AsColour(); } else throw _T("Undefined name"); } /////////////// // Is defined? bool OptionsManager::IsDefined(wxString key) { std::map::iterator cur; cur = (opt.find(key.Lower())); return (cur != opt.end()); } ///////////////////////////////////// // Adds an item to a list of recents void OptionsManager::AddToRecentList (wxString entry,wxString list) { // Find strings already in recent list wxArrayString orig; wxString cur; int recentMax = AsInt(list + _T(" max")); int n = 0; for (int i=0;i recentMax-1) n = recentMax-1; for (int i=0;i