// Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ // // $Id$ /// @file video_context.cpp /// @brief Keep track of loaded video and video displays /// @ingroup video /// #include "config.h" #ifndef AGI_PRE #include #include #include #include #include #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #include #else #include #include #endif #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "ass_style.h" #include "ass_time.h" #include "audio_display.h" #include "compat.h" #include "include/aegisub/video_provider.h" #include "keyframe.h" #include #include "main.h" #include "mkv_wrap.h" #include "standard_paths.h" #include "subs_edit_box.h" #include "subs_grid.h" #include "threaded_frame_source.h" #include "utils.h" #include "video_box.h" #include "video_context.h" #include "video_display.h" /// IDs enum { VIDEO_PLAY_TIMER = 1300 }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(VideoContext, wxEvtHandler) EVT_TIMER(VIDEO_PLAY_TIMER,VideoContext::OnPlayTimer) END_EVENT_TABLE() /// @brief Constructor /// VideoContext::VideoContext() : startFrame(-1) , endFrame(-1) , playNextFrame(-1) , nextFrame(-1) , isPlaying(false) , keepAudioSync(true) , frame_n(0) , length(0) , arValue(1.) , arType(0) , hasSubtitles(false) , playAudioOnStep(OPT_GET("Audio/Plays When Stepping Video")) , singleFrame(false) , grid(NULL) , audio(NULL) , VFR_Input(videoFPS) , VFR_Output(ovrFPS) { Bind(EVT_VIDEO_ERROR, &VideoContext::OnVideoError, this); Bind(EVT_SUBTITLES_ERROR, &VideoContext::OnSubtitlesError, this); } VideoContext::~VideoContext () { if (audio && audio->temporary) { delete audio->provider; delete audio->player; } } VideoContext *VideoContext::Get() { static VideoContext instance; return &instance; } void VideoContext::Reset() { StandardPaths::SetPathValue(_T("?video"), ""); keyFrames.clear(); videoFPS = agi::vfr::Framerate(); // Remove temporary audio provider if (audio && audio->temporary) { delete audio->provider; audio->provider = NULL; delete audio->player; audio->player = NULL; audio->temporary = false; } // Remove video data frame_n = 0; length = 0; isPlaying = false; nextFrame = -1; // Clean up video data videoName.clear(); // Remove provider videoProvider.reset(); provider.reset(); } void VideoContext::SetVideo(const wxString &filename) { Stop(); Reset(); if (filename.empty()) return; try { grid->CommitChanges(true); try { provider.reset(new ThreadedFrameSource(filename, this), std::mem_fun(&ThreadedFrameSource::End)); videoProvider = provider->GetVideoProvider(); } catch (wxString err) { wxMessageBox(L"Error while loading video: " + err, L"Video Error"); } catch (const wchar_t *err) { wxMessageBox(L"Error while loading video: " + wxString(err), L"Video Error"); } keyFrames = videoProvider->GetKeyFrames(); // Set frame rate videoFPS = videoProvider->GetFPS(); if (ovrFPS.IsLoaded()) { int ovr = wxMessageBox(_("You already have timecodes loaded. Would you like to replace them with timecodes from the video file?"), _("Replace timecodes?"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION); if (ovr == wxYES) { ovrFPS = agi::vfr::Framerate(); ovrTimecodeFile.clear(); } } // Gather video parameters length = videoProvider->GetFrameCount(); // Set filename videoName = filename; config::mru->Add("Video", STD_STR(filename)); wxFileName fn(filename); StandardPaths::SetPathValue(_T("?video"),fn.GetPath()); // Get frame frame_n = 0; // Show warning wxString warning = videoProvider->GetWarning(); if (!warning.empty()) wxMessageBox(warning,_T("Warning"),wxICON_WARNING | wxOK); hasSubtitles = false; if (filename.Right(4).Lower() == L".mkv") { hasSubtitles = MatroskaWrapper::HasSubtitles(filename); } UpdateDisplays(true); } catch (const wxString &e) { wxMessageBox(e,_T("Error setting video"),wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); } } void VideoContext::AddDisplay(VideoDisplay *display) { if (std::find(displayList.begin(), displayList.end(), display) == displayList.end()) displayList.push_back(display); } void VideoContext::RemoveDisplay(VideoDisplay *display) { displayList.remove(display); } void VideoContext::UpdateDisplays(bool full, bool seek) { if (!IsLoaded()) return; for (std::list::iterator cur=displayList.begin();cur!=displayList.end();cur++) { VideoDisplay *display = *cur; if (!seek) { display->Refresh(); } if (full) { display->UpdateSize(); display->SetFrameRange(0,GetLength()-1); } if (seek || full) { display->SetFrame(GetFrameN()); } } // Update audio display if (audio && audio->loaded && audio->IsShownOnScreen()) { static agi::OptionValue* opt = OPT_GET("Audio/Display/Draw/Video Position"); if (opt->GetBool()) { audio->UpdateImage(false); } } } void VideoContext::Refresh() { if (!IsLoaded()) return; provider->LoadSubtitles(grid->ass); UpdateDisplays(false); } void VideoContext::JumpToFrame(int n) { if (!IsLoaded()) return; // Prevent intervention during playback if (isPlaying && n != playNextFrame) return; frame_n = n; UpdateDisplays(false, true); static agi::OptionValue* highlight = OPT_GET("Subtitle/Grid/Highlight Subtitles in Frame"); if (!isPlaying && highlight->GetBool()) grid->Refresh(false); } void VideoContext::JumpToTime(int ms, agi::vfr::Time end) { JumpToFrame(FrameAtTime(ms, end)); } void VideoContext::GetFrameAsync(int n) { provider->RequestFrame(n,videoFPS.TimeAtFrame(n)/1000.0); } AegiVideoFrame const& VideoContext::GetFrame(int n, bool raw) { return provider->GetFrame(n, videoFPS.TimeAtFrame(n)/1000.0, raw); } int VideoContext::GetWidth() const { return videoProvider->GetWidth(); } int VideoContext::GetHeight() const { return videoProvider->GetHeight(); } void VideoContext::SaveSnapshot(bool raw) { // Get folder static agi::OptionValue* ssPath = OPT_GET("Path/Screenshot"); wxString option = lagi_wxString(ssPath->GetString()); wxFileName videoFile(videoName); wxString basepath; // Is it a path specifier and not an actual fixed path? if (option[0] == _T('?')) { // If dummy video is loaded, we can't save to the video location if (option.StartsWith(_T("?video")) && (videoName.Find(_T("?dummy")) != wxNOT_FOUND)) { // So try the script location instead option = _T("?script"); } // Find out where the ?specifier points to basepath = StandardPaths::DecodePath(option); // If where ever that is isn't defined, we can't save there if ((basepath == _T("\\")) || (basepath == _T("/"))) { // So save to the current user's home dir instead basepath = wxGetHomeDir(); } } // Actual fixed (possibly relative) path, decode it else basepath = DecodeRelativePath(option,StandardPaths::DecodePath(_T("?user/"))); basepath += _T("/") + videoFile.GetName(); // Get full path int session_shot_count = 1; wxString path; while (1) { path = basepath + wxString::Format(_T("_%03i_%i.png"),session_shot_count,frame_n); ++session_shot_count; wxFileName tryPath(path); if (!tryPath.FileExists()) break; } GetFrame(frame_n,raw).GetImage().SaveFile(path,wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); } void VideoContext::GetScriptSize(int &sw,int &sh) { grid->ass->GetResolution(sw,sh); } void VideoContext::PlayNextFrame() { if (isPlaying) return; int thisFrame = frame_n; JumpToFrame(frame_n + 1); // Start playing audio if (playAudioOnStep->GetBool()) audio->Play(TimeAtFrame(thisFrame),TimeAtFrame(thisFrame + 1)); } void VideoContext::PlayPrevFrame() { if (isPlaying) return; int thisFrame = frame_n; JumpToFrame(frame_n -1); // Start playing audio if (playAudioOnStep->GetBool()) audio->Play(TimeAtFrame(thisFrame - 1),TimeAtFrame(thisFrame)); } void VideoContext::Play() { if (isPlaying) { Stop(); return; } // Set variables startFrame = frame_n; endFrame = -1; // Start playing audio audio->Play(TimeAtFrame(startFrame),-1); //audio->Play will override this if we put it before, so put it after. isPlaying = true; // Start timer playTime.Start(); playback.SetOwner(this,VIDEO_PLAY_TIMER); playback.Start(10); } void VideoContext::PlayLine() { AssDialogue *curline = grid->GetActiveLine(); if (!curline) return; // Start playing audio audio->Play(curline->Start.GetMS(),curline->End.GetMS()); // Set variables isPlaying = true; startFrame = FrameAtTime(grid->GetActiveLine()->Start.GetMS(),agi::vfr::START); endFrame = FrameAtTime(grid->GetActiveLine()->End.GetMS(),agi::vfr::END); // Jump to start playNextFrame = startFrame; JumpToFrame(startFrame); // Set other variables playTime.Start(); // Start timer playback.SetOwner(this,VIDEO_PLAY_TIMER); playback.Start(10); } void VideoContext::Stop() { if (isPlaying) { playback.Stop(); isPlaying = false; audio->Stop(); } } void VideoContext::OnPlayTimer(wxTimerEvent &event) { // Lock wxMutexError res = playMutex.TryLock(); if (res == wxMUTEX_BUSY) return; playMutex.Unlock(); wxMutexLocker lock(playMutex); // Get time difference int dif = playTime.Time(); // Find next frame int startMs = TimeAtFrame(startFrame); int nextFrame = frame_n; int i=0; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { if (nextFrame >= length) break; if (dif < TimeAtFrame(nextFrame) - startMs) { break; } nextFrame++; } // End if (nextFrame >= length || (endFrame != -1 && nextFrame > endFrame)) { Stop(); return; } // Same frame if (nextFrame == frame_n) return; // Next frame is before or over 2 frames ahead, so force audio resync if (audio->player && keepAudioSync && (nextFrame < frame_n || nextFrame > frame_n + 2)) audio->player->SetCurrentPosition(audio->GetSampleAtMS(TimeAtFrame(nextFrame))); // Jump to next frame playNextFrame = nextFrame; frame_n = nextFrame; JumpToFrame(nextFrame); // Sync audio if (keepAudioSync && nextFrame % 10 == 0 && audio && audio->provider && audio->player) { int64_t audPos = audio->GetSampleAtMS(TimeAtFrame(nextFrame)); int64_t curPos = audio->player->GetCurrentPosition(); int delta = int(audPos-curPos); if (delta < 0) delta = -delta; int maxDelta = audio->provider->GetSampleRate(); if (delta > maxDelta) audio->player->SetCurrentPosition(audPos); } } double VideoContext::GetARFromType(int type) const { if (type == 0) return (double)VideoContext::Get()->GetWidth()/(double)VideoContext::Get()->GetHeight(); if (type == 1) return 4.0/3.0; if (type == 2) return 16.0/9.0; if (type == 3) return 2.35; return 1.0; //error } void VideoContext::SetAspectRatio(int type, double value) { if (type != 4) value = GetARFromType(type); if (value < 0.5) value = 0.5; if (value > 5.0) value = 5.0; arType = type; arValue = value; UpdateDisplays(true); } void VideoContext::LoadKeyframes(wxString filename) { if (filename == keyFramesFilename || filename.empty()) return; keyFrames = KeyFrameFile::Load(filename); keyFramesFilename = filename; Refresh(); } void VideoContext::SaveKeyframes(wxString filename) { KeyFrameFile::Save(filename, GetKeyFrames()); } void VideoContext::CloseKeyframes() { keyFramesFilename.clear(); if (videoProvider.get()) { keyFrames = videoProvider->GetKeyFrames(); } else { keyFrames.clear(); } Refresh(); } void VideoContext::LoadTimecodes(wxString filename) { if (filename == ovrTimecodeFile || filename.empty()) return; try { ovrFPS = agi::vfr::Framerate(STD_STR(filename)); ovrTimecodeFile = filename; config::mru->Add("Timecodes", STD_STR(filename)); Refresh(); } catch (const agi::acs::AcsError&) { wxLogError(L"Could not open file " + filename); } catch (const agi::vfr::Error& e) { wxLogError(L"Timecode file parse error: %s", e.GetMessage().c_str()); } } void VideoContext::SaveTimecodes(wxString filename) { try { ovrFPS.Save(STD_STR(filename), IsLoaded() ? length : -1); config::mru->Add("Timecodes", STD_STR(filename)); } catch(const agi::acs::AcsError&) { wxLogError(L"Could not write to " + filename); } } void VideoContext::CloseTimecodes() { ovrFPS = agi::vfr::Framerate(); ovrTimecodeFile.clear(); Refresh(); } int VideoContext::TimeAtFrame(int frame, agi::vfr::Time type) const { if (ovrFPS.IsLoaded()) { return ovrFPS.TimeAtFrame(frame, type); } return videoFPS.TimeAtFrame(frame, type); } int VideoContext::FrameAtTime(int time, agi::vfr::Time type) const { if (ovrFPS.IsLoaded()) { return ovrFPS.FrameAtTime(time, type); } return videoFPS.FrameAtTime(time, type); } void VideoContext::OnVideoError(VideoProviderErrorEvent const& err) { wxLogError( L"Failed seeking video. The video file may be corrupt or incomplete.\n" L"Error message reported: %s", lagi_wxString(err.GetMessage()).c_str()); } void VideoContext::OnSubtitlesError(SubtitlesProviderErrorEvent const& err) { wxLogError( L"Failed rendering subtitles. Error message reported: %s", lagi_wxString(err.GetMessage()).c_str()); }