// Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2007, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro, Niels Martin Hansen // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ // // $Id$ /// @file audio_karaoke.cpp /// @brief Karaoke table UI in audio box (not in audio display) /// @ingroup audio_ui /// /////////// // Headers #include "config.h" #ifndef AGI_PRE #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include "ass_override.h" #include "audio_box.h" #include "audio_display.h" #include "audio_karaoke.h" /// @brief Empty constructor /// AudioKaraokeSyllable::AudioKaraokeSyllable() : AssKaraokeSyllable() , start_time(0), selected(false) , display_w(0), display_x(0) { } /// @brief Copy-from-base constructor /// @param base /// AudioKaraokeSyllable::AudioKaraokeSyllable(const AssKaraokeSyllable &base) : AssKaraokeSyllable(base) , start_time(0), selected(false) , display_w(0), display_x(0) { } /// @brief Constructor /// @param parent /// AudioKaraoke::AudioKaraoke(wxWindow *parent) : wxWindow (parent,-1,wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(10,5),wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|wxBORDER_SUNKEN) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "Constructor"; enabled = false; splitting = false; split_cursor_syl = -1; curSyllable = 0; diag = 0; workDiag = 0; } /// @brief Destructor /// AudioKaraoke::~AudioKaraoke() { delete workDiag; } /// @brief Load from dialogue /// @param _diag /// @return /// bool AudioKaraoke::LoadFromDialogue(AssDialogue *_diag) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "diag=" << _diag; // Make sure we're not in splitting-mode if (splitting) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "is splitting, discarding splits"; // Discard any splits and leave split-mode EndSplit(false); } // Set dialogue delete workDiag; diag = _diag; if (!diag) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "no diag, refreshing and returning flase"; Refresh(false); return false; } // Split LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "split"; workDiag = new AssDialogue(diag->GetEntryData(), false); workDiag->ParseASSTags(); must_rebuild = false; bool hasKar = ParseDialogue(workDiag); // No karaoke, autosplit if (!hasKar) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "no existing karaoke, auto-splitting"; AutoSplit(); } // Done //if (curSyllable < 0) curSyllable = syllables.size()-1; //if (curSyllable >= (signed) syllables.size()) curSyllable = 0; //SetSelection(curSyllable); //Refresh(false); LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "returning " << hasKar; return !hasKar; } /// @brief Writes line back /// @return /// void AudioKaraoke::Commit() { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "commit"; if (splitting) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "splitting, ending split"; EndSplit(true); } wxString finalText = _T(""); AudioKaraokeSyllable *syl; size_t n = syllables.size(); LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "syllabels.size() = " << n; if (must_rebuild) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "must_rebuild"; workDiag->ClearBlocks(); for (size_t i=0;itype.c_str(), syl->duration) + syl->text; } workDiag->Text = finalText; workDiag->ParseASSTags(); diag->Text = finalText; } else { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "updating karaoke without rebuild"; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "updating syllabel: " << i; syl = &syllables.at(i); LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "syllabel pointer: " << syl << "; tagdata pointer: " << syl->tag << "; length: " << syl->duration; // Some weird people have text before the first karaoke tag on a line. // Check that a karaoke tag actually exists for the (non-)syllable to avoid a crash. if (syl->tag && syl->tag->Params.size()>0) syl->tag->Params[0]->SetInt(syl->duration); // Of course, if the user changed the duration of such a non-syllable, its timing can't be updated and will stay zero. // There is no way to check for that right now, and I can't bother to fix it. } LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "done updating syllabels"; workDiag->UpdateText(); workDiag->ClearBlocks(); workDiag->ParseASSTags(); diag->Text = workDiag->Text; } LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "returning"; } /// @brief Autosplit line /// @return /// void AudioKaraoke::AutoSplit() { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "autosplit"; // Get lengths int timeLen = (diag->End.GetMS() - diag->Start.GetMS())/10; int letterlen = diag->Text.Length(); int round = letterlen / 2; int curlen; int acumLen = 0; wxString newText; // Parse words wxStringTokenizer tkz(diag->Text,_T(" "),wxTOKEN_RET_DELIMS); wxArrayString words; while (tkz.HasMoreTokens()) { words.Add(tkz.GetNextToken()); } // Process words for (size_t i=0;i timeLen) { curlen -= acumLen - timeLen; acumLen = timeLen; } // Ensure that it accumulates all of it if (i == words.Count()-1 && acumLen < timeLen) { curlen += timeLen - acumLen; acumLen = timeLen; } newText += wxString::Format(_T("{\\k%i}"),curlen) + words[i]; } // Workaround for bug #503 // Make the line one blank syllable if it's completely blank if (newText == _T("")) newText = wxString::Format(_T("{\\k%d}"), timeLen); // Load must_rebuild = true; AssDialogue newDiag(diag->GetEntryData()); newDiag.Text = newText; newDiag.ParseASSTags(); ParseDialogue(&newDiag); LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "returning"; } /// @brief Parses text to extract karaoke /// @param curDiag /// @return /// bool AudioKaraoke::ParseDialogue(AssDialogue *curDiag) { // parse the tagdata AssKaraokeVector tempsyls; ParseAssKaraokeTags(curDiag, tempsyls); bool found_kara = tempsyls.size() > 1; // copy base syllables to real syllables.clear(); syllables.reserve(tempsyls.size()); int cur_time = 0; for (AssKaraokeVector::iterator base = tempsyls.begin(); base != tempsyls.end(); ++base) { AudioKaraokeSyllable fullsyl(*base); fullsyl.start_time = cur_time; cur_time += fullsyl.duration; syllables.push_back(fullsyl); } // if first syllable is empty, remove it if (!syllables[0].unstripped_text) { syllables.erase(syllables.begin()); found_kara = syllables.size() > 0; } // if there's more than one syllable in the list, at least one karaoke tag was found return found_kara; } /// @brief Set syllable /// @param n /// @return /// void AudioKaraoke::SetSyllable(int n) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "n=" << n; if (n == -1) n = syllables.size()-1; if (n >= (signed) syllables.size()) n = 0; curSyllable = n; startClickSyl = n; SetSelection(n); Refresh(false); LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "returning"; } /////////////// // Event table BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(AudioKaraoke,wxWindow) EVT_PAINT(AudioKaraoke::OnPaint) EVT_SIZE(AudioKaraoke::OnSize) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(AudioKaraoke::OnMouse) END_EVENT_TABLE() /// @brief Paint event /// @param event /// void AudioKaraoke::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event) { // Get dimensions int w,h; GetClientSize(&w,&h); // Start Paint wxPaintDC dc(this); // Draw background dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_BTNFACE))); dc.SetPen(*wxTRANSPARENT_PEN); dc.DrawRectangle(0,0,w,h); // Set syllable font wxFont curFont(9,wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT,wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL,wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL,false,_T("Verdana"),wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM); // FIXME, hardcoded font dc.SetFont(curFont); // Draw syllables if (enabled) { wxString temptext; size_t syln = syllables.size(); int dx = 0; int tw,th; int delta; int dlen; for (size_t i=0;i 0) { wxArrayInt widths; if (dc.GetPartialTextExtents(temptext, widths)) { for (unsigned int j = 0; j < syl.pending_splits.size(); j++) { dc.SetPen(wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT)); int splitxpos = dx + 4; // Handle splitters placed before first char in syllable; these are represented as -1 if (syl.pending_splits[j] >= 0) { splitxpos += widths[syl.pending_splits[j]]; } else { splitxpos += 0; } dc.DrawLine(splitxpos, 0, splitxpos, h); } } else { wxLogError(_T("Karaoke syllable display: Failed to GetPartialTextExtents. This should never happen, except on severely overloaded systems.")); } } if (splitting && split_cursor_syl == (signed)i /*&& split_cursor_x > 0*/) { dc.SetPen(*wxRED); dc.DrawLine(dx+4+split_cursor_x, 0, dx+4+split_cursor_x, h); dc.SetPen(wxPen(wxColour(0,0,0))); } // Set syllable data syl.display_x = dx; syl.display_w = dlen; // Increment dx dx += dlen; } } event.Skip(); } /// @brief Size event /// @param event /// void AudioKaraoke::OnSize(wxSizeEvent &event) { Refresh(false); } /// @brief Mouse event /// @param event /// @return /// void AudioKaraoke::OnMouse(wxMouseEvent &event) { // Get coordinates int x = event.GetX(); //int y = event.GetY(); bool shift = event.m_shiftDown; // Syllable selection mode if (!splitting) { int syl = GetSylAtX(x); // Button pressed if (event.LeftDown() || event.RightDown()) { if (syl != -1) { if (shift) { SetSelection(syl,startClickSyl); Refresh(false); } else { SetSelection(syl); startClickSyl = syl; curSyllable = syl; Refresh(false); display->Update(); CaptureMouse(); } } } // Dragging to make a selection else if (event.Dragging() && (event.LeftIsDown() || event.RightIsDown())) { if (syl < 0) syl = 0; SetSelection(syl, startClickSyl); Refresh(false); } // Released left button else if (event.LeftUp() && HasCapture()) { ReleaseMouse(); } // Released right button; make a menu for selecting \k type else if (event.RightUp()) { if (HasCapture()) ReleaseMouse(); AudioKaraokeTagMenu menu(this); PopupMenu(&menu); } } // Karaoke syllable splitting mode else { int syli = GetSylAtX(x); // Valid syllable if (syli != -1) { AudioKaraokeSyllable &syl = syllables.at(syli); // Get the widths after each character in the text wxClientDC dc(this); wxFont curFont(9,wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT,wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL,wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL,false,_T("Verdana"),wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM); dc.SetFont(curFont); wxArrayInt widths; dc.GetPartialTextExtents(syl.text, widths); // Find the character closest to the mouse int rx = x - syl.display_x - 4; int split_cursor_char = -2; split_cursor_syl = -1; split_cursor_x = -1; if (syl.text.Len() > 0) { int lastx = 0; split_cursor_syl = syli; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < widths.size(); i++) { //wx Log Debug(_T("rx=%d, lastx=%d, widths[i]=%d, i=%d, widths.size()=%d, syli=%d"), rx, lastx, widths[i], i, widths.size(), syli); if (lastx - rx < widths[i] - rx) { if (rx - lastx < widths[i] - rx) { //wx Log Debug(_T("Found at PREV!")); split_cursor_x = lastx; split_cursor_char = i - 1; break; } else if (rx < widths[i]) { //wx Log Debug(_T("Found at CURRENT!")); split_cursor_x = widths[i]; split_cursor_char = i; break; } } lastx = widths[i]; } // If no split-point was caught by the for-loop, it must be over the last character, // ie. split at next-to-last position if (split_cursor_x < 0) { //wx Log Debug(_T("Emergency picking LAST!")); split_cursor_x = widths[widths.size()-1]; split_cursor_char = widths.size() - 1; } } // Do something if there was a click and we're at a valid position if (event.LeftDown() && split_cursor_char >= -1) { //wx Log Debug(_T("A click!")); int num_removed = 0; std::vector::iterator i = syl.pending_splits.begin(); while (i != syl.pending_splits.end()) { if (split_cursor_char == *i) { //wx Log Debug(_T("Erasing entry")); num_removed++; syl.pending_splits.erase(i); break; } else { i++; } } if (num_removed == 0) { syl.pending_splits.push_back(split_cursor_char); } } } // Invalid syllable (int syli = GetSylAtX(x); returned -1) else { split_cursor_syl = -1; split_cursor_x = -1; } if (split_cursor_syl >= 0) { Refresh(false); } } } /// @brief Get Syllable at position X /// @param x /// @return /// int AudioKaraoke::GetSylAtX(int x) { int dx,dw; size_t syln = syllables.size(); for (size_t i=0;i= dx && x < dx+dw) { return i; } } return -1; } /// @brief Set selection /// @param start /// @param end /// void AudioKaraoke::SetSelection(int start,int end) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "start=" << start << " end=" << end; // Default end if (end == -1) end = start; // Get min/max range size_t min = start; size_t max = end; if (max < min) { size_t temp = max; max = min; min = temp; } LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "min=" << min << ", max=" << max; // Set values bool state; size_t syls = syllables.size(); int sels = 0; for (size_t i=0;i= min && i <= max); syllables.at(i).selected = state; if (state) sels++; } curSyllable = min; selectionCount = max-min+1; LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "new curSyllabel=" << curSyllable << ", selectionCount=" << selectionCount; // Set box buttons box->SetKaraokeButtons(); } /// @brief Join syllables /// @return /// void AudioKaraoke::Join() { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "join"; // Variables bool gotOne = false; size_t syls = syllables.size(); AudioKaraokeSyllable *curSyl; int first = 0; // Loop for (size_t i=0;iSetKaraokeButtons(); Refresh(false); } /// @brief Leave splitting-mode, committing changes /// @param commit /// @return /// void AudioKaraoke::EndSplit(bool commit) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "endsplit, commit=" << commit; splitting = false; bool hasSplit = false; size_t first_sel = ~0U; for (size_t i = 0; i < syllables.size(); i ++) { if (syllables[i].pending_splits.size() > 0) { if (commit) { if (syllables[i].selected && i < first_sel) first_sel = i; SplitSyl(i); hasSplit = true; } else { syllables[i].pending_splits.clear(); } } } // Update if (hasSplit) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "hassplit"; must_rebuild = true; display->NeedCommit = true; SetSelection(first_sel); display->Update(); } // Always redraw, since the display is different in splitting mode box->SetKaraokeButtons(); Refresh(false); LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "returning"; } /// @brief Split a syllable using the pending_slits data /// @param n /// @return /// int AudioKaraoke::SplitSyl (unsigned int n) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "splitsyl, n=" << n; // Avoid multiple vector resizes (this must be first) syllables.reserve(syllables.size() + syllables[n].pending_splits.size()); // The syllable we're splitting AudioKaraokeSyllable &basesyl = syllables[n]; LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "basesyl, contents='" << basesyl.unstripped_text.c_str() << "', selected=" << basesyl.selected; // Start by sorting the split points std::sort(basesyl.pending_splits.begin(), basesyl.pending_splits.end()); wxString originalText = basesyl.text; int originalDuration = basesyl.duration; // Fixup the first syllable basesyl.text = originalText.Mid(0, basesyl.pending_splits[0] + 1); basesyl.unstripped_text = basesyl.text; basesyl.selected = false; basesyl.duration = originalDuration * basesyl.text.Length() / originalText.Length(); int curpos = basesyl.start_time + basesyl.duration; // For each split, make a new syllable for (unsigned int i = 0; i < basesyl.pending_splits.size(); i++) { AudioKaraokeSyllable newsyl; if (i < basesyl.pending_splits.size()-1) { // in the middle newsyl.text = originalText.Mid(basesyl.pending_splits[i]+1, basesyl.pending_splits[i+1] - basesyl.pending_splits[i]); } else { // the last one (take the rest) newsyl.text = originalText.Mid(basesyl.pending_splits[i]+1); } newsyl.unstripped_text = newsyl.text; newsyl.duration = originalDuration * newsyl.text.Length() / originalText.Length(); newsyl.start_time = curpos; newsyl.type = basesyl.type; newsyl.selected = false;//basesyl.selected; LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "splitsyl: newsyl, contents='" << newsyl.text.c_str() << "', selected=" << newsyl.selected; curpos += newsyl.duration; syllables.insert(syllables.begin()+n+i+1, newsyl); } // The total duration of the new syllables will be equal to or less than the original duration // Fix this, so they'll always add up // Use an unfair method, just adding 1 to each syllable one after another, until it's correct int newDuration = 0; for (unsigned int j = n; j < basesyl.pending_splits.size()+n+1; j++) { newDuration += syllables[j].duration; } unsigned int k = n; while (newDuration < originalDuration) { syllables[k].duration++; k++; if (k >= syllables.size()) { k = n; } newDuration++; } // Prepare for return and clear pending splits int numsplits = basesyl.pending_splits.size(); basesyl.pending_splits.clear(); return numsplits; } /// @brief Apply delta length to syllable /// @param n /// @param delta /// @param mode /// @return /// bool AudioKaraoke::SyllableDelta(int n,int delta,int mode) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "n=" << n << ", delta=" << delta << ", mode=" << mode; // Get syllable and next AudioKaraokeSyllable *curSyl=NULL,*nextSyl=NULL; curSyl = &syllables.at(n); int nkar = syllables.size(); if (n < nkar-1) { nextSyl = &syllables.at(n+1); } // Get variables int len = curSyl->duration; // Cap delta int minLen = 0; if (len + delta < minLen) delta = minLen-len; if (mode == 0 && nextSyl && (nextSyl->duration - delta) < minLen) delta = nextSyl->duration - minLen; LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "nkar=" << nkar << ", len=" << len << ", minLen=" << minLen << ", delta=" << delta; // Apply if (delta != 0) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "delta != 0"; curSyl->duration += delta; // Normal mode if (mode == 0 && nextSyl) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "normal mode"; nextSyl->duration -= delta; nextSyl->start_time += delta; } // Shift mode if (mode == 1) { LOG_D("karaoke/audio") << "shift mode"; for (int i=n+1;isyllables.size(); i++) { AudioKaraokeSyllable &syl = kara->syllables[i]; if (syl.selected) { if (syl.type == _T("\\k")) { Check(10001, true); } else if (syl.type == _T("\\kf") || syl.type == _T("\\K")) { Check(10002, true); } else if (syl.type == _T("\\ko")) { Check(10003, true); } } } } /// @brief Karaoke tag menu destructor /// AudioKaraokeTagMenu::~AudioKaraokeTagMenu() { } /////////////// // Event table BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(AudioKaraokeTagMenu,wxMenu) EVT_MENU_RANGE(10001, 10003, AudioKaraokeTagMenu::OnSelectItem) END_EVENT_TABLE() /// @brief Karaoke tag menu event handler /// @param event /// void AudioKaraokeTagMenu::OnSelectItem(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Select the new tag for the syllables wxString newtag; switch (event.GetId()) { case 10001: newtag = _T("\\k"); break; case 10002: newtag = _T("\\kf"); break; case 10003: newtag = _T("\\ko"); break; default: return; } // Apply it size_t firstsel = kara->syllables.size(); int lastsel = -1; for (size_t i = 0; i < kara->syllables.size(); i++) { AudioKaraokeSyllable &syl = kara->syllables[i]; if (syl.selected) { if (firstsel > i) firstsel = i; lastsel = i; syl.type = newtag; } } // Update display kara->must_rebuild = true; //kara->Commit(); kara->display->NeedCommit = true; kara->display->CommitChanges(); //kara->display->Update(); kara->SetSelection(firstsel, lastsel); }