2020-03-07 20:10:45 -05:00

3.3 KiB

Build Status


For binaries and general information see the homepage.

The bug tracker can be found at .

Support is available on IRC ( irc:// ).

Building Aegisub

autoconf / make (for *nix)

This is the recommended way of building Aegisub on *nix systems. Currently AviSynth+ support is not included in autoconf project. If you need AviSynth+ support, see CMake instructions below.

Aegisub has some required dependencies:

  • libass
  • Boost(with ICU support)
  • OpenGL
  • libicu
  • wxWidgets
  • zlib
  • fontconfig (not needed on Windows)
  • luajit (or lua)

and optional dependencies:

  • ALSA
  • FFMS2
  • FFTW
  • Hunspell
  • OpenAL
  • uchardet
  • AviSynth+

You can use the package manager provided by your distro to install these dependencies. Package name varies by distro. For ArchLinux, refer to AUR. For Ubuntu, refer to Travis.

After installing the dependencies, you can clone and build Aegisub with:

git clone
cd Aegisub

CMake (for all systems including Windows)

This fork also provides CMake build. The CMake project will only build Aegisub itself, without the translation.

You still need to install the dependencies above. To enable AviSynth+ support, it is also needed. On ArchLinux this can be done by installing avisynthplus-git. Installing dependencies on Windows can be tricky, as Windows doesn't have a good package manager. Refer to the Wiki page on how to get all dependencies on Windows.

After installing the dependencies, you can clone and build Aegisub with:

git clone
cd Aegisub
./build/ .  # This will generate build/git_version.h
mkdir build-dir
cd build-dir
cmake ..  # Or use cmake-gui / ccmake

Features can be turned on/off in CMake by toggling the WITH_* switches.

Updating Moonscript

From within the Moonscript repository, run bin/moon bin/splat.moon -l moonscript moonscript/ > bin/moonscript.lua. Open the newly created bin/moonscript.lua, and within it make the following changes:

  1. Prepend the final line of the file, package.preload["moonscript"](), with a return, producing return package.preload["moonscript"]().
  2. Within the function at package.preload['moonscript.base'], remove references to moon_loader, insert_loader, and remove_loader. This means removing their declarations, definitions, and entries in the returned table.
  3. Within the function at package.preload['moonscript'], remove the line _with_0.insert_loader().

The file is now ready for use, to be placed in automation/include within the Aegisub repo.


All files in this repository are licensed under various GPL-compatible BSD-style licenses; see LICENCE and the individual source files for more information. The official Windows build is GPLv2 due to including fftw3.