// Copyright (c) 2014, Thomas Goyne // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ #include "project.h" #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "async_video_provider.h" #include "audio_controller.h" #include "audio_provider_factory.h" #include "base_grid.h" #include "charset_detect.h" #include "compat.h" #include "dialog_progress.h" #include "dialogs.h" #include "format.h" #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "include/aegisub/video_provider.h" #include "mkv_wrap.h" #include "options.h" #include "selection_controller.h" #include "subs_controller.h" #include "utils.h" #include "video_controller.h" #include "video_display.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Project::Project(agi::Context *c) : context(c) { OPT_SUB("Audio/Cache/Type", &Project::ReloadAudio, this); OPT_SUB("Audio/Provider", &Project::ReloadAudio, this); OPT_SUB("Provider/Audio/FFmpegSource/Decode Error Handling", &Project::ReloadAudio, this); OPT_SUB("Provider/Avisynth/Memory Max", &Project::ReloadVideo, this); OPT_SUB("Provider/Video/FFmpegSource/Decoding Threads", &Project::ReloadVideo, this); OPT_SUB("Provider/Video/FFmpegSource/Unsafe Seeking", &Project::ReloadVideo, this); OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Provider", &Project::ReloadVideo, this); OPT_SUB("Video/Provider", &Project::ReloadVideo, this); } Project::~Project() { } void Project::UpdateRelativePaths() { context->ass->Properties.audio_file = context->path->MakeRelative(audio_file, "?script").generic_string(); context->ass->Properties.video_file = context->path->MakeRelative(video_file, "?script").generic_string(); context->ass->Properties.timecodes_file = context->path->MakeRelative(timecodes_file, "?script").generic_string(); context->ass->Properties.keyframes_file = context->path->MakeRelative(keyframes_file, "?script").generic_string(); } void Project::ReloadAudio() { if (audio_provider) LoadAudio(audio_file); } void Project::ReloadVideo() { if (video_provider) { DoLoadVideo(video_file); context->videoController->JumpToFrame(context->videoController->GetFrameN()); } } void Project::ShowError(wxString const& message) { wxMessageBox(message, "Error loading file", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, context->parent); } void Project::ShowError(std::string const& message) { ShowError(to_wx(message)); } void Project::SetPath(agi::fs::path& var, const char *token, const char *mru, agi::fs::path const& value) { var = value; if (*token) context->path->SetToken(token, value); if (*mru) config::mru->Add(mru, value); UpdateRelativePaths(); } bool Project::DoLoadSubtitles(agi::fs::path const& path, std::string encoding, ProjectProperties &properties) { try { if (encoding.empty()) encoding = CharSetDetect::GetEncoding(path); } catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) { return false; } catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) { config::mru->Remove("Subtitle", path); ShowError(path.string() + " not found."); return false; } if (encoding != "binary") { // Try loading as timecodes and keyframes first since we can't // distinguish them based on filename alone, and just ignore failures // rather than trying to differentiate between malformed timecodes // files and things that aren't timecodes files at all try { DoLoadTimecodes(path); return false; } catch (...) { } try { DoLoadKeyframes(path); return false; } catch (...) { } } try { properties = context->subsController->Load(path, encoding); } catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) { return false; } catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) { config::mru->Remove("Subtitle", path); ShowError(path.string() + " not found."); return false; } catch (agi::Exception const& e) { ShowError(e.GetMessage()); return false; } catch (std::exception const& e) { ShowError(std::string(e.what())); return false; } catch (...) { ShowError(wxString("Unknown error")); return false; } Selection sel; AssDialogue *active_line = nullptr; if (!context->ass->Events.empty()) { int row = mid(0, properties.active_row, context->ass->Events.size() - 1); active_line = &*std::next(context->ass->Events.begin(), row); sel.insert(active_line); } context->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive(std::move(sel), active_line); context->subsGrid->ScrollTo(properties.scroll_position); return true; } void Project::LoadSubtitles(agi::fs::path path, std::string encoding, bool load_linked) { ProjectProperties properties; if (DoLoadSubtitles(path, encoding, properties) && load_linked) LoadUnloadFiles(properties); } void Project::CloseSubtitles() { context->subsController->Close(); context->path->SetToken("?script", ""); LoadUnloadFiles(context->ass->Properties); auto line = &*context->ass->Events.begin(); context->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive({line}, line); } void Project::LoadUnloadFiles(ProjectProperties properties) { auto load_linked = OPT_GET("App/Auto/Load Linked Files")->GetInt(); if (!load_linked) return; auto audio = context->path->MakeAbsolute(properties.audio_file, "?script"); auto video = context->path->MakeAbsolute(properties.video_file, "?script"); auto timecodes = context->path->MakeAbsolute(properties.timecodes_file, "?script"); auto keyframes = context->path->MakeAbsolute(properties.keyframes_file, "?script"); if (video == video_file && audio == audio_file && keyframes == keyframes_file && timecodes == timecodes_file) return; if (load_linked == 2) { wxString str = _("Do you want to load/unload the associated files?"); str += "\n"; auto append_file = [&](agi::fs::path const& p, wxString const& unload, wxString const& load) { if (p.empty()) str += "\n" + unload; else str += "\n" + agi::wxformat(load, p); }; if (audio != audio_file) append_file(audio, _("Unload audio"), _("Load audio file: %s")); if (video != video_file) append_file(video, _("Unload video"), _("Load video file: %s")); if (timecodes != timecodes_file) append_file(timecodes, _("Unload timecodes"), _("Load timecodes file: %s")); if (keyframes != keyframes_file) append_file(keyframes, _("Unload keyframes"), _("Load keyframes file: %s")); if (wxMessageBox(str, _("(Un)Load files?"), wxYES_NO | wxCENTRE, context->parent) != wxYES) return; } bool loaded_video = false; if (video != video_file) { if (video.empty()) CloseVideo(); else if ((loaded_video = DoLoadVideo(video))) { auto vc = context->videoController.get(); vc->JumpToFrame(properties.video_position); auto ar_mode = static_cast(properties.ar_mode); if (ar_mode == AspectRatio::Custom) vc->SetAspectRatio(properties.ar_value); else vc->SetAspectRatio(ar_mode); context->videoDisplay->SetWindowZoom(properties.video_zoom); } } if (!timecodes.empty()) LoadTimecodes(timecodes); if (!keyframes.empty()) LoadKeyframes(keyframes); if (audio != audio_file) { if (audio.empty()) CloseAudio(); else DoLoadAudio(audio, false); } else if (loaded_video && OPT_GET("Video/Open Audio")->GetBool() && audio_file != video_file && video_provider->HasAudio()) DoLoadAudio(video, true); } void Project::DoLoadAudio(agi::fs::path const& path, bool quiet) { if (!progress) progress = new DialogProgress(context->parent); try { try { audio_provider = GetAudioProvider(path, *context->path, progress); } catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) { return; } catch (...) { config::mru->Remove("Audio", path); throw; } } catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const& e) { return ShowError(_("The audio file was not found: ") + to_wx(e.GetMessage())); } catch (agi::AudioDataNotFound const& e) { if (quiet) { LOG_D("video/open/audio") << "File " << video_file << " has no audio data: " << e.GetMessage(); return; } else return ShowError(_("None of the available audio providers recognised the selected file as containing audio data.\n\nThe following providers were tried:\n") + to_wx(e.GetMessage())); } catch (agi::AudioProviderError const& e) { return ShowError(_("None of the available audio providers have a codec available to handle the selected file.\n\nThe following providers were tried:\n") + to_wx(e.GetMessage())); } catch (agi::Exception const& e) { return ShowError(e.GetMessage()); } SetPath(audio_file, "?audio", "Audio", path); AnnounceAudioProviderModified(audio_provider.get()); } void Project::LoadAudio(agi::fs::path path) { DoLoadAudio(path, false); } void Project::CloseAudio() { AnnounceAudioProviderModified(nullptr); audio_provider.reset(); SetPath(audio_file, "?audio", "", ""); } bool Project::DoLoadVideo(agi::fs::path const& path) { if (!progress) progress = new DialogProgress(context->parent); try { auto old_matrix = context->ass->GetScriptInfo("YCbCr Matrix"); video_provider = agi::make_unique(path, old_matrix, context->videoController.get(), progress); } catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) { return false; } catch (agi::fs::FileSystemError const& err) { config::mru->Remove("Video", path); ShowError(to_wx(err.GetMessage())); return false; } catch (VideoProviderError const& err) { ShowError(to_wx(err.GetMessage())); return false; } AnnounceVideoProviderModified(video_provider.get()); UpdateVideoProperties(context->ass.get(), video_provider.get(), context->parent); video_provider->LoadSubtitles(context->ass.get()); timecodes = video_provider->GetFPS(); keyframes = video_provider->GetKeyFrames(); timecodes_file.clear(); keyframes_file.clear(); SetPath(video_file, "?video", "Video", path); std::string warning = video_provider->GetWarning(); if (!warning.empty()) wxMessageBox(to_wx(warning), "Warning", wxICON_WARNING | wxOK); video_has_subtitles = false; if (agi::fs::HasExtension(path, "mkv")) video_has_subtitles = MatroskaWrapper::HasSubtitles(path); AnnounceKeyframesModified(keyframes); AnnounceTimecodesModified(timecodes); return true; } void Project::LoadVideo(agi::fs::path path) { if (path.empty()) return; if (!DoLoadVideo(path)) return; if (OPT_GET("Video/Open Audio")->GetBool() && audio_file != video_file && video_provider->HasAudio()) DoLoadAudio(video_file, true); double dar = video_provider->GetDAR(); if (dar > 0) context->videoController->SetAspectRatio(dar); else context->videoController->SetAspectRatio(AspectRatio::Default); context->videoController->JumpToFrame(0); } void Project::CloseVideo() { AnnounceVideoProviderModified(nullptr); video_provider.reset(); SetPath(video_file, "?video", "", ""); video_has_subtitles = false; context->ass->Properties.ar_mode = 0; context->ass->Properties.ar_value = 0.0; context->ass->Properties.video_position = 0; } void Project::DoLoadTimecodes(agi::fs::path const& path) { timecodes = agi::vfr::Framerate(path); SetPath(timecodes_file, "", "Timecodes", path); AnnounceTimecodesModified(timecodes); } void Project::LoadTimecodes(agi::fs::path path) { try { DoLoadTimecodes(path); } catch (agi::fs::FileSystemError const& e) { ShowError(e.GetMessage()); config::mru->Remove("Timecodes", path); } catch (agi::vfr::Error const& e) { ShowError("Failed to parse timecodes file: " + e.GetMessage()); config::mru->Remove("Timecodes", path); } } void Project::CloseTimecodes() { timecodes = video_provider ? video_provider->GetFPS() : agi::vfr::Framerate{}; SetPath(timecodes_file, "", "", ""); AnnounceTimecodesModified(timecodes); } void Project::DoLoadKeyframes(agi::fs::path const& path) { keyframes = agi::keyframe::Load(path); SetPath(keyframes_file, "", "Keyframes", path); AnnounceKeyframesModified(keyframes); } void Project::LoadKeyframes(agi::fs::path path) { try { DoLoadKeyframes(path); } catch (agi::fs::FileSystemError const& e) { ShowError(e.GetMessage()); config::mru->Remove("Keyframes", path); } catch (agi::keyframe::KeyframeFormatParseError const& e) { ShowError("Failed to parse keyframes file: " + e.GetMessage()); config::mru->Remove("Keyframes", path); } catch (agi::keyframe::UnknownKeyframeFormatError const& e) { ShowError("Keyframes file in unknown format: " + e.GetMessage()); config::mru->Remove("Keyframes", path); } } void Project::CloseKeyframes() { keyframes = video_provider ? video_provider->GetKeyFrames() : std::vector{}; SetPath(keyframes_file, "", "", ""); AnnounceKeyframesModified(keyframes); } void Project::LoadList(std::vector const& files) { // Keep these lists sorted // Video formats const char *videoList[] = { ".asf", ".avi", ".avs", ".d2v", ".h264", ".hevc", ".m2ts", ".m4v", ".mkv", ".mov", ".mp4", ".mpeg", ".mpg", ".ogm", ".rm", ".rmvb", ".ts", ".webm" ".wmv", ".y4m", ".yuv" }; // Subtitle formats const char *subsList[] = { ".ass", ".srt", ".ssa", ".sub", ".ttxt" }; // Audio formats const char *audioList[] = { ".aac", ".ac3", ".ape", ".dts", ".eac3", ".flac", ".m4a", ".mka", ".mp3", ".ogg", ".opus", ".w64", ".wav", ".wma" }; auto search = [](const char **begin, const char **end, std::string const& str) { return std::binary_search(begin, end, str.c_str(), [](const char *a, const char *b) { return strcmp(a, b) < 0; }); }; agi::fs::path audio, video, subs, timecodes, keyframes; for (auto file : files) { if (file.is_relative()) file = absolute(file); if (!agi::fs::FileExists(file)) continue; auto ext = file.extension().string(); boost::to_lower(ext); // Could be subtitles, keyframes or timecodes, so try loading as each if (ext == ".txt" || ext == ".log") { if (timecodes.empty()) { try { DoLoadTimecodes(file); timecodes = file; continue; } catch (...) { } } if (keyframes.empty()) { try { DoLoadKeyframes(file); keyframes = file; continue; } catch (...) { } } if (subs.empty() && ext != ".log") subs = file; continue; } if (subs.empty() && search(std::begin(subsList), std::end(subsList), ext)) subs = file; if (video.empty() && search(std::begin(videoList), std::end(videoList), ext)) video = file; if (audio.empty() && search(std::begin(audioList), std::end(audioList), ext)) audio = file; } ProjectProperties properties; if (!subs.empty()) { if (!DoLoadSubtitles(subs, "", properties)) subs.clear(); } if (!video.empty() && DoLoadVideo(video)) { double dar = video_provider->GetDAR(); if (dar > 0) context->videoController->SetAspectRatio(dar); else context->videoController->SetAspectRatio(AspectRatio::Default); context->videoController->JumpToFrame(0); // We loaded these earlier, but loading video unloaded them // Non-Do version of Load in case they've vanished or changed between // then and now if (!timecodes.empty()) LoadTimecodes(timecodes); if (!keyframes.empty()) LoadKeyframes(keyframes); } if (!audio.empty()) DoLoadAudio(audio, false); else if (OPT_GET("Video/Open Audio")->GetBool() && audio_file != video_file) DoLoadAudio(video_file, true); if (!subs.empty()) LoadUnloadFiles(properties); }