2019-09-05 22:16:58 -04:00

2.4 KiB

Build Status


For binaries and general information see the homepage.

The bug tracker can be found at .

Support is available on IRC ( irc:// ).

Building Aegisub


  1. CMake 3.14 or later (or you can use an older version by editing the first line in CMakeLists.txt, and download the missing cmake/FindFontconfig.cmake from here),
  2. Any compiling toolchain supported by CMake,
  3. All required dependencies, namely libass, Boost(with ICU support), OpenGL, libicu, wxWidgets, zlib. Additionally, libiconv is required on non-POSIX systems. fontconfig is required on non-Windows systems.
  4. Any optional dependencies, namely ALSA, FFMS2, FFTW, Hunspell, OpenAL, uchardet.


  1. If you decided to build from source:
git clone  # No --recursive is needed
cd Aegisub
./build/ .  # This will generate build/git_version.h
  1. Make an empty directory to hold build outputs:
mkdir build-dir
  1. Build the project using CMake. Use either cmake-gui, or the command line:
cd build-dir
cmake ..

Updating Moonscript

From within the Moonscript repository, run bin/moon bin/splat.moon -l moonscript moonscript/ > bin/moonscript.lua. Open the newly created bin/moonscript.lua, and within it make the following changes:

  1. Prepend the final line of the file, package.preload["moonscript"](), with a return, producing return package.preload["moonscript"]().
  2. Within the function at package.preload['moonscript.base'], remove references to moon_loader, insert_loader, and remove_loader. This means removing their declarations, definitions, and entries in the returned table.
  3. Within the function at package.preload['moonscript'], remove the line _with_0.insert_loader().

The file is now ready for use, to be placed in automation/include within the Aegisub repo.


All files in this repository are licensed under various GPL-compatible BSD-style licenses; see LICENCE and the individual source files for more information. The official Windows build is GPLv2 due to including fftw3.