2021-01-10 03:14:12 -05:00

1125 lines
34 KiB

-- DynASM ARM module.
-- Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Mike Pall. All rights reserved.
-- See dynasm.lua for full copyright notice.
-- Module information:
local _info = {
arch = "arm",
description = "DynASM ARM module",
version = "1.3.0",
vernum = 10300,
release = "2011-05-05",
author = "Mike Pall",
license = "MIT",
-- Exported glue functions for the arch-specific module.
local _M = { _info = _info }
-- Cache library functions.
local type, tonumber, pairs, ipairs = type, tonumber, pairs, ipairs
local assert, setmetatable, rawget = assert, setmetatable, rawget
local _s = string
local sub, format, byte, char = _s.sub, _s.format, _s.byte, _s.char
local match, gmatch, gsub = _s.match, _s.gmatch, _s.gsub
local concat, sort, insert = table.concat, table.sort, table.insert
local bit = bit or require("bit")
local band, shl, shr, sar =, bit.lshift, bit.rshift, bit.arshift
local ror, tohex = bit.ror, bit.tohex
-- Inherited tables and callbacks.
local g_opt, g_arch
local wline, werror, wfatal, wwarn
-- Action name list.
-- CHECK: Keep this in sync with the C code!
local action_names = {
"REL_PC", "LABEL_PC", "IMM", "IMM12", "IMM16", "IMML8", "IMML12", "IMMV8",
-- Maximum number of section buffer positions for dasm_put().
-- CHECK: Keep this in sync with the C code!
local maxsecpos = 25 -- Keep this low, to avoid excessively long C lines.
-- Action name -> action number.
local map_action = {}
for n,name in ipairs(action_names) do
map_action[name] = n-1
-- Action list buffer.
local actlist = {}
-- Argument list for next dasm_put(). Start with offset 0 into action list.
local actargs = { 0 }
-- Current number of section buffer positions for dasm_put().
local secpos = 1
-- Dump action names and numbers.
local function dumpactions(out)
out:write("DynASM encoding engine action codes:\n")
for n,name in ipairs(action_names) do
local num = map_action[name]
out:write(format(" %-10s %02X %d\n", name, num, num))
-- Write action list buffer as a huge static C array.
local function writeactions(out, name)
local nn = #actlist
if nn == 0 then nn = 1; actlist[0] = map_action.STOP end
out:write("static const unsigned int ", name, "[", nn, "] = {\n")
for i = 1,nn-1 do
assert(out:write("0x", tohex(actlist[i]), ",\n"))
assert(out:write("0x", tohex(actlist[nn]), "\n};\n\n"))
-- Add word to action list.
local function wputxw(n)
assert(n >= 0 and n <= 0xffffffff and n % 1 == 0, "word out of range")
actlist[#actlist+1] = n
-- Add action to list with optional arg. Advance buffer pos, too.
local function waction(action, val, a, num)
local w = assert(map_action[action], "bad action name `"..action.."'")
wputxw(w * 0x10000 + (val or 0))
if a then actargs[#actargs+1] = a end
if a or num then secpos = secpos + (num or 1) end
-- Flush action list (intervening C code or buffer pos overflow).
local function wflush(term)
if #actlist == actargs[1] then return end -- Nothing to flush.
if not term then waction("STOP") end -- Terminate action list.
wline(format("dasm_put(Dst, %s);", concat(actargs, ", ")), true)
actargs = { #actlist } -- Actionlist offset is 1st arg to next dasm_put().
secpos = 1 -- The actionlist offset occupies a buffer position, too.
-- Put escaped word.
local function wputw(n)
if n <= 0x000fffff then waction("ESC") end
-- Reserve position for word.
local function wpos()
local pos = #actlist+1
actlist[pos] = ""
return pos
-- Store word to reserved position.
local function wputpos(pos, n)
assert(n >= 0 and n <= 0xffffffff and n % 1 == 0, "word out of range")
if n <= 0x000fffff then
insert(actlist, pos+1, n)
n = map_action.ESC * 0x10000
actlist[pos] = n
-- Global label name -> global label number. With auto assignment on 1st use.
local next_global = 20
local map_global = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, name)
if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then werror("bad global label") end
local n = next_global
if n > 2047 then werror("too many global labels") end
next_global = n + 1
t[name] = n
return n
-- Dump global labels.
local function dumpglobals(out, lvl)
local t = {}
for name, n in pairs(map_global) do t[n] = name end
out:write("Global labels:\n")
for i=20,next_global-1 do
out:write(format(" %s\n", t[i]))
-- Write global label enum.
local function writeglobals(out, prefix)
local t = {}
for name, n in pairs(map_global) do t[n] = name end
out:write("enum {\n")
for i=20,next_global-1 do
out:write(" ", prefix, t[i], ",\n")
out:write(" ", prefix, "_MAX\n};\n")
-- Write global label names.
local function writeglobalnames(out, name)
local t = {}
for name, n in pairs(map_global) do t[n] = name end
out:write("static const char *const ", name, "[] = {\n")
for i=20,next_global-1 do
out:write(" \"", t[i], "\",\n")
out:write(" (const char *)0\n};\n")
-- Extern label name -> extern label number. With auto assignment on 1st use.
local next_extern = 0
local map_extern_ = {}
local map_extern = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(t, name)
-- No restrictions on the name for now.
local n = next_extern
if n > 2047 then werror("too many extern labels") end
next_extern = n + 1
t[name] = n
map_extern_[n] = name
return n
-- Dump extern labels.
local function dumpexterns(out, lvl)
out:write("Extern labels:\n")
for i=0,next_extern-1 do
out:write(format(" %s\n", map_extern_[i]))
-- Write extern label names.
local function writeexternnames(out, name)
out:write("static const char *const ", name, "[] = {\n")
for i=0,next_extern-1 do
out:write(" \"", map_extern_[i], "\",\n")
out:write(" (const char *)0\n};\n")
-- Arch-specific maps.
-- Ext. register name -> int. name.
local map_archdef = { sp = "r13", lr = "r14", pc = "r15", }
-- Int. register name -> ext. name.
local map_reg_rev = { r13 = "sp", r14 = "lr", r15 = "pc", }
local map_type = {} -- Type name -> { ctype, reg }
local ctypenum = 0 -- Type number (for Dt... macros).
-- Reverse defines for registers.
function _M.revdef(s)
return map_reg_rev[s] or s
local map_shift = { lsl = 0, lsr = 1, asr = 2, ror = 3, }
local map_cond = {
eq = 0, ne = 1, cs = 2, cc = 3, mi = 4, pl = 5, vs = 6, vc = 7,
hi = 8, ls = 9, ge = 10, lt = 11, gt = 12, le = 13, al = 14,
hs = 2, lo = 3,
-- Template strings for ARM instructions.
local map_op = {
-- Basic data processing instructions.
and_3 = "e0000000DNPs",
eor_3 = "e0200000DNPs",
sub_3 = "e0400000DNPs",
rsb_3 = "e0600000DNPs",
add_3 = "e0800000DNPs",
adc_3 = "e0a00000DNPs",
sbc_3 = "e0c00000DNPs",
rsc_3 = "e0e00000DNPs",
tst_2 = "e1100000NP",
teq_2 = "e1300000NP",
cmp_2 = "e1500000NP",
cmn_2 = "e1700000NP",
orr_3 = "e1800000DNPs",
mov_2 = "e1a00000DPs",
bic_3 = "e1c00000DNPs",
mvn_2 = "e1e00000DPs",
and_4 = "e0000000DNMps",
eor_4 = "e0200000DNMps",
sub_4 = "e0400000DNMps",
rsb_4 = "e0600000DNMps",
add_4 = "e0800000DNMps",
adc_4 = "e0a00000DNMps",
sbc_4 = "e0c00000DNMps",
rsc_4 = "e0e00000DNMps",
tst_3 = "e1100000NMp",
teq_3 = "e1300000NMp",
cmp_3 = "e1500000NMp",
cmn_3 = "e1700000NMp",
orr_4 = "e1800000DNMps",
mov_3 = "e1a00000DMps",
bic_4 = "e1c00000DNMps",
mvn_3 = "e1e00000DMps",
lsl_3 = "e1a00000DMws",
lsr_3 = "e1a00020DMws",
asr_3 = "e1a00040DMws",
ror_3 = "e1a00060DMws",
rrx_2 = "e1a00060DMs",
-- Multiply and multiply-accumulate.
mul_3 = "e0000090NMSs",
mla_4 = "e0200090NMSDs",
umaal_4 = "e0400090DNMSs", -- v6
mls_4 = "e0600090DNMSs", -- v6T2
umull_4 = "e0800090DNMSs",
umlal_4 = "e0a00090DNMSs",
smull_4 = "e0c00090DNMSs",
smlal_4 = "e0e00090DNMSs",
-- Halfword multiply and multiply-accumulate.
smlabb_4 = "e1000080NMSD", -- v5TE
smlatb_4 = "e10000a0NMSD", -- v5TE
smlabt_4 = "e10000c0NMSD", -- v5TE
smlatt_4 = "e10000e0NMSD", -- v5TE
smlawb_4 = "e1200080NMSD", -- v5TE
smulwb_3 = "e12000a0NMS", -- v5TE
smlawt_4 = "e12000c0NMSD", -- v5TE
smulwt_3 = "e12000e0NMS", -- v5TE
smlalbb_4 = "e1400080NMSD", -- v5TE
smlaltb_4 = "e14000a0NMSD", -- v5TE
smlalbt_4 = "e14000c0NMSD", -- v5TE
smlaltt_4 = "e14000e0NMSD", -- v5TE
smulbb_3 = "e1600080NMS", -- v5TE
smultb_3 = "e16000a0NMS", -- v5TE
smulbt_3 = "e16000c0NMS", -- v5TE
smultt_3 = "e16000e0NMS", -- v5TE
-- Miscellaneous data processing instructions.
clz_2 = "e16f0f10DM", -- v5T
rev_2 = "e6bf0f30DM", -- v6
rev16_2 = "e6bf0fb0DM", -- v6
revsh_2 = "e6ff0fb0DM", -- v6
sel_3 = "e6800fb0DNM", -- v6
usad8_3 = "e780f010NMS", -- v6
usada8_4 = "e7800010NMSD", -- v6
rbit_2 = "e6ff0f30DM", -- v6T2
movw_2 = "e3000000DW", -- v6T2
movt_2 = "e3400000DW", -- v6T2
-- Note: the X encodes width-1, not width.
sbfx_4 = "e7a00050DMvX", -- v6T2
ubfx_4 = "e7e00050DMvX", -- v6T2
-- Note: the X encodes the msb field, not the width.
bfc_3 = "e7c0001fDvX", -- v6T2
bfi_4 = "e7c00010DMvX", -- v6T2
-- Packing and unpacking instructions.
pkhbt_3 = "e6800010DNM", pkhbt_4 = "e6800010DNMv", -- v6
pkhtb_3 = "e6800050DNM", pkhtb_4 = "e6800050DNMv", -- v6
sxtab_3 = "e6a00070DNM", sxtab_4 = "e6a00070DNMv", -- v6
sxtab16_3 = "e6800070DNM", sxtab16_4 = "e6800070DNMv", -- v6
sxtah_3 = "e6b00070DNM", sxtah_4 = "e6b00070DNMv", -- v6
sxtb_2 = "e6af0070DM", sxtb_3 = "e6af0070DMv", -- v6
sxtb16_2 = "e68f0070DM", sxtb16_3 = "e68f0070DMv", -- v6
sxth_2 = "e6bf0070DM", sxth_3 = "e6bf0070DMv", -- v6
uxtab_3 = "e6e00070DNM", uxtab_4 = "e6e00070DNMv", -- v6
uxtab16_3 = "e6c00070DNM", uxtab16_4 = "e6c00070DNMv", -- v6
uxtah_3 = "e6f00070DNM", uxtah_4 = "e6f00070DNMv", -- v6
uxtb_2 = "e6ef0070DM", uxtb_3 = "e6ef0070DMv", -- v6
uxtb16_2 = "e6cf0070DM", uxtb16_3 = "e6cf0070DMv", -- v6
uxth_2 = "e6ff0070DM", uxth_3 = "e6ff0070DMv", -- v6
-- Saturating instructions.
qadd_3 = "e1000050DMN", -- v5TE
qsub_3 = "e1200050DMN", -- v5TE
qdadd_3 = "e1400050DMN", -- v5TE
qdsub_3 = "e1600050DMN", -- v5TE
-- Note: the X for ssat* encodes sat_imm-1, not sat_imm.
ssat_3 = "e6a00010DXM", ssat_4 = "e6a00010DXMp", -- v6
usat_3 = "e6e00010DXM", usat_4 = "e6e00010DXMp", -- v6
ssat16_3 = "e6a00f30DXM", -- v6
usat16_3 = "e6e00f30DXM", -- v6
-- Parallel addition and subtraction.
sadd16_3 = "e6100f10DNM", -- v6
sasx_3 = "e6100f30DNM", -- v6
ssax_3 = "e6100f50DNM", -- v6
ssub16_3 = "e6100f70DNM", -- v6
sadd8_3 = "e6100f90DNM", -- v6
ssub8_3 = "e6100ff0DNM", -- v6
qadd16_3 = "e6200f10DNM", -- v6
qasx_3 = "e6200f30DNM", -- v6
qsax_3 = "e6200f50DNM", -- v6
qsub16_3 = "e6200f70DNM", -- v6
qadd8_3 = "e6200f90DNM", -- v6
qsub8_3 = "e6200ff0DNM", -- v6
shadd16_3 = "e6300f10DNM", -- v6
shasx_3 = "e6300f30DNM", -- v6
shsax_3 = "e6300f50DNM", -- v6
shsub16_3 = "e6300f70DNM", -- v6
shadd8_3 = "e6300f90DNM", -- v6
shsub8_3 = "e6300ff0DNM", -- v6
uadd16_3 = "e6500f10DNM", -- v6
uasx_3 = "e6500f30DNM", -- v6
usax_3 = "e6500f50DNM", -- v6
usub16_3 = "e6500f70DNM", -- v6
uadd8_3 = "e6500f90DNM", -- v6
usub8_3 = "e6500ff0DNM", -- v6
uqadd16_3 = "e6600f10DNM", -- v6
uqasx_3 = "e6600f30DNM", -- v6
uqsax_3 = "e6600f50DNM", -- v6
uqsub16_3 = "e6600f70DNM", -- v6
uqadd8_3 = "e6600f90DNM", -- v6
uqsub8_3 = "e6600ff0DNM", -- v6
uhadd16_3 = "e6700f10DNM", -- v6
uhasx_3 = "e6700f30DNM", -- v6
uhsax_3 = "e6700f50DNM", -- v6
uhsub16_3 = "e6700f70DNM", -- v6
uhadd8_3 = "e6700f90DNM", -- v6
uhsub8_3 = "e6700ff0DNM", -- v6
-- Load/store instructions.
str_2 = "e4000000DL", str_3 = "e4000000DL", str_4 = "e4000000DL",
strb_2 = "e4400000DL", strb_3 = "e4400000DL", strb_4 = "e4400000DL",
ldr_2 = "e4100000DL", ldr_3 = "e4100000DL", ldr_4 = "e4100000DL",
ldrb_2 = "e4500000DL", ldrb_3 = "e4500000DL", ldrb_4 = "e4500000DL",
strh_2 = "e00000b0DL", strh_3 = "e00000b0DL",
ldrh_2 = "e01000b0DL", ldrh_3 = "e01000b0DL",
ldrd_2 = "e00000d0DL", ldrd_3 = "e00000d0DL", -- v5TE
ldrsb_2 = "e01000d0DL", ldrsb_3 = "e01000d0DL",
strd_2 = "e00000f0DL", strd_3 = "e00000f0DL", -- v5TE
ldrsh_2 = "e01000f0DL", ldrsh_3 = "e01000f0DL",
ldm_2 = "e8900000oR", ldmia_2 = "e8900000oR", ldmfd_2 = "e8900000oR",
ldmda_2 = "e8100000oR", ldmfa_2 = "e8100000oR",
ldmdb_2 = "e9100000oR", ldmea_2 = "e9100000oR",
ldmib_2 = "e9900000oR", ldmed_2 = "e9900000oR",
stm_2 = "e8800000oR", stmia_2 = "e8800000oR", stmfd_2 = "e8800000oR",
stmda_2 = "e8000000oR", stmfa_2 = "e8000000oR",
stmdb_2 = "e9000000oR", stmea_2 = "e9000000oR",
stmib_2 = "e9800000oR", stmed_2 = "e9800000oR",
pop_1 = "e8bd0000R", push_1 = "e92d0000R",
-- Branch instructions.
b_1 = "ea000000B",
bl_1 = "eb000000B",
blx_1 = "e12fff30C",
bx_1 = "e12fff10M",
-- Miscellaneous instructions.
nop_0 = "e1a00000",
mrs_1 = "e10f0000D",
bkpt_1 = "e1200070K", -- v5T
svc_1 = "ef000000T", swi_1 = "ef000000T",
ud_0 = "e7f001f0",
-- VFP instructions.
["vadd.f32_3"] = "ee300a00dnm",
["vadd.f64_3"] = "ee300b00Gdnm",
["vsub.f32_3"] = "ee300a40dnm",
["vsub.f64_3"] = "ee300b40Gdnm",
["vmul.f32_3"] = "ee200a00dnm",
["vmul.f64_3"] = "ee200b00Gdnm",
["vnmul.f32_3"] = "ee200a40dnm",
["vnmul.f64_3"] = "ee200b40Gdnm",
["vmla.f32_3"] = "ee000a00dnm",
["vmla.f64_3"] = "ee000b00Gdnm",
["vmls.f32_3"] = "ee000a40dnm",
["vmls.f64_3"] = "ee000b40Gdnm",
["vnmla.f32_3"] = "ee100a40dnm",
["vnmla.f64_3"] = "ee100b40Gdnm",
["vnmls.f32_3"] = "ee100a00dnm",
["vnmls.f64_3"] = "ee100b00Gdnm",
["vdiv.f32_3"] = "ee800a00dnm",
["vdiv.f64_3"] = "ee800b00Gdnm",
["vabs.f32_2"] = "eeb00ac0dm",
["vabs.f64_2"] = "eeb00bc0Gdm",
["vneg.f32_2"] = "eeb10a40dm",
["vneg.f64_2"] = "eeb10b40Gdm",
["vsqrt.f32_2"] = "eeb10ac0dm",
["vsqrt.f64_2"] = "eeb10bc0Gdm",
["vcmp.f32_2"] = "eeb40a40dm",
["vcmp.f64_2"] = "eeb40b40Gdm",
["vcmpe.f32_2"] = "eeb40ac0dm",
["vcmpe.f64_2"] = "eeb40bc0Gdm",
["vcmpz.f32_1"] = "eeb50a40d",
["vcmpz.f64_1"] = "eeb50b40Gd",
["vcmpze.f32_1"] = "eeb50ac0d",
["vcmpze.f64_1"] = "eeb50bc0Gd",
vldr_2 = "ed100a00dl|ed100b00Gdl",
vstr_2 = "ed000a00dl|ed000b00Gdl",
vldm_2 = "ec900a00or",
vldmia_2 = "ec900a00or",
vldmdb_2 = "ed100a00or",
vpop_1 = "ecbd0a00r",
vstm_2 = "ec800a00or",
vstmia_2 = "ec800a00or",
vstmdb_2 = "ed000a00or",
vpush_1 = "ed2d0a00r",
["vmov.f32_2"] = "eeb00a40dm|eeb00a00dY", -- #imm is VFPv3 only
["vmov.f64_2"] = "eeb00b40Gdm|eeb00b00GdY", -- #imm is VFPv3 only
vmov_2 = "ee100a10Dn|ee000a10nD",
vmov_3 = "ec500a10DNm|ec400a10mDN|ec500b10GDNm|ec400b10GmDN",
vmrs_0 = "eef1fa10",
vmrs_1 = "eef10a10D",
vmsr_1 = "eee10a10D",
["vcvt.s32.f32_2"] = "eebd0ac0dm",
["vcvt.s32.f64_2"] = "eebd0bc0dGm",
["vcvt.u32.f32_2"] = "eebc0ac0dm",
["vcvt.u32.f64_2"] = "eebc0bc0dGm",
["vcvtr.s32.f32_2"] = "eebd0a40dm",
["vcvtr.s32.f64_2"] = "eebd0b40dGm",
["vcvtr.u32.f32_2"] = "eebc0a40dm",
["vcvtr.u32.f64_2"] = "eebc0b40dGm",
["vcvt.f32.s32_2"] = "eeb80ac0dm",
["vcvt.f64.s32_2"] = "eeb80bc0GdFm",
["vcvt.f32.u32_2"] = "eeb80a40dm",
["vcvt.f64.u32_2"] = "eeb80b40GdFm",
["vcvt.f32.f64_2"] = "eeb70bc0dGm",
["vcvt.f64.f32_2"] = "eeb70ac0GdFm",
-- VFPv4 only:
["vfma.f32_3"] = "eea00a00dnm",
["vfma.f64_3"] = "eea00b00Gdnm",
["vfms.f32_3"] = "eea00a40dnm",
["vfms.f64_3"] = "eea00b40Gdnm",
["vfnma.f32_3"] = "ee900a40dnm",
["vfnma.f64_3"] = "ee900b40Gdnm",
["vfnms.f32_3"] = "ee900a00dnm",
["vfnms.f64_3"] = "ee900b00Gdnm",
-- NYI: Advanced SIMD instructions.
-- NYI: I have no need for these instructions right now:
-- swp, swpb, strex, ldrex, strexd, ldrexd, strexb, ldrexb, strexh, ldrexh
-- msr, nopv6, yield, wfe, wfi, sev, dbg, bxj, smc, srs, rfe
-- cps, setend, pli, pld, pldw, clrex, dsb, dmb, isb
-- stc, ldc, mcr, mcr2, mrc, mrc2, mcrr, mcrr2, mrrc, mrrc2, cdp, cdp2
-- Add mnemonics for "s" variants.
local t = {}
for k,v in pairs(map_op) do
if sub(v, -1) == "s" then
local v2 = sub(v, 1, 2)..char(byte(v, 3)+1)..sub(v, 4, -2)
t[sub(k, 1, -3).."s"..sub(k, -2)] = v2
for k,v in pairs(t) do
map_op[k] = v
local function parse_gpr(expr)
local tname, ovreg = match(expr, "^([%w_]+):(r1?[0-9])$")
local tp = map_type[tname or expr]
if tp then
local reg = ovreg or tp.reg
if not reg then
werror("type `"..(tname or expr).."' needs a register override")
expr = reg
local r = match(expr, "^r(1?[0-9])$")
if r then
r = tonumber(r)
if r <= 15 then return r, tp end
werror("bad register name `"..expr.."'")
local function parse_gpr_pm(expr)
local pm, expr2 = match(expr, "^([+-]?)(.*)$")
return parse_gpr(expr2), (pm == "-")
local function parse_vr(expr, tp)
local t, r = match(expr, "^([sd])([0-9]+)$")
if t == tp then
r = tonumber(r)
if r <= 31 then
if t == "s" then return shr(r, 1), band(r, 1) end
return band(r, 15), shr(r, 4)
werror("bad register name `"..expr.."'")
local function parse_reglist(reglist)
reglist = match(reglist, "^{%s*([^}]*)}$")
if not reglist then werror("register list expected") end
local rr = 0
for p in gmatch(reglist..",", "%s*([^,]*),") do
local rbit = shl(1, parse_gpr(gsub(p, "%s+$", "")))
if band(rr, rbit) ~= 0 then
werror("duplicate register `"..p.."'")
rr = rr + rbit
return rr
local function parse_vrlist(reglist)
local ta, ra, tb, rb = match(reglist,
ra, rb = tonumber(ra), tonumber(rb)
if ta and ta == tb and ra and rb and ra <= 31 and rb <= 31 and ra <= rb then
local nr = rb+1 - ra
if ta == "s" then
return shl(shr(ra,1),12)+shl(band(ra,1),22) + nr
return shl(band(ra,15),12)+shl(shr(ra,4),22) + nr*2 + 0x100
werror("register list expected")
local function parse_imm(imm, bits, shift, scale, signed)
imm = match(imm, "^#(.*)$")
if not imm then werror("expected immediate operand") end
local n = tonumber(imm)
if n then
local m = sar(n, scale)
if shl(m, scale) == n then
if signed then
local s = sar(m, bits-1)
if s == 0 then return shl(m, shift)
elseif s == -1 then return shl(m + shl(1, bits), shift) end
if sar(m, bits) == 0 then return shl(m, shift) end
werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
waction("IMM", (signed and 32768 or 0)+scale*1024+bits*32+shift, imm)
return 0
local function parse_imm12(imm)
local n = tonumber(imm)
if n then
local m = band(n)
for i=0,-15,-1 do
if shr(m, 8) == 0 then return m + shl(band(i, 15), 8) end
m = ror(m, 2)
werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
waction("IMM12", 0, imm)
return 0
local function parse_imm16(imm)
imm = match(imm, "^#(.*)$")
if not imm then werror("expected immediate operand") end
local n = tonumber(imm)
if n then
if shr(n, 16) == 0 then return band(n, 0x0fff) + shl(band(n, 0xf000), 4) end
werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
waction("IMM16", 32*16, imm)
return 0
local function parse_imm_load(imm, ext)
local n = tonumber(imm)
if n then
if ext then
if n >= -255 and n <= 255 then
local up = 0x00800000
if n < 0 then n = -n; up = 0 end
return shl(band(n, 0xf0), 4) + band(n, 0x0f) + up
if n >= -4095 and n <= 4095 then
if n >= 0 then return n+0x00800000 end
return -n
werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
waction(ext and "IMML8" or "IMML12", 32768 + shl(ext and 8 or 12, 5), imm)
return 0
local function parse_shift(shift, gprok)
if shift == "rrx" then
return 3 * 32
local s, s2 = match(shift, "^(%S+)%s*(.*)$")
s = map_shift[s]
if not s then werror("expected shift operand") end
if sub(s2, 1, 1) == "#" then
return parse_imm(s2, 5, 7, 0, false) + shl(s, 5)
if not gprok then werror("expected immediate shift operand") end
return shl(parse_gpr(s2), 8) + shl(s, 5) + 16
local function parse_label(label, def)
local prefix = sub(label, 1, 2)
-- =>label (pc label reference)
if prefix == "=>" then
return "PC", 0, sub(label, 3)
-- ->name (global label reference)
if prefix == "->" then
return "LG", map_global[sub(label, 3)]
if def then
-- [1-9] (local label definition)
if match(label, "^[1-9]$") then
return "LG", 10+tonumber(label)
-- [<>][1-9] (local label reference)
local dir, lnum = match(label, "^([<>])([1-9])$")
if dir then -- Fwd: 1-9, Bkwd: 11-19.
return "LG", lnum + (dir == ">" and 0 or 10)
-- extern label (extern label reference)
local extname = match(label, "^extern%s+(%S+)$")
if extname then
return "EXT", map_extern[extname]
werror("bad label `"..label.."'")
local function parse_load(params, nparams, n, op)
local oplo = band(op, 255)
local ext, ldrd = (oplo ~= 0), (oplo == 208)
local d
if (ldrd or oplo == 240) then
d = band(shr(op, 12), 15)
if band(d, 1) ~= 0 then werror("odd destination register") end
local pn = params[n]
local p1, wb = match(pn, "^%[%s*(.-)%s*%](!?)$")
local p2 = params[n+1]
if not p1 then
if not p2 then
if match(pn, "^[<>=%-]") or match(pn, "^extern%s+") then
local mode, n, s = parse_label(pn, false)
waction("REL_"..mode, n + (ext and 0x1800 or 0x0800), s, 1)
return op + 15 * 65536 + 0x01000000 + (ext and 0x00400000 or 0)
local reg, tailr = match(pn, "^([%w_:]+)%s*(.*)$")
if reg and tailr ~= "" then
local d, tp = parse_gpr(reg)
if tp then
waction(ext and "IMML8" or "IMML12", 32768 + 32*(ext and 8 or 12),
format(tp.ctypefmt, tailr))
return op + shl(d, 16) + 0x01000000 + (ext and 0x00400000 or 0)
werror("expected address operand")
if wb == "!" then op = op + 0x00200000 end
if p2 then
if wb == "!" then werror("bad use of '!'") end
local p3 = params[n+2]
op = op + shl(parse_gpr(p1), 16)
local imm = match(p2, "^#(.*)$")
if imm then
local m = parse_imm_load(imm, ext)
if p3 then werror("too many parameters") end
op = op + m + (ext and 0x00400000 or 0)
local m, neg = parse_gpr_pm(p2)
if ldrd and (m == d or m-1 == d) then werror("register conflict") end
op = op + m + (neg and 0 or 0x00800000) + (ext and 0 or 0x02000000)
if p3 then op = op + parse_shift(p3) end
local p1a, p2 = match(p1, "^([^,%s]*)%s*(.*)$")
op = op + shl(parse_gpr(p1a), 16) + 0x01000000
if p2 ~= "" then
local imm = match(p2, "^,%s*#(.*)$")
if imm then
local m = parse_imm_load(imm, ext)
op = op + m + (ext and 0x00400000 or 0)
local p2a, p3 = match(p2, "^,%s*([^,%s]*)%s*,?%s*(.*)$")
local m, neg = parse_gpr_pm(p2a)
if ldrd and (m == d or m-1 == d) then werror("register conflict") end
op = op + m + (neg and 0 or 0x00800000) + (ext and 0 or 0x02000000)
if p3 ~= "" then
if ext then werror("too many parameters") end
op = op + parse_shift(p3)
if wb == "!" then werror("bad use of '!'") end
op = op + (ext and 0x00c00000 or 0x00800000)
return op
local function parse_vload(q)
local reg, imm = match(q, "^%[%s*([^,%s]*)%s*(.*)%]$")
if reg then
local d = shl(parse_gpr(reg), 16)
if imm == "" then return d end
imm = match(imm, "^,%s*#(.*)$")
if imm then
local n = tonumber(imm)
if n then
if n >= -1020 and n <= 1020 and n%4 == 0 then
return d + (n >= 0 and n/4+0x00800000 or -n/4)
werror("out of range immediate `"..imm.."'")
waction("IMMV8", 32768 + 32*8, imm)
return d
if match(q, "^[<>=%-]") or match(q, "^extern%s+") then
local mode, n, s = parse_label(q, false)
waction("REL_"..mode, n + 0x2800, s, 1)
return 15 * 65536
local reg, tailr = match(q, "^([%w_:]+)%s*(.*)$")
if reg and tailr ~= "" then
local d, tp = parse_gpr(reg)
if tp then
waction("IMMV8", 32768 + 32*8, format(tp.ctypefmt, tailr))
return shl(d, 16)
werror("expected address operand")
-- Handle opcodes defined with template strings.
local function parse_template(params, template, nparams, pos)
local op = tonumber(sub(template, 1, 8), 16)
local n = 1
local vr = "s"
-- Process each character.
for p in gmatch(sub(template, 9), ".") do
local q = params[n]
if p == "D" then
op = op + shl(parse_gpr(q), 12); n = n + 1
elseif p == "N" then
op = op + shl(parse_gpr(q), 16); n = n + 1
elseif p == "S" then
op = op + shl(parse_gpr(q), 8); n = n + 1
elseif p == "M" then
op = op + parse_gpr(q); n = n + 1
elseif p == "d" then
local r,h = parse_vr(q, vr); op = op+shl(r,12)+shl(h,22); n = n + 1
elseif p == "n" then
local r,h = parse_vr(q, vr); op = op+shl(r,16)+shl(h,7); n = n + 1
elseif p == "m" then
local r,h = parse_vr(q, vr); op = op+r+shl(h,5); n = n + 1
elseif p == "P" then
local imm = match(q, "^#(.*)$")
if imm then
op = op + parse_imm12(imm) + 0x02000000
op = op + parse_gpr(q)
n = n + 1
elseif p == "p" then
op = op + parse_shift(q, true); n = n + 1
elseif p == "L" then
op = parse_load(params, nparams, n, op)
elseif p == "l" then
op = op + parse_vload(q)
elseif p == "B" then
local mode, n, s = parse_label(q, false)
waction("REL_"..mode, n, s, 1)
elseif p == "C" then -- blx gpr vs. blx label.
if match(q, "^([%w_]+):(r1?[0-9])$") or match(q, "^r(1?[0-9])$") then
op = op + parse_gpr(q)
if op < 0xe0000000 then werror("unconditional instruction") end
local mode, n, s = parse_label(q, false)
waction("REL_"..mode, n, s, 1)
op = 0xfa000000
elseif p == "F" then
vr = "s"
elseif p == "G" then
vr = "d"
elseif p == "o" then
local r, wb = match(q, "^([^!]*)(!?)$")
op = op + shl(parse_gpr(r), 16) + (wb == "!" and 0x00200000 or 0)
n = n + 1
elseif p == "R" then
op = op + parse_reglist(q); n = n + 1
elseif p == "r" then
op = op + parse_vrlist(q); n = n + 1
elseif p == "W" then
op = op + parse_imm16(q); n = n + 1
elseif p == "v" then
op = op + parse_imm(q, 5, 7, 0, false); n = n + 1
elseif p == "w" then
local imm = match(q, "^#(.*)$")
if imm then
op = op + parse_imm(q, 5, 7, 0, false); n = n + 1
op = op + shl(parse_gpr(q), 8) + 16
elseif p == "X" then
op = op + parse_imm(q, 5, 16, 0, false); n = n + 1
elseif p == "Y" then
local imm = tonumber(match(q, "^#(.*)$")); n = n + 1
if not imm or shr(imm, 8) ~= 0 then
werror("bad immediate operand")
op = op + shl(band(imm, 0xf0), 12) + band(imm, 0x0f)
elseif p == "K" then
local imm = tonumber(match(q, "^#(.*)$")); n = n + 1
if not imm or shr(imm, 16) ~= 0 then
werror("bad immediate operand")
op = op + shl(band(imm, 0xfff0), 4) + band(imm, 0x000f)
elseif p == "T" then
op = op + parse_imm(q, 24, 0, 0, false); n = n + 1
elseif p == "s" then
-- Ignored.
wputpos(pos, op)
map_op[".template__"] = function(params, template, nparams)
if not params then return template:gsub("%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") end
-- Limit number of section buffer positions used by a single dasm_put().
-- A single opcode needs a maximum of 3 positions.
if secpos+3 > maxsecpos then wflush() end
local pos = wpos()
local lpos, apos, spos = #actlist, #actargs, secpos
local ok, err
for t in gmatch(template, "[^|]+") do
ok, err = pcall(parse_template, params, t, nparams, pos)
if ok then return end
secpos = spos
actlist[lpos+1] = nil
actlist[lpos+2] = nil
actlist[lpos+3] = nil
actargs[apos+1] = nil
actargs[apos+2] = nil
actargs[apos+3] = nil
error(err, 0)
-- Pseudo-opcode to mark the position where the action list is to be emitted.
map_op[".actionlist_1"] = function(params)
if not params then return "cvar" end
local name = params[1] -- No syntax check. You get to keep the pieces.
wline(function(out) writeactions(out, name) end)
-- Pseudo-opcode to mark the position where the global enum is to be emitted.
map_op[".globals_1"] = function(params)
if not params then return "prefix" end
local prefix = params[1] -- No syntax check. You get to keep the pieces.
wline(function(out) writeglobals(out, prefix) end)
-- Pseudo-opcode to mark the position where the global names are to be emitted.
map_op[".globalnames_1"] = function(params)
if not params then return "cvar" end
local name = params[1] -- No syntax check. You get to keep the pieces.
wline(function(out) writeglobalnames(out, name) end)
-- Pseudo-opcode to mark the position where the extern names are to be emitted.
map_op[".externnames_1"] = function(params)
if not params then return "cvar" end
local name = params[1] -- No syntax check. You get to keep the pieces.
wline(function(out) writeexternnames(out, name) end)
-- Label pseudo-opcode (converted from trailing colon form).
map_op[".label_1"] = function(params)
if not params then return "[1-9] | ->global | =>pcexpr" end
if secpos+1 > maxsecpos then wflush() end
local mode, n, s = parse_label(params[1], true)
if mode == "EXT" then werror("bad label definition") end
waction("LABEL_"..mode, n, s, 1)
-- Pseudo-opcodes for data storage.
map_op[".long_*"] = function(params)
if not params then return "imm..." end
for _,p in ipairs(params) do
local n = tonumber(p)
if not n then werror("bad immediate `"..p.."'") end
if n < 0 then n = n + 2^32 end
if secpos+2 > maxsecpos then wflush() end
-- Alignment pseudo-opcode.
map_op[".align_1"] = function(params)
if not params then return "numpow2" end
if secpos+1 > maxsecpos then wflush() end
local align = tonumber(params[1])
if align then
local x = align
-- Must be a power of 2 in the range (2 ... 256).
for i=1,8 do
x = x / 2
if x == 1 then
waction("ALIGN", align-1, nil, 1) -- Action byte is 2**n-1.
werror("bad alignment")
-- Pseudo-opcode for (primitive) type definitions (map to C types).
map_op[".type_3"] = function(params, nparams)
if not params then
return nparams == 2 and "name, ctype" or "name, ctype, reg"
local name, ctype, reg = params[1], params[2], params[3]
if not match(name, "^[%a_][%w_]*$") then
werror("bad type name `""'")
local tp = map_type[name]
if tp then
werror("duplicate type `""'")
-- Add #type to defines. A bit unclean to put it in map_archdef.
map_archdef["#"] = "sizeof("..ctype..")"
-- Add new type and emit shortcut define.
local num = ctypenum + 1
map_type[name] = {
ctype = ctype,
ctypefmt = format("Dt%X(%%s)", num),
reg = reg,
wline(format("#define Dt%X(_V) (int)(ptrdiff_t)&(((%s *)0)_V)", num, ctype))
ctypenum = num
map_op[".type_2"] = map_op[".type_3"]
-- Dump type definitions.
local function dumptypes(out, lvl)
local t = {}
for name in pairs(map_type) do t[#t+1] = name end
out:write("Type definitions:\n")
for _,name in ipairs(t) do
local tp = map_type[name]
local reg = tp.reg or ""
out:write(format(" %-20s %-20s %s\n", name, tp.ctype, reg))
-- Set the current section.
function _M.section(num)
waction("SECTION", num)
wflush(true) -- SECTION is a terminal action.
-- Dump architecture description.
function _M.dumparch(out)
out:write(format("DynASM %s version %s, released %s\n\n",
_info.arch, _info.version, _info.release))
-- Dump all user defined elements.
function _M.dumpdef(out, lvl)
dumptypes(out, lvl)
dumpglobals(out, lvl)
dumpexterns(out, lvl)
-- Pass callbacks from/to the DynASM core.
function _M.passcb(wl, we, wf, ww)
wline, werror, wfatal, wwarn = wl, we, wf, ww
return wflush
-- Setup the arch-specific module.
function _M.setup(arch, opt)
g_arch, g_opt = arch, opt
-- Merge the core maps and the arch-specific maps.
function _M.mergemaps(map_coreop, map_def)
setmetatable(map_op, { __index = function(t, k)
local v = map_coreop[k]
if v then return v end
local k1, cc, k2 = match(k, "^(.-)(..)([._].*)$")
local cv = map_cond[cc]
if cv then
local v = rawget(t, k1..k2)
if type(v) == "string" then
local scv = format("%x", cv)
return gsub(scv..sub(v, 2), "|e", "|"..scv)
end })
setmetatable(map_def, { __index = map_archdef })
return map_op, map_def
return _M