Niels Martin Hansen 13654219c2 Implemented four new tags: \xbord \ybord \xshad \yshad
Allows setting the border in X and Y direction separately, and the shadow displacement in X and Y direction separately.
The \xshad and \yshad tags also allow negative shadow displacement values. Negative shadow is still not allowed in any of the traditional locations.

Originally committed to SVN as r2278.
2008-07-22 21:42:36 +00:00

1106 lines
27 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Gabest
* This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Rasterizer.h"
Rasterizer::Rasterizer() : mpPathTypes(NULL), mpPathPoints(NULL), mPathPoints(0), mpOverlayBuffer(NULL)
mOverlayWidth = mOverlayHeight = 0;
mPathOffsetX = mPathOffsetY = 0;
mOffsetX = mOffsetY = 0;
void Rasterizer::_TrashPath()
delete [] mpPathTypes;
delete [] mpPathPoints;
mpPathTypes = NULL;
mpPathPoints = NULL;
mPathPoints = 0;
void Rasterizer::_TrashOverlay()
delete [] mpOverlayBuffer;
mpOverlayBuffer = NULL;
void Rasterizer::_ReallocEdgeBuffer(int edges)
mEdgeHeapSize = edges;
mpEdgeBuffer = (Edge*)realloc(mpEdgeBuffer, sizeof(Edge)*edges);
void Rasterizer::_EvaluateBezier(int ptbase, bool fBSpline)
const POINT* pt0 = mpPathPoints + ptbase;
const POINT* pt1 = mpPathPoints + ptbase + 1;
const POINT* pt2 = mpPathPoints + ptbase + 2;
const POINT* pt3 = mpPathPoints + ptbase + 3;
double x0 = pt0->x;
double x1 = pt1->x;
double x2 = pt2->x;
double x3 = pt3->x;
double y0 = pt0->y;
double y1 = pt1->y;
double y2 = pt2->y;
double y3 = pt3->y;
double cx3, cx2, cx1, cx0, cy3, cy2, cy1, cy0;
// 1 [-1 +3 -3 +1]
// - * [+3 -6 +3 0]
// 6 [-3 0 +3 0]
// [+1 +4 +1 0]
double _1div6 = 1.0/6.0;
cx3 = _1div6*(- x0+3*x1-3*x2+x3);
cx2 = _1div6*( 3*x0-6*x1+3*x2);
cx1 = _1div6*(-3*x0 +3*x2);
cx0 = _1div6*( x0+4*x1+1*x2);
cy3 = _1div6*(- y0+3*y1-3*y2+y3);
cy2 = _1div6*( 3*y0-6*y1+3*y2);
cy1 = _1div6*(-3*y0 +3*y2);
cy0 = _1div6*( y0+4*y1+1*y2);
else // bezier
// [-1 +3 -3 +1]
// [+3 -6 +3 0]
// [-3 +3 0 0]
// [+1 0 0 0]
cx3 = - x0+3*x1-3*x2+x3;
cx2 = 3*x0-6*x1+3*x2;
cx1 = -3*x0+3*x1;
cx0 = x0;
cy3 = - y0+3*y1-3*y2+y3;
cy2 = 3*y0-6*y1+3*y2;
cy1 = -3*y0+3*y1;
cy0 = y0;
// This equation is from Graphics Gems I.
// The idea is that since we're approximating a cubic curve with lines,
// any error we incur is due to the curvature of the line, which we can
// estimate by calculating the maximum acceleration of the curve. For
// a cubic, the acceleration (second derivative) is a line, meaning that
// the absolute maximum acceleration must occur at either the beginning
// (|c2|) or the end (|c2+c3|). Our bounds here are a little more
// conservative than that, but that's okay.
// If the acceleration of the parametric formula is zero (c2 = c3 = 0),
// that component of the curve is linear and does not incur any error.
// If a=0 for both X and Y, the curve is a line segment and we can
// use a step size of 1.
double maxaccel1 = fabs(2*cy2) + fabs(6*cy3);
double maxaccel2 = fabs(2*cx2) + fabs(6*cx3);
double maxaccel = maxaccel1 > maxaccel2 ? maxaccel1 : maxaccel2;
double h = 1.0;
if(maxaccel > 8.0) h = sqrt(8.0 / maxaccel);
if(!fFirstSet) {firstp.x = (LONG)cx0; firstp.y = (LONG)cy0; lastp = firstp; fFirstSet = true;}
for(double t = 0; t < 1.0; t += h)
double x = cx0 + t*(cx1 + t*(cx2 + t*cx3));
double y = cy0 + t*(cy1 + t*(cy2 + t*cy3));
_EvaluateLine(lastp.x, lastp.y, (int)x, (int)y);
double x = cx0 + cx1 + cx2 + cx3;
double y = cy0 + cy1 + cy2 + cy3;
_EvaluateLine(lastp.x, lastp.y, (int)x, (int)y);
void Rasterizer::_EvaluateLine(int pt1idx, int pt2idx)
const POINT* pt1 = mpPathPoints + pt1idx;
const POINT* pt2 = mpPathPoints + pt2idx;
_EvaluateLine(pt1->x, pt1->y, pt2->x, pt2->y);
void Rasterizer::_EvaluateLine(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
if(lastp.x != x0 || lastp.y != y0)
_EvaluateLine(lastp.x, lastp.y, x0, y0);
if(!fFirstSet) {firstp.x = x0; firstp.y = y0; fFirstSet = true;}
lastp.x = x1; lastp.y = y1;
if(y1 > y0) // down
__int64 xacc = (__int64)x0 << 13;
// prestep y0 down
int dy = y1 - y0;
int y = ((y0 + 3)&~7) + 4;
int iy = y >> 3;
y1 = (y1 - 5) >> 3;
if(iy <= y1)
__int64 invslope = (__int64(x1 - x0) << 16) / dy;
while(mEdgeNext + y1 + 1 - iy > mEdgeHeapSize)
xacc += (invslope * (y - y0)) >> 3;
while(iy <= y1)
int ix = (int)((xacc + 32768) >> 16);
mpEdgeBuffer[mEdgeNext].next = mpScanBuffer[iy];
mpEdgeBuffer[mEdgeNext].posandflag = ix*2 + 1;
mpScanBuffer[iy] = mEdgeNext++;
xacc += invslope;
else if(y1 < y0) // up
__int64 xacc = (__int64)x1 << 13;
// prestep y1 down
int dy = y0 - y1;
int y = ((y1 + 3)&~7) + 4;
int iy = y >> 3;
y0 = (y0 - 5) >> 3;
if(iy <= y0)
__int64 invslope = (__int64(x0 - x1) << 16) / dy;
while(mEdgeNext + y0 + 1 - iy > mEdgeHeapSize)
xacc += (invslope * (y - y1)) >> 3;
while(iy <= y0)
int ix = (int)((xacc + 32768) >> 16);
mpEdgeBuffer[mEdgeNext].next = mpScanBuffer[iy];
mpEdgeBuffer[mEdgeNext].posandflag = ix*2;
mpScanBuffer[iy] = mEdgeNext++;
xacc += invslope;
bool Rasterizer::BeginPath(HDC hdc)
return !!::BeginPath(hdc);
bool Rasterizer::EndPath(HDC hdc)
mPathPoints = GetPath(hdc, NULL, NULL, 0);
return true;
mpPathTypes = (BYTE*)malloc(sizeof(BYTE) * mPathPoints);
mpPathPoints = (POINT*)malloc(sizeof(POINT) * mPathPoints);
if(mPathPoints == GetPath(hdc, mpPathPoints, mpPathTypes, mPathPoints))
return true;
return false;
bool Rasterizer::PartialBeginPath(HDC hdc, bool bClearPath)
return !!::BeginPath(hdc);
bool Rasterizer::PartialEndPath(HDC hdc, long dx, long dy)
int nPoints;
BYTE* pNewTypes;
POINT* pNewPoints;
nPoints = GetPath(hdc, NULL, NULL, 0);
return true;
pNewTypes = (BYTE*)realloc(mpPathTypes, (mPathPoints + nPoints) * sizeof(BYTE));
pNewPoints = (POINT*)realloc(mpPathPoints, (mPathPoints + nPoints) * sizeof(POINT));
mpPathTypes = pNewTypes;
mpPathPoints = pNewPoints;
BYTE* pTypes = new BYTE[nPoints];
POINT* pPoints = new POINT[nPoints];
if(pNewTypes && pNewPoints && nPoints == GetPath(hdc, pPoints, pTypes, nPoints))
for(int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i)
mpPathPoints[mPathPoints + i].x = pPoints[i].x + dx;
mpPathPoints[mPathPoints + i].y = pPoints[i].y + dy;
mpPathTypes[mPathPoints + i] = pTypes[i];
mPathPoints += nPoints;
delete[] pTypes;
delete[] pPoints;
return true;
delete[] pTypes;
delete[] pPoints;
return false;
bool Rasterizer::ScanConvert()
int lastmoveto = -1;
int i;
// Drop any outlines we may have.
// Determine bounding box
mPathOffsetX = mPathOffsetY = 0;
mWidth = mHeight = 0;
return 0;
int minx = INT_MAX;
int miny = INT_MAX;
int maxx = INT_MIN;
int maxy = INT_MIN;
for(i=0; i<mPathPoints; ++i)
int ix = mpPathPoints[i].x;
int iy = mpPathPoints[i].y;
if(ix < minx) minx = ix;
if(ix > maxx) maxx = ix;
if(iy < miny) miny = iy;
if(iy > maxy) maxy = iy;
minx = (minx >> 3) & ~7;
miny = (miny >> 3) & ~7;
maxx = (maxx + 7) >> 3;
maxy = (maxy + 7) >> 3;
for(i=0; i<mPathPoints; ++i)
mpPathPoints[i].x -= minx*8;
mpPathPoints[i].y -= miny*8;
if(minx > maxx || miny > maxy)
mWidth = mHeight = 0;
mPathOffsetX = mPathOffsetY = 0;
return true;
mWidth = maxx + 1 - minx;
mHeight = maxy + 1 - miny;
mPathOffsetX = minx;
mPathOffsetY = miny;
// Initialize edge buffer. We use edge 0 as a sentinel.
mEdgeNext = 1;
mEdgeHeapSize = 2048;
mpEdgeBuffer = (Edge*)malloc(sizeof(Edge)*mEdgeHeapSize);
// Initialize scanline list.
mpScanBuffer = new unsigned int[mHeight];
memset(mpScanBuffer, 0, mHeight*sizeof(unsigned int));
// Scan convert the outline. Yuck, Bezier curves....
// Unfortunately, Windows 95/98 GDI has a bad habit of giving us text
// paths with all but the first figure left open, so we can't rely
// on the PT_CLOSEFIGURE flag being used appropriately.
fFirstSet = false;
firstp.x = firstp.y = 0;
lastp.x = lastp.y = 0;
for(i=0; i<mPathPoints; ++i)
BYTE t = mpPathTypes[i] & ~PT_CLOSEFIGURE;
if(lastmoveto >= 0 && firstp != lastp)
_EvaluateLine(lastp.x, lastp.y, firstp.x, firstp.y);
lastmoveto = i;
fFirstSet = false;
lastp = mpPathPoints[i];
if(mPathPoints - (i-1) >= 2) _EvaluateLine(i-1, i);
if(mPathPoints - (i-1) >= 4) _EvaluateBezier(i-1, false);
i += 2;
if(mPathPoints - (i-1) >= 4) _EvaluateBezier(i-1, true);
i += 2;
if(mPathPoints - (i-3) >= 4) _EvaluateBezier(i-3, true);
if(lastmoveto >= 0 && firstp != lastp)
_EvaluateLine(lastp.x, lastp.y, firstp.x, firstp.y);
// Free the path since we don't need it anymore.
// Convert the edges to spans. We couldn't do this before because some of
// the regions may have winding numbers >+1 and it would have been a pain
// to try to adjust the spans on the fly. We use one heap to detangle
// a scanline's worth of edges from the singly-linked lists, and another
// to collect the actual scans.
std::vector<int> heap;
mOutline.reserve(mEdgeNext / 2);
__int64 y = 0;
for(y=0; y<mHeight; ++y)
int count = 0;
// Detangle scanline into edge heap.
for(unsigned ptr = (unsigned)(mpScanBuffer[y]&0xffffffff); ptr; ptr = mpEdgeBuffer[ptr].next)
// Sort edge heap. Note that we conveniently made the opening edges
// one more than closing edges at the same spot, so we won't have any
// problems with abutting spans.
std::sort(heap.begin(), heap.end()/*begin() + heap.size()*/);
// Process edges and add spans. Since we only check for a non-zero
// winding number, it doesn't matter which way the outlines go!
std::vector<int>::iterator itX1 = heap.begin();
std::vector<int>::iterator itX2 = heap.end(); // begin() + heap.size();
int x1, x2;
for(; itX1 != itX2; ++itX1)
int x = *itX1;
x1 = (x>>1);
x2 = (x>>1);
mOutline.push_back(std::pair<__int64,__int64>((y<<32)+x1+0x4000000040000000i64, (y<<32)+x2+0x4000000040000000i64)); // G: damn Avery, this is evil! :)
// Dump the edge and scan buffers, since we no longer need them.
delete [] mpScanBuffer;
// All done!
return true;
using namespace std;
// Overlap the subtitle with itself displaced (dx,dy) and (-dx,dy) pixels, conceptually.
// Actually, mark in the widened region buffer such that the normal region
// translated dy in the Y axis has its spans extended by dx pixels in both directions.
// If any spans overlap after this extension, they are merged.
// How the actual calculation is done I'm still not sure.
void Rasterizer::_OverlapRegion(tSpanBuffer& dst, tSpanBuffer& src, int dx, int dy)
tSpanBuffer temp;
temp.reserve(dst.size() + src.size());
tSpanBuffer::iterator itA = temp.begin();
tSpanBuffer::iterator itAE = temp.end();
tSpanBuffer::iterator itB = src.begin();
tSpanBuffer::iterator itBE = src.end();
// Don't worry -- even if dy<0 this will still work! // G: hehe, the evil twin :)
// This is where the X-axis is mirrored
unsigned __int64 offset1 = (((__int64)dy)<<32) - dx;
unsigned __int64 offset2 = (((__int64)dy)<<32) + dx;
while(itA != itAE && itB != itBE)
if((*itB).first + offset1 < (*itA).first)
// B span is earlier. Use it.
unsigned __int64 x1 = (*itB).first + offset1;
unsigned __int64 x2 = (*itB).second + offset2;
// B spans don't overlap, so begin merge loop with A first.
// If we run out of A spans or the A span doesn't overlap,
// then the next B span can't either (because B spans don't
// overlap) and we exit.
if(itA == itAE || (*itA).first > x2)
do {x2 = _MAX(x2, (*itA++).second);}
while(itA != itAE && (*itA).first <= x2);
// If we run out of B spans or the B span doesn't overlap,
// then the next A span can't either (because A spans don't
// overlap) and we exit.
if(itB == itBE || (*itB).first + offset1 > x2)
do {x2 = _MAX(x2, (*itB++).second + offset2);}
while(itB != itBE && (*itB).first + offset1 <= x2);
// Flush span.
dst.push_back(tSpan(x1, x2));
// A span is earlier. Use it.
unsigned __int64 x1 = (*itA).first;
unsigned __int64 x2 = (*itA).second;
// A spans don't overlap, so begin merge loop with B first.
// If we run out of B spans or the B span doesn't overlap,
// then the next A span can't either (because A spans don't
// overlap) and we exit.
if(itB == itBE || (*itB).first + offset1 > x2)
do {x2 = _MAX(x2, (*itB++).second + offset2);}
while(itB != itBE && (*itB).first + offset1 <= x2);
// If we run out of A spans or the A span doesn't overlap,
// then the next B span can't either (because B spans don't
// overlap) and we exit.
if(itA == itAE || (*itA).first > x2)
do {x2 = _MAX(x2, (*itA++).second);}
while(itA != itAE && (*itA).first <= x2);
// Flush span.
dst.push_back(tSpan(x1, x2));
// Copy over leftover spans.
while(itA != itAE)
while(itB != itBE)
dst.push_back(tSpan((*itB).first + offset1, (*itB).second + offset2));
bool Rasterizer::CreateWidenedRegion(int rx, int ry)
if(rx < 0) rx = 0;
if(ry < 0) ry = 0;
if (ry > 0 && rx > 0)
// Do a half circle.
// _OverlapRegion mirrors this so both halves are done.
for(int y = -ry; y <= ry; ++y)
int x = (int)(0.5 + sqrt(float(ry*ry - y*y)) * float(rx)/float(ry));
// If x=0 nothing will be drawn for this overlap, not sure why
_OverlapRegion(mWideOutline, mOutline, max(x,1), y);
else if (ry == 0 && rx > 0)
// There are artifacts if we don't make at least two overlaps of the line, even at same Y coord
_OverlapRegion(mWideOutline, mOutline, rx, 0);
_OverlapRegion(mWideOutline, mOutline, rx, 0);
mWideBorder = max(rx,ry);
return true;
void Rasterizer::DeleteOutlines()
bool Rasterizer::Rasterize(int xsub, int ysub, bool fBlur)
if(!mWidth || !mHeight)
mOverlayWidth = mOverlayHeight = 0;
return true;
xsub &= 7;
ysub &= 7;
int width = mWidth + xsub;
int height = mHeight + ysub;
mOffsetX = mPathOffsetX - xsub;
mOffsetY = mPathOffsetY - ysub;
mWideBorder = (mWideBorder+7)&~7;
width += 2*mWideBorder;
height += 2*mWideBorder;
xsub += mWideBorder;
ysub += mWideBorder;
mOffsetX -= mWideBorder;
mOffsetY -= mWideBorder;
mOverlayWidth = ((width+7)>>3) + 1;
mOverlayHeight = ((height+7)>>3) + 1;
mpOverlayBuffer = new byte[2 * mOverlayWidth * mOverlayHeight];
memset(mpOverlayBuffer, 0, 2 * mOverlayWidth * mOverlayHeight);
// Are we doing a border?
tSpanBuffer* pOutline[2] = {&mOutline, &mWideOutline};
for(int i = countof(pOutline)-1; i >= 0; i--)
tSpanBuffer::iterator it = pOutline[i]->begin();
tSpanBuffer::iterator itEnd = pOutline[i]->end();
for(; it!=itEnd; ++it)
int y = (int)(((*it).first >> 32) - 0x40000000 + ysub);
int x1 = (int)(((*it).first & 0xffffffff) - 0x40000000 + xsub);
int x2 = (int)(((*it).second & 0xffffffff) - 0x40000000 + xsub);
if(x2 > x1)
int first = x1>>3;
int last = (x2-1)>>3;
byte* dst = mpOverlayBuffer + 2*(mOverlayWidth*(y>>3) + first) + i;
if(first == last)
*dst += x2-x1;
*dst += ((first+1)<<3) - x1;
dst += 2;
while(++first < last)
*dst += 0x08;
dst += 2;
*dst += x2 - (last<<3);
// If we're blurring, do a 3x3 box blur
// Can't do it on subpictures smaller than 3x3 pixels
if(fBlur && mOverlayWidth >= 3 && mOverlayHeight >= 3)
int pitch = mOverlayWidth*2;
byte* tmp = new byte[pitch*mOverlayHeight];
if(!tmp) return(false);
memcpy(tmp, mpOverlayBuffer, pitch*mOverlayHeight);
int border = !mWideOutline.empty() ? 1 : 0;
// This could be done in a separated way and win some speed
for(int j = 1; j < mOverlayHeight-1; j++)
byte* src = tmp + pitch*j + 2 + border;
byte* dst = mpOverlayBuffer + pitch*j + 2 + border;
for(int i = 1; i < mOverlayWidth-1; i++, src+=2, dst+=2)
*dst = (src[-2-pitch] + (src[-pitch]<<1) + src[+2-pitch]
+ (src[-2]<<1) + (src[0]<<2) + (src[+2]<<1)
+ src[-2+pitch] + (src[+pitch]<<1) + src[+2+pitch]) >> 4;
delete [] tmp;
return true;
static __forceinline void pixmix(DWORD *dst, DWORD color, DWORD alpha)
int a = (((alpha)*(color>>24))>>6)&0xff;
// Make sure both a and ia are in range 1..256 for the >>8 operations below to be correct
int ia = 256-a;
*dst = ((((*dst&0x00ff00ff)*ia + (color&0x00ff00ff)*a)&0xff00ff00)>>8)
| ((((*dst&0x0000ff00)*ia + (color&0x0000ff00)*a)&0x00ff0000)>>8)
| ((((*dst>>8)&0x00ff0000)*ia)&0xff000000);
static __forceinline void pixmix2(DWORD *dst, DWORD color, DWORD shapealpha, DWORD clipalpha)
int a = (((shapealpha)*(clipalpha)*(color>>24))>>12)&0xff;
int ia = 256-a;
*dst = ((((*dst&0x00ff00ff)*ia + (color&0x00ff00ff)*a)&0xff00ff00)>>8)
| ((((*dst&0x0000ff00)*ia + (color&0x0000ff00)*a)&0x00ff0000)>>8)
| ((((*dst>>8)&0x00ff0000)*ia)&0xff000000);
#include <xmmintrin.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>
static __forceinline void pixmix_sse2(DWORD* dst, DWORD color, DWORD alpha)
alpha = (((alpha) * (color>>24)) >> 6) & 0xff;
color &= 0xffffff;
__m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i a = _mm_set1_epi32(((alpha+1) << 16) | (0x100 - alpha));
__m128i d = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*dst), zero);
__m128i s = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(color), zero);
__m128i r = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(d, s);
r = _mm_madd_epi16(r, a);
r = _mm_srli_epi32(r, 8);
r = _mm_packs_epi32(r, r);
r = _mm_packus_epi16(r, r);
*dst = (DWORD)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(r);
static __forceinline void pixmix2_sse2(DWORD* dst, DWORD color, DWORD shapealpha, DWORD clipalpha)
int alpha = (((shapealpha)*(clipalpha)*(color>>24))>>12)&0xff;
color &= 0xffffff;
__m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
__m128i a = _mm_set1_epi32(((alpha+1) << 16) | (0x100 - alpha));
__m128i d = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(*dst), zero);
__m128i s = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(_mm_cvtsi32_si128(color), zero);
__m128i r = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(d, s);
r = _mm_madd_epi16(r, a);
r = _mm_srli_epi32(r, 8);
r = _mm_packs_epi32(r, r);
r = _mm_packus_epi16(r, r);
*dst = (DWORD)_mm_cvtsi128_si32(r);
// Calculate a-b but without risk of underflow
template<class T>
static __forceinline T safe_subtract(T a, T b)
return (b > a) ? 0 : a - b;
// For CPUID usage in Rasterizer::Draw
#include "../dsutil/vd.h"
static const __int64 _00ff00ff00ff00ff = 0x00ff00ff00ff00ffi64;
// Render a subpicture onto a surface.
// spd is the surface to render on.
// clipRect is a rectangular clip region to render inside.
// pAlphaMask is an alpha clipping mask.
// xsub and ysub ???
// switchpts seems to be an array of fill colours interlaced with coordinates.
// switchpts[i*2] contains a colour and switchpts[i*2+1] contains the coordinate to use that colour from
// fBody tells whether to render the body of the subs.
// fBorder tells whether to render the border of the subs.
CRect Rasterizer::Draw(SubPicDesc& spd, CRect& clipRect, byte* pAlphaMask, int xsub, int ysub, const long* switchpts, bool fBody, bool fBorder)
CRect bbox(0, 0, 0, 0);
if(!switchpts || !fBody && !fBorder) return(bbox);
// clip
// Limit drawn area to intersection of rendering surface and rectangular clip area
CRect r(0, 0, spd.w, spd.h);
r &= clipRect;
// Remember that all subtitle coordinates are specified in 1/8 pixels
// (x+4)>>3 rounds to nearest whole pixel.
// ??? What is xsub, ysub, mOffsetX and mOffsetY ?
int x = (xsub + mOffsetX + 4)>>3;
int y = (ysub + mOffsetY + 4)>>3;
int w = mOverlayWidth;
int h = mOverlayHeight;
int xo = 0, yo = 0;
// Again, limiting?
if(x < r.left) {xo = r.left-x; w -= r.left-x; x = r.left;}
if(y < {yo =; h -=; y =;}
if(x+w > r.right) w = r.right-x;
if(y+h > r.bottom) h = r.bottom-y;
// Check if there's actually anything to render
if(w <= 0 || h <= 0) return(bbox);
bbox.SetRect(x, y, x+w, y+h);
bbox &= CRect(0, 0, spd.w, spd.h);
// draw
// The alpha bitmap of the subtitles?
const byte* src = mpOverlayBuffer + 2*(mOverlayWidth * yo + xo);
// s points to what the "body" to use is
// If we're rendering body fill and border, src+1 points to the array of
// widened regions which contain both border and fill in one.
const byte* s = fBorder ? (src+1) : src;
// The complex "vector clip mask" I think.
const byte* am = pAlphaMask + spd.w * y + x;
// How would this differ from src?
unsigned long* dst = (unsigned long *)((char *)spd.bits + spd.pitch * y) + x;
// Grab the first colour
unsigned long color = switchpts[0];
// CPUID from VDub
bool fSSE2 = !!(g_cpuid.m_flags & CCpuID::sse2);
// Every remaining line in the bitmap to be rendered...
// Basic case of no complex clipping mask
// If the first colour switching coordinate is at "infinite" we're
// never switching and can use some simpler code.
// ??? Is this optimisation really worth the extra readability issues it adds?
if(switchpts[1] == 0xffffffff)
// fBody is true if we're rendering a fill or a shadow.
// Run over every pixel, overlaying the subtitles with the fill colour
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
// The <<6 is due to pixmix expecting the alpha parameter to be
// the multiplication of two 6-bit unsigned numbers but we
// only have one here. (No alpha mask.)
pixmix_sse2(&dst[wt], color, s[wt*2]);
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
pixmix(&dst[wt], color, s[wt*2]);
// Not body, ie. something else (border, shadow, I guess)
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
// It would seems src (not s here?) contains two different
// bitmaps interlaced per pixel.
// So here's using the difference between those two.
// What if the difference underflows??
// I guess src[wt*2+1] is the widened region for border
// created by CreateWidenedRegion, and thus contains
// both the fill and the border, so subtracting the fill
// from that is always safe.
pixmix_sse2(&dst[wt], color, safe_subtract(src[wt*2+1], src[wt*2]));
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
pixmix(&dst[wt], color, safe_subtract(src[wt*2+1], src[wt*2]));
// not (switchpts[1] == 0xffffffff)
// switchpts plays an important rule here
const long *sw = switchpts;
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
// xo is the offset (usually negative) we have moved into the image
// So if we have passed the switchpoint (?) switch to another colour
// (So switchpts stores both colours *and* coordinates?)
if(wt+xo >= sw[1]) {while(wt+xo >= sw[1]) sw += 2; color = sw[-2];}
pixmix_sse2(&dst[wt], color, s[wt*2]);
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
if(wt+xo >= sw[1]) {while(wt+xo >= sw[1]) sw += 2; color = sw[-2];}
pixmix(&dst[wt], color, s[wt*2]);
// Not body
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
if(wt+xo >= sw[1]) {while(wt+xo >= sw[1]) sw += 2; color = sw[-2];}
pixmix_sse2(&dst[wt], color, safe_subtract(src[wt*2+1], src[wt*2]));
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
if(wt+xo >= sw[1]) {while(wt+xo >= sw[1]) sw += 2; color = sw[-2];}
pixmix(&dst[wt], color, safe_subtract(src[wt*2+1], src[wt*2]));
// Here we *do* have an alpha mask
if(switchpts[1] == 0xffffffff)
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
// Both s and am contain 6-bit bitmaps of two different
// alpha masks; s is the subtitle shape and am is the
// clipping mask.
// Multiplying them together yields a 12-bit number.
// I think some imprecision is introduced here??
pixmix2_sse2(&dst[wt], color, s[wt*2], am[wt]);
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
pixmix2(&dst[wt], color, s[wt*2], am[wt]);
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
pixmix2_sse2(&dst[wt], color, safe_subtract(src[wt*2+1], src[wt*2]), am[wt]);
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
pixmix2(&dst[wt], color, safe_subtract(src[wt*2+1], src[wt*2]), am[wt]);
const long *sw = switchpts;
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
if(wt+xo >= sw[1]) {
while(wt+xo >= sw[1])
sw += 2; color = sw[-2];
pixmix2_sse2(&dst[wt], color, s[wt*2], am[wt]);
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
if(wt+xo >= sw[1]) {
while(wt+xo >= sw[1])
sw += 2; color = sw[-2];
pixmix2(&dst[wt], color, s[wt*2], am[wt]);
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
if(wt+xo >= sw[1]) {
while(wt+xo >= sw[1])
sw += 2; color = sw[-2];
pixmix2_sse2(&dst[wt], color, safe_subtract(src[wt*2+1], src[wt*2]), am[wt]);
for(int wt=0; wt<w; ++wt)
if(wt+xo >= sw[1]) {
while(wt+xo >= sw[1])
sw += 2; color = sw[-2];
pixmix2(&dst[wt], color, safe_subtract(src[wt*2+1], src[wt*2]), am[wt]);
// Step to next scanline
src += 2*mOverlayWidth;
s += 2*mOverlayWidth;
am += spd.w;
dst = (unsigned long *)((char *)dst + spd.pitch);
return bbox;