 *	Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest
 *	http://www.gabest.org
 *  This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. 
 *  http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html

#pragma once

#include "IDirectVobSub.h"
#include "include/IFilterVersion.h"

class CDirectVobSub : public IDirectVobSub2, public IFilterVersion
	virtual ~CDirectVobSub();

    CCritSec m_propsLock;

	CString m_FileName;
	int m_iSelectedLanguage;
	bool m_fHideSubtitles;
	bool m_fDoPreBuffering;
	bool m_fOverridePlacement;
	int	m_PlacementXperc, m_PlacementYperc;
	bool m_fBufferVobSub, m_fOnlyShowForcedVobSubs, m_fPolygonize;

	STSStyle m_defStyle;

	bool m_fAdvancedRenderer;
	bool m_fFlipPicture, m_fFlipSubtitles;
	bool m_fOSD;
	int m_nReloaderDisableCount;
	int m_SubtitleDelay, m_SubtitleSpeedMul, m_SubtitleSpeedDiv;
	bool m_fMediaFPSEnabled;
	double m_MediaFPS;
	bool m_fSaveFullPath;

	CComPtr<ISubClock> m_pSubClock;
	bool m_fForced;


	// IDirectVobSub

    STDMETHODIMP get_FileName(WCHAR* fn);
    STDMETHODIMP put_FileName(WCHAR* fn);
	STDMETHODIMP get_LanguageCount(int* nLangs);
	STDMETHODIMP get_LanguageName(int iLanguage, WCHAR** ppName);
	STDMETHODIMP get_SelectedLanguage(int* iSelected);
	STDMETHODIMP put_SelectedLanguage(int iSelected);
	STDMETHODIMP get_HideSubtitles(bool* fHideSubtitles);
    STDMETHODIMP put_HideSubtitles(bool fHideSubtitles);
    STDMETHODIMP get_PreBuffering(bool* fDoPreBuffering);
    STDMETHODIMP put_PreBuffering(bool fDoPreBuffering);
    STDMETHODIMP get_Placement(bool* fOverridePlacement, int* xperc, int* yperc);
    STDMETHODIMP put_Placement(bool fOverridePlacement, int xperc, int yperc);
    STDMETHODIMP get_VobSubSettings(bool* fBuffer, bool* fOnlyShowForcedSubs, bool* fPolygonize);
    STDMETHODIMP put_VobSubSettings(bool fBuffer, bool fOnlyShowForcedSubs, bool fPolygonize);
    STDMETHODIMP get_TextSettings(void* lf, int lflen, COLORREF* color, bool* fShadow, bool* fOutline, bool* fAdvancedRenderer);
    STDMETHODIMP put_TextSettings(void* lf, int lflen, COLORREF color, bool fShadow, bool fOutline, bool fAdvancedRenderer);
    STDMETHODIMP get_Flip(bool* fPicture, bool* fSubtitles);
    STDMETHODIMP put_Flip(bool fPicture, bool fSubtitles);
    STDMETHODIMP get_OSD(bool* fShowOSD);
    STDMETHODIMP put_OSD(bool fShowOSD);
	STDMETHODIMP get_SaveFullPath(bool* fSaveFullPath);
	STDMETHODIMP put_SaveFullPath(bool fSaveFullPath);
    STDMETHODIMP get_SubtitleTiming(int* delay, int* speedmul, int* speeddiv);
    STDMETHODIMP put_SubtitleTiming(int delay, int speedmul, int speeddiv);
    STDMETHODIMP get_MediaFPS(bool* fEnabled, double* fps);
    STDMETHODIMP put_MediaFPS(bool fEnabled, double fps);
	STDMETHODIMP get_ColorFormat(int* iPosition) {return E_NOTIMPL;}
    STDMETHODIMP put_ColorFormat(int iPosition) {return E_NOTIMPL;}

	STDMETHODIMP UpdateRegistry();

	STDMETHODIMP HasConfigDialog(int iSelected);
	STDMETHODIMP ShowConfigDialog(int iSelected, HWND hWndParent);

	// settings for the rest are stored in the registry

	STDMETHODIMP IsSubtitleReloaderLocked(bool* fLocked);
    STDMETHODIMP LockSubtitleReloader(bool fLock);
	STDMETHODIMP get_SubtitleReloader(bool* fDisabled);
    STDMETHODIMP put_SubtitleReloader(bool fDisable);

	// the followings need a partial or full reloading of the filter

	STDMETHODIMP get_ExtendPicture(int* horizontal, int* vertical, int* resx2, int* resx2minw, int* resx2minh);
	STDMETHODIMP put_ExtendPicture(int horizontal, int vertical, int resx2, int resx2minw, int resx2minh);
	STDMETHODIMP get_LoadSettings(int* level, bool* fExternalLoad, bool* fWebLoad, bool* fEmbeddedLoad);
	STDMETHODIMP put_LoadSettings(int level, bool fExternalLoad, bool fWebLoad, bool fEmbeddedLoad);

	// IDirectVobSub2

	STDMETHODIMP AdviseSubClock(ISubClock* pSubClock);
	STDMETHODIMP_(bool) get_Forced();
	STDMETHODIMP put_Forced(bool fForced);
    STDMETHODIMP get_TextSettings(STSStyle* pDefStyle);
    STDMETHODIMP put_TextSettings(STSStyle* pDefStyle);

	// IFilterVersion
	STDMETHODIMP_(DWORD) GetFilterVersion();