// Copyright (c) 2005, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro, Niels Martin Hansen // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ // // $Id$ /// @file frame_main.cpp /// @brief Main window creation and control management /// @ingroup main_ui #include "config.h" #ifndef AGI_PRE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "include/aegisub/menu.h" #include "include/aegisub/toolbar.h" #include "include/aegisub/hotkey.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "selection_controller.h" #include "audio_controller.h" #include "audio_box.h" #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION #include "auto4_base.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_AVISYNTH #include "avisynth_wrap.h" #endif #include "compat.h" #include "command/command.h" #include "dialog_detached_video.h" #include "dialog_search_replace.h" #include "dialog_styling_assistant.h" #include "dialog_version_check.h" #include "drop.h" #include "frame_main.h" #include "help_button.h" #include "libresrc/libresrc.h" #include "main.h" #include "standard_paths.h" #include "subs_edit_box.h" #include "subs_edit_ctrl.h" #include "subs_grid.h" #include "text_file_reader.h" #include "text_file_writer.h" #include "utils.h" #include "version.h" #include "video_box.h" #include "video_context.h" #include "video_display.h" #include "video_provider_manager.h" #include "video_slider.h" #ifdef WITH_STARTUPLOG /// DOCME #define StartupLog(a) MessageBox(0, a, _T("Aegisub startup log"), 0) #else /// DOCME #define StartupLog(a) #endif static void autosave_timer_changed(wxTimer *timer, const agi::OptionValue &opt); FrameMain::FrameMain (wxArrayString args) : wxFrame ((wxFrame*)NULL,-1,_T(""),wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(920,700),wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE | wxCLIP_CHILDREN) , context(new agi::Context) , showVideo(true) , showAudio(true) , HasSelection(false) , blockVideoLoad(false) { StartupLog("Entering FrameMain constructor"); #ifdef __WXGTK__ /* XXX HACK XXX * Gtk just got initialized. And if we're using the SCIM IME, * it just did a setlocale(LC_ALL, ""). so, BOOM. */ StartupLog("Setting locale"); setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "C"); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); /* XXX HACK XXX */ #endif StartupLog("Initializing context models"); AssFile::top = context->ass = new AssFile; context->ass->AddCommitListener(&FrameMain::OnSubtitlesCommit, this); context->ass->AddFileOpenListener(&FrameMain::OnSubtitlesOpen, this); context->ass->AddFileSaveListener(&FrameMain::UpdateTitle, this); #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION context->local_scripts = new Automation4::ScriptManager(); #endif StartupLog("Initializing context controls"); context->audioController = new AudioController; context->audioController->AddAudioOpenListener(&FrameMain::OnAudioOpen, this); context->audioController->AddAudioCloseListener(&FrameMain::OnAudioClose, this); // Initialized later due to that the selection controller is currently the subtitles grid context->selectionController = 0; context->videoController = VideoContext::Get(); // derp context->videoController->AddVideoOpenListener(&FrameMain::OnVideoOpen, this); StartupLog("Initializing context frames"); context->parent = this; context->previousFocus = 0; AegisubApp::Get()->frame = this; StartupLog("Binding commands"); // XXX: This is a hack for now, it will need to be dealt with when other frames are involved. int count = cmd::count(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &FrameMain::cmd_call, this, i); } #ifdef __WXMAC__ // Bind(FrameMain::OnAbout, &FrameMain::cmd_call, this, cmd::id("app/about")); #endif StartupLog("Install PNG handler"); wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler); wxSafeYield(); StartupLog("Apply saved Maximized state"); if (OPT_GET("App/Maximized")->GetBool()) Maximize(true); StartupLog("Initialize toolbar"); InitToolbar(); StartupLog("Initialize menu bar"); InitMenu(); StartupLog("Create status bar"); CreateStatusBar(2); StartupLog("Set icon"); #ifdef _WIN32 SetIcon(wxICON(wxicon)); #else wxIcon icon; icon.CopyFromBitmap(GETIMAGE(wxicon)); SetIcon(icon); #endif StartupLog("Create views and inner main window controls"); context->detachedVideo = 0; context->stylingAssistant = 0; InitContents(); StartupLog("Complete context initialization"); context->videoController->SetContext(context.get()); StartupLog("Set up Auto Save"); AutoSave.SetOwner(this, ID_APP_TIMER_AUTOSAVE); int time = OPT_GET("App/Auto/Save Every Seconds")->GetInt(); if (time > 0) { AutoSave.Start(time*1000); } OPT_SUB("App/Auto/Save Every Seconds", autosave_timer_changed, &AutoSave, agi::signal::_1); StartupLog("Set up drag/drop target"); SetDropTarget(new AegisubFileDropTarget(this)); StartupLog("Load default file"); context->ass->LoadDefault(); StartupLog("Load files specified on command line"); LoadList(args); // Version checker StartupLog("Possibly perform automatic updates check"); if (OPT_GET("App/First Start")->GetBool()) { OPT_SET("App/First Start")->SetBool(false); int result = wxMessageBox(_("Do you want Aegisub to check for updates whenever it starts? You can still do it manually via the Help menu."),_("Check for updates?"),wxYES_NO); OPT_SET("App/Auto/Check For Updates")->SetBool(result == wxYES); } PerformVersionCheck(false); StartupLog("Display main window"); Show(); SetDisplayMode(1, 1); //ShowFullScreen(true,wxFULLSCREEN_NOBORDER | wxFULLSCREEN_NOCAPTION); StartupLog("Leaving FrameMain constructor"); } /// @brief FrameMain destructor FrameMain::~FrameMain () { context->videoController->SetVideo(""); context->audioController->CloseAudio(); DeInitContents(); delete context->audioController; #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION delete context->local_scripts; #endif } void FrameMain::cmd_call(wxCommandEvent& event) { int id = event.GetId(); LOG_D("event/select") << "Id: " << id; cmd::call(context.get(), id); } /// @brief Initialize toolbar void FrameMain::InitToolbar () { // Create toolbar wxSystemOptions::SetOption(_T("msw.remap"), 0); Toolbar = CreateToolBar(wxTB_FLAT | wxTB_HORIZONTAL,-1,_T("Toolbar")); toolbar::toolbar->GetToolbar("main", Toolbar); wxArrayString choices; for (int i=1;i<=24;i++) { wxString toAdd = wxString::Format(_T("%i"),int(i*12.5)); if (i%2) toAdd += _T(".5"); toAdd += _T("%"); choices.Add(toAdd); } ZoomBox = new wxComboBox(Toolbar,ID_TOOLBAR_ZOOM_DROPDOWN,_T("75%"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,choices,wxCB_DROPDOWN); Toolbar->AddControl(ZoomBox); Toolbar->AddSeparator(); // Update Toolbar->Realize(); } /// @brief Initialize menu bar void FrameMain::InitMenu() { #ifdef __WXMAC__ // Make sure special menu items are placed correctly on Mac // wxApp::s_macAboutMenuItemId = Menu_Help_About; // wxApp::s_macExitMenuItemId = Menu_File_Exit; // wxApp::s_macPreferencesMenuItemId = Menu_Tools_Options; // wxApp::s_macHelpMenuTitleName = _("&Help"); #endif SetMenuBar(menu::menu->GetMainMenu()); } /// @brief Initialize contents void FrameMain::InitContents() { StartupLog("Create background panel"); Panel = new wxPanel(this,-1,wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxCLIP_CHILDREN); StartupLog("Create video box"); context->videoBox = videoBox = new VideoBox(Panel, false, ZoomBox, context.get()); wxBoxSizer *videoSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); videoSizer->Add(videoBox , 0, wxEXPAND); videoSizer->AddStretchSpacer(1); StartupLog("Create subtitles grid"); context->subsGrid = SubsGrid = new SubtitlesGrid(Panel,context.get(),wxSize(600,100),wxWANTS_CHARS | wxSUNKEN_BORDER,"Subs grid"); context->selectionController = context->subsGrid; context->videoBox->videoSlider->grid = SubsGrid; Search.context = context.get(); StartupLog("Create tool area splitter window"); audioSash = new wxSashWindow(Panel, ID_SASH_MAIN_AUDIO, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSW_3D|wxCLIP_CHILDREN); wxBoxSizer *audioSashSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); audioSash->SetSashVisible(wxSASH_BOTTOM, true); StartupLog("Create audio box"); context->audioBox = audioBox = new AudioBox(audioSash, context->audioController, SubsGrid, context->ass); audioBox->frameMain = this; audioSashSizer->Add(audioBox, 1, wxEXPAND); audioSash->SetSizer(audioSashSizer); audioBox->Fit(); audioSash->SetMinimumSizeY(audioBox->GetSize().GetHeight()); StartupLog("Create subtitle editing box"); context->editBox = EditBox = new SubsEditBox(Panel, context.get()); StartupLog("Arrange main sizers"); ToolsSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); ToolsSizer->Add(audioSash, 0, wxEXPAND); ToolsSizer->Add(EditBox, 1, wxEXPAND); TopSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); TopSizer->Add(videoSizer, 0, wxEXPAND, 0); TopSizer->Add(ToolsSizer, 1, wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM, 5); MainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); MainSizer->Add(new wxStaticLine(Panel),0,wxEXPAND | wxALL,0); MainSizer->Add(TopSizer,0,wxEXPAND | wxALL,0); MainSizer->Add(SubsGrid,1,wxEXPAND | wxALL,0); Panel->SetSizer(MainSizer); //MainSizer->SetSizeHints(Panel); //SetSizer(MainSizer); StartupLog("Perform layout"); Layout(); StartupLog("Set focus to edting box"); EditBox->TextEdit->SetFocus(); StartupLog("Leaving InitContents"); } /// @brief Deinitialize controls void FrameMain::DeInitContents() { if (context->detachedVideo) context->detachedVideo->Destroy(); if (context->stylingAssistant) context->stylingAssistant->Destroy(); SubsGrid->ClearMaps(); delete audioBox; delete EditBox; delete videoBox; delete context->ass; HelpButton::ClearPages(); } /// @brief Update toolbar void FrameMain::UpdateToolbar() { // Collect flags bool isVideo = context->videoController->IsLoaded(); HasSelection = true; int selRows = SubsGrid->GetNumberSelection(); // Update wxToolBar* toolbar = GetToolBar(); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("video/jump"))->Enable(isVideo); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("video/zoom/in"))->Enable(isVideo && !context->detachedVideo); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("video/zoom/out"))->Enable(isVideo && !context->detachedVideo); ZoomBox->Enable(isVideo && !context->detachedVideo); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("video/jump/start"))->Enable(isVideo && selRows > 0); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("video/jump/end"))->Enable(isVideo && selRows > 0); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("time/snap/start_video"))->Enable(isVideo && selRows == 1); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("time/snap/end_video"))->Enable(isVideo && selRows == 1); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("subtitle/select/visible"))->Enable(isVideo); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("time/snap/scene"))->Enable(isVideo && selRows > 0); toolbar->FindById(cmd::id("time/snap/frame"))->Enable(isVideo && selRows > 0); toolbar->Realize(); } /// @brief Open subtitles /// @param filename /// @param charset void FrameMain::LoadSubtitles(wxString filename,wxString charset) { if (context->ass->loaded) { if (TryToCloseSubs() == wxCANCEL) return; } try { // Make sure that file isn't actually a timecode file try { TextFileReader testSubs(filename,charset); wxString cur = testSubs.ReadLineFromFile(); if (cur.Left(10) == _T("# timecode")) { context->videoController->LoadTimecodes(filename); return; } } catch (...) { // if trying to load the file as timecodes fails it's fairly // safe to assume that it is in fact not a timecode file } context->ass->Load(filename,charset); } catch (agi::acs::AcsNotFound const&) { wxMessageBox(filename + L" not found.", L"Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, NULL); config::mru->Remove("Subtitle", STD_STR(filename)); return; } catch (const wchar_t *err) { wxMessageBox(wxString(err), _T("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, NULL); return; } catch (wxString err) { wxMessageBox(err, _T("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, NULL); return; } catch (...) { wxMessageBox(_T("Unknown error"), _T("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, NULL); return; } } /// @brief Save subtitles /// @param saveas /// @param withCharset /// @return bool FrameMain::SaveSubtitles(bool saveas, bool withCharset) { wxString filename; if (!saveas && context->ass->CanSave()) { filename = context->ass->filename; } if (filename.empty()) { context->videoController->Stop(); wxString path = lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Path/Last/Subtitles")->GetString()); wxFileName origPath(context->ass->filename); filename = wxFileSelector(_("Save subtitles file"), path, origPath.GetName() + ".ass", "ass", AssFile::GetWildcardList(1), wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT, this); } if (filename.empty()) { return false; } wxString charset; if (withCharset) { charset = wxGetSingleChoice(_("Choose charset code:"), "Charset", agi::charset::GetEncodingsList(),this,-1, -1,true,250,200); if (charset.empty()) return false; } try { context->ass->Save(filename, true, true, charset); } catch (const agi::Exception& err) { wxMessageBox(lagi_wxString(err.GetMessage()), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, NULL); return false; } catch (const wchar_t *err) { wxMessageBox(wxString(err), _T("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, NULL); return false; } catch (...) { wxMessageBox(_T("Unknown error"), _T("Error"), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, NULL); return false; } return true; } /// @brief Try to close subtitles /// @param enableCancel /// @return int FrameMain::TryToCloseSubs(bool enableCancel) { if (context->ass->IsModified()) { int flags = wxYES_NO; if (enableCancel) flags |= wxCANCEL; int result = wxMessageBox(_("Save before continuing?"), _("Unsaved changes"), flags,this); if (result == wxYES) { // If it fails saving, return cancel anyway if (SaveSubtitles(false)) return wxYES; else return wxCANCEL; } return result; } else return wxYES; } /// @brief Set the video and audio display visibilty /// @param video -1: leave unchanged; 0: hide; 1: show /// @param audio -1: leave unchanged; 0: hide; 1: show void FrameMain::SetDisplayMode(int video, int audio) { if (!IsShownOnScreen()) return; bool sv = false, sa = false; if (video == -1) sv = showVideo; else if (video) sv = context->videoController->IsLoaded() && !context->detachedVideo; if (audio == -1) sa = showAudio; else if (audio) sa = context->audioController->IsAudioOpen(); // See if anything changed if (sv == showVideo && sa == showAudio) return; showVideo = sv; showAudio = sa; bool didFreeze = !IsFrozen(); if (didFreeze) Freeze(); context->videoController->Stop(); // Set display TopSizer->Show(videoBox, showVideo, true); ToolsSizer->Show(audioSash, showAudio, true); // Update UpdateToolbar(); MainSizer->CalcMin(); MainSizer->RecalcSizes(); MainSizer->Layout(); Layout(); if (didFreeze) Thaw(); } /// @brief Update title bar void FrameMain::UpdateTitle() { wxString newTitle; if (context->ass->IsModified()) newTitle << _T("* "); if (context->ass->filename.empty()) { // Apple HIG says "untitled" should not be capitalised // and the window is a document window, it shouldn't contain the app name // (The app name is already present in the menu bar) #ifndef __WXMAC__ newTitle << _("Untitled"); #else newTitle << _("untitled"); #endif } else { wxFileName file (context->ass->filename); newTitle << file.GetFullName(); } #ifndef __WXMAC__ newTitle << " - Aegisub " << GetAegisubLongVersionString(); #endif #if defined(__WXMAC__) && !defined(__LP64__) // On Mac, set the mark in the close button OSXSetModified(context->ass->IsModified()); #endif if (GetTitle() != newTitle) SetTitle(newTitle); } /// @brief Updates subs with video/whatever data /// @param fromSubs void FrameMain::SynchronizeProject() { // Store data on ass wxString seekpos = _T("0"); wxString ar = _T("0"); wxString zoom = _T("6"); if (context->videoController->IsLoaded()) { seekpos = wxString::Format(_T("%i"),context->videoController->GetFrameN()); zoom = wxString::Format(_T("%f"),videoBox->videoDisplay->GetZoom()); int arType = context->videoController->GetAspectRatioType(); if (arType == 4) ar = wxString(_T("c")) + AegiFloatToString(context->videoController->GetAspectRatioValue()); else ar = wxString::Format(_T("%i"),arType); } // Store audio data context->ass->SetScriptInfo(_T("Audio URI"),MakeRelativePath(context->audioController->GetAudioURL(),context->ass->filename)); // Store video data context->ass->SetScriptInfo(_T("Video File"),MakeRelativePath(context->videoController->videoName,context->ass->filename)); context->ass->SetScriptInfo(_T("Video Aspect Ratio"),ar); context->ass->SetScriptInfo(_T("Video Zoom Percent"),zoom); context->ass->SetScriptInfo(_T("Video Position"),seekpos); context->ass->SetScriptInfo(_T("VFR File"),MakeRelativePath(context->videoController->GetTimecodesName(),context->ass->filename)); context->ass->SetScriptInfo(_T("Keyframes File"),MakeRelativePath(context->videoController->GetKeyFramesName(),context->ass->filename)); } void FrameMain::OnVideoOpen() { if (!context->videoController->IsLoaded()) { SetDisplayMode(0, -1); DetachVideo(false); return; } Freeze(); int vidx = context->videoController->GetWidth(), vidy = context->videoController->GetHeight(); // Set zoom level based on video resolution and window size double zoom = videoBox->videoDisplay->GetZoom(); wxSize windowSize = GetSize(); if (vidx*3*zoom > windowSize.GetX()*4 || vidy*4*zoom > windowSize.GetY()*6) videoBox->videoDisplay->SetZoom(zoom * .25); else if (vidx*3*zoom > windowSize.GetX()*2 || vidy*4*zoom > windowSize.GetY()*3) videoBox->videoDisplay->SetZoom(zoom * .5); // Check that the video size matches the script video size specified int scriptx = context->ass->GetScriptInfoAsInt("PlayResX"); int scripty = context->ass->GetScriptInfoAsInt("PlayResY"); if (scriptx != vidx || scripty != vidy) { switch (OPT_GET("Video/Check Script Res")->GetInt()) { case 1: // Ask to change on mismatch if (wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("The resolution of the loaded video and the resolution specified for the subtitles don't match.\n\nVideo resolution:\t%d x %d\nScript resolution:\t%d x %d\n\nChange subtitles resolution to match video?"), vidx, vidy, scriptx, scripty), _("Resolution mismatch"), wxYES_NO, this) != wxYES) break; // Fallthrough to case 2 case 2: // Always change script res context->ass->SetScriptInfo("PlayResX", wxString::Format("%d", vidx)); context->ass->SetScriptInfo("PlayResY", wxString::Format("%d", vidy)); context->ass->Commit(_("Change script resolution")); break; case 0: default: // Never change break; } } SetDisplayMode(1,-1); DetachVideo(OPT_GET("Video/Detached/Enabled")->GetBool()); Thaw(); } void FrameMain::LoadVFR(wxString filename) { if (filename.empty()) { context->videoController->CloseTimecodes(); } else { context->videoController->LoadTimecodes(filename); } } /// @brief Open help void FrameMain::OpenHelp(wxString) { HelpButton::OpenPage(_T("Main")); } /// @brief Detach video window /// @param detach void FrameMain::DetachVideo(bool detach) { if (detach) { if (!context->detachedVideo) { context->detachedVideo = new DialogDetachedVideo(this, context.get(), videoBox->videoDisplay->GetClientSize()); context->detachedVideo->Show(); } } else if (context->detachedVideo) { context->detachedVideo->Destroy(); context->detachedVideo = 0; SetDisplayMode(1,-1); } UpdateToolbar(); } /// @brief Sets status and clear after n milliseconds /// @param text /// @param ms void FrameMain::StatusTimeout(wxString text,int ms) { SetStatusText(text,1); StatusClear.SetOwner(this, ID_APP_TIMER_STATUSCLEAR); StatusClear.Start(ms,true); } /// @brief Load list of files /// @param list /// @return bool FrameMain::LoadList(wxArrayString list) { // Build list wxArrayString List; for (size_t i=0;ivideoController->SetVideo(video); } if (!audio.empty()) context->audioController->OpenAudio(audio); // Result return subs.size() || audio.size() || video.size(); } /// @brief Sets the descriptions for undo/redo void FrameMain::SetUndoRedoDesc() { wxMenu *editMenu = menu::menu->GetMenu("main/edit"); editMenu->SetHelpString(0,_T("Undo ")+context->ass->GetUndoDescription()); editMenu->SetHelpString(1,_T("Redo ")+context->ass->GetRedoDescription()); } /// @brief Check if ASSDraw is available bool FrameMain::HasASSDraw() { #ifdef __WINDOWS__ wxFileName fn(StandardPaths::DecodePath(_T("?data/ASSDraw3.exe"))); return fn.FileExists(); #else return false; #endif } static void autosave_timer_changed(wxTimer *timer, const agi::OptionValue &opt) { int freq = opt.GetInt(); if (freq <= 0) { timer->Stop(); } else { timer->Start(freq * 1000); } } BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(FrameMain, wxFrame) EVT_TIMER(ID_APP_TIMER_AUTOSAVE, FrameMain::OnAutoSave) EVT_TIMER(ID_APP_TIMER_STATUSCLEAR, FrameMain::OnStatusClear) EVT_CLOSE(FrameMain::OnCloseWindow) EVT_SASH_DRAGGED(ID_SASH_MAIN_AUDIO, FrameMain::OnAudioBoxResize) EVT_MENU_OPEN(FrameMain::OnMenuOpen) EVT_KEY_DOWN(FrameMain::OnKeyDown) // EVT_MENU(cmd::id("subtitle/new"), FrameMain::cmd_call) // EVT_MENU(cmd::id("subtitle/open"), FrameMain::cmd_call) // EVT_MENU(cmd::id("subtitle/save"), FrameMain::cmd_call) // EVT_MENU_RANGE(MENU_GRID_START+1,MENU_GRID_END-1,FrameMain::OnGridEvent) // EVT_COMBOBOX(Toolbar_Zoom_Dropdown, FrameMain::OnSetZoom) // EVT_TEXT_ENTER(Toolbar_Zoom_Dropdown, FrameMain::OnSetZoom) #ifdef __WXMAC__ // EVT_MENU(wxID_ABOUT, FrameMain::OnAbout) // EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, FrameMain::OnExit) #endif END_EVENT_TABLE() /// @brief Redirect grid events to grid /// @param event void FrameMain::OnGridEvent (wxCommandEvent &event) { SubsGrid->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event); } /// @brief Rebuild recent list /// @param listName /// @param menu /// @param startID void FrameMain::RebuildRecentList(const char *root_command, const char *mru_name) { wxMenu *menu = menu::menu->GetMenu(root_command); int count = (int)menu->GetMenuItemCount(); for (int i=count;--i>=0;) { menu->Destroy(menu->FindItemByPosition(i)); } const agi::MRUManager::MRUListMap *map_list = config::mru->Get(mru_name); if (map_list->empty()) { menu->Append(-1, _("Empty"))->Enable(false); return; } int i = 0; for (agi::MRUManager::MRUListMap::const_iterator it = map_list->begin(); it != map_list->end(); ++it) { std::stringstream ss; ss << root_command; ss << "/"; ss << i; wxFileName shortname(lagi_wxString(it->second)); menu->Append(cmd::id(ss.str()), wxString::Format("%s%d %s", i <= 9 ? "&" : "", i + 1, shortname.GetFullName())); ++i; } } /// @brief Menu is being opened /// @param event void FrameMain::OnMenuOpen (wxMenuEvent &event) { // Get menu wxMenuBar *MenuBar = menu::menu->GetMainMenu(); MenuBar->Freeze(); wxMenu *curMenu = event.GetMenu(); // File menu if (curMenu == menu::menu->GetMenu("main/file")) { // Rebuild recent RebuildRecentList("recent/subtitle", "Subtitle"); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("subtitle/open/video"),context->videoController->HasSubtitles()); } // View menu else if (curMenu == menu::menu->GetMenu("main/view")) { // Flags bool aud = context->audioController->IsAudioOpen(); bool vid = context->videoController->IsLoaded() && !context->detachedVideo; // Set states MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("app/display/audio_subs"),aud); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("app/display/video_subs"),vid); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("app/display/full"),aud && vid); // Select option if (!showVideo && !showAudio) MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("app/display/subs"),true); else if (showVideo && !showAudio) MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("app/display/video_subs"),true); else if (showAudio && showVideo) MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("app/display/full"),true); else MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("app/display/audio_subs"),true); int sub_grid = OPT_GET("Subtitle/Grid/Hide Overrides")->GetInt(); if (sub_grid == 1) MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("grid/tags/show"), true); if (sub_grid == 2) MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("grid/tags/simplify"), true); if (sub_grid == 3) MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("grid/tags/hide"), true); } // Video menu else if (curMenu == menu::menu->GetMenu("main/video")) { bool state = context->videoController->IsLoaded(); bool attached = state && !context->detachedVideo; // Set states MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/jump"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/jump/start"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/jump/end"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("main/video/set zoom"), attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/zoom/50"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/zoom/100"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/zoom/200"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/close"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("main/video/override ar"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/aspect/default"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/aspect/full"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/aspect/wide"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/aspect/cinematic"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/aspect/custom"),attached); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/detach"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("timecode/save"),context->videoController->TimecodesLoaded()); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("timecode/close"),context->videoController->OverTimecodesLoaded()); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("keyframe/close"),context->videoController->OverKeyFramesLoaded()); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("keyframe/save"),context->videoController->KeyFramesLoaded()); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/details"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("video/show_overscan"),state); // Set AR radio int arType = context->videoController->GetAspectRatioType(); MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/default"),false); MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/full"),false); MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/wide"),false); MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/cinematic"),false); MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/custom"),false); switch (arType) { case 0: MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/default"),true); break; case 1: MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/full"),true); break; case 2: MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/wide"),true); break; case 3: MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/cinematic"),true); break; case 4: MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/aspect/custom"),true); break; } // Set overscan mask MenuBar->Check(cmd::id("video/show_overscan"),OPT_GET("Video/Overscan Mask")->GetBool()); // Rebuild recent lists RebuildRecentList("recent/video", "Video"); RebuildRecentList("recent/timecode", "Timecodes"); RebuildRecentList("recent/keyframe", "Keyframes"); } // Audio menu else if (curMenu == menu::menu->GetMenu("main/audio")) { bool state = context->audioController->IsAudioOpen(); bool vidstate = context->videoController->IsLoaded(); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("audio/open/video"),vidstate); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("audio/close"),state); // Rebuild recent RebuildRecentList("recent/audio", "Audio"); } // Subtitles menu else if (curMenu == menu::menu->GetMenu("main/subtitle")) { // Variables bool continuous; wxArrayInt sels = SubsGrid->GetSelection(&continuous); int count = sels.Count(); bool state,state2; // Entries state = count > 0; MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("subtitle/insert/before"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("subtitle/insert/after"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/split/by_karaoke"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/delete"),state); state2 = count > 0 && context->videoController->IsLoaded(); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("subtitle/insert/before/videotime"),state2); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("subtitle/insert/after/videotime"),state2); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("main/subtitle/insert lines"),state); state = count > 0 && continuous; MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/duplicate"),state); state = count > 0 && continuous && context->videoController->TimecodesLoaded(); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/duplicate/shift"),state); state = count == 2; MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/swap"),state); state = count >= 2 && continuous; MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/join/concatenate"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/join/keep_first"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/join/as_karaoke"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("main/subtitle/join lines"),state); state = (count == 2 || count == 3) && continuous; MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/recombine"),state); } // Timing menu else if (curMenu == menu::menu->GetMenu("main/timing")) { // Variables bool continuous; wxArrayInt sels = SubsGrid->GetSelection(&continuous); int count = sels.Count(); // Video related bool state = context->videoController->IsLoaded(); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("time/snap/start_video"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("time/snap/end_video"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("time/snap/scene"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("time/frame/current"),state); // Other state = count >= 2 && continuous; MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("time/continuous/start"),state); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("time/continuous/end"),state); } // Edit menu else if (curMenu == menu::menu->GetMenu("main/edit")) { wxMenu *editMenu = menu::menu->GetMenu("main/edit"); // Undo state wxMenuItem *item; //H wxString undo_text = _("&Undo") + wxString(_T(" ")) + ass->GetUndoDescription() + wxString(_T("\t")) + Hotkeys.GetText(_T("Undo")); // The bottom line needs to be fixed for the new hotkey system wxString undo_text = _("&Undo") + wxString(_T(" ")) + context->ass->GetUndoDescription() + wxString(_T("\t")) + _T("Undo"); item = editMenu->FindItem(cmd::id("edit/undo")); item->SetItemLabel(undo_text); item->Enable(!context->ass->IsUndoStackEmpty()); // Redo state //H wxString redo_text = _("&Redo") + wxString(_T(" ")) + ass->GetRedoDescription() + wxString(_T("\t")) + Hotkeys.GetText(_T("Redo")); // Same as above. wxString redo_text = _("&Redo") + wxString(_T(" ")) + context->ass->GetRedoDescription() + wxString(_T("\t")) + _T("Redo"); item = editMenu->FindItem(cmd::id("edit/redo")); item->SetItemLabel(redo_text); item->Enable(!context->ass->IsRedoStackEmpty()); // Copy/cut/paste wxArrayInt sels = SubsGrid->GetSelection(); bool can_copy = (sels.Count() > 0); bool can_paste = true; if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { can_paste = wxTheClipboard->IsSupported(wxDF_TEXT); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/cut"),can_copy); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/copy"),can_copy); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/paste"),can_paste); MenuBar->Enable(cmd::id("edit/line/paste/over"),can_copy&&can_paste); } // Automation menu #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION else if (curMenu == menu::menu->GetMenu("main/automation")) { wxMenu *automationMenu = menu::menu->GetMenu("main/automation"); // Remove old macro items for (unsigned int i = 0; i < activeMacroItems.size(); i++) { wxMenu *p = 0; wxMenuItem *it = MenuBar->FindItem(ID_MENU_AUTOMATION_MACRO + i, &p); if (it) p->Delete(it); } activeMacroItems.clear(); // Add new ones int added = 0; added += AddMacroMenuItems(automationMenu, wxGetApp().global_scripts->GetMacros()); added += AddMacroMenuItems(automationMenu, context->local_scripts->GetMacros()); // If none were added, show a ghosted notice if (added == 0) { automationMenu->Append(ID_MENU_AUTOMATION_MACRO, _("No Automation macros loaded"))->Enable(false); activeMacroItems.push_back(0); } } #endif MenuBar->Thaw(); } /// @brief Macro menu creation helper /// @param menu /// @param macros /// @return int FrameMain::AddMacroMenuItems(wxMenu *menu, const std::vector ¯os) { #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION if (macros.empty()) { return 0; } int id = activeMacroItems.size();; for (std::vector::const_iterator i = macros.begin(); i != macros.end(); ++i) { wxMenuItem * m = menu->Append(ID_MENU_AUTOMATION_MACRO + id, (*i)->GetName(), (*i)->GetDescription()); m->Enable((*i)->Validate(context->ass, SubsGrid->GetAbsoluteSelection(), SubsGrid->GetFirstSelRow())); activeMacroItems.push_back(*i); id++; } return macros.size(); #else return 0; #endif } /// @brief General handler for all Automation-generated menu items /// @param event void FrameMain::OnAutomationMacro (wxCommandEvent &event) { #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION SubsGrid->BeginBatch(); // First get selection data std::vector selected_lines = SubsGrid->GetAbsoluteSelection(); int first_sel = SubsGrid->GetFirstSelRow(); // Run the macro... activeMacroItems[event.GetId()-ID_MENU_AUTOMATION_MACRO]->Process(context->ass, selected_lines, first_sel, this); SubsGrid->SetSelectionFromAbsolute(selected_lines); SubsGrid->EndBatch(); #endif } /// @brief Window is attempted to be closed /// @param event void FrameMain::OnCloseWindow (wxCloseEvent &event) { // Stop audio and video context->videoController->Stop(); context->audioController->Stop(); // Ask user if he wants to save first bool canVeto = event.CanVeto(); int result = TryToCloseSubs(canVeto); // Store maximization state OPT_SET("App/Maximized")->SetBool(IsMaximized()); // Abort/destroy if (canVeto) { if (result == wxCANCEL) event.Veto(); else Destroy(); } else Destroy(); } /// @brief Autosave the currently open file, if any void FrameMain::OnAutoSave(wxTimerEvent &) { try { if (context->ass->loaded && context->ass->IsModified()) { // Set path wxFileName origfile(context->ass->filename); wxString path = lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Path/Auto/Save")->GetString()); if (path.IsEmpty()) path = origfile.GetPath(); wxFileName dstpath(path); if (!dstpath.IsAbsolute()) path = StandardPaths::DecodePathMaybeRelative(path, _T("?user/")); dstpath.AssignDir(path); if (!dstpath.DirExists()) wxMkdir(path); wxString name = origfile.GetName(); if (name.IsEmpty()) { dstpath.SetFullName("Untitled.AUTOSAVE.ass"); } else { dstpath.SetFullName(name + L".AUTOSAVE.ass"); } context->ass->Save(dstpath.GetFullPath(),false,false); // Set status bar StatusTimeout(_("File backup saved as \"") + dstpath.GetFullPath() + _T("\".")); } } catch (const agi::Exception& err) { StatusTimeout(lagi_wxString("Exception when attempting to autosave file: " + err.GetMessage())); } catch (wxString err) { StatusTimeout(_T("Exception when attempting to autosave file: ") + err); } catch (const wchar_t *err) { StatusTimeout(_T("Exception when attempting to autosave file: ") + wxString(err)); } catch (...) { StatusTimeout(_T("Unhandled exception when attempting to autosave file.")); } } /// @brief Clear statusbar void FrameMain::OnStatusClear(wxTimerEvent &) { SetStatusText(_T(""),1); } void FrameMain::OnAudioBoxResize(wxSashEvent &event) { if (event.GetDragStatus() == wxSASH_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE) return; wxRect rect = event.GetDragRect(); if (rect.GetHeight() < audioSash->GetMinimumSizeY()) rect.SetHeight(audioSash->GetMinimumSizeY()); audioBox->SetMinSize(wxSize(-1, rect.GetHeight())); Panel->Layout(); Refresh(); } void FrameMain::OnAudioOpen(AudioProvider *provider) { SetDisplayMode(-1, 1); } void FrameMain::OnAudioClose() { SetDisplayMode(-1, 0); } void FrameMain::OnSubtitlesCommit() { if (OPT_GET("App/Auto/Save on Every Change")->GetBool()) { if (context->ass->IsModified() && !context->ass->filename.empty()) SaveSubtitles(false); } UpdateTitle(); } void FrameMain::OnSubtitlesOpen() { UpdateTitle(); /// @todo figure out how to move this to the relevant controllers without /// prompting for each file loaded/unloaded // Load stuff from the new script wxString curSubsVideo = DecodeRelativePath(context->ass->GetScriptInfo("Video File"),context->ass->filename); wxString curSubsVFR = DecodeRelativePath(context->ass->GetScriptInfo("VFR File"),context->ass->filename); wxString curSubsKeyframes = DecodeRelativePath(context->ass->GetScriptInfo("Keyframes File"),context->ass->filename); wxString curSubsAudio = DecodeRelativePath(context->ass->GetScriptInfo("Audio URI"),context->ass->filename); wxString AutoScriptString = context->ass->GetScriptInfo("Automation Scripts"); // Check if there is anything to change int autoLoadMode = OPT_GET("App/Auto/Load Linked Files")->GetInt(); bool doLoad = false; if (curSubsAudio != context->audioController->GetAudioURL() || curSubsVFR != context->videoController->GetTimecodesName() || curSubsVideo != context->videoController->videoName || curSubsKeyframes != context->videoController->GetKeyFramesName() #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION || !AutoScriptString.IsEmpty() || context->local_scripts->GetScripts().size() > 0 #endif ) { if (autoLoadMode == 1) { doLoad = true; } else if (autoLoadMode == 2) { doLoad = wxMessageBox(_("Do you want to load/unload the associated files?"), _("(Un)Load files?"), wxYES_NO) == wxYES; } } if (doLoad) { // Video if (!blockVideoLoad && curSubsVideo != context->videoController->videoName) { context->videoController->SetVideo(curSubsVideo); if (context->videoController->IsLoaded()) { long videoPos = 0; long videoAr = 0; double videoArValue = 0.0; double videoZoom = 0.; context->ass->GetScriptInfo("Video Position").ToLong(&videoPos); context->ass->GetScriptInfo("Video Zoom Percent").ToDouble(&videoZoom); wxString arString = context->ass->GetScriptInfo("Video Aspect Ratio"); if (arString.Left(1) == "c") { videoAr = 4; arString = arString.Mid(1); arString.ToDouble(&videoArValue); } else if (arString.IsNumber()) { arString.ToLong(&videoAr); } context->videoController->SetAspectRatio(videoAr,videoArValue); videoBox->videoDisplay->SetZoom(videoZoom); context->videoController->JumpToFrame(videoPos); } } context->videoController->LoadTimecodes(curSubsVFR); context->videoController->LoadKeyframes(curSubsKeyframes); // Audio if (curSubsAudio != context->audioController->GetAudioURL()) { context->audioController->OpenAudio(curSubsAudio); } // Automation scripts #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION context->local_scripts->RemoveAll(); wxStringTokenizer tok(AutoScriptString, _T("|"), wxTOKEN_STRTOK); wxFileName assfn(context->ass->filename); wxString autobasefn(lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Path/Automation/Base")->GetString())); while (tok.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString sfnames = tok.GetNextToken().Trim(true).Trim(false); wxString sfnamel = sfnames.Left(1); sfnames.Remove(0, 1); wxString basepath; if (sfnamel == _T("~")) { basepath = assfn.GetPath(); } else if (sfnamel == _T("$")) { basepath = autobasefn; } else if (sfnamel == _T("/")) { basepath = _T(""); } else { wxLogWarning(_T("Automation Script referenced with unknown location specifier character.\nLocation specifier found: %s\nFilename specified: %s"), sfnamel.c_str(), sfnames.c_str()); continue; } wxFileName sfname(sfnames); sfname.MakeAbsolute(basepath); if (sfname.FileExists()) { sfnames = sfname.GetFullPath(); context->local_scripts->Add(Automation4::ScriptFactory::CreateFromFile(sfnames, true)); } else { wxLogWarning(_T("Automation Script referenced could not be found.\nFilename specified: %s%s\nSearched relative to: %s\nResolved filename: %s"), sfnamel.c_str(), sfnames.c_str(), basepath.c_str(), sfname.GetFullPath().c_str()); } } #endif } // Display SetDisplayMode(1,1); } void FrameMain::OnSubtitlesSave() { UpdateTitle(); // Store Automation script data // Algorithm: // 1. If script filename has Automation Base Path as a prefix, the path is relative to that (ie. "$") // 2. Otherwise try making it relative to the ass filename // 3. If step 2 failed, or absolute path is shorter than path relative to ass, use absolute path ("/") // 4. Otherwise, use path relative to ass ("~") #ifdef WITH_AUTOMATION wxString scripts_string; wxString autobasefn(lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Path/Automation/Base")->GetString())); const std::vector &scripts = context->local_scripts->GetScripts(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) { Automation4::Script *script = scripts[i]; if (i != 0) scripts_string += _T("|"); wxString autobase_rel, assfile_rel; wxString scriptfn(script->GetFilename()); autobase_rel = MakeRelativePath(scriptfn, autobasefn); assfile_rel = MakeRelativePath(scriptfn, context->ass->filename); if (autobase_rel.size() <= scriptfn.size() && autobase_rel.size() <= assfile_rel.size()) { scriptfn = _T("$") + autobase_rel; } else if (assfile_rel.size() <= scriptfn.size() && assfile_rel.size() <= autobase_rel.size()) { scriptfn = _T("~") + assfile_rel; } else { scriptfn = _T("/") + wxFileName(scriptfn).GetFullPath(wxPATH_UNIX); } scripts_string += scriptfn; } context->ass->SetScriptInfo(_T("Automation Scripts"), scripts_string); #endif } void FrameMain::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event) { hotkey::check("Main Frame", event.GetKeyCode(), event.GetUnicodeKey(), event.GetModifiers()); }